2,675 research outputs found

    Phylogeny and systematic history of early salamanders

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    Prevalent paedomorphy and convergence in salamander morphology has made it difficult to resolve relationships using purely morphological characters. However, many new fully articulated fossil salamanders have emerged, especially from China, and it is important to be able to place them within a phylogenetic framework to better understand the origin and radiation patterns of early salamanders. This study looks at the phylogeny of extant taxa using both molecular and morphological datasets. In deciphering the phylogeny of modern day taxa the limitations and caveats of the data were explored. The extent of the influence homoplasy and convergence have on the phylogenetic topology has been assessed using methods designed to identify and/or down-weight homoplasy in morphological characters. Once characters had been identified as potentially homoplasious and removed from the dataset, further analyses were performed on reduced datasets. Fossils were simulated by creating subsets of characters (those commonly found in the fossil record) for extant taxa. Analyses using parsimony and Bayesian inference were performed to test the robustness of the placements of these simulated fossils. The impact of missing data caused by poor preservation and incomplete specimens was tested by simulating reduced/limited character scores for living taxa, and then comparing the phylogenetic placement of these artificially degraded taxa with their ‘true’ position based on complete data. This paves the way for the inclusion of the fossils. While this study has not resolved the relationships between salamander families it has allowed a deeper understanding of the data, and assesses the confidence with which the placement of key fossils can be made in a new way. This novel method has further implications for the fitting of fossils within a phylogenetic framework in other problem clades. Biogeographic hypotheses can then be tested

    Predation on invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina) by native Australian rodents

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    © 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. The success of an invasive species can be reduced by biotic resistance from the native fauna. For example, an invader that is eaten by native predators is less likely to thrive than one that is invulnerable. The ability of invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina) to spread through Australia has been attributed to the toad’s potent defensive chemicals that can be fatal if ingested by native snakes, lizards, marsupials and crocodiles. However, several taxa of native insects and birds are resistant to cane toad toxins. If native rodents are also capable of eating toads (as suggested by anecdotal reports), these large, abundant and voracious predators might reduce toad numbers. Our field observations and laboratory trials confirm that native rodents (Melomys burtoni, Rattus colletti and Rattus tunneyi) readily kill and consume cane toads (especially small toads), and are not overtly affected by toad toxins. Captive rodents did not decrease their consumption of toads over successive trials, and ate toads even when alternative food types were available. In combination with anecdotal reports, our data suggest that rodents (both native and invasive) are predators of cane toads in Australia. Despite concerns about the decline of rodents following the invasion of toads, our data suggest that the species we studied are not threatened by toads as toxic prey, and no specific conservation actions are required to ensure their persistence

    Tracking neuronal motility in live murine retinal explants

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    The developing retina undergoes dynamic organizational changes involving significant intra-retinal motility of the encompassing cells. Here, we present a protocol for tracking retinal cell motility in live explanted mouse retinae. Although originally applied to rod and cone photoreceptors, this strategy is applicable to any fluorescently labeled cell in mouse retinae and other similar experimental retinal models. Careful tissue handling is critical for the successful acquisition of high-quality live imaging data. Further instructions for semi-automated in silico data handling are provided. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Aghaizu et al. (2021)

    Constraining the provenance of the Stonehenge 'Altar Stone': Evidence from automated mineralogy and U–Pb zircon age dating

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    The Altar Stone at Stonehenge is a greenish sandstone thought to be of Late Silurian-Devonian (‘Old Red Sandstone’) age. It is classed as one of the bluestone lithologies which are considered to be exotic to the Salisbury Plain environ, most of which are derived from the Mynydd Preseli, in west Wales. However, no Old Red Sandstone rocks crop out in the Preseli; instead a source in the Lower Old Red Sandstone Cosheston Subgroup at Mill Bay to the south of the Preseli, has been proposed. More recently, on the basis of detailed petrography, a source for the Altar Stone much further to the east, towards the Wales-England border, has been suggested. Quantitative analyses presented here compare mineralogical data from proposed Stonehenge Altar Stone debris with samples from Milford Haven at Mill Bay, as well as with a second sandstone type found at Stonehenge which is Lower Palaeozoic in age. The Altar Stone samples have contrasting modal mineralogies to the other two sandstone types, especially in relation to the percentages of its calcite, kaolinite and barite cements. Further differences between the Altar Stone sandstone and the Cosheston Subgroup sandstone are seen when their contained zircons are compared, showing differing morphologies and U-Pb age dates having contrasting populations. These data confirm that Mill Bay is not the source of the Altar Stone with the abundance of kaolinite in the Altar Stone sample suggesting a source further east, towards the Wales-England border. The disassociation of the Altar Stone and Milford Haven undermines the hypothesis that the bluestones, including the Altar Stone, were transported from west Wales by sea up the Bristol Channel and adds further credence to a totally land-based route, possibly along a natural routeway leading from west Wales to the Severn estuary and beyond. This route may well have been significant in prehistory, raising the possibility that the Altar Stone was added en route to the assemblage of Preseli bluestones taken to Stonehenge around or shortly before 3000 BC. Recent strontium isotope analysis of human and animal bones from Stonehenge, dating to the beginning of its first construction stage around 3000 BC, are consistent with the suggestion of connectivity between this western region of Britain and Salisbury Plain.This study appears to be the first application of quantitative automated mineralogy in the provenancing of archaeological lithic material and highlights the potential value of automated mineralogy in archaeological provenancing investigations, especially when combined with complementary techniques, in the present case zircon age dating

    Repeated nuclear translocations underlie photoreceptor positioning and lamination of the outer nuclear layer in the mammalian retina

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    In development, almost all stratified neurons must migrate from their birthplace to the appropriate neural layer. Photoreceptors reside in the most apical layer of the retina, near their place of birth. Whether photoreceptors require migratory events for fine-positioning and/or retention within this layer is not well understood. Here, we show that photoreceptor nuclei of the developing mouse retina cyclically exhibit rapid, dynein-1-dependent translocation toward the apical surface, before moving more slowly in the basal direction, likely due to passive displacement by neighboring retinal nuclei. Attenuating dynein 1 function in rod photoreceptors results in their ectopic basal displacement into the outer plexiform layer and inner nuclear layer. Synapse formation is also compromised in these displaced cells. We propose that repeated, apically directed nuclear translocation events are necessary to ensure retention of post-mitotic photoreceptors within the emerging outer nuclear layer during retinogenesis, which is critical for correct neuronal lamination

    The CACCC-binding protein KLF3/BKLF represses a subset of KLF1/EKLF target genes and is required for proper erythroid maturation in vivo

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    The CACCC-box binding protein erythroid Kruppel-like factor (EKLF/KLF1) is a master regulator that directs the expression of many important erythroid genes. We have previously shown that EKLF drives transcription of the gene for a second KLF, basic Kruppel-like factor, or KLF3. We have now tested the in vivo role of KLF3 in erythroid cells by examining Klf3 knockout mice. KLF3-deficient adults exhibit a mild compensated anemia, including enlarged spleens, increased red pulp, and a higher percentage of erythroid progenitors, together with elevated reticulocytes and abnormal erythrocytes in the peripheral blood. Impaired erythroid maturation is also observed in the fetal liver. We have found that KLF3 levels rise as erythroid cells mature to become TER119(+). Consistent with this, microarray analysis of both TER119(-) and TER119(+) erythroid populations revealed that KLF3 is most critical at the later stages of erythroid maturation and is indeed primarily a transcriptional repressor. Notably, many of the genes repressed by KLF3 are also known to be activated by EKLF. However, the majority of these are not currently recognized as erythroid-cell-specific genes. These results reveal the molecular and physiological function of KLF3, defining it as a feedback repressor that counters the activity of EKLF at selected target genes to achieve normal erythropoiesis

    Socioeconomic deprivation, urban-rural location and alcohol-related mortality in England and Wales

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    Background: Many causes of death are directly attributable to the toxic effects of alcohol and deaths from these causes are increasing in the United Kingdom. The aim of this study was to investigate variation in alcohol-related mortality in relation to socioeconomic deprivation, urban-rural location and age within a national context. Methods: An ecological study design was used with data from 8797 standard table wards in England and Wales. The methodology included using the Carstairs Index as a measure of socioeconomic deprivation at the small-area level and the national harmonised classification system for urban and rural areas in England and Wales. Alcohol-related mortality was defined using the National Statistics definition, devised for tracking national trends in alcohol-related deaths. Deaths from liver cirrhosis accounted for 85% of all deaths included in this definition. Deaths from 1999-2003 were examined and 2001 census ward population estimates were used as the denominators. Results: The analysis was based on 28,839 deaths. Alcohol-related mortality rates were higher in men and increased with increasing age, generally reaching peak levels in middle-aged adults. The 45-64 year age group contained a quarter of the total population but accounted for half of all alcohol-related deaths. There was a clear association between alcohol-related mortality and socioeconomic deprivation, with progressively higher rates in more deprived areas. The strength of the association varied with age. Greatest relative inequalities were seen amongst people aged 25-44 years, with relative risks of 4.73 (95% CI 4.00 to 5.59) and 4.24 (95% CI 3.50 to 5.13) for men and women respectively in the most relative to the least deprived quintiles. People living in urban areas experienced higher alcohol-related mortality relative to those living in rural areas, with differences remaining after adjustment for socioeconomic deprivation. Adjusted relative risks for urban relative to rural areas were 1.35 (95% CI 1.20 to 1.52) and 1.13 (95% CI 1.01 to 1.25) for men and women respectively. Conclusions: Large inequalities in alcohol-related mortality exist between sub-groups of the population in England and Wales. These should be considered when designing public health policies to reduce alcohol-related harm

    The role of temperature and frequency on fretting wear of a like-on-like stainless steel contact

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    The influences of environmental temperature and fretting frequency on the mechanisms and rates of wear in a like-on-like 304 stainless steel contact were examined, and mainly attributed to changes in the mechanical response of the bulk material and to changes in the behaviour of the oxide debris formed in the fretting process. At low temperatures, wear proceeds by continual oxide formation and egress from the contact, whilst at high temperatures, the rate of wear is much reduced, associated with the development of oxide formed into a protective bed within the contact. The temperature at which the change between these two behaviours took place was dependent upon the fretting frequency, with evidence that, at this transition temperature, changes in behaviour can occur as the fretting test proceeds under a fixed set of conditions. An interaction diagram has been developed which provides a coherent framework by which the complex effects of these two parameters can be rationalised in terms of widely accepted physical principles

    Efficacious, effective, and embedded interventions: Implementation research in infectious disease control

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    Background: Research in infectious disease control is heavily skewed towards high end technology; development of new drugs, vaccines and clinical interventions. Oft ignored, is the evidence to inform the best strategies that ensure the embedding of interventions into health systems and amongst populations. In this paper we undertake an analysis of the challenge in the development of research for the sustainable implementation of disease control interventions. Results: We highlight the fundamental differences between the research paradigms associated with the development of technologies and interventions for disease control on the one hand and the research paradigms required for enhancing the sustainable uptake of those very same interventions within the communities on the other. We provide a definition for implementation research in an attempt to underscore its critical role and explore the multidisciplinary science needed to address the challenges in disease control. Conclusion: The greatest value for money in health research lies in the sustainable and effective implementation of already proven, efficacious solutions. The development of implementation research that can help provide some solutions on how this can be achieved is sorely needed
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