7 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico De Aprobación De La Certificación Internacional ESOL Examinations En La Modalidad Extensión Del Centro De Idiomas - ESPOCH

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    This paper focuses on diagnosing and determining the number of students who obtained the International Certification of ESOL Examinations of Cambridge University, which was formed in the Extension Modality of the Language Center. For this reason, this study was carried out based on the academic follow up of those students who passed or failed the 8 levels of English. This was done with a total of 680 hours, planned through the dimensions of a new curriculum, designed within the project titled “Strengthening of the Extension Modality in the Language Center at the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo” based on an academic text of Cambridge University. The results correspond to a total of 122 students of 4 promotions that were evaluated by skills and according to parameters established by the staff of the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. This, however, enabled us to ascertain the number of certifications recognized by the Common European Framework, obtained by the students in levels A2, B1, and B2

    Mobile application in increased reality for the training and communication of children with down syndrome

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue aplicar un sistema móvil en Realidad Aumentada para apoyar en la formación y comunicación de niños con síndrome de Down. Para ello, se desarrolló con la asistencia de profesionales especialistas en el área una herramienta de apoyo de aprendizaje, mediante una aplicación en Realidad Aumentada con entornos 3D basados en pictogramas. La aplicación se alineó en parámetros establecidos en el estándar ISO/IEC 9126; entre ellos: funcionalidad, fiabilidad, usabilidad, eficiencia, mantenibilidad y portabilidad. La investigación es descriptiva, de campo y bibliográfica. La población y muestra fueron intencionales, constituida por 33 niños con síndrome de Down. Para la obtención de los datos se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta, utilizando la escala de Likert a fin en cuantificar el grado de conformidad de los padres de familia sobre la interactividad de sus niños con la aplicación de Realidad Aumentada. Los datos obtenidos fueron tabulados, analizados e interpretaron y permitieron conocer que el uso de la Realidad Aumentada atrae notablemente su atención y reflejan cambios positivos en la interacción de los niños con Síndrome de Down. Es decir que las herramientas tecnológicas contribuyen en el apoyo en su comunicación y formación.The objective of this research was to apply a mobile system in Augmented Reality to support the training and communication of children with Down syndrome. For this, a learning support tool is found with the assistance of professionals specialized in the area, through an application in Augmented Reality with 3D environments in pictograms. The application was aligned in parameters established in the ISO / IEC 9126 standard; among them: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability. The research is descriptive, field and bibliographic. The population and sample were intentional, consisting of 33 children with Down syndrome. To obtain the data, the survey technique is needed, using the Likert scale in order to quantify the degree of conformity of the parents on the interactivity of their children with the application of Augmented Reality. The data obtained were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted and allowed to know the use of Augmented Reality dramatically attracts their attention and positive changes in the interaction of children with Down Syndrome. In other words, the technological tools identified in the support in their communication and training. The objective of this research was to apply a mobile system in Augmented Reality to support the training and communication of children with Down syndrome. For this, a learning support tool is found with the assistance of professionals specialized in the area, through an application in Augmented Reality with 3D environments in pictograms. The application was aligned in parameters established in the ISO / IEC 9126 standard; among them: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability. The research is descriptive, field and bibliographic. The population and sample were intentional, consisting of 33 children with Down syndrome. To obtain the data, the survey technique is needed, using the Likert scale in order to quantify the degree of conformity of the parents on the interactivity of their children with the application of Augmented Reality. The data obtained were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted and allowed to know the use of Augmented Reality dramatically attracts their attention and positive changes in the interaction of children with Down Syndrome. In other words, the technological tools identified in the support in their communication and training

    El Aprendizaje Significativo Como Estrategia De Estimulación De La Escritura Del Idioma Inglés En Educación General Básica

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    The objective of the present investigation was the analysis of the use of strategies of significant learning in order to stimulate writing in the English language, which affect the development of the writing skill causing low performance and deficient level of knowledge in the students of sixth and seventh years of general basic education. The bibliographic information on significant learning sustains the importance of the use of didactic material in the processes of assimilation and interaction when acquiring educational skills and competences. They facilitate the connection to preexisting mental schematics in order to incorporate knowledge that generates significant learning. The methods used were deductive-inductive, documentary and applied bibliography, which allowed the collection of information through observation sheets. The results showed that the cognitive processes are inadequate due to lack of didactic material to develop and stimulate the writing of the English language. Due to this worksheets were designed and applied that contain grammatical structure, vocabulary, completion exercises, active memorization, spelling, word classification, sentence formation, short sentences and long with positive and negative answers; use of demonstrative adjectives, possessive pronouns, classification of nouns; all this to stimulate writing and a base of knowledge in the learning of English as a second language

    Buenas Prácticas Docentes Para Profesor De Inglés En El Ámbito Universitario

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    The following investigation's objective was to establish that virtual platforms are considered as didactic support for good teaching practices in English language teaching. The research is quasi-experimental of the transversal type that makes a bibliographic, statistical and descriptive analysis. It considered two groups control and experimental; which were represented by 94 students who entered the first level of the Language Center of the Escuela Superior Politecnica de Chimborazo. The members of each group were evaluated before and after developing the academic activities, through a set of activities established in an evaluation rubric, which were validated by academic experts in the English area. The experimental group used a virtual platform; while the experimental group applied the traditional processes (without virtual platform). Both groups developed the contents of a micro curricular plan with an evaluation rubric. Through the scientific and hypothetical method, the evaluations obtained in a partial and final manner were compared; determining that, the academic performance of the experimental group improved with respect to the traditional one, concluding that the use of the virtual platforms it is a good teaching practice for the teaching of the English language

    Entornos Virtuales 3D Con Juegos De Rol Y Diálogos Para Desarrollar La Comunicación Oral Del Idioma Inglés

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    The present research aims at the application of a conversational English course in 3D virtual environments, to develop oral communication of the language in the students of the sixth level "G" at the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Chimborazo, from March to August of 2014, inasmuch as, little interest in and outside the classroom was detected, which inhibited the learning process. Therefore, the use of listening and speaking skills was proposed, using communicative techniques such as role play and discussion. The development of the research was based on a quasi-experimental and qualitative design, applied type, causal, in situ and bibliographic. The method used was the hypothetical - deductive one that allowed to verify that the oral communication of the English language was developed. It was essential to develop the activities contained in the conversational course, which allowed the collection of information through evaluations with an observation sheet and qualifications scale applied to an experimental group, represented by the sample in two scenarios: before and after applying communicative strategies; the same ones that were tabulated, analyzed, interpreted and compared, these determined that the techniques, role play and dialogue, allowed to develop the oral language skill of the students through the English course

    Manual Didáctico En Braille Para El Aprendizaje De Inglés Básico De Los Estudiantes No Videntes De La Asociación Aprodvich De La Ciudad De Riobamba

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    The objective of the present research is the elaboration and application of a didactic manual with communicative strategies to develop Basic English for students of the Provincial Association of the Visually Impaired of Chimborazo (APRODVICH). The didactic manual seeks to provide techniques and instruments that support the Teaching Learning process of a second language according to the specific needs of the group under study. It becomes a progressive and systematic teaching instrument consisting of six units that include vocabulary activities, basic structures and use of questions that were applied in the classroom with the accompaniment of the teacher. The research has a quasi-experimental, correlational, descriptive, explanatory, applicative, field and bibliographic design. The technique of direct observation was used with the application of checklists and questionnaires reviewed and endorsed by academic peers that allowed the evaluation of the knowledge acquired in students such as spelling, pronunciation and comprehension. The sample was evaluated in two instances—pre and post—and the results were tabulated, analyzed, interpreted and contrasted which determined the progress and significant development in pronunciation, use of the verb structure To-Be and whquestions of the English language in blind students

    Teaching english to visually impaired students in ecuador through l.G.B learning braille book.

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    The following study investigated how visually impaired students are taught English through L.G.B Learning braille book that englobes English as a foreign language content, techniques, and activities teachers use to teach English at Dr. Luis Benavides School. Three English teachers of visually impaired students were interview. Furthermore, an observation guide was used to follow up on the progress of several classes. Content analysis procedures were implemented to encode and reproduce the data acquisition in the interviews. Observation guides deliver the necessary information to understand the teachers' downsides when presenting the contents, techniques, and orally interacting in the second language with the visually impaired students while developing the activities presented in the braille book. Interview data analysis demonstrated topics of concern that include syllabus, social problems, lack of resources, and the constant use of the audio-lingual method as the only technique available for the teachers. Participants used the same materials in the different levels, adding the braille book developed by a previous study, which was difficult to introduce due to teachers' and students' lack of previous capacitation. Students were exposed to several tasks that the braille book presented, but the same antique methods were necessary for teachers to accomplish them. The study presents suggestions for in-service English learning program updates, especially for those who work with students with visual impairments, for the syllabus to be rebuilt, evaluated, and made more effective for students with special needs. Moreover, it includes comments on the teacher's materials and techniques used