379 research outputs found

    Iterative receiver design for the estimation of Gaussian samples in impulsive noise

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    Impulsive noise is the main limiting factor for transmission over channels affected by elec-tromagnetic interference. We study the estimation of (correlated) Gaussian signals in an impulsive noise scenario. In this work, we analyze some of the existing, as well as some novel estimation algorithms. Their performance is compared, for the first time, for different channel conditions, including the Markov–Middleton scenario, where the impulsive noise switches between different noise states. Following a modern approach in digital communications, the receiver design is based on a factor graph model and implements a message passing algorithm. The correlation among signal samples, as well as among noise states brings about a loopy factor graph, where an iterative message passing scheme should be employed. As is well known, approximate variational inference techniques are necessary in these cases. We propose and analyze different algorithms and provide a complete performance comparison among them, showing that the expectation propagation, transparent propa-gation, and parallel iterative schedule approaches reach a performance close to optimal, at different channel conditions

    Sexual Dimorphism in Cellular and Molecular Features in Human ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas.

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    Background. Cushing\u2019s disease presents gender disparities in prevalence and clinical course. Little is known, however, about sexual dimorphism at the level of the corticotrope adenoma itself. The aim of the present study was to evaluate molecular features of ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas collected from female and male patients with Cushing\u2019s disease. (2) Methods. We analyzed 153 ACTH-secreting adenomas collected from 31 men and 122 women. Adenomas were established in culture and ACTH synthesis and secretion assessed in basal conditions as well as during incubation with CRH or dexamethasone. Concurrently, microarray analysis was performed on formalin-fixed specimens and differences in the expression profiles between specimens from male and female patients identified. (3) Results. ACTH medium concentrations in adenomas obtained from male patients were significantly lower than those observed in adenomas from female patients. This could be observed for baseline as well as modulated secretion. Analysis of corticotrope transcriptomes revealed considerable similarities with few, selected differences in functional annotations. Differentially expressed genes comprised genes with known sexual dimorphism, genes involved in tumour development and genes relevant to pituitary pathophysiology. (4) Conclusions. Our study shows for the first time that human corticotrope adenomas present sexual dimorphism and underlines the need for a gender-dependent analysis of these tumours. Differentially expressed genes may represent the basis for gender-tailored target therapy

    Transumbilical laparoscopic treatment of Congenital Infantile Fibrosarcoma of the Ileum.

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    Congenital-Infantile Fibrosarcoma (CIF) is a malignant mesenchymal tumor representing 10-20% of soft-tissue tumors. Complete surgical resection is generally the treatment of choice. The most recurrent cytogenetic abnormality was identified as the traslocation t(12;15)(p13:q25), which bears the fusion of Tel gene EVT6 with TrkC gene. This study describes a case of infantile fibrosarcoma of the ileum in a female newborn examined for intestinal occlusion and its laparoscopic treatment

    Role of the ubiquitin/proteasome system on ACTH turnover in rat corticotropes

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    Purpose: A large number of studies has investigated proopiomelanocortin processing in anterior pituitary corticotropes but little is known on proopiomelanocortin/ACTH degradation within these cells. The ubiquitin-proteasome system is an intracellular protein degradation pathway which has garnered considerable interest in recent times, given its role in maintenance of protein homeostasis. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in proopiomelanocortin/ACTH turnover in pituitary corticotropes. Methods: Rat anterior pituitary primary cultures were treated with 0.01\u2013100 nM MG132, a proteasome inhibitor, or 0.1\u2013100 nM K48R, an inhibitor of polyubiquitylation, for 4 and 24 h and ACTH concentrations in medium and cell lysates estimated by immunometric assay. Co-immunoprecipitation for ubiquitin and ACTH was carried out to establish ubiquitin-tagged protein products. Results: Inhibition of proteasome-mediated degradation with MG132 lead to an increase in ACTH concentrations, both as regards secretion and cell content. Likewise, inhibition of polyubiquitylation was associated with increased ACTH secretion and cell content. Ubiquitin/ACTH co-immunoprecipitation revealed that proopiomelanocortin was a target of ubiquitylation. Conclusions: We provide the first evidence that the ubiquitin-proteasome system is involved in proopiomelanocortin/ACTH degradation in corticotropes. Indeed, proopiomelanocortin is a target of ubiquitylation and modulation of ubiquitin-proteasome system affects ACTH turnover. This study shows that regulation of ACTH proteolytic degradation may represent a means to control ACTH secretion

    Ubiquitin-Specific Protease 8 Mutant Corticotrope Adenomas Present Unique Secretory and Molecular Features and Shed Light on the Role of Ubiquitylation on ACTH Processing

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    Background: Somatic mutations in the ubiquitin-specific protease 8 (USP8) gene have recently been shown to occur in ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas, thus calling attention to the ubiquitin system in corticotrope adenomas. Objectives: Assess the consequences of USP8 mutations and establish the role of ubiquitin on ACTH turnover in human ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas. Methods: USP8 mutation status was established in 126 ACTH-secreting adenomas. Differences in ACTH secretion and POMC expression from adenoma primary cultures and in microarray gene expression profiles from archival specimens were sought according to USP8 sequence. Ubiquitin/ACTH coimmunoprecipitation and incubation with MG132, a proteasome inhibitor, were performed in order to establish whether ubiquitin plays a role in POMC/ACTH degradation in corticotrope adenomas. Results: USP8 mutations were identified in 29 adenomas (23%). Adenomas presenting USP8 mutations secreted greater amounts of ACTH and expressed POMC at higher levels compared to USP wild-type specimens. USP8 mutant adenomas were also more sensitive to modulation by CRH and dexamethasone in vitro. At microarray analysis, genes associated with endosomal protein degradation and membrane components were downregulated in USP8 mutant adenomas as were AVPR1B, IL11RA, and PITX2. Inhibition of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway increased ACTH secretion and POMC itself proved a target of ubiquitylation, independently of USP8 sequence status. Conclusions: Our study has shown that USP8 mutant ACTH-secreting adenomas present a more "typical" corticotrope phenotype and reduced expression of several genes associated with protein degradation. Further, ubiquitylation is directly involved in intracellular ACTH turnover, suggesting that the ubiquitin-proteasome system may represent a target for treatment of human ACTH-secreting adenomas
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