1,463 research outputs found

    A review of landscape rehabilitation frameworks in ecosystem engineering for mine closure

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    Mining causes changes to the environment and rehabilitation is necessary at mine closure. There is a lack of appropriate frameworks for mine site rehabilitation. In most cases, restoring the mine to previous conditions is challenging. Alternatively, mining companies can engineer ecosystems to suit new site conditions and aim for a self-sustaining and resilient ecosystem. In ecosystem design there should be consideration of the four key dimensions of any ecosystem; landscape, function, structure and composition (LFSC). Alcoa’s Bauxite mines and Barrick (Cowal) Limited’s Gold Mine have considered LFSC in their rehabilitation practices. From this, a framework based on LFSC is proposed as a means of planning, undertaking and monitoring mine rehabilitation, which together aim for a self-sustaining and resilient ecosystem. Elements of this framework are being utilised in the industry, and are supported by research. The framework could be used as an industry standard, utilised by regulatory bodies and potentially used in conjunction with other models and in other rehabilitation environments

    The nonrelativistic limit of the relativistic point coupling model

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    We relate the relativistic finite range mean-field model (RMF-FR) to the point-coupling variant and compare the nonlinear density dependence. From this, the effective Hamiltonian of the nonlinear point-coupling model in the nonrelativistic limit is derived. Different from the nonrelativistic models, the nonlinearity in the relativistic models automatically yields contributions in the form of a weak density dependence not only in the central potential but also in the spin-orbit potential. The central potential affects the bulk and surface properties while the spin-orbit potential is crucial for the shell structure of finite nuclei. A modification in the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock model with a density-dependent spin-orbit potential inspired by the point-coupling model is suggested.Comment: 21 pages, latex, 1 eps figure. accepted for publication in annals of physic

    Combining quantum and classical density functional theory for ion-electron mixtures

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    We combine techniques from quantum and from classical density functional theory (DFT) to describe electron-ion mixtures. For homogeneous systems, we show how to calculate ion-ion and ion-electron correlation functions within Chihara's quantum hypernetted chain approximation, which we derive within a DFT formulation. We also sketch out how to apply the DFT formulation to inhomogeneous electron-ion mixtures, and use this to study the electron distribution at the liquid-solid interface of Al.Comment: to be published in J. Non-Cryst. Solids, LAM 11 special issu

    Instability and Degeneracy in the BMN Correspondence

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    Non-degenerate perturbation theory, which was used to calculate the scale dimension of operators on the gauge theory side of the correspondence, breaks down when effects of triple trace operators are included. We interpret this as an instability of excited single-string states in the dual string theory for decay into the continuum of degenerate 3-string states. We apply time-dependent perturbation theory to calculate the decay widths from gauge theory. These widths are new gauge theory data which can be compared with future calculations in light cone string field theory.Comment: 23 pages, no figure

    Refining human palaeodietary reconstruction using amino acid delta N-15 values of plants, animals and humans.

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    An established method of estimating the trophic level of an organism is through stable isotope analysis of its tissues and those of its diet. This method has been used in archaeology to reconstruct past human diet from the stable nitrogen isotope (d15N) values of human and herbivore bone collagen. However, this approach, using the 15N-enrichment of human bone collagen d15N values over associated herbivore bone collagen d15N values to predict the relative importance of animal protein, relies on the assumptions that: (i) the d15N values of plants consumed by humans and herbivores are identical, and (ii) the 15Nenrichment between diet and consumer is consistent. Bone collagen amino acid d15N values have the potential to tackle these uncertainties, as they constrain the factors influencing bone collagen d15N values. In this study, the d15N values of glutamic acid and phenylalanine in human and herbivore bone collagen isolates from Neolithic sites in Germany, Greece and Turkey were determined by gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The fraction of animal protein in total dietary protein consumed by the humans was estimated by: (i) comparing bulk human and herbivore collagen d15N values, (ii) comparing bulk human and herbivore collagen and ancient charred cereal grain d15N values, (iii) comparing human bone collagen d15NGlutamic acid and d15NPhenylalanine values, and (iv) comparing d15NGlutamic acid values of human and herbivore bone collagen and estimated d15NGlutamic acid values of ancient charred cereal grains. Where determined cereal grain d15N values are higher than estimated herbivore forage values, estimates of animal protein consumption are significantly lower, emphasising the importance of the plant nitrogen contribution to human bone collagen. This study also highlights the need for further investigation into: (i) the D15NConsumer-Diet values of glutamic acid and phenylalanine in terrestrial ecosystems, and (ii) D15NGlutamic acid-Phenylalanine values of common plant foods in order to improve the accuracy and more widespread applicability of amino acid-based methods for palaeodietary reconstruction

    Non-perturbative effects in the BMN limit of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills

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    One-instanton contributions to the correlation functions of two gauge-invariant single-trace operators in N=4 SU(N) Yang-Mills theory are studied in semi-classical approximation in the BMN limit. The most straightforward examples involve operators with four bosonic impurities. The explicit form for the correlation functions, which determine the anomalous dimensions, follows after integration over the large number of bosonic and fermionic moduli. Our results demonstrate that the instanton contributions scale appropriately in the BMN limit. We find impressive agreement with the D-instanton contributions to mass matrix elements of the dual plane-wave IIB superstring theory, obtained in a previous paper. Not only does the dependence on the scaled coupling constants match, but the dependence on the mode numbers of the states is also in striking agreement.Comment: 52 pages, no figures, latex; V2: minor change

    Stringing Spins and Spinning Strings

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    We apply recently developed integrable spin chain and dilatation operator techniques in order to compute the planar one-loop anomalous dimensions for certain operators containing a large number of scalar fields in N =4 Super Yang-Mills. The first set of operators, belonging to the SO(6) representations [J,L-2J,J], interpolate smoothly between the BMN case of two impurities (J=2) and the extreme case where the number of impurities equals half the total number of fields (J=L/2). The result for this particular [J,0,J] operator is smaller than the anomalous dimension derived by Frolov and Tseytlin [hep-th/0304255] for a semiclassical string configuration which is the dual of a gauge invariant operator in the same representation. We then identify a second set of operators which also belong to [J,L-2J,J] representations, but which do not have a BMN limit. In this case the anomalous dimension of the [J,0,J] operator does match the Frolov-Tseytlin prediction. We also show that the fluctuation spectra for this [J,0,J] operator is consistent with the string prediction.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, LaTex; v2 reference added, typos fixe

    Two Mathematically Equivalent Versions of Maxwell's Equations

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    This paper is a review of the canonical proper-time approach to relativistic mechanics and classical electrodynamics. The purpose is to provide a physically complete classical background for a new approach to relativistic quantum theory. Here, we first show that there are two versions of Maxwell's equations. The new version fixes the clock of the field source for all inertial observers. However now, the (natural definition of the effective) speed of light is no longer an invariant for all observers, but depends on the motion of the source. This approach allows us to account for radiation reaction without the Lorentz-Dirac equation, self-energy (divergence), advanced potentials or any assumptions about the structure of the source. The theory provides a new invariance group which, in general, is a nonlinear and nonlocal representation of the Lorentz group. This approach also provides a natural (and unique) definition of simultaneity for all observers. The corresponding particle theory is independent of particle number, noninvariant under time reversal (arrow of time), compatible with quantum mechanics and has a corresponding positive definite canonical Hamiltonian associated with the clock of the source. We also provide a brief review of our work on the foundational aspects of the corresponding relativistic quantum theory. Here, we show that the standard square-root and the Dirac equations are actually two distinct spin-12\tfrac{1}{2} particle equations.Comment: Appeared: Foundations of Physic

    Density-functional embedding using a plane-wave basis

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    The constrained electron density method of embedding a Kohn-Sham system in a substrate system (first described by P. Cortona, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 44}, 8454 (1991) and T.A. Wesolowski and A. Warshel, J. Phys. Chem {\bf 97}, 8050 (1993)) is applied with a plane-wave basis and both local and non-local pseudopotentials. This method divides the electron density of the system into substrate and embedded electron densities, the sum of which is the electron density of the system of interest. Coupling between the substrate and embedded systems is achieved via approximate kinetic energy functionals. Bulk aluminium is examined as a test case for which there is a strong interaction between the substrate and embedded systems. A number of approximations to the kinetic-energy functional, both semi-local and non-local, are investigated. It is found that Kohn-Sham results can be well reproduced using a non-local kinetic energy functional, with the total energy accurate to better than 0.1 eV per atom and good agreement between the electron densities.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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