7,996 research outputs found

    Zygosaccharomyces bailii strain talf1 inulinases: a versatile tool for bioprocesses

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    Fructans are one of the most abundant non-structural polysaccharides found in a wide range of plants. Inulin is a polydisperse fructan polymer composed by linear chains of b-2, 1-linked D-fructofuranose molecules terminated by a glucose residue through a sucrose-type linkage at the reducing end. Inulin or inulin-rich materials can be actively hydrolyzed into fermentable sugars (glucose and fructose) using inulinases and then further used within bioprocesses

    Control of zootechnology leads to improved Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis, L.) reproduction performance up to pre-industrial levels

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    Cephalopods are gaining momentum as an alternate group for aquaculture species diversification, not only because they are a good food source (highly appreciated in some worldwide markets) but they also have the potential to quickly reach a market size. However, there are some bottlenecks impeding the transition of culture technology from the laboratory to industry. One is related to control over reproduction in captivity. The objective of the present experiment was to verify the effects of tanks with different bottom areas/volumes on the reproduction performance of S. officinalis breeding stocks, when sex ratios were controlled a priori; and the food cost associated with such performance when individuals are fed a natural frozen diet. One hundred and ninety two juvenile cuttlefish were used to compare three different round-shaped tanks: one type with 3000L volume and two types with 9000L volume (with differences in bottom areas and water column). Individuals had their sex and maturity stage determined to establish a sexual ratio of 2 female:1 male per tank and assure that cuttlefish were still immature. Biological data was collected during both growth and reproduction stages and until the death of all females in each tank. The experiment lasted nearly 300 days. Temperature differences between tank types were registered during both stages. The optimizing of rearing conditions has allowed for higher growth and a higher amount of cuttlefish available for breeding purposes. A total of 123,751 eggs (in 85 batches) was obtained during this experiment, which is a number that may meet a small scale cuttlefish commercial hatchery facility requirements. The present conditions contributed to a better and predictable reproduction performance in specific 9000L tanks, with values reaching pre-industrial numbers (approximate to 24,000 eggs/tank). Moreover, both the amount of eggs per batch and the overall quality of eggs has increased. Three of these 9000L tanks have an overall consumption of approximate to 38.64 Kg tank(-1), which translates in an investment in feed of approximate to 193 (sic) tank(-1), 8.40 (sic) per cuttlefish and an overall daily tank expense of 1.76 (sic) d(-1).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gains from trans-boundary water quality management in linked catchment and coastal socioecological systems: a case study for the Minho region

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    Sustainable economic development requires balancing of marginal costs from catchment water pollution abatement and associated marginal benefits from freshwater/coastal ecosystem appreciation. Hence we need to differentiate between intra- and trans-boundary catchments because benefactors and beneficiaries from water quality improvement are not one and the same. In trans-boundary catchments, private (national) welfare maximizing rates of water quality improvement differ across nations as benefits from water quality improvement generally accrue to one nation while the costs are paid by multiple nations. In this paper we develop a deterministic optimal control approach to explore private and social welfare maximizing rates of water pollution abatement in linked catchment and freshwater/coastal socioecological systems. For a case study of the Minho region (Iberian Peninsula), we estimate nation-specific water pollution abatement cost functions (based on management practice adoption) to determine and compare private (national) and social (trans-national) welfare maximizing rates of water pollution abatement. Results show that some private (national) welfare gains can be obtained through adoption of win-win practices, leading to a 12% reduction in the annual rate of water pollution and a 7% increase in annual regional income. Maximum social (international) welfare gains can, however, be obtained through adoption of win-win and lose-win practices across Spain and Portugal, leading to a 36% reduction in water pollution and a 14% increase in regional income. Non-cooperation in water pollution abatement would only lead to a 16%-32% reduction in water pollution and a 8%-13% increase in regional income. Hence, social (trans-national) welfare losses from non-cooperation between Spain and Portugal would equate to between 16 and 81 m€/yr

    Coffee Diterpene Derivatives as Anti-angiogenesis Agent

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    Among the several compounds present in coffee, the coffee-specific diterpenes have been identified as important chemoprotective agents which possess anti-carcinogenic properties.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    CFD parametric study of thermal performance of different fruit packaging box designs

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    Air temperature and relative humidity values of cold storage conditions are the major factor affecting the perishability of fresh fruits. The sooner the field heat is extracted from the products and the proper temperature is maintained consistency throughout the cold chain, larger it will be shelf life of these products. Forced air cooling is the most commonly used technique to remove the field heat in post-harvest storage. Energy-efficient and quality-oriented cold storage mainly depends on the time to remove the heat. This time can be reduced by optimizing the configuration of the vent holes of the packaging box, namely it dimension (area), it shape, alignment and position. This paper shows the numerical predictions of air temperature and velocity by a CFD parametric study of eight different vent hole configurations. These configurations consider a packaging box with double wall. The vent holes of each wall have different dimension and shape. The vent holes of both walls can be also aligned or unaligned. The analysis of results aims to determine the best configurations that improve the cooling rate, the airflow and temperature uniformity. The numerical predictions of the air temperature show close values, but three configurations can be identified as predicting the lowest air temperature values with lowest standard deviation. These results may help on the development of new configuration for fruit boxes that promote the extension of the fruits shelflife.(undefined