19 research outputs found

    Zerovalent Fe, Co and Ni nanoparticle toxicity evaluated on SKOV-3 and U87 cell lines

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    ABSTRACT:We have considered nanoparticles (NPs) of Fe, Co and Ni, three transition metals sharing similar chemical properties. NP dissolution, conducted by radioactive tracer method and inductively coupled plasmamass spectrometry, indicated that NiNPs and FeNPs released in the medium a much smaller amount of ions than that released by Co NPs. The two considered methodological approaches, however, gave comparable but not identical results. All NPs are readily internalized by the cells, but their quantity inside the cells is less than 5%. Cytotoxicity and gene expression experimentswere performed on SKOV-3 and U87 cells. In both cell lines, CoNPs and NiNPs were definitely more toxic than FeNPs. Real-time polymerase chain reaction experiments aimed to evaluatemodifications of the expression of genes involved in the cellular stress response (HSP70, MT2A), or susceptible to metal exposure (SDHB1 and MLL), or involved in specific cellular processes (caspase3, IQSEC1 and VMP1), gave different response patterns in the two cell lines. HSP70, for example, was highly upregulated by CoNPs and NiNPs, but only in SKOV-3 cell lines. Overall, this work underlines the difficulties in predicting NP toxicological properties based only on their chemical characteristics. We, consequently, think that, at this stage of our knowledge, biological effects induced by metal-based NPs should be examined on a case-by-case basis following studies on different in vitro models. Moreover, with the only exception of U87 exposed to Ni, our results suggest thatmetallic NPs have caused, on gene expression, similar effects to those caused by their cor- Q2 responding ions

    Physical education: disabled students' perceptions

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    The inclusion of disabled students is based on the law and the adaptation of physical and pedagogical structure at school represents a key point in order to make the access happen. Physical education is a part of the social inclusion and can provide great improvements in quality of life of students with disabilities. This research aimed to verify the perception of the student with disabilities on physical education classes. Therefore, a qualitative research was carried out, using a semi structured interview to collect data. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed. The sample was constituted by 20 students with disabilities enrolled in general schools at Santos Dumont, Minas Gerais. From the interviews, we highlighted the perceptions of students with disabilities on physical education at school; their understanding about the concept of quality of life; the improvements provided in the quality of life through physical education; successes and difficulties in class; and issues concerning the relationship student/ teacher and student/student. The results of this research can help the educational community and the physical education teacher to improve the quality of inclusion in general schools. In addition, perceptions of students with disabilities about the lessons can help the teacher in the search for a better environment with classes that meet everyone's needs and provide a better of quality of life.a inclusão de alunos com deficiência é prevista em lei e manter boas estruturas físicas e pedagógicas na escola é um ponto fundamental para que o acesso possa acontecer. A Educação Física faz parte desta inclusão e pode proporcionar grandes melhoras na qualidade de vida de alunos com deficiência. Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender as percepções do aluno com deficiência a respeito das aulas de Educação Física. Para isso foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa utilizando para coleta de dados uma entrevista semiestruturada a qual foi gravada, transcrita e posteriormente analisada. A amostra foi constituída de 20 alunos com deficiência matriculados em escolas regulares da cidade de Santos Dumont - MG. A partir das entrevistas, destacou-se a percepção do aluno com deficiência a respeito da Educação Física escolar; o entendimento deles quanto ao conceito de qualidade de vida; as melhoras proporcionadas na qualidade de vida através da Educação Física; as facilidades e as dificuldades nas aulas; e as questões concernentes à relação aluno/professor e aluno/aluno. Os resultados dessa pesquisa podem auxiliar a comunidade escolar e o professor de Educação Física a melhorarem a inclusão nas escolas regulares. Além disso, as percepções dos alunos com deficiência sobre as aulas podem ajudar o professor na busca de um ambiente melhor com aulas que atendam a todos e proporcionem uma melhor qualidade de vida

    Educação Física Escolar: Percepções do Aluno com Deficiência1

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    RESUMO: a inclusão de alunos com deficiência é prevista em lei e manter boas estruturas físicas e pedagógicas na escola é um ponto fundamental para que o acesso possa acontecer. A Educação Física faz parte desta inclusão e pode proporcionar grandes melhoras na qualidade de vida de alunos com deficiência. Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender as percepções do aluno com deficiência a respeito das aulas de Educação Física. Para isso foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa utilizando para coleta de dados uma entrevista semiestruturada a qual foi gravada, transcrita e posteriormente analisada. A amostra foi constituída de 20 alunos com deficiência matriculados em escolas regulares da cidade de Santos Dumont - MG. A partir das entrevistas, destacou-se a percepção do aluno com deficiência a respeito da Educação Física escolar; o entendimento deles quanto ao conceito de qualidade de vida; as melhoras proporcionadas na qualidade de vida através da Educação Física; as facilidades e as dificuldades nas aulas; e as questões concernentes à relação aluno/professor e aluno/aluno. Os resultados dessa pesquisa podem auxiliar a comunidade escolar e o professor de Educação Física a melhorarem a inclusão nas escolas regulares. Além disso, as percepções dos alunos com deficiência sobre as aulas podem ajudar o professor na busca de um ambiente melhor com aulas que atendam a todos e proporcionem uma melhor qualidade de vida

    Corporate governance: diversity & inclusion e remuneration gap

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    Il capitolo si focalizza sul percorso che le imprese italiane e, in particolare, le società quotate hanno attuato e stanno tuttora attuando per colmare le differenze di genere al loro interno. Si tratta di un tema che ha origine in ambito sociologico, ma è divenuto nell’ultimo decennio, anche grazie agli apporti normativi sovranazionali e nazionali, un aspetto cruciale che attiene all’organizzazione dell’impresa e all’assetto degli organi di vertice societario e dunque, in altri termini, incide sui risultati economici e finanziari della impresa stessa. Dopo una breve introduzione, il presente capitolo si concentra sulla declinazione della differenza di genere (cd. diversity) nel Codice di Corporate Governance, novellato nel 2020, tenendo in considerazione il quadro giuridico e regolamentare europeo e nazionale e, da ultimo, offre alcune riflessioni di natura operativa circa il ruolo del consiglio di amministrazione e dei comitati endoconsiliari

    Learning new sport actions: Pilot study to investigate the imitative and the verbal instructive teaching methods in motor education.

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    The aim of the project was to investigate the effects of two strategies of teaching new sport actions on performance of eight-year-old children: observational-imitative method (OIM) and descriptive-directive method (DDM). The OIM group was provided with a pre-practice instruction in the form of expert modeling observation by an expert athlete. The DDM group received only verbal explanations of few selected static images. Thirty-six children (18 males and 18 females, mean age = 8,8) participated in the experiment. Subjects were randomly assigned to the OIM or DDM groups. Participants were instructed to perform four sport motor sequences never performed before (shoulder stand, soccer action, vortex howler throw, step action). Actions were videotaped and 2D kinematic analysis performed. A 10-point Likert questionnaire was administered to blind sport experts to assess the correctness and accuracy of each action. Results suggest that the OIM is the most effective instruction method when participants have no experience with the sport action to be performed. On the contrary, if the athlete needs to learn specific aspects of an exercise (such as grasping a tool) the best method is the DDM. In fact, detailed information on how to grab the vortex helped children in throwing it. We also found gender differences which might reflect cultural influences in specific sports (e.g. soccer). Finally, repetition of the exercise also improved the DDM group's performance. This has potential applications in sport teaching, suggesting that in the absence of a model performing the action to be imitated, the DDM can be as effective as the OIM if the observer repeats the sport action many times

    Heparin and Carboxymethylchitosan Metal Nanoparticles: An Evaluation of Their Cytotoxicity

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    In the search for noninvasive diagnostic techniques and new therapies, “nanosystems”, which are capable of binding and targeting bioactive molecules, are becoming increasingly important. In this context, biocompatible coatings are gaining interest, not only for their biological effects but also because they are considered capable to mask nanoparticle toxicity. In this work, we have compared the toxicity of nanoparticles coated with heparin and carboxymethylchitosan in the SKOV-3 cell line. Our results indicate that heparin and carboxymethylchitosan coatings do not guarantee the decrease of nanoparticle intrinsic toxicity which is often envisaged. Nonetheless, these coatings provide the opportunity for further functionalization with a variety of biomolecules for their use in theranostics

    Mamíferos de um fragmento florestal particular periurbano de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Minas Gerais possui cerca de 40% das espécies de mamíferos não aquáticos brasileiros. Destas, 16% estão ameaçadas de extinção sendo a fragmentação dos habitats o principal fator dessa extinção. Juiz de Fora se encontra em situação de intensa degradação florestal, com fragmentos muito pequenos e fortemente isolados, entre aglomerações urbanas e empreendimentos rurais. O presente trabalho objetivou o levantamento da mastofauna de médio e grande porte em um fragmento particular periurbano na Fazenda Floresta. Para realizar o trabalho utilizou-se combinação de técnicas, incluindo placas de pegadas, armadilha fotográfica e o levantamento nas trilhas. Verificou-se a ocorrência de 27 espécies de mamíferos, distribuídos em seis ordens e 15 famílias, dentre estas espécies, 19 de médio e grande porte. As espécies com o maior número de registros foram Alouatta guariba clamitans com 43 registros, seguido por Cebus nigritus com 42 registros. Cinco das espécies encontradas estão em pelo menos uma das Listas Vermelhas de Espécies Ameaçadas de Extinção sendo elas A. guariba clamitans, Chrysocyon brachyurus, Lontra longicaudis, Leopardus pardalis e Puma concolor, status vulnerável. Desta forma, com base nos resultados encontrados, indica-se que o fragmento florestal da Fazenda Floresta é uma importante área para a conservação da mastofauna. Além disso, destaca-se a importância desse tipo de inventário como ferramenta para incrementar e subsidiar informações para a criação de áreas prioritárias para conservação dos remanescentes florestais

    Neurodevelopmental profile in children born to mothers affected by systemic sclerosis

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    Background: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a chronic immune-mediated connective tissue disease that can affect women of childbearing age. The long-term outcomes of their offspring remain poorly explored. Aim of this study was to detail the neurodevelopmental profile of children born to SSc mothers. Methods: Twenty children (mean age: 96 +/- 4.32 months; 10 males) born to SSc mothers were enrolled. We collected data on clinical history, neurological examination, cognitive profile and adaptive behavior in all subjects. According to the chronological age, we also investigated quality of life, behavioral characteristics, psychological functioning and self-image. Results: All the children had normal neurological examination, cognitive profile and adaptive functioning, except for one (5 %) who suffered from Autism Spectrum Disorder. An important discrepancy was observed between parental and child opinion regarding the perception of quality of life, more compromised in the latter. We documented a risk for internalizing behavioral problems in 2 cases (10 %), for externalizing problems in 3 (15 %), for both in 1 (5 %) and for social and out-of-school activities in 5 (25 %). As regards psychological functioning, evaluated in 11 children, three (28 %) were at risk for anxiety, 1 (9 %) for depressive disorders and other 4 (36 %) for somatic disturbances. Emotional fragility and poor competence in metabolizing one's emotional experiences were observed in 9 out of the 13 subjects assessed (70 %). Conclusions: Children born to SSc women exhibit normal cognitive and adaptive abilities but an increased vulnerability to psychopathological problems and fragility in social functioning. These observations might reflect that children need to feel mature to accept maternal chronic disease that, in turn, may hinder support for offspring's social and emotional development

    Radiotherapy and Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Stage IV Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Real-life Experience

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    To investigate the role of conventional radiotherapy (RT) and stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in patients with epidermal growth factor (EGFR)-mutant or anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) rearrangement-positive metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)