8,886 research outputs found

    Action-Research, Professional Development of the Physical Education Teachers in Rural Schools

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    La finalidad de este estudio es analizar la influencia de un grupo de trabajo de Investigación-Acción en el desarrollo profesional de maestros de Educación Física (EF) que ejercen su labor docente en la Escuela Rural. El diseño es un estudio multicaso. Para la recogida de datos se utilizaron: historias de vida, entrevistas en profundidad, análisis de documentos y diario de investigación. El análisis de datos se realizó a través de un proceso de categorización. Los resultados muestran que: (a)-los maestros de EF que ejercen su labor docente en la escuela rural pasan por situaciones difíciles y complicadas los primeros años, y que la pertenencia a grupos de Investigación-Acción les ayuda a que la adaptación a este contexto educativo sea más rápida y fácil; (b)-la metodología de Investigación-Acción genera procesos de reflexión que ayudan a mejorar su práctica docente, influye positivamente en su desarrollo profesional y supone un apoyo.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of a Action Research group on professional development of physical education (PE) teachers in rural school. The research methodology used was case study. Data collection was conducted through interviews, life stories, document analysis and research notebook. Data analysis was performed through a categorization process. The results show that: (a)-PEF teachers in rural school engaged in difficult situations at early years, and to be a membership of Action Research group helps them adapt to this context educational faster and easier, (b)-the Action Research methodology generates reflective processes that help improve their teaching, has a positive influence on their professional development and represent a suppor

    Sea level height, sea surface temperature, and tuna yields in the Panama bight during El Niño

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    Between 1988 and 1998, annual tuna landings at Buenaventura (Colombian Pacific) are correlated with the sea surface temperature in the central Equatorial Pacific (<i>r</i>=0.78, <i>p</i>&lt;0.05) and the sea level height at Buenaventura (<i>r</i>=0.76, <i>p</i>&lt;0.05) and Balboa (Panama) (<i>r</i>=0.79, <i>p</i>&lt;0.05). Seasonal oceanic upwelling is forced by the Panama wind jet, which may favour oceanic fisheries such as tuna. Here we first apply a bivariate correlation method (Pyper and Peterman, 1994) and then a multivariate approach (principal components analysis or PCA) to investigate the relationships of these environmental variables with landings. With the first method, we find that landing is best correlated with the sea surface temperature in the Ni&#241;o 3 region, whereas the other relationships are less clear. In contrast, with PCA we find that PC1 explains 90.6% of the total variance and suggests that sea surface temperature plays a major role in determining tuna availability in the area (especially during El Ni&#241;o events). Since PC2 is mainly correlated with sea level height at Balboa but only represents 6.8% of the total variance, we suggest that oceanic upwelling effects on tuna landings at Buenaventura are not significant at interannual scales

    On a theorem of Kang and Liu on factorised groups

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    [EN] Kang and Liu ['On supersolvability of factorized finite groups', Bull. Math. Sci. 3 (2013), 205-210] investigate the structure of finite groups that are products of two supersoluble groups. The goal of this note is to give a correct proof of their main theorem.The first author was supported by the grant MTM2014-54707-C3-1-P from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain, and FEDER, European Union, and a project of Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (No. 2015A030313791).Ballester-Bolinches, A.; Pedraza Aguilera, MC. (2018). On a theorem of Kang and Liu on factorised groups. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society. 97(1):54-56. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0004972717000363S5456971Ezquerro, L. M., & Soler-Escrivà, X. (2003). On MutuallyM-Permutable Products of Finite Groups. Communications in Algebra, 31(4), 1949-1960. doi:10.1081/agb-120018515Kang, P., & Liu, Q. (2013). On supersolvability of fatorized finite groups. Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, 3(2), 205-210. doi:10.1007/s13373-013-0032-4Ballester-Bolinches, A., Esteban-Romero, R., & Asaad, M. (2010). Products of Finite Groups. de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics. doi:10.1515/9783110220612Ballester-Bolinches, A., Cossey, J., & Pedraza-Aguilera, M. C. (2001). ON PRODUCTS OF FINITE SUPERSOLUBLE GROUPS. Communications in Algebra, 29(7), 3145-3152. doi:10.1081/agb-501

    A stochastic spectral analysis of transcriptional regulatory cascades

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    The past decade has seen great advances in our understanding of the role of noise in gene regulation and the physical limits to signaling in biological networks. Here we introduce the spectral method for computation of the joint probability distribution over all species in a biological network. The spectral method exploits the natural eigenfunctions of the master equation of birth-death processes to solve for the joint distribution of modules within the network, which then inform each other and facilitate calculation of the entire joint distribution. We illustrate the method on a ubiquitous case in nature: linear regulatory cascades. The efficiency of the method makes possible numerical optimization of the input and regulatory parameters, revealing design properties of, e.g., the most informative cascades. We find, for threshold regulation, that a cascade of strong regulations converts a unimodal input to a bimodal output, that multimodal inputs are no more informative than bimodal inputs, and that a chain of up-regulations outperforms a chain of down-regulations. We anticipate that this numerical approach may be useful for modeling noise in a variety of small network topologies in biology

    Screening of herbicides in grain legumes: pre-emergence herbicides in faba beans

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    Ante la escasez de herbicidas autorizados en leguminosas, se realizaron dos ensayos en habas con 10 herbicidas elegidos por estar autorizados en otras leguminosas o en otros países. Ninguno de los productos resultó totalmente eficaz y selectivo. Algunos de los herbicidas de preemergencia autorizados en España en habas para grano resultaron menos eficaces contra las malas hierbas y produjeron mayor fitotoxicidad que otros no autorizados. Así mismo, productos autorizados en Francia resultaron fitotóxicos en nuestras condiciones. Los mejores resultados seguido de ixosaben y aclonifen. Sin embargo será necesario ajustar dosis y buscar otras alternativas, como combinaciones de productos o estrategias de control para mejorar las eficacias y la selectividad, y sobre todo elegir los productos en función de las especies de malas hierbas dominantes en cada finca.Faced with a shortage of herbicides in legumes, two trials were conducted in faba beans to evaluate 10 herbicides elected by being authorized in other legumes or in other countries. None of the product was completely effective and selective. Some of the pre-emergence herbicides authorized in Spain for grain faba beans were less effective against weeds and produced more phytotoxicity than others not authorized. Likewise, products authorized in France turned out quite phytotoxic in our conditions. The best results were obtained with metribuzin by its effective weed control and low phytotoxicity, followed by ixosaben and aclonifen. However it will be necessary to adjust dose, to look for other alternatives, such as combinations of products or control strategies to improve effectiveness and selectivity, and above all choose the products depending on the species of dominant weeds in each farm

    Pain overview: classification, conceptual framework, and assessment

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    The ability to evict noxious stimulus increases the likelihood of surviving. It is the result of interactions between specialized cells, the spinal cord, and the brain. Nociceptive pain is related to direct injury of the body. Other forms of pain may not be linked to visible injury. Being multidimensional in nature, classification attempts are unable to embark the plethora of elements that constitute pain. Pain theories can explain the nociceptive quality of it while failing to explain other qualities. Efforts culminated in the development of gate control theory, which spawned many advances in pain management. Assessment tools are useful to determine the intensity of pain and its impact on quality of life. Judicious use of these scales allows healthcare professionals to proper manage patients pain and are validated instruments widely used in research. This short review aims to expand awareness about the phenomenon of pain, its mechanisms, and its measurement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On Products of Generalised Supersoluble Finite Groups

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    [EN] In this paper, mutually sn-permutable subgroups of groups belonging to a class of generalised supersoluble groups are studied. Some analogs of known theorems on mutually sn-permutable products are established.This research project was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at King Abdulaziz University, under grant no.(RG-10-130-37). The first and second authors, therefore, acknowledge with thanks DSR for technical and financial support. The first and third authors are supported by Prometeo/2017/057 of Generalitat (Valencian Community, Spain).Ballester-Bolinches, A.; Fakieh, WM.; Pedraza Aguilera, MC. (2019). On Products of Generalised Supersoluble Finite Groups. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. 16(2):1-7. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00009-019-1323-0S1716

    Natural history of a visceral leishmaniasis outbreak in highland Ethiopia

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    In May 2005, visceral leishmaniasis (VL) was recognized for the first time in Libo Kemken, Ethiopia, a highland region where only few cases had been reported before. We analyzed records of VL patients treated from May 25, 2005 to December 13, 2007 by the only VL treatment center in the area, maintained by Médecins Sans Frontières-Ethiopia, Operational Center Barcelona-Athens. The median age was 18 years; 77.6% were male. The overall case fatality rate was 4%, but adults 45 years or older were five times as likely to die as 5-29 year olds. Other factors associated with increased mortality included HIV infection, edema, severe malnutrition, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and vomiting. The VL epidemic expanded rapidly over a several-year period, culminating in an epidemic peak in the last third of 2005, spread over two districts, and transformed into a sustained endemic situation by 2007