36 research outputs found

    Solid biofuels production from agricultural residues and processing by-products by means of torrefaction treatment: the case of sunflower chain

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    The high heterogeneity of some residual biomasses makes rather difficult their energy use. Their standardisation is going to be a key aspect to get good quality biofuels from those residues. Torrefaction is an interesting process to improve the physical and chemical properties of lignocellulosic biomasses and to achieve standardisation. In the present study torrefaction has been employed on residues and by-products deriving from sunflower production chain, in particular sunflower stalks, husks and oil press cake. The thermal behaviour of these materials has been studied at first by thermogravimetric analysis in order to identify torrefaction temperatures range. Afterwards, different residence time and torrefaction temperatures have been tested in a bench top torrefaction reactor. Analyses of raw and torrefied materials have been carried out to assess the influence of the treatment. As a consequence of torrefaction, the carbon and ash contents increase while the volatilisation range reduces making the material more stable and standardised. Mass yield, energy yield and energy densification reach values of about 60%, 80% and 1.33 for sunflower stalks and 64%, 85% and 1.33 for sunflower oil press cake respectively. As highlighted by the results, torrefaction is more interesting for sunflower stalks than oil cake and husks due to their different original characteristics. Untreated oil press cake and husks, in fact, already show a good high heating value and, for this reason, their torrefaction should be mild to avoid an excessive ash concentration. On the contrary, for sunflower stalks the treatment is more useful and could be more severe

    [Measuring change in rehabilitative cardiology: reliability of a short questionnaire to assess an outcome].

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    The present Italian health planning demands the use of tools, care and treatments useful for the National Health Service, but with empirical effectiveness scientifically sustained. Aim of the present paper is to verify the validity, the reliability and the responsiveness of the factor "Perception of positive change" (named Schedule C) in cardiovascular rehabilitation. Method. The reliability of the Schedule C of the CBA VE has been examined comparing the mean scores obtained from each item at the entry and just before the discharge through the t-Student for paired sample. To assess the concurrent validity we used the AD Short Scale to measure anxiety and depression. 100 patients who underwent cardiac surgery were enrolled during hospitalization for a Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess internal consistency of each item. Results. Each item of the Schedule C demonstrated good internal consistency (Cronbach Alpha >.88) and elevated correlations item-total for each item. The strong correlation of anxiety and depression scores with the Schedule C points out appropriate concurrent validation. Conclusions. We believe that the Schedule C of the CBA VE is endowed with suitable metric validity and then useful as outcome evaluation in cardiovascular rehabilitation settings

    fast measurement by infrared spectroscopy as support to woody biofuels quality determination

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    The increase in the demand for energy supply during the past few decades has brought and will bring to a growth in the utilisation of renewable resources, in particular of solid biomasses. Considering the variability in the properties of biomass and the globalisation of the timber market, a chemical and physical characterisation is essential to determine the biomass quality. The specific international standards on solid biofuels (ISO 17225 series) describe proper specification and classification of wood chip and pellet, to ensure appropriate quality. Moreover, standard requires information about origin and source of the biomass, normally only to be declared by the producers. In order to fulfill the requirements for the biomass quality, the origin and the source should be assessed, even if currently is hard to determine, in particular on milled or densified biomass. Infrared spectroscopy can provide information on the biomass at the chemical level, directly linked also to its origin and source. This technique is fast and not destructive thus suitable also for online monitoring along the biofuel production chain. In this study, 60 samples belonging to 8 different species were collected and related spectra were acquired using a Fourier transform infrared (IR) spectrometer equipped with a module for solid analysis and analysed by principal component analysis. The results obtained show that the method is very efficient in the identification between coniferous and deciduous wood (99% confidence level) and good results were obtained in the recognition of coniferous/deciduous mixtures, too. Nevertheless, some clear differences have been also noted among intra-class grouping, but additional tests should be carried out. This technique can provide useful information to solid biofuel stakeholders about wood quality and origin, important especially for sustainability issues. Further work will be oriented to the development of IR methodologies for the fast measurement of other important biomass parameters (e.g., ash content, high calorific value, nitrogen content, etc.)

    First results of the CUORICINO experiment

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    Preliminary results on double beta decay (DBD) of 130 Te, obtained in the first run of the CUORICINO experiment are presented. The set-up consists of an array of 62 crystals of TeO 2 operating as bolometers in a deep underground dilution unit at a temperature of about 10 mK. Due to a total mass of about 41 kg, CUORICINO represents by far the most massive running cryogenic mass to search for rare events. The achieved lower limit on the neutrinoless DBD is 5.5⋅10 23 years, that corresponds to a limit on the Majorana effective mass between 0.37 and 1.9 eV. Performances of the detectors together with the sensitivity estimation are discussed

    The Influence of Prosthesis Design on the Outcomes of Tooth Implants Immediately Placed and Loaded by Means of One-Piece Titanium Machined Restoration

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    Our purpose was to evaluate the occurrence of complications and the degree of bone loss in a cohort of patients treated with fixed prostheses supported by immediately loaded dental implants. The primary aim was to compare partial versus full-arch fixed dental prostheses. We then tested the effect of sinus lifting. In the present retrospective cohort study, the patients had their implants restored with fixed dental prostheses supported by dental implants positioned in the posterior maxilla and mandible. When necessary, the maxillary sinuses were grafted with particulate autogenous bone. Patients were then ranked according to the following predictors: length of prosthesis, crown-to-implant ratio, number of crowns to number of implants ratio, and presence of sinus lifting. Outcomes were evaluated for up to 2 years regarding the peri-implant marginal bone loss and implant/prosthesis survival rates. Fifty-eight subjects (209 implants) were rehabilitated with 25 fixed full-arch prostheses and 33 partial fixed dental implant bridges (16 supported by implants placed in grafted sinus). The mean marginal bone loss for implants supporting partial fixed dental prostheses amounted to 0.81 mm, whereas that for implants within the group of full-arch fixed dental prostheses was 1.21 mm; the comparison of the levels in the 2 groups showed a significant difference ( P = .0055). A statistically significant difference ( P = .0006) was found between the bone loss around maxillary implants (1.53 mm) and the bone loss around mandibular implants (1.10 mm). Two implants and 4 prostheses failed; 2-year survival rates of partial and of full-arch fixed dental prostheses, respectively, were 94.1% and 96%. Bone loss in full-arch prostheses appeared to be higher than in that of partial prosthesis. Implant-supported prostheses in the maxillae exhibited a bone loss higher than that registered in mandibles

    Ileal intubation with a transnasal endoscope

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    Transnasal upper endoscopy has been implemented in the last decade as it is perceived as less fastidious than peroral endoscopy, and small-caliber gastroscopes are widely available in the endoscopic centres. We report the feasibility of performing a full colonic study with ileal intubation, using a small-caliber endoscope commonly used for transanal endoscopy, after failing with a standard gastroscope. © 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    Ileal intubation with a transnasal endoscope

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    Transnasal upper endoscopy has been implemented in the last decade as it is perceived as less fastidious than peroral endoscopy, and small-caliber gastroscopes are widely available in the endoscopic centres. We report the feasibility of performing a full colonic study with ileal intubation, using a small-caliber endoscope commonly used for transanal endoscopy, after failing with a standard gastroscope

    Pseudolymphoma tattoo-induced

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    Tattooing has become more and more popular in today’s society. The most common dermatological tattoo complications are represented by hypersensitivity reaction to tattoo pigments like irritant and allergical contact dermatitis, development of lichenoid areas and granulomatous responses, such as sarcoid granulomas or foreign body granulomas. Less frequently patients developing discoid lupus erythematous have been reported. Pseudolymphoma is an uncommon reactive lymphocytic proliferation mimicking the histological and clinical features of a malignant skin lymphoma. We herein report a pseuldoymphoma limited to the red area of a multicolour tattoo of the leg

    Solid biofuels production from agricultural residues and processing by-products by means of torrefaction treatment: the case of sunflower chain

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    The high heterogeneity of some residual biomasses makes rather difficult their energy use. Their standardisation is going to be a key aspect to get good quality biofuels from those residues. Torrefaction is an interesting process to improve the physical and chemical properties of lignocellulosic biomasses and to achieve standardisation. In the present study torrefaction has been employed on residues and by-products deriving from sunflower production chain, in particular sunflower stalks, husks and oil press cake. The thermal behaviour of these materials has been studied at first by thermogravimetric analysis in order to identify torrefaction temperatures range. Afterwards, different residence time and torrefaction temperatures have been tested in a bench top torrefaction reactor. Analyses of raw and torrefied materials have been carried out to assess the influence of the treatment. As a consequence of torrefaction, the carbon and ash contents increase while the volatilisation range reduces making the material more stable and standardised. Mass yield, energy yield and energy densification reach values of about 60%, 80% and 1.33 for sunflower stalks and 64%, 85% and 1.33 for sunflower oil press cake respectively. As highlighted by the results, torrefaction is more interesting for sunflower stalks than oil cake and husks due to their different original characteristics. Untreated oil press cake and husks, in fact, already show a good high heating value and, for this reason, their torrefaction should be mild to avoid an excessive ash concentration. On the contrary, for sunflower stalks the treatment is more useful and could be more severe

    Shortened questionnaires to assess anxiety and depression during in-hospital rehabilitation: Clinical validation and cutoff scores

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    Background: A postacute phase needs reliable routine screening instruments in order to identify the patients to be referred for a clinical interview with a psychologist. The aim of this study was to estimate the clinical cutoff scores of the anxiety and depression questionnaires and their clinical validity using a gold standard. Methods: The study involved 177 patients with pulmonary, cardiac, or neurological disease undergoing in-hospital rehabilitation. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to determine the best concordance between questionnaire\u2019s scores and the gold standards. Results: There was a significant difference (P<0.001) between clinically anxious and depressed patients and nonclinical subjects. The receiver operating characteristic curve for anxiety indicated that the best area under the curve for State Anxiety Inventory is obtained with a cutoff point of 21 for males and 25 for females; for depression scores, the highest area under the curve for Depression Questionnaire-Reduced Form is obtained with a cutoff point of six for males and eight for females. Conclusion: Using appropriate cutoff values, the State Anxiety Inventory and Depression Questionnaire-Reduced Form allow psychologists to optimize early clinical intervention strategies selecting patients with significant needs