743 research outputs found

    Taxonomy and hierarchy of psychological abuse strategies in intimate partner relationships

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    This study focuses on the analysis from of a psychosocial perspective of the components of psychological abuse in intimate partner relationships. Following a review of studies on the subject, the main objective that emerged was the need for a new taxonomy of strategies of psychological abuse accompanied by the corresponding operational definitions. After the proposal of this new classification, a second objective emerged that consisted of submitting it for evaluation by a group of experts through a Delphi study, in which thirty-two experts from the academic and professional worlds participated. These experts were asked to assess the suitability of the system categories, and to grade quantitatively the severity of the impact made by each of the strategies on the global phenomenon of psychological abuse in couples. The results show that the experts ratified the new classification of strategies and their operational definitions, thus endorsing their content and construct validity. In addition, they classified the strategies based on their degree of severity; those of an emotional nature were considered the severest, followed by those related to the immediate context, with those of a cognitive type in third place, and lastly, the behavioural ones. Finally, we discuss the results, and their implications. Este estudio se centra en analizar los componentes del abuso psicológico en la violencia de pareja adulta y contra la mujer desde un enfoque psicosocial. Tras realizar una revisión de los estudios sobre el tema, se plantea como primer objetivo el proponer una nueva taxonomía de estrategias de abuso psicológico, acompañadas de sus respectivas definiciones operativas. A partir de esta nueva clasificación, se traza un segundo objetivo que se centra en someter esta clasificación al juicio de un grupo de expertos a través de un estudio Delphi, en el que han participado 32 expertos de los ámbitos académico - universitario y profesional. Estos expertos debían juzgar la adecuación del sistema de categorías, además de evaluar cuantitativamente la severidad que aporta cada una de las estrategias al fenómeno global del abuso psicológico en la pareja. Los resultados muestran que los expertos ratifican la nueva clasificación de estrategias y sus definiciones operativas, avalando así su validez de contenido y constructo. Además, jerarquizaron las estrategias de abuso, atribuyendo mayor severidad a las de tipo emocional, seguidas de las relacionadas con el contexto cercano, de las de tipo cognitivo y las de carácter conductual. Se discuten los resultados, sus limitaciones y las implicaciones que pueden derivarse de ellos

    Preliminary Results from the Experimental Study of CO2-Brine-Rock Interactions at Elevated T & P: Implications for the Pilot Plant for CO2 Storage in Spain

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    AbstractA new experimental program has been carried out in order to study CO2-brine-rock interactions susceptible to take place in conditions close to those expected in the pilot plant that is being developed in Spain (a carbonate reservoir located at more than 800 m depth, with 15% porosity, and a salinity of the native brine between 20 – 90g/L). The combination of preliminary experimental and numerical modeling (PHREEQC) results suggests that the main geochemical processes are calcite dissolution and anhydrite precipitation

    Development and validation of the scale of psychological abuse in intimate partner violence (EAPA-P)

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    Background: In the context of intimate partner violence, psychological abuse (PA) has progressively gained scientific relevance. Even so, a greater effort is needed to define and evaluate psychological intimate partner abuse. A new exhaustive and operative taxonomy of PA strategies leads to the contribution of a new evaluation instrument. Method: Participants were 101 women between 24 and 82 years old, who were abused by their partners and attended to in different municipal Catalan services, specialized in the topic. Results: The analyses have shown the suitability of a 19-item instrument divided into two factors: (1) direct PA strategies and (2) indirect PA strategies. The former includes strategies that affect the emotional, cognitive and behavioral dimension of the victim. The latter includes items that measure the amount of control and domination over the victim’s context. This scale has adequate psychometric properties in terms of score reliability and the validity of the relationship with other women’s health variables. Conclusions: The EAPA-P, created based on a new definition and taxonomy of the forms of PA, is presented as a valid instrument to detect and measure intimate partner PA

    On the One-Dimensional Modeling of Vertical Upward Bubbly Flow

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    [EN] The one-dimensional two-fluid model approach has been traditionally used in thermal-hydraulics codes for the analysis of transients and accidents in water¿cooled nuclear power plants. This paper investigates the performance of RELAP5/MOD3 predicting vertical upward bubbly flow at low velocity conditions. For bubbly flow and vertical pipes, this code applies the drift- velocity approach, showing important discrepancies with the experiments compared. Then, we use a classical formulation of the drag coefficient approach to evaluate the performance of both approaches. This is based on the critical Weber criteria and includes several assumptions for the calculation of the interfacial area and bubble size that are evaluated in this work. A more accurate drag coefficient approach is proposed and implemented in RELAP5/MOD3. Instead of using the Weber criteria, the bubble size distribution is directly considered. This allows the calculation of the interfacial area directly from the definition of Sauter mean diameter of a distribution. The results show that only the proposed approach was able to predict all the flow characteristics, in particular the bubble size and interfacial area concentration. Finally, the computational results are analyzed and validated with cross-section area average measurements of void fraction, dispersed phase velocity, bubble size, and interfacial area concentration.The authors sincerely thank the Plan Nacional de I+D+i for funding the Projects MODEXFLAT ENE2013-48565-C2-1- P, ENE2013-48565-C2-2-P, and NUC-MULTPHYS ENE2012- 34585.Peña-Monferrer, C.; Gómez-Zarzuela, C.; Chiva, S.; Miró Herrero, R.; Verdú Martín, GJ.; Muñoz-Cobo, JL. (2018). On the One-Dimensional Modeling of Vertical Upward Bubbly Flow. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. 2018:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/2153019S110201

    La evaluación en salud mental: aspectos conceptuales y metodológicos.

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    Se realiza en este trabajo un análisis crítico de aspectos conceptuales y metodológicos relativos al proceso de evaluación en salud mental. Se intenta, para ello, dar respuesta a una serie de interrogantes que se refieren a: las funciones y objetivos de la evaluación, los criterios de «éxito» que se utilizan, los niveles del proceso de gestión en los que se lleva a cabo la evaluación, la metodología precisa para su realización y las instancias a las que van dirigidos los datos que se obtienen con la evaluació

    La evaluación en salud mental: aspectos conceptuales y metodológicos.

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    Se realiza en este trabajo un análisis crítico de aspectos conceptuales y metodológicos relativos al proceso de evaluación en salud mental. Se intenta, para ello, dar respuesta a una serie de interrogantes que se refieren a: las funciones y objetivos de la evaluación, los criterios de «éxito» que se utilizan, los niveles del proceso de gestión en los que se lleva a cabo la evaluación, la metodología precisa para su realización y las instancias a las que van dirigidos los datos que se obtienen con la evaluació

    Ionoluminescence induced by swift heavy ions in silica and quartz: A comparative analysis

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    Ionoluminescence (IL) of the two SiO 2 phases, amorphous silica and crystalline quartz, has been comparatively investigated in this work, in order to learn about the structural defects generated by means of ion irradiation and the role of crystalline order on the damage processes. Irradiations have been performed with Cl at 10 MeV and Br at 15 MeV, corresponding to the electronic stopping regime (i.e., where the electronic stopping power S e is dominant) and well above the amorphization threshold. The light-emission kinetics for the two main emission bands, located at 1.9 eV (652 nm) and 2.7 eV (459 nm), has been measured under the same ion irradiation conditions as a function of fluence for both, silica and quartz. The role of electronic stopping power has been also investigated and discussed within current views for electronic damage. Our experiments provide a rich phenomenological background that should help to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for light emission and defect creationThis work has been supported by Spanish Ministry MICINN through the project MAT-2008-06794-C03-03, JCI-2009-05681, and by Madrid Community through the project TECHNOFUSION (S2009/ENE-1679). OPR is grateful to CONACyT, Mexico, for extending a postdoctoral fellowshi

    6m Span Lintels Tests on a New Wall Pi-brackets Type

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    Reinforced masonry has been subject to research and investigation in Spain for over 20 years now. This paper presents a new contribution within the AllWall System, referred to as the Halfen-Allwall support (Pi-Bracket). This support being regularly spaced every 6m to form a "braced arch" effect and provide reinforced masonry. This line of investigation has been made possible through the industrial development of a new patented invention under the trade name Halfen-AllWall Pi-Brackets in combination with Murfor brickwork reinforcement. This combination provides a new way of supporting external walls at fixed points coinciding with the verticals of the structural supports. The system prevents the loading of slabs which, in addition to providing great economy in construction, inhibits cracking due to structural deformation at the support base of the wall and also allows the continuation of insulation and ventilation throughout the cavity. Three tests of the Pi-Brackets have been made in Germany and other three 6m span walls on the Pi-Brackets, have been tested in Instituto Eduardo Torroja (Madrid). The results of this research opens a new solutions for the enclosure masonry walls, that is wide use in the Spanish building for its economy and easy construction