24,375 research outputs found

    Universal joint-measurement uncertainty relation for error bars

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    We formulate and prove a new, universally valid uncertainty relation for the necessary error bar widths in any approximate joint measurement of position and momentum

    The development of direct payments in the UK: implications for social justice

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    Direct payments have been heralded by the disability movement as an important means to achieving independent living and hence greater social justice for disabled people through enhanced recognition as well as financial redistribution. Drawing on data from the ESRC funded project Disabled People and Direct Payments: A UK Comparative Perspective, this paper presents an analysis of policy and official statistics on use of direct payments across the UK. It is argued that the potential of direct payments has only partly been realised as a result of very low and uneven uptake within and between different parts of the UK. This is accounted for in part by resistance from some Labour-controlled local authorities, which regard direct payments as a threat to public sector jobs. In addition, access to direct payments has been uneven across impairment groups. However, from a very low base there has been a rapid expansion in the use of direct payments over the past three years. The extent to which direct payments are able to facilitate the ultimate goal of independent living for disabled people requires careful monitoring

    Simulated trajectories error analysis program. Volume 1 - User's manual Final report

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    Input/output routines and computerized simulation for error analysi

    Suppression of spin-pumping by a MgO tunnel-barrier

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    Spin-pumping generates pure spin currents in normal metals at the ferromagnet (F)/normal metal (N) interface. The efficiency of spin-pumping is given by the spin mixing conductance, which depends on N and the F/N interface. We directly study the spin-pumping through an MgO tunnel-barrier using the inverse spin Hall effect, which couples spin and charge currents and provides a direct electrical detection of spin currents in the normal metal. We find that spin-pumping is suppressed by the tunnel-barrier, which is contrary to recent studies that suggest that the spin mixing conductance can be enhanced by a tunnel-barrier inserted at the interface

    De-blending Deep Herschel Surveys: A Multi-wavelength Approach

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    Cosmological surveys in the far infrared are known to suffer from confusion. The Bayesian de-blending tool, XID+, currently provides one of the best ways to de-confuse deep Herschel SPIRE images, using a flat flux density prior. This work is to demonstrate that existing multi-wavelength data sets can be exploited to improve XID+ by providing an informed prior, resulting in more accurate and precise extracted flux densities. Photometric data for galaxies in the COSMOS field were used to constrain spectral energy distributions (SEDs) using the fitting tool CIGALE. These SEDs were used to create Gaussian prior estimates in the SPIRE bands for XID+. The multi-wavelength photometry and the extracted SPIRE flux densities were run through CIGALE again to allow us to compare the performance of the two priors. Inferred ALMA flux densities (Fi^i), at 870μ\mum and 1250μ\mum, from the best fitting SEDs from the second CIGALE run were compared with measured ALMA flux densities (Fm^m) as an independent performance validation. Similar validations were conducted with the SED modelling and fitting tool MAGPHYS and modified black body functions to test for model dependency. We demonstrate a clear improvement in agreement between the flux densities extracted with XID+ and existing data at other wavelengths when using the new informed Gaussian prior over the original uninformed prior. The residuals between Fm^m and Fi^i were calculated. For the Gaussian prior, these residuals, expressed as a multiple of the ALMA error (σ\sigma), have a smaller standard deviation, 7.95σ\sigma for the Gaussian prior compared to 12.21σ\sigma for the flat prior, reduced mean, 1.83σ\sigma compared to 3.44σ\sigma, and have reduced skew to positive values, 7.97 compared to 11.50. These results were determined to not be significantly model dependent. This results in statistically more reliable SPIRE flux densities.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Orbit targeting specialist function: Level C formulation requirements

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    A definition of the level C requirements for onboard maneuver targeting software is provided. Included are revisions of the level C software requirements delineated in JSC IN 78-FM-27, Proximity Operations Software; Level C Requirements, dated May 1978. The software supports the terminal phase midcourse (TPM) maneuver, braking and close-in operations as well as supporting computation of the rendezvous corrective combination maneuver (NCC), and the terminal phase initiation (TPI). Specific formulation is contained here for the orbit targeting specialist function including the processing logic, linkage, and data base definitions for all modules. The crew interface with the software is through the keyboard and the ORBIT-TGT display

    Surface spin flip probability of mesoscopic Ag wires

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    Spin relaxation in mesoscopic Ag wires in the diffusive transport regime is studied via nonlocal spin valve and Hanle effect measurements performed on permalloy/Ag lateral spin valves. The ratio between momentum and spin relaxation times is not constant at low temperatures. This can be explained with the Elliott-Yafet spin relaxation mechanism by considering the momentum surface relaxation time as being temperature dependent. We present a model to separately determine spin flip probabilities for phonon, impurity and surface scattering and find that the spin flip probability is highest for surface scattering.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Unanticipated proximity behavior in ferromagnet-superconductor heterostructures with controlled magnetic noncollinearity

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    Magnetization noncollinearity in ferromagnet-superconductor (F/S) heterostructures is expected to enhance the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) according to the domain-wall superconductivity theory, or to suppress Tc when spin-triplet Cooper pairs are explicitly considered. We study the proximity effect in F/S structures where the F layer is a Sm-Co/Py exchange-spring bilayer and the S layer is Nb. The exchange-spring contains a single, controllable and quantifiable domain wall in the Py layer. We observe an enhancement of superconductivity that is nonmonotonic as the Py domain wall is increasingly twisted via rotating a magnetic field, different from theoretical predictions. We have excluded magnetic fields and vortex motion as the source of the nonmonotonic behavior. This unanticipated proximity behavior suggests that new physics is yet to be captured in the theoretical treatments of F/S systems containing noncollinear magnetization.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures. Physical Review Letters in pres

    Evidence of Vortex Jamming in Abrikosov Vortex Flux Flow Regime

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    We report on dynamics of non-local Abrikosov vortex flow in mesoscopic superconducting Nb channels. Magnetic field dependence of the non-local voltage induced by the flux flow shows that vortices form ordered vortex chains. Voltage asymmetry (rectification) with respect to the direction of vortex flow is evidence that vortex jamming strongly moderates vortex dynamics in mesoscopic geometries. The findings can be applied to superconducting devices exploiting vortex dynamics and vortex manipulation, including superconducting wires with engineered pinning centers.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure