150 research outputs found

    Improving Communication between Doctors and Parents after Newborn Screening

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    Background: Newborn screening (NBS) enables early treatment, and some consider it a natural vehicle for genetic screening. Bioethicists argue for caution since families of infants with carrier status can develop psychosocial complications. This paper describes the methods and feasibility of Wisconsin’s statewide project for quality improvement of communication and psychosocial outcomes after NBS. Methods: When NBS identifies carrier status for cystic fibrosis or sickle cell, we contact primary care providers (PCPs), answer questions, and invite them to rehearse informing the parents. Three months later, we telephone the parents, assess knowledge and psychosocial outcomes, provide counseling, and assist with self-referral to further resources. Afterward, evaluation surveys are provided to the parents, to be returned anonymously. Results: Birthing facilities provided accurate PCP names for 73% of 817 infants meeting inclusion criteria; we identified PCPs for 21% more. We reached 47.3% of PCPs in time to invite a rehearsal; 60% of these accepted. We successfully called 50.2% of eligible parents; 61% recalled a PCP explanation, and 48.5% evaluated the explanation favorably. Evaluations by parents with limited health literacy were less favorable. Conclusion: It is feasible to follow parents for psychosocial outcomes after NBS. Preliminary data about communication is mixed, but further data will describe psychosocial outcomes and investigate outcomes’ associations with communication

    Upper Palaeolithic settlements in Buran-Kaya 3 (Crimea, Ukraine): new interdisciplinary researches of the layers 5-2, 6-1 and 6-2

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    Грот Буран Кая 3 (Крым, Украина) содержит уникальную стратиграфию литологических и культурных отложений, включающую индустрии среднего и верхнего палеолита. В частности, в слоях 5-2, 6-1, и 6-2 был обнаружен кремневый и костяной инвентарь, относящийся к эпиграветту. Эти же слои содержат многочисленные фаунистические остатки, а также антропологический материал. В данной статье публикуются некоторые результаты междисциплинарных исследований: техникотипологический анализ кремневого и костяного инвентаря; зооархеологическое изучение останков крупных млекопитающих; исследование технологии нанесения орнамента на кости; анализ палеоантропологических материалов. На основании полученных данных предлагается функциональная интерпретация стоянки, а также производится сравнение культурных характеристик эпиграветта Буран Каи 3 и памятников соседних территорий

    MEF2 is an in vivo immune-metabolic switch

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    Infections disturb metabolic homeostasis in many contexts, but the underlying connections are not completely understood. To address this, we use paired genetic and computational screens in Drosophila to identify transcriptional regulators of immunity and pathology and their associated target genes and physiologies. We show that Mef2 is required in the fat body for anabolic function and the immune response. Using genetic and biochemical approaches, we find that MEF2 is phosphorylated at a conserved site in healthy flies and promotes expression of lipogenic and glycogenic enzymes. Upon infection, this phosphorylation is lost, and the activity of MEF2 changes—MEF2 now associates with the TATA binding protein to bind a distinct TATA box sequence and promote antimicrobial peptide expression. The loss of phosphorylated MEF2 contributes to loss of anabolic enzyme expression in Gram-negative bacterial infection. MEF2 is thus a critical transcriptional switch in the adult fat body between metabolism and immunity

    Upper Palaeolithic settlements in Buran-Kaya 3 (Crimea, Ukraine): new interdisciplinary researches of the layers 5-2, 6-1 and 6-2

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    Грот Буран Кая 3 (Крым, Украина) содержит уникальную стратиграфию литологических и культурных отложений, включающую индустрии среднего и верхнего палеолита. В частности, в слоях 5-2, 6-1, и 6-2 был обнаружен кремневый и костяной инвентарь, относящийся к эпиграветту. Эти же слои содержат многочисленные фаунистические остатки, а также антропологический материал. В данной статье публикуются некоторые результаты междисциплинарных исследований: техникотипологический анализ кремневого и костяного инвентаря; зооархеологическое изучение останков крупных млекопитающих; исследование технологии нанесения орнамента на кости; анализ палеоантропологических материалов. На основании полученных данных предлагается функциональная интерпретация стоянки, а также производится сравнение культурных характеристик эпиграветта Буран Каи 3 и памятников соседних территорий

    NMR study of cellulose and wheat straw degradation by Ruminococcus albus 20

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    Cellulose and wheat straw degradation by Ruminococcus albus was monitored using NMR spectroscopy. In situ solid-state 13C-cross-polarization magic angle spinning NMR was used to monitor the modification of the composition and structure of cellulose and 13C-enriched wheat straw during the growth of the bacterium on these substrates. In cellulose, amorphous regions were not preferentially degraded relative to crystalline areas by R. albus. Cellulose and hemicelluloses were also degraded at the same rate in wheat straw. Liquid state two-dimensional NMR experiments were used to analyse in detail the sugars released in the culture medium, and the integration of NMR signals enabled their quantification at various times of culture. The results showed glucose and cellodextrin accumulation in the medium of cellulose cultures; the cellodextrins were mainly cellotriose and accumulated to up to 2 mm after 4 days. In the wheat straw cultures, xylose was the main soluble sugar detected (1.4 mm); arabinose and glucose were also found, together with some oligosaccharides liberated from hemicellulose hydrolysis, but to a much lesser extent. No cellodextrins were detected. The results indicate that this strain of R. albus is unable to use glucose, xylose and arabinose for growth, but utilizes efficiently xylooligosaccharides. R. albus 20 appears to be less efficient than Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 for the degradation of wheat stra

    Degradation of wheat straw by Fibrobacter succinogenes S85: a liquid and solid state Nuclear Magnetic resonance study

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    Wheat straw degradation by Fibrobacter succinogenes was monitored by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and chemolytic methods to investigate the activity of an entire fibrolytic system on an intact complex substrate. In situ solid-state NMR with 13C cross-polarization magic angle spinning was used to monitor the modification of the composition and structure of lignocellulosic fibers (of 13C-enriched wheat straw) during the growth of bacteria on this substrate. There was no preferential degradation either of amorphous regions of cellulose versus crystalline regions or of cellulose versus hemicelluloses in wheat straw. This suggests either a simultaneous degradation of the amorphous and crystalline parts of cellulose and of cellulose and hemicelluloses by the enzymes or degradation at the surface at a molecular scale that cannot be detected by NMR. Liquid-state two-dimensional NMR experiments and chemolytic methods were used to analyze in detail the various sugars released into the culture medium. An integration of NMR signals enabled the quantification of oligosaccharides produced from wheat straw at various times of culture and showed the sequential activities of some of the fibrolytic enzymes of F. succinogenes S85 on wheat straw. In particular, acetylxylan esterase appeared to be more active than arabinofuranosidase, which was more active than -glucuronidase. Finally, cellodextrins did not accumulate to a great extent in the culture mediu

    Dominant gut Prevotella copri in gastrectomised non-obese diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats improves glucose homeostasis through enhanced FXR signalling

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    Aims/hypothesis Drug and surgical-based therapies in type 2 diabetes are associated with altered gut microbiota architecture. Here we investigated the role of the gut microbiome in improved glucose homeostasis following bariatric surgery. Methods We carried out gut microbiome analyses in gastrectomised (by vertical sleeve gastrectomy [VSG]) rats of the Goto–Kakizaki (GK) non-obese model of spontaneously occurring type 2 diabetes, followed by physiological studies in the GK rat. Results VSG in the GK rat led to permanent improvement of glucose tolerance associated with minor changes in the gut microbiome, mostly characterised by significant enrichment of caecal Prevotella copri. Gut microbiota enrichment with P. copri in GK rats through permissive antibiotic treatment, inoculation of gut microbiota isolated from gastrectomised GK rats, and direct inoculation of P. copri, resulted in significant improvement of glucose tolerance, independent of changes in body weight. Plasma bile acids were increased in GK rats following inoculation with P. copri and P. copri-enriched microbiota from VSG-treated rats; the inoculated GK rats then showed increased liver glycogen and upregulated expression of Fxr (also known as Nr1h4), Srebf1c, Chrebp (also known as Mlxipl) and Il10 and downregulated expression of Cyp7a1. Conclusions Our data underline the impact of intestinal P. copri on improved glucose homeostasis through enhanced bile acid metabolism and farnesoid X receptor (FXR) signalling, which may represent a promising opportunity for novel type 2 diabetes therapeutics

    Communicating genetic information: a difficult challenge for future pediatricians

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The role of the pediatrician as genetic counselor is ideal because pediatricians have medical knowledge and experience with genetic disorders (e.g. Down syndrome). Moreover, pediatricians can provide comprehensive care in a medical home to patients with genetic disorders. However, changes in the curriculum of the pediatric resident are necessary to address the future challenges of effectively communicating genetic information to patients. The objective of this study was to explore these challenges and make recommendations for training to adequately prepare pediatricians for their future role as genetic counselors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three reviewers independently searched PubMed, OVID, and Medline databases to identify articles describing the challenges of communicating genetic information to patients, published from 1960 to December 2005. After the publications were identified and reviewed, four major areas of interest were identified in order to categorize the findings.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty-five publications were identified during the literature search. From the review, the following categories were selected to organize the findings: (1) Inherent difficulties of communicating and comprehending genetic information; (2) Comprehension of genetic information by pediatricians; (3) Genetics training in residency programs; and (4) The effect of genetic information on the future role of pediatricians and potential legal implications.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Pediatricians and residents lack essential knowledge of genetics and communication skills for effective counseling of patients. The review indicated that successful communication of genetic information involves a number of important skills and considerations. It is likely that these skills and considerations are universally required for the communication of most complex specialized medical information. In the past, communication skills have not been considered a priority. Today, these skills have become a demanding professional and even legal obligation. However, the challenges involved in communicating complex medical information cannot be successfully addressed with universal, one-size-fits-all recommendations. Residency training programs require changes to adequately prepare future pediatricians for the growing challenge of communicating genetic information. Four important skills should be considered in the training of residents to improve the communication of complex information to patients. These skills are (1) discriminating, (2) understanding, (3) simplifying, and (4) explaining information.</p

    Novel mutation in the NHLRC1 gene in a Malian family with a severe phenotype of Lafora disease

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    We studied a Malian family with parental consanguinity and two of eight siblings affected with late-childhood-onset progressive myoclonus epilepsy and cognitive decline, consistent with the diagnosis of Lafora disease. Genetic analysis showed a novel homozygous single-nucleotide variant in the NHLRC1 gene, c.560A>C, producing the missense change H187P. The changed amino acid is highly conserved, and the mutation impairs malin's ability to degrade laforin in vitro. Pathological evaluation showed manifestations of Lafora disease in the entire brain, with particularly severe involvement of the pallidum, thalamus, and cerebellum. Our findings document Lafora disease with severe manifestations in the West African population