41 research outputs found

    Pathways of selection in avian reproduction: a functional framework and its application in the population study of the great tit (parus major)

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    Mothers of small-bodied children and fathers of vigorous sons live longer

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    Life-history traits (traits directly related to survival and reproduction) co-evolve and materialize through physiology and behavior. Accordingly, lifespan can be hypothesized as a potentially informative marker of life-history speed that subsumes the impact of diverse morphometric and behavioral traits. We examined associations between parental longevity and various anthropometric traits in a sample of 4,000–11,000 Estonian children in the middle of the 20th century. The offspring phenotype was used as a proxy measure of parental genotype, so that covariation between offspring traits and parental longevity (defined as belonging to the 90th percentile of lifespan) could be used to characterize the aggregation between longevity and anthropometric traits. We predicted that larger linear dimensions of offspring associate with increased parental longevity and that testosterone-dependent traits associate with reduced paternal longevity. Twelve of 16 offspring traits were associated with mothers' longevity, while three traits (rate of sexual maturation of daughters and grip strength and lung capacity of sons) robustly predicted fathers' longevity. Contrary to predictions, mothers of children with small bodily dimensions lived longer, and paternal longevity was not linearly associated with their children's body size (or testosterone-related traits). Our study thus failed to find evidence that high somatic investment into brain and body growth clusters with a long lifespan across generations, and/or that such associations can be detected on the basis of inter-generational phenotypic correlations


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    Diseases constitute an important economic problem in oilseed rape (Brassica napus) cultivation. Although downy mildew has been counted so far as a minor disease, under intensive cultivation system and short rotation interval, the impact of diseases could increase in the future, especially under predicted more humid northern climatic conditions. This research study is the first report about the severity of downy mildew infection on cruciferous crops in Estonia. During two years (2010 − 2011), downy mildew infection severity was assessed in six different cruciferous crops (B. napus, B. juncea, B. nigra, Sinapis alba, Raphanus sativus, Eruca sativa) in field trials located in Eerika, Tartu County, Estonia. On both study years, four disease assessments were done. Downy mildew infection started a week earlier in 2010, but the overall disease pressure was lower compared to 2011. Based on our field trial results, S. alba, E. sativa and R. sativus plants were significantly more resistant to downy mildew compared to other tested crops. Furthermore, in 2010 downy mildew symptoms were not recorded on two cruciferous species E. sativa and R. sativus. Brassica nigra and B. napus plants were the most susceptible to downy mildew, with especially severe infection in 2011. Based on our two years data, downy mildew can damage foliage on spring oilseed rape (B. napus) and black mustard (B. nigra) in a notable extent. We conclude that downy mildew is an important pathogen, which should be monitored on different oilseed cruciferous crops in Estonia

    Social and Ecological Correlates of Parasitic Infections in Adult Male Gray-Cheeked Mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena)

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    International audienceIntestinal parasites may constitute an important evolutionary and ecological force. We aimed to identify social, physiological, and environmental factors that correlate with intestinal parasite infections in adult male gray-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena). We analyzed 102 fecal samples collected from 18 adult males over 19 mo for the incidence (proportions of samples with parasites) and intensity (total number of parasites per gram of feces) of infection of nematodes relative to social status, fecal glucocorticoid and testosterone metabolites, group size, and rainfall, all of which are factors that earlier studies suggested can be important mediators of parasite load. Parasite incidence was greater in immigrant males compared to low- and high-ranking males whereas parasite intensity was greater in immigrant males and low-ranking males compared to high-ranking males. Fecal samples with more parasites had higher concentrations of fecal glucocorticoid and testosterone metabolites than those with fewer parasites. As immigrant males had a greater incidence of parasites and higher concentrations of both metabolites than resident males, this profile appears to fit immigrant males best. We also found higher nematode intensities in mid-sized groups and during periods with more rainfall. Our results suggest that it will be fruitful for future studies to explore the role of immigrant males as spreaders of intestinal parasites

    Coccidian Infection Causes Oxidative Damage in Greenfinches

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    The main tenet of immunoecology is that individual variation in immune responsiveness is caused by the costs of immune responses to the hosts. Oxidative damage resulting from the excessive production of reactive oxygen species during immune response is hypothesized to form one of such costs. We tested this hypothesis in experimental coccidian infection model in greenfinches Carduelis chloris. Administration of isosporan coccidians to experimental birds did not affect indices of antioxidant protection (TAC and OXY), plasma triglyceride and carotenoid levels or body mass, indicating that pathological consequences of infection were generally mild. Infected birds had on average 8% higher levels of plasma malondialdehyde (MDA, a toxic end-product of lipid peroxidation) than un-infected birds. The birds that had highest MDA levels subsequent to experimental infection experienced the highest decrease in infection intensity. This observation is consistent with the idea that oxidative stress is a causative agent in the control of coccidiosis and supports the concept of oxidative costs of immune responses and parasite resistance. The finding that oxidative damage accompanies even the mild infection with a common parasite highlights the relevance of oxidative stress biology for the immunoecological research

    Immune response is energetically costly in white cabbage butterfly pupae.

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    Parasite-driven coevolution has led hosts to develop a complicated and potentially costly defence machinery, consisting mainly of the immune system. Despite the evidence for the trade-offs between immune function and life-history traits, it is still obscure how the costs of using and maintaining the immune function are paid. We tested whether immune challenge is energetically costly for white cabbage butterfly (Pieris brassicae L.) diapausing pupa. Individuals challenged with nylon implant raised their standard metabolic rate nearly 8% compared to the controls. Hence, costs of activation of immune system in insect pupa can be expressed in energetic currency