3,470 research outputs found

    Domestic Impact of Internationalisation: The case of JM

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    The influence of internationalisation processes in the domestic activities of firms’ has not been considered as an important issue in existing models, because they tend to focus on a partial and restricted view of the firm. The purpose of this paper is to challenge that view by attempting a dynamic view of the firm is which primal importance is given to the relationship between international and domestic activities. The main research question is whether domestic activities can be significantly affected by international activities, namely knowledge transfer. Results confirm the dynamic approach adopted by firms however there are no definitive answers in terms of the domestic impact of internationalisation. Despite clear hints of evidence for the internationaldomestic relationship, there was no confirmation of this relationship at the financial level.

    O impacto da incapacidade fĂ­sica na qualidade de vida relacionada com a saĂșde nos doentes oncolĂłgicos : um estudo exploratĂłrio

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia ClĂ­nica e da SaĂșde - NĂșcleo de Psicologia da SaĂșde e da Doença), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia e de CiĂȘncias da Educação, 2009Este estudo pretendeu explorar a relação entre a Incapacidade fĂ­sica e as percepçÔes deQualidade de Vida Relacionada com a SaĂșde (QDVRS) em doentes oncolĂłgicos. E pretendeu tambĂ©mconhecer os temas ligados Ă  vivĂȘncia da incapacidade fĂ­sica e da funcionalidade nesses mesmosdoentes.Para este estudo, foi recolhida uma amostra de conveniĂȘncia de 26 indivĂ­duos (20 do sexofeminino e 6 do sexo masculino) com diagnĂłstico mĂ©dico de doença oncolĂłgica, seguidos na ClĂ­nicada Dor do IPOLFG. Tendo em conta os objectivos da investigação foram aplicados os seguintesinstrumentos: Functional Assessment Cancer Therapy - General, version 4 (FACT-G, v.4, versĂŁoportuguesa), Medical Outcomes Study 36 - Item Short Form SF - 36, version 2 (SF-36, v.2, versĂŁoportuguesa), Functional Living Índex - Cancer (FLI-C, traduzido e adaptado especialmente para esteestudo), e TermĂłmetro do Distresse. Para alĂ©m destes instrumentos, 15 dos 26 participantes, foramainda alvo de uma Entrevista Semi-Estruturada, e da Escala Visual AnalĂłgica (EVA) da CapacidadeFĂ­sica. Os discursos dos participantes foram categorizados num conjunto de Temas associados Ă experiĂȘncia da incapacidade fĂ­sica e da funcionalidade, atravĂ©s da anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo das entrevistasrealizadas.A incapacidade fĂ­sica neste estudo foi mensurada atravĂ©s da EVA para a capacidade fĂ­sica eatravĂ©s das dimensĂ”es dos questionĂĄrios que fazem apelo Ă  capacidade fĂ­sica, pelo que esta foiinterpretada de acordo com o significado das dimensĂ”es desses questionĂĄrios. Assim ao explorar arelação existente entre a incapacidade fĂ­sica e a QDVRS, verificou-se que a incapacidade fĂ­sica serelaciona de forma positiva com a QDVRS. Verificou-se tambĂ©m que a incapacidade fĂ­sica se podecorrelacionar negativamente com a QDVRS, contudo de forma menos expressiva. A correlaçãonegativa verificou-se entre as dimensĂ”es Funcionamento FĂ­sico e Dor Corporal do SF-36 e a escalaglobal de Bem-Estar do FACT-G, mostrando assim que nĂ­veis de QDVRS favorĂĄveis se podem fazeracompanhar por baixos nĂ­veis de capacidade fĂ­sica. AtravĂ©s da anĂĄlise qualitativa, foram identificados14 temas bĂĄsicos considerados como os mais representativos e preponderantes na experiĂȘncia daincapacidade fĂ­sica e da funcionalidade, em que destes temas se destaca o tema Descrição de sintomasfĂ­sicos incapacitantes.Assim, pode-se dizer que a incapacidade fĂ­sica pode interferir com a percepção que os doentesoncolĂłgicos fazem da sua QDVRS. Nesse sentido, diminuir a incapacidade fisica, nomeadamente ossintomas fisicos incapacitantes, Ă© fundamental para promover uma melhor QDVRS nestes doentes.The present study was conducted to explore the relationship between physical disability andHealth Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in cancer patients. This study also pretend understand thecentral themes connected with living physical disability and functionality in that patients.In this study a convenience sample of twenty women and six men with a medical diagnosis ofCancer was collected at the Pain Clinic's IPOLFG. In accordance to the objectives of the presentresearch the following instruments were used: Functional Assessment Cancer Therapy - General,version 4 (FACT-G, v.4, Portuguese version), Medical Outcomes Study 36 - Item Short Form SF -36, version 2 (SF-36, v.2, Portuguese version), Functional Living Índex - Cancer (FLI-C, translatedand adapted specifically for this study), e Thermometer of Distress. In addition to these instruments,15 of the 26 participants were given a semi-structured interview and a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)concerning the physical capacity . The discourse of the participants was content analised andcategorized through a number of issues associated with the experience of disability andfunctionality,.The disability in this study was assessed through the VAS for the physical capacity andthrough the dimensions of the questionaires related to physical capacity. Data was interpretedaccording to the meaning of the dimensions of these questionnaires. The data suggest that disabilityis related in a positive way with QDVRS. However, it was also suggested that the disability can becorrelated negatively with QDVRS, however not as significant. A negative correlation was foundbetween the dimensions Physical Functioning and Body Pain scales of the SF-36 and overall wellbeingof the FACT-G, showing that levels of favorable QDVRS can be accompanied by low levels ofphysical capacity, which is in contradiction with previous results that say that high values of physicalcapacity correspond to favorable QDVRS. Through qualitative analysis, 14 central themes wereidentified as the most representative and preponderant in the experience of disability andfunctionality, the most proeminent is Description disabling physical symptoms.We can say that physical disability may interfere with the cancer patients' perception of theirQDVRS. So, it seems that an effort to reduce the physical disability, including disabling physicalsymptoms, is essential to promote a better QDVRS in these patients

    Algebraic thinking of grade 8 students in solving word problems with a spreadsheet

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    This paper describes and discusses the activity of grade 8 students on two word problems, using a spreadsheet. We look at particular uses of the spreadsheet, namely at the students’ representations, as ways of eliciting forms of algebraic thinking involved in solving the problems. We aim to see how the spreadsheet allows the solution of formally impracticable problems at students’ level of algebra knowledge, by making them treatable through the computational logic that is intrinsic to the operating modes of the spreadsheet. The protocols of the problem solving sessions provided ways to describe and interpret the relationships that students established between the variables in the problems and their representations in the spreadsheet

    Socio-demographic characteristics and consumption patterns of drug users : syntesis of outcome research at a TC for a 10 year range

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    Purpose – Therapeutic communities (TCs) are one of the existent social responses in helping drug users overcome addiction and pursue social reintegration. The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss the general characteristics of about 200 drug users and their addiction and those of addicts abroad treated in a TC and clinically discharged. The analysis now presented is the first empirical approach to capture social regularities and singularities that are present in these individuals’ reintegration strategies. Design/methodology/approach – The data have a ten-year range – from 1999 to 2009 – and were statically analysed. Findings – They show a group of individuals with low qualifications reflected in their professional occupation, from which family is an essential support. These data also show a significant prevalence of heroin, alcohol, cocaine and polydrug uses, highlighting the need to consider new use patterns and new synthetic substances. Originality/value – TC have been little studied, mainly in Portugal. </jats:sec

    Flying mobile edge computing towards 5G and beyond: an overview on current use cases and challenges

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    The increasing computational capacity of multiple devices, the advent of complex applications, and data generation create new challenges of scalability, ubiquity, and seamless services to meet the most diverse network demands and requirements, such as reliability, latency, battery lifetime. For this reason, the 5th Generation (5G) network comes to mitigate the most diverse challenges inherent to the current dynamic mobile networks and their increasing data rates. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have also been considered as communication relays or mobile base stations to assist mobile users with limited or no available wireless infrastructure. They can provide connections for mobile users in hard-to-reach areas, replacing damaged or overloaded ground infrastructure and working as mobile clouds, providing low but increasing computational power. However, the feasibility of a Flying Edge Computing requires special attention in terms of resource allocation techniques, cooperation with existing ground units and among multiple UAVs, coordination with user mobility, computation efficiency, collision avoidance, and recharging approaches. Thus, the cooperation among UAVs and the current terrestrial Mobile Edge Computing can be relevant in some cases once the computation power of a single UAV might be insufficient. It is important to understand the feasibility of current proposals and establish new approaches that consider the usage of multiple UAVs and recharging approaches. In this paper we discuss the challenges of a 5G extended network through the help of UAVs. The proposed multi-tier architecture employs UAVs with different mobility models, providing support to ground nodes. Moreover, the support of the UAVs as edge nodes will also be evaluated.publishe

    Pintores de Lisboa (séculos XVII e XVIII): a Irmandade de S. Lucas

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    O presente livro Pintores de Lisboa do sĂ©culo XVII e XVIII – a Irmandade de S. Lucas trata do universo de artistas que laborou nesta cidade e que se dedicou Ă  arte da pintura e Ă  prĂĄtica do debuxo . Desde pintores nascidos e formados nas principais oficinas da capital atĂ© estrangeiros que estanciaram ou se fixaram no nosso paĂ­s, atraĂ­dos pela oportunidade de trabalhar para a Coroa portuguesa, detentora de um vasto ImpĂ©rio, todos satisfizeram encomendas para a clientela lisboeta, ĂĄvida pelo consumo de obras de arte. Em comum, artistas nacionais e estrangeiros tiveram a devoção ao Santo Patrono, o Evangelista S. Lucas, cuja confraria instituĂ­da no antigo Mosteiro da Anunciada regulou, por quase dois sĂ©culos, a actividade de pintores de cavalete, de brutescos, de dourado, de quadratura, de azulejo, de iluminura e dos demais ofĂ­cios relacionados com a arte do desenho. As fontes documentais subjacentes Ă  realização deste livro encontram-se Ă  guarda da Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes, que jĂĄ tinham conhecido uma primeira publicação em 1931, de autoria do Coronel Garcez Teixeira. Considerando que tal obra apresentava apenas extractos da informação contida nesse fundo documental, tornava-se imperiosa a publicação da histĂłria da Irmandade ainda inĂ©dita, numa versĂŁo mais completa e alargada, no ano em que a Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes completa 180 anos de existĂȘncia.IHA-FCSH/NOVA; Academia Nacional de Belas-ArtesEste trabalho Ă© fnanciado por Fundos Nacionais atravĂ©s da FCT – Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia no Ăąmbito do Projecto EstratĂ©gico. UID/PAM/00417/2013info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    “Take heed that ye offend not—despise not—hinder not—one of these little ones”: Charlotte Mason and her educational proposal.

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    Charlotte Mason (1842–1923) was a well-known English educator whose work and legacy is certainly worthy of consideration today. One of the most interesting aspects of her philosophy of education is the fact that she adopts an anthropological approach: the consideration of the child as a person whose natural desire to know can only be satisfied with an education centered in the great books, the narrative method and the importance of relations. Her wide experience as a teacher, parental advisor, and teacher trainer, as well as the application of her method with surprisingly good results, constitute an endorsement of her proposal.pre-print432 K
