18 research outputs found

    A vacinação contra hepatite B é realidade entre trabalhadores da Atenção Primária à Saúde?

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    OBJECTIVE: To verify the prevalence and factors associated with vaccination against hepatitis B among Primary Health Care workers in Montes Claros/MG. METHOD: A cross-sectional, analytic study was undertaken. Data were collected through a form, which contained sociodemographic, occupational, general health and behavioral variables. Associations were investigated through bivariate analysis and Poisson's multivariate regression, using SPSS 17.0. RESULTS: 95.5% answered the question about vaccination; 47.5% did not complete the vaccination scheme. The prevalence of vaccinated professionals was lower among older workers, who were hired, did not participate in occupational health updates and consumed alcohol. Prevalence levels were higher among professionals with more years of education and who reported contact with piercing and cutting instruments . CONCLUSIONS: Professional education, knowledge and perception of infection risks are important determinants of the vaccination scheme. Instability at work may lead to negligence and negligent behaviors may repeat themselves. The characterization of professionals who did not get vaccinated will direct educative actions in occupational health.OBJETIVO: Verificar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la vacunación contra hepatitis B entre trabajadores de la Atención Primaria de Salud en Montes Claros/MG, Brasil. MÉTODO: Se trata de un estudio transversal, analítico, cuyos datos fueron recolectados mediante un formulario con variables sociodemográficas, ocupacionales, de salud general y comportamentales. Asociaciones fueron investigadas por análisis bivariados y regresión de Poisson multivariada, mediante el programa SPSS 17.0. RESULTADOS: La pregunta sobre vacunación la respondió el 95,5%; 47,5% no completó el esquema de vacuna. La prevalencia de los vacunados fue menor entre los más viejos, los contratados, entre aquellos que no participaron de actualización en el área de salud del trabajador y aquellos que consumían bebidas alcohólicas. Fue mayor en aquellos con más años de educación y los que relataron contacto con instrumentos punzantes y cortantes. Se sugiere que la instabilidad en el trabajo pueda llevar a negligencia y que los comportamientos negligentes se repiten. La caracterización de los profesionales que no se vacunaron dirigirá acciones educativas, visando a la salud del trabajador.OBJETIVO: verificar a prevalência e os fatores associados à vacinação contra hepatite B entre trabalhadores da Atenção Primária à Saúde de Montes Claros, MG. MÉTODO: trata-se de estudo transversal, analítico, cujos dados foram coletados utilizando um formulário, contendo variáveis sociodemográficas, ocupacionais, de saúde geral e comportamentais. Associações foram investigadas por análises bivariadas e regressão de Poisson multivariada, empregando-se o programa SPSS 17.0. RESULTADOS: a questão sobre vacinação foi respondida por 95,5% dos trabalhadores; 47,5% não completaram o esquema vacinal. A prevalência dos vacinados foi menor entre os mais velhos, nos contratados, entre os que não participaram de atualização na área de saúde do trabalhador e naqueles que consumiam bebidas alcoólicas. Foi maior naqueles com mais anos de estudo e nos que relataram contato com instrumentos perfurocortantes. CONCLUSÕES: a formação profissional, o conhecimento e a percepção do risco de infecção são importantes na determinação da vacinação. Sugere-se que a instabilidade no trabalho pode levar à negligência e que os comportamentos negligentes se repetem. A caracterização dos profissionais que não se vacinaram direcionará ações educativas, visando a saúde do trabalhador

    Waardenburg syndrome type I: dental phenotypes and genetic analysis of an extended family

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    Background: The aim of this study was to describe the pattern of inheritance and the clinical features in a large family with Waardenburg syndrome type I (WS1), detailing the dental abnormalities and screening for PAX3 mutations. Material and Methods: To characterize the pattern of inheritance and clinical features, 29 family members were evaluated by dermatologic, ophthalmologic, otorhinolaryngologic and orofacial examination. Molecular analysis of the PAX3 gene was performed. Results: The pedigree of the family,including the last four generations, was constructed and revealed non-consanguineous marriages. Out of 29 descendants, 16 family members showed features of WS1, with 9 members showing two major criteria indicative of WS1. Five patients showed white forelock and iris hypopigmentation, and four showed dystopia canthorum and iris hypopigmentation. Two patients had hearing loss. Dental abnormalities were identified in three family members, including dental agenesis, conical teeth and taurodontism. Sequencing analysis failed to identify mutations in the PAX3 gene. Conclusions: These results confirm that WS1 was transmitted in this family in an autosomal dominant pattern with variable expressivity and high penetrance. The presence of dental manifestations, especially tooth agenesis and conical teeth which resulted in considerable aesthetic impact on affected individuals was a major clinical feature. Clinical relevance: This article reveals the presence of well-defined dental changes associated with WS1 and tries to establish a possible association between these two entities showing a new spectrum of WS

    Greater access to information on how to prevent oral cancer among elderly using primary health care

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    Na promoção de saúde, as ações educativas são prioridade na Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). Evidencia-se a eficácia dessas ações na adesão a comportamentos saudáveis e na redução nas taxas de morbimortalidade por câncer bucal. Objetivou-se identificar se o acesso a informações sobre como prevenir o câncer bucal é maior entre idosos residentes em domicílios cadastrados na ESF. Utilizou-se o SPSS® na obtenção de estimativas corrigidas pelo efeito do desenho amostral, considerando as magnitudes das associações do acesso a tais informações com os determinantes pessoais, uso dos serviços/custos com a saúde, comportamentos relacionados à saúde e desfechos da saúde. Dentre os 492 idosos, 58,9% relataram ter tido acesso a tais informações. Verificaramse maiores chances de acesso entre residentes em domicílios cadastrados na ESF; com maior renda per capita (2,01/1,18-3,43); não tabagistas (2,00/1,16-3,46); que realizaram autoexame bucal (6,35/3,46-11,64); e que não autoperceberam incômodo na boca, cabeça ou pescoço (2,06/1,024,17). O acesso foi maior entre os residentes em domicílios cadastrados na ESF. Determinantes pessoais, comportamentos relacionados à saúde e desfechos de saúde sofrem influência ou influenciam a oferta e o acesso a essas informações.20722392253CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS - FAPEMIGSem informaçãoSem informaçãoEducative actions are an important component of health promotion in Brazil's primary healthcare program, the Family Health Strategy (FHS). The efficacy of these actions is evidenced by compliance with healthy behaviors and in the reduction of rates of mortality and morbidity. The objective of this study was to identify whether access to information regarding the prevention of oral cancer is greater among elders whose residences are registered with the FHS. SPSS® was utilized to obtain estimates that were corrected for sample design, considering the magnitude of the associations between access to such information with personal determinants, the use and cost of healthcare, health-related behaviors and health outcomes. 58.9% of the 492 participating elders reported having access to such information. We verified that there was a greater chance for access among residents of houses registered by the FHS; those with greater per capita income (2.01/1.183.43); non-smokers (2.00/1.16-3.46); those that realized oral self-examination (6.35/3.46-11.64); and those that did not perceive discomfort in the mouth, head or neck (2.06/1.02-4.17). Access was greater among residents of homes registered by the FHS. Personal determinants of health, health-related behaviors and health outcomes are influenced or influence access to information regarding the prevention and management of oral diseases

    Is vaccination against hepatitis B a reality among Primary Health Care workers?

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    OBJECTIVE: To verify the prevalence and factors associated with vaccination against hepatitis B among Primary Health Care workers in Montes Claros/MG. METHOD: A cross-sectional, analytic study was undertaken. Data were collected through a form, which contained sociodemographic, occupational, general health and behavioral variables. Associations were investigated through bivariate analysis and Poisson's multivariate regression, using SPSS 17.0. RESULTS: 95.5% answered the question about vaccination; 47.5% did not complete the vaccination scheme. The prevalence of vaccinated professionals was lower among older workers, who were hired, did not participate in occupational health updates and consumed alcohol. Prevalence levels were higher among professionals with more years of education and who reported contact with piercing and cutting instruments . CONCLUSIONS: Professional education, knowledge and perception of infection risks are important determinants of the vaccination scheme. Instability at work may lead to negligence and negligent behaviors may repeat themselves. The characterization of professionals who did not get vaccinated will direct educative actions in occupational health

    Is vaccination against hepatitis B a reality among Primary Health Care workers?

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    OBJECTIVE: To verify the prevalence and factors associated with vaccination against hepatitis B among Primary Health Care workers in Montes Claros/MG. METHOD: A cross-sectional, analytic study was undertaken. Data were collected through a form, which contained sociodemographic, occupational, general health and behavioral variables. Associations were investigated through bivariate analysis and Poisson's multivariate regression, using SPSS 17.0. RESULTS: 95.5% answered the question about vaccination; 47.5% did not complete the vaccination scheme. The prevalence of vaccinated professionals was lower among older workers, who were hired, did not participate in occupational health updates and consumed alcohol. Prevalence levels were higher among professionals with more years of education and who reported contact with piercing and cutting instruments . CONCLUSIONS: Professional education, knowledge and perception of infection risks are important determinants of the vaccination scheme. Instability at work may lead to negligence and negligent behaviors may repeat themselves. The characterization of professionals who did not get vaccinated will direct educative actions in occupational health

    Cirurgia combinada de catarata e glaucoma com ponto escleral perilímbico: técnica cirúrgica e resultados a longo prazo

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados da cirurgia combinada de catarata e glaucoma (FACO-TREC) e apresentar a técnica com o ponto escleral perilímbico. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo por levantamento de prontuários com informações sobre a pressão intraocular, acuidade visual, medicação hipotensora antes e depois da cirurgia e descrição do ato cirúrgico combinado (FACO-TREC), com acompanhamento mínimo de seis meses. Foram selecionados 10 pacientes com glaucoma e catarata (15 olhos), acompanhados de janeiro de 2005 a junho de 2007, no Departamento de Glaucoma da Santa Casa Olhos de Montes Claros (MG). A cirurgia de TREC utilizada foi a de base fórnix, sem uso de Mitomicina C, com a incisão principal da cirurgia de catarata realizada no mesmo sítio da TREC. A confecção do ponto escleral perilímbico se dá como uma sutura que se inicia na esclera nua, passa por cima do retalho escleral e é ancorada na esclera do outro lado do retalho. A conjuntiva é suturada com pontos simples por sobre o ponto. RESULTADOS: A acuidade visual, após seis meses da cirurgia mostrou-se melhor em 86,6% (13) dos olhos, inalterada em 6,66% (1 olho) e pior em 6,66%. A pressão intraocular média pré-operatória foi de 18,02 mmHg, a pós-operatória após 6 meses foi de 15,06 mmHg. Cinquenta por cento dos olhos operados ficaram livres dos colírios. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que o ponto escleral perilímbico apresentou resultados favoráveis na obtenção de uma melhora na acuidade visual, redução da pressão intraocular e uma diminuição significativa no uso de drogas hipotensoras à custa de um número muito pequeno de complicações