16 research outputs found

    Automatisiertes Messverfahren zur Bestimmung von Antennendiagrammen in einem TEM Wellenleiter

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    Das Messen der gestrahlten Störaussendung und das Prüfen der Störfestigkeit sind in TEM-Wellenleitern bisher nicht automatisiert möglich, da kommerziell erhältliche Positionierer aufgrund ihrer Bauweise erhebliche Feldrückwirkung in TEM-Wellenleitern aufweisen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine eigens entwickelte Konstruktion eines Drehtellers präsentiert, deren Motorisierung sich außerhalb des TEM-Wellenleiters befindet. Die Konstruktion und die dazugehörige Automatisierung werden vorgestellt und die Funktionalität wird anhand von ausgewählten Messbeispielen validiert

    Effects of Olive Mill Wastewater on Soil Microarthropods and Soil Chemistry in Two Different Cultivation Scenarios in Israel and Palestinian Territories

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    Although olive mill wastewater (OMW) is often applied onto soil and is known to be phytotoxic, its impact on soil fauna is still unknown. The objective of this study was to investigate how OMW spreading in olive orchards affects Oribatida and Collembola communities, physicochemical soil properties and their interdependency. For this, we treated plots in two study sites (Gilat, Bait Reema) with OMW. Among others, the sites differed in irrigation practice, soil type and climate. We observed that soil acidity and water repellency developed to a lower extent in Gilat than in Bait Reema. This may be explained by irrigation-induced dilution and leaching of OMW compounds in Gilat. In Bait Reema, OMW application suppressed emergence of Oribatida and induced a community shift, but the abundance of Collembola increased in OMW and water-treated plots. In Gilat, Oribatida abundance increased after OMW application. The effects of OMW application on soil biota result from an interaction between stimulation of biological activity and suppression of sensitive species by toxic compounds. Environmental and management conditions are relevant for the degree and persistence of the effects. Moreover, this study underlines the need for detailed research on the ecotoxicological effects of OMW at different application rates

    Ausbringung von Abwasser aus der Olivenölproduktion auf Böden - Eine Screening studie

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    Olivenplantagen sind von großer Bedeutung für die Israelische und Palestinensische Agrarwirtschaft. Bei der continuierlichen 3-Phasen-Extraktion wird der Olivenpresskuchen mit Wasser versetzt. Nach Abtrennung des Öls fallen große Mengen Abwasser an. Es ist stark sauer, besitzt eine hohe Konzentration an organischen Stoffen und ist aufgrund toxischer Effekte durch überwiegend phenolische Verbindungen nur schwer mikrobiologisch abbaubar. Augrund dieser Eigenschaften kann es sich negative auf den wasseraufbereitenden Vorgang in Kläranlagen auswirken. Alternative Entsorgungsmethoden sind kaum vorhanden, weshalb es oft zu einer unkontrollierten Entsorgung des Abwassers kommt. Wir untersuchten verschiedenen Böden im Westjordanland und Israel, die in der Vergangenheit unkontrolliert mit Abwasser aus der Olivenölproduktion versetzt wurden in einer Screening Studie. Alle contaminierten Böden enthielten signifant mehr Nährstoffe, wie z.B. Chlorid, Kalium, organischen Kohlenstoff und Stickstoff. Allerdings waren die Mehrzahl der contaminierten Proben hydrophober als vergleichbare unkontaminierte Proben. Dies konnte durch Kontaktwinkelmessungen und die Bestimmung der Water Drop Penetration Time gezeigt werden. Vielversprechend wäre es, das Abwasser als Dünger einzusetzen und gleichzeitig hydrophobisierenden Auswirkungen zu reduzieren

    Multiverse data-flow control

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    In this paper we present a data-flow system which supports comparative analysis of time-dependent data and interactive simulation steering. In such a system data is created on-the-fly and the user can introduce branching events to investigate multiple scenarios. The novel data-flow model automatically generates the required data for user requests without further interaction. In particular, we generalize the notion of capabilities, jobs and settings of a node which steer the data-flow execution. Based on a notion of scope and validity it becomes straightforward for the user to specify settings which vary over time or scenarios. Intuitive navigation concepts let the user select what he wants to see, the decision which data is required throughout the data-flow is then handled automatically. The approach is based on a graph-based model of a topologically sorted data-flow. Based on that we show that the notion of a scope allows to describe the computation of jobs and validity using set intersections and set unions. We demonstrate the approach by discussing two small case studies

    The State of the Art in Topology-based Visualization of Unsteady Flow

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    Vector fields are a common concept for the representation of many different kinds of flow phenomena in science and engineering. Methods based on vector field topology are known for their convenience for visualizing and analyzing steady flows, but a counterpart for unsteady flows is still missing. However, a lot of good and relevant work aiming at such a solution is available. We give an overview of previous research leading towards topologybased and topology-inspired visualization of unsteady flow, pointing out the different approaches and methodologies involved as well as their relation to each other, taking classical (i.e., steady) vector field topology as our starting point. Particularly, we focus on Lagrangian methods, space-time domain approaches, local methods, and stochastic and multi-field approaches. Furthermore, we illustrate our review with practical examples for the different approaches

    Current Trends for 4D Space-Time Topology for Semantic Flow Segmentation

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    Recent advances in computing and simulation technology promote the simulation of time-dependent flows, i.e., flows where the velocity field changes over time. The simulation of time-dependent flow is a more realistic approximation of natural phenomena and it represents an invaluable tool for scientists and practitioners in multiple disciplines, including meteorology, vehicle design, and medicine. Flow visualization, a subfield of scientific visualization, is one of several research areas which deal with the analysis of flows. There are many methods for the analysis of steady flows, but the extension to the time-dependent case is not straight forward. The SemSeg project, a FET-Open project in the 7th Framework programme, attempts to provide a solution for the semantic segmentation of time-dependent flows. It aims at the formulation of a sound theoretical mechanism to describe structural features in time-dependent flow. In this paper, we briefly summarize recent research results from the SemSeg project. Several different approaches are pursued in the project, including methods based on the finite-time Lyapunov exponent (FTLE), methods based on vector field topology (VFT), and interactive visual analysis (IVA) methods. Uncertainty visualization and the interactive evaluation of methods are helping in evaluating the results.ISSN:1877-050

    Multiverse Data-Flow Control

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