157 research outputs found

    Studying monogenetic volcanoes with a Terrestrial Laser Scanner: Case study at Croscat volcano (Garrotxa Volcanic Field, Spain)

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    Erosional processes (natural or anthropogenic) may partly destroy the relatively small-sized volcanic edifices characteristic of monogenetic volcanic zones, leaving their internal structure well exposed. Nevertheless, the study of these outcrops may be extremely challenging due to restricted accessibility or safety issues. Digital representations of the outcrop surface have been lately used to overcome such difficulties. Data acquired with terrestrial laser scanning instruments using Light Detection and Ranging technology enables the construction of such digital outcrops. The obtained high-precision 3-D terrain models are of greater coverage and accuracy than conventional methods and, when taken at different times, allow description of geological processes in time and space. Despite its intrinsic advantages and the proven satisfactory results, this technique has been little applied in volcanology-related studies. Here, we want to introduce it to the volcanological community together with a new and user-friendly digital outcrop analysis methodology for inexperienced users. This tool may be useful, not only for volcano monitoring purposes, but also to describe the internal structure of exposed volcanic edifices or to estimate outcrop erosion rates that may be helpful in terms of hazard assessment or preservation of volcanic landscapes. We apply it to the Croscat volcano, a monogenetic cone in the La Garrotxa Volcanic Field (Catalan Volcanic Zone, NE Spain), quarrying of which leads to a perfect view of its interior but restricts access to its uppermost parts. Croscat is additionally one of the most emblematic symbols of the La Garrotxa Volcanic Field Natural Park, and its preservation is a main target of the park administration

    The Bloom's syndrome helicase (BLM) interacts physically and functionally with p12, the smallest subunit of human DNA polymerase δ

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    Bloom's syndrome (BS) is a cancer predisposition disorder caused by mutation of the BLM gene, encoding a member of the RecQ helicase family. Although the phenotype of BS cells is suggestive of a role for BLM in repair of stalled or damaged replication forks, thus far there has been no direct evidence that BLM associates with any of the three human replicative DNA polymerases. Here, we show that BLM interacts specifically in vitro and in vivo with p12, the smallest subunit of human POL δ (hPOL δ). The hPOL δ enzyme, as well as the isolated p12 subunit, stimulates the DNA helicase activity of BLM. Conversely, BLM stimulates hPOL δ strand displacement activity. Our results provide the first functional link between BLM and the replicative machinery in human cells, and suggest that BLM might be recruited to sites of disrupted replication through an interaction with hPOL δ. Finally, our data also define a novel role for the poorly characterized p12 subunit of hPOL δ

    PTEN status in advanced colorectal cancer treated with cetuximab

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    BACKGROUND: Loss of phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted in chromosome 10 (PTEN) function in advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) may represent one of the resistance mechanisms to cetuximab by interfering with the epidermal growth factor receptor signal transduction pathway. METHODS: PTEN expression tested by indirect immunofluorescence was evaluated both on primary (n¼43) and on metastatic (n¼24) sites in CRC patients treated with cetuximab. RESULTS: The loss of PTEN expression tested on metastatic sites was negatively associated with response (100% progressive disease (PD) in PTEN-negative cases vs 30% PD in PTEN-positive cases; Po0.05), PFS (0.8 vs 8.2 months; Po0.001) and OS (2.9 vs 14.2 months; Po0.001). CONCLUSION: A potential role of PTEN in the anti-tumour activity of cetuximab could be hypothesised

    Data Sharing and Research on Peer Review: A Call to Action

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    While recent surveys show that most stakeholders recognise the importance of peer review to the publication process, there is a lack of systematic research on the topic. In a period of hyper-competition for resources, with perverse incentives that lead to academic capitalism and a \u201cpublish or perish\u201d mentality, the lack of robust and cumulative research on approaches, models and practices of peer review can slow down efforts towards fostering research integrity and the credibility of scholarly communication. A major challenge in studying peer review systematically is the lack of available data. While data sharing in scientific research has made relevant progress in certain fields, the lack of infrastructures to promote the sharing of peer review data among publishers, journals and academic scholars, the challenges posed by privacy and data protection legislation, and the perceived lack of incentives for publishers, learned societies and journals to share data, have all hampered efforts in this important domain. While public authorities, learned societies and publishers may face different priorities, incentives and obstacles regarding data sharing, the time has come to call to action all stakeholders who play a part in this field. In this paper, we argue that an infrastructure for data sharing is needed to stimulate independent, collaborative, public research on peer review and we suggest measures and initiatives to set up a collaborative effort towards this goal

    Unlock ways to share data on peer review

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    Peer review is the defining feature of scholarly communication. In a 2018 survey of more than 11,000 researchers, 98% said that they considered peer review important or extremely important for ensuring the quality and integrity of scholarly communication. Indeed, now that the Internet and social media have assumed journals\u2019 original role of dissemination, a journal\u2019s main function is curation. Both the public and the scientific community trust peer review to uphold shared values of rigour, ethics, originality and analysis by improving publications and filtering out weak or errant ones. Scholarly communities rely on peer review to establish common knowledge and credit

    La tutela dei diritti umani in Europa tra sovranit\ue0 statale e ordinamenti sovranazionali

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    Il Volume si propone di offrire una visione dei sistemi di tutela dei diritti umani esistenti a livello europeo, pur nella consapevolezza che gli argomenti trattati non permettono di delineare un quadro esaustivo delle diverse problematiche. Nella scelta degli argomenti si \ue8 comunque tenuto conto di alcune delle principali questioni che animano l\u2019attuale dibattito scientifico. Nella redazione dell\u2019opera, a cui hanno partecipato diversi studiosi italiani e stranieri, si \ue8 perseguito l\u2019intento di coniugare il rigore dell\u2019indagine critica ad un\u2019attenzione particolare per le esigenze della didattica, al fine di offrire uno strumento rivolto non solo agli operatori giuridici, ma anche agli studenti universitari. In particolare, allo scopo di agevolare l\u2019uso didattico del Volume, si \ue8 ritenuto opportuno articolare l\u2019opera in cinque parti distinte, impiegabili indipendentemente l\u2019una dall\u2019altra ovvero secondo differenti combinazioni

    OpenDR: An Open Toolkit for Enabling High Performance, Low Footprint Deep Learning for Robotics

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    Existing Deep Learning (DL) frameworks typically do not provide ready-to-use solutions for robotics, where very specific learning, reasoning, and embodiment problems exist. Their relatively steep learning curve and the different methodologies employed by DL compared to traditional approaches, along with the high complexity of DL models, which often leads to the need of employing specialized hardware accelerators, further increase the effort and cost needed to employ DL models in robotics. Also, most of the existing DL methods follow a static inference paradigm, as inherited by the traditional computer vision pipelines, ignoring active perception, which can be employed to actively interact with the environment in order to increase perception accuracy. In this paper, we present the Open Deep Learning Toolkit for Robotics (OpenDR). OpenDR aims at developing an open, non-proprietary, efficient, and modular toolkit that can be easily used by robotics companies and research institutions to efficiently develop and deploy AI and cognition technologies to robotics applications, providing a solid step towards addressing the aforementioned challenges. We also detail the design choices, along with an abstract interface that was created to overcome these challenges. This interface can describe various robotic tasks, spanning beyond traditional DL cognition and inference, as known by existing frameworks, incorporating openness, homogeneity and robotics-oriented perception e.g., through active perception, as its core design principles.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe