56 research outputs found

    Cosmic microwave background and large scale structure limits on the interaction between dark matter and baryons

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    We study the effect on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy and large scale structure (LSS) power spectrum of a scattering interaction between cold dark matter and baryons. This scattering alters the CMB anisotropy and LSS spectrum through momentum transfer between the cold dark matter particles and the baryons. We find that current CMB observations can put an upper limit on the scattering cross section which is comparable with or slightly stronger than previous disk heating constraints at masses greater than 1 GeV, and much stronger at smaller masses. When large-scale structure constraints are added to the CMB limits, our constraint is more stringent than this previous limit at all masses. In particular, a dark matter-baryon scattering cross section comparable to the ``Spergel-Steinhardt'' cross section is ruled out for dark matter mass greater than 1 GeV.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, use RevTeX4, submitted to PRD replaced with revised versio

    Large Scale Pressure Fluctuations and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect

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    The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect associated with pressure fluctuations of the large scale structure gas distribution will be probed with current and upcoming wide-field small angular scale cosmic microwave background experiments. We study the generation of pressure fluctuations by baryons which are present in virialized dark matter halos and by baryons present in small overdensities. For collapsed halos, assuming the gas distribution is in hydrostatic equilibrium with matter density distribution, we predict the pressure power spectrum and bispectrum associated with the large scale structure gas distribution by extending the dark matter halo approach which describes the density field in terms of correlations between and within halos. The projected pressure power spectrum allows a determination of the resulting SZ power spectrum due to virialized structures. The unshocked photoionized baryons present in smaller overdensities trace the Jeans-scale smoothed dark matter distribution. They provide a lower limit to the SZ effect due to large scale structure in the absence of massive collapsed halos. We extend our calculations to discuss higher order statistics, such as bispectrum and skewness in SZ data. The SZ-weak lensing cross-correlation is suggested as a probe of correlations between dark matter and baryon density fields, while the probability distribution functions of peak statistics of SZ halos in wide field CMB data can be used as a probe of cosmology and non-Gaussian evolution of large scale structure pressure fluctuations.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures; Revised with expanded discussions. Phys. Rev. D. (in press

    Current cosmological bounds on neutrino masses and relativistic relics

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    We combine the most recent observations of large-scale structure (2dF and SDSS galaxy surveys) and cosmic microwave anisotropies (WMAP and ACBAR) to put constraints on flat cosmological models where the number of massive neutrinos and of massless relativistic relics are both left arbitrary. We discuss the impact of each dataset and of various priors on our bounds. For the standard case of three thermalized neutrinos, we find an upper bound on the total neutrino mass sum m_nu < 1.0 (resp. 0.6) eV (at 2sigma), using only CMB and LSS data (resp. including priors from supernovae data and the HST Key Project), a bound that is quite insensitive to the splitting of the total mass between the three species. When the total number of neutrinos or relativistic relics N_eff is left free, the upper bound on sum m_nu (at 2sigma, including all priors) ranges from 1.0 to 1.5 eV depending on the mass splitting. We provide an explanation of the parameter degeneracy that allows larger values of the masses when N_eff increases. Finally, we show that the limit on the total neutrino mass is not significantly modified in the presence of primordial gravitational waves, because current data provide a clear distinction between the corresponding effects.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Is cosmology consistent?

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    We perform a detailed analysis of the latest CMB measurements (including BOOMERaNG, DASI, Maxima and CBI), both alone and jointly with other cosmological data sets involving, e.g., galaxy clustering and the Lyman Alpha Forest. We first address the question of whether the CMB data are internally consistent once calibration and beam uncertainties are taken into account, performing a series of statistical tests. With a few minor caveats, our answer is yes, and we compress all data into a single set of 24 bandpowers with associated covariance matrix and window functions. We then compute joint constraints on the 11 parameters of the ``standard'' adiabatic inflationary cosmological model. Out best fit model passes a series of physical consistency checks and agrees with essentially all currently available cosmological data. In addition to sharp constraints on the cosmic matter budget in good agreement with those of the BOOMERaNG, DASI and Maxima teams, we obtain a heaviest neutrino mass range 0.04-4.2 eV and the sharpest constraints to date on gravity waves which (together with preference for a slight red-tilt) favors ``small-field'' inflation models.Comment: Replaced to match accepted PRD version. 14 pages, 12 figs. Tiny changes due to smaller DASI & Maxima calibration errors. Expanded neutrino and tensor discussion, added refs, typos fixed. Combined CMB data, window and covariance matrix at http://www.hep.upenn.edu/~max/consistent.html or from [email protected]

    The Formation of Cosmic Structures in a Light Gravitino Dominated Universe

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    We analyse the formation of cosmic structures in models where the dark matter is dominated by light gravitinos with mass of 100 100 eV -- 1 keV, as predicted by gauge-mediated supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking models. After evaluating the number of degrees of freedom at the gravitinos decoupling (g∗g_*), we compute the transfer function for matter fluctuations and show that gravitinos behave like warm dark matter (WDM) with free-streaming scale comparable to the galaxy mass scale. We consider different low-density variants of the WDM model, both with and without cosmological constant, and compare the predictions on the abundances of neutral hydrogen within high-redshift damped Ly--α\alpha systems and on the number density of local galaxy clusters with the corresponding observational constraints. We find that none of the models satisfies both constraints at the same time, unless a rather small Ω0\Omega_0 value (\mincir 0.4) and a rather large Hubble parameter (\magcir 0.9) is assumed. Furthermore, in a model with warm + hot dark matter, with hot component provided by massive neutrinos, the strong suppression of fluctuation on scales of \sim 1\hm precludes the formation of high-redshift objects, when the low--zz cluster abundance is required. We conclude that all different variants of a light gravitino DM dominated model show strong difficulties for what concerns cosmic structure formation. This gives a severe cosmological constraint on the gauge-mediated SUSY breaking scheme.Comment: 28 pages,Latex, submitted for publication to Phys.Rev.

    Dark energy as a mirage

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    Motivated by the observed cosmic matter distribution, we present the following conjecture: due to the formation of voids and opaque structures, the average matter density on the path of the light from the well-observed objects changes from Omega_M ~ 1 in the homogeneous early universe to Omega_M ~ 0 in the clumpy late universe, so that the average expansion rate increases along our line of sight from EdS expansion Ht ~ 2/3 at high redshifts to free expansion Ht ~ 1 at low redshifts. To calculate the modified observable distance-redshift relations, we introduce a generalized Dyer-Roeder method that allows for two crucial physical properties of the universe: inhomogeneities in the expansion rate and the growth of the nonlinear structures. By treating the transition redshift to the void-dominated era as a free parameter, we find a phenomenological fit to the observations from the CMB anisotropy, the position of the baryon oscillation peak, the magnitude-redshift relations of type Ia supernovae, the local Hubble flow and the nucleosynthesis, resulting in a concordant model of the universe with 90% dark matter, 10% baryons, no dark energy, 15 Gyr as the age of the universe and a natural value for the transition redshift z_0=0.35. Unlike a large local void, the model respects the cosmological principle, further offering an explanation for the late onset of the perceived acceleration as a consequence of the forming nonlinear structures. Additional tests, such as quantitative predictions for angular deviations due to an anisotropic void distribution and a theoretical derivation of the model, can vindicate or falsify the interpretation that light propagation in voids is responsible for the perceived acceleration.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figs; v2: minor clarifications, results unchanged; v3: matches the version published in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    High-gradient behavior of a dipole-mode rf structure

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    A normal-conducting, X-band traveling wave structure operating in the dipole mode has been systematically high-gradient tested to gain insight into the maximum possible gradients in these types of structure. Measured structure conditioning, breakdown behavior, and achieved surface fields are reported as well as a postmortem analysis of the breakdown position and a scanning electron microscope analysis of the high-field surfaces. The results of these measurements are then compared to high-gradient results from monopole-mode cavities. Scaled to a breakdown rate of 10-6, the cavities were found to operate at a peak electric field of 154 MV/m and a peak modified Poynting vector Sc of 5.48 MW/mm2. The study provides important input for the further development of dipole-mode cavities for use in the Compact Linear Collider as a crab cavity and dipole-mode cavities for use in x-ray free-electron lasers as well as for studies of the fundamental processes in vacuum arcs. Of particular relevance are the unique field patterns in dipole cavities compared to monopole cavities, where the electric and magnetic fields peak in orthogonal planes, which allow the separation of the role of electric and magnetic fields in breakdown via postmortem damage observation. The azimuthal variation of breakdown crater density is measured and is fitted to sinusoidal functions. The best fit is a power law fit of exponent 6. This is significant, as it shows how breakdown probability varies over a surface area with a varying electric field after conditioning to a given peak field

    Dark Synergy: Gravitational Lensing and the CMB

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    Power spectra and cross-correlation measurements from the weak gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the cosmic shearing of faint galaxies images will help shed light on quantities hidden from the CMB temperature anisotropies: the dark energy, the end of the dark ages, and the inflationary gravitational wave amplitude. Even with modest surveys, both types of lensing power spectra break CMB degeneracies and they can ultimately improve constraints on the dark energy equation of state w by over an order of magnitude. In its cross correlation with the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect, CMB lensing offers a unique opportunity for a more direct detection of the dark energy and enables study of its clustering properties. By obtaining source redshifts and cross-correlations with CMB lensing, cosmic shear surveys provide tomographic handles on the evolution of clustering correspondingly better precision on the dark energy equation of state and density. Both can indirectly provide detections of the reionization optical depth and modest improvements in gravitational wave constraints which we compare to more direct constraints. Conversely, polarization B-mode contamination from CMB lensing, like any other residual foreground, darkens the prospects for ultra-high precision on gravitational waves through CMB polarization requiring large areas of sky for statistical subtraction. To evaluate these effects we provide fitting formula for the evolution and transfer function of the Newtonian gravitational potential.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures submitted to PR

    A Kinematical Approach to Conformal Cosmology

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    We present an alternative cosmology based on conformal gravity, as originally introduced by H. Weyl and recently revisited by P. Mannheim and D. Kazanas. Unlike past similar attempts our approach is a purely kinematical application of the conformal symmetry to the Universe, through a critical reanalysis of fundamental astrophysical observations, such as the cosmological redshift and others. As a result of this novel approach we obtain a closed-form expression for the cosmic scale factor R(t) and a revised interpretation of the space-time coordinates usually employed in cosmology. New fundamental cosmological parameters are introduced and evaluated. This emerging new cosmology does not seem to possess any of the controversial features of the current standard model, such as the presence of dark matter, dark energy or of a cosmological constant, the existence of the horizon problem or of an inflationary phase. Comparing our results with current conformal cosmologies in the literature, we note that our kinematic cosmology is equivalent to conformal gravity with a cosmological constant at late (or early) cosmological times. The cosmic scale factor and the evolution of the Universe are described in terms of several dimensionless quantities, among which a new cosmological variable delta emerges as a natural cosmic time. The mathematical connections between all these quantities are described in details and a relationship is established with the original kinematic cosmology by L. Infeld and A. Schild. The mathematical foundations of our kinematical conformal cosmology will need to be checked against current astrophysical experimental data, before this new model can become a viable alternative to the standard theory.Comment: Improved version, with minor changes. 58 pages, including 7 figures and one table. Accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitation (GERG
