100 research outputs found

    Análisis de la traducción del sociolecto en un extracto de la novela Criadas y Señoras

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    En el presente trabajo de grado se pretende analizar la traducción a español de un extracto de la novela The Help de Kathryn Stockett para determinar cómo se tradujo el sociolecto de los afroamericanos de Misisipi de principios de los años 60. Se busca determinar si hay equivalencia semántica, estilística y funcional entre el texto de partida (TP) y el texto de llegada (TL). Para lograr dichos objetivos, se llevó a cabo un análisis de los rasgos micro y macrolingüísticos propios del sociolecto de los afroamericanos en el extracto en inglés; posteriormente, se identificaron las equivalencias de dichos rasgos en la traducción del libro a español hecha por Álvaro Abella titulada Criadas y señoras: un acto de valor puede cambiarlo todo, para determinar si el traductor logró mantener la intención de la autora de mostrar los rasgos dialectales propios de este grupo social. A partir del análisis de equivalencias, se pudo ver que el traductor transmitió los elementos dialectales de los personajes afroamericanos en algunos apartados del TL mediante la estrategia de compensación, modificando algunos rasgos lingüísticos para mostrar una variedad dialectal particular. Sin embargo, el uso de dicha estrategia no fue consistente a lo largo de todo el extracto; en algunos diálogos y en la narración de la historia hecha por la criada afroamericana, el traductor mantuvo el uso del español estándar. A partir de este problema, se propusieron algunas sugerencias de traducción para los diferentes rasgos lingüísticos analizados, usando las estrategias que tiene un traductor a disposición en el momento de traducir sociolectos o dialectos en general.This research aims at analyzing the translation into Spanish of an extract taken from The Help, a novel written by Kathryn Stockett in order to determine how the sociolect of Afro-Americans from Mississippi in the early 60’s was translated. Likewise, it aims to determine if there are semantic, stylistic and functional equivalences between the source text (ST) and the target text (TT). In order to achieve these objectives, an analysis of the micro and macrolinguistic features of the Afro-Americans’ sociolect was carried out. Afterwards, the equivalences of these features were identified in Álvaro Abella’s translation of the book into Spanish (Criadas y Señoras), and it was possible to determine if the translator managed to maintain the author's intention to show the dialectal features of this social group. From the equivalence analysis, it was possible to learn that the translator did transmit the dialectal elements used by the African-American characters in some sections of the TT, by using the strategy of compensation whereby he modified some linguistic features to show a particular dialectal variety. However, the use of this strategy was not consistent throughout the whole extract. In some dialogues and in the telling of the story by the African-American maid, the translator maintained the use of standard Spanish. This problem led the researcher to suggest possible translations for the different linguistic features analyzed, using various strategies that a translator can use when translating sociolects or dialects in general.Licenciado (a) en Lenguas ModernasPregrad

    Guía metodológica para el cartografiado de los Servicios de los Ecosistemas en Euskadi. Evaluación de los Servicios de los Ecosistemas en Euskadi

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    134 pLos servicios de los ecosistemas (SE) son los beneficios que aportan los ecosistemas al bienestar de las personas, y se clasifican en tres grupos: servicios de abastecimiento, servicios de regulación y servicios culturales. Estos servicios contribuyen directa o indirectamente a la calidad de vida de la sociedad, ya que el bienestar de las personas y el de las futuras generaciones depende de los ecosistemas y de los servicios que suministran, muchos de los cuales están siendo degradados. El enfoque integrador de los SE constituye un aporte enriquecedor para comprender la necesidad de conservación y mejora del patrimonio natural y facilitar la toma de decisiones relacionadas con la planificación y la gestión integrada y sostenible del territorio. En las últimas décadas, el desarrollo de determinadas actividades humanas como, por ejemplo, la construcción de infraestructuras grises, ha reducido y fragmentado los ecosistemas naturales, disminuyendo el número o la calidad de los servicios que éstos proporcionan. Por ello, es necesario una gestión territorial que tenga en cuenta el impacto que genera el desarrollo y los cambios en los usos del suelo en la provisión de SE.Departamento de Desarrollo Económico, Sostenibilidad y Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Vasco, Departamento de Sostenibilidad y Medio Natural de la Diputación Foral de Bizkai

    Identifying a green infrastructure to prioritise areas for restoration to enhance the landscape connectivity and the provision of ecosystem services

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    Introduction Habitat fragmentation is one of the major causes of the loss of biodiversity that our planet is experiencing. This has affected the ecosystems functioning and, consequently, the provision of ecosystem services (ES). Therefore, the European Commission, in a 2013 communication, established the concept of Green Infrastructure (GI), which is a strategically planned network of multifunctional areas with the aim of protecting biodiversity and ES supply, as well as improving ecological connectivity. Ecological restoration is an essential element to achieve the objectives of the GI, which if well targeted, could reverse widespread ecosystem degradation and improve landscape connectivity. Objective In this study, we propose a methodology to prioritise areas to restore by identifying a GI in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve (UBR), in the north of the Iberian Peninsula, where forest plantations of exotic species abound. Methods In order to identify the elements of the GI (core areas and corridors) we integrated a multispecies approach based on the movement of key species and an ES-based approach based on multifunctionality. Subsequently, to prioritise areas to restore we identified sectors in the GI, where connectivity is particularly vulnerable (pinch points) using the circuit theory. Thus, forest plantations around the pinch points were prioritised for a future restoration plans depending on their aim: (1) Improve corridors of high importance and low quality for the multispecies approach (2) Improve corridors of high importance and low quality for the ES-based approach, and (3) Improve the connectivity of the GI for the species movement. Results The resultant GI included 36% of the UBR surface. We identified 34 pinch points for the corridors of the three especies in the multispecies approach and 64 in the ES-based approach. We prioritised 149 ha of exotic forest plantations around the pinch points to convert into native forest in order to improve the corridors and 167 ha to improve GI connectivity. Conclusion This information could be useful for organizations and institutions carrying out restoration actions for the recovering of native forests in the territory.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported by the Basque Government (Grant numbers: PRE_2022_2_0194 and GIC21/201-IT1648-22) and the University of the Basque Country (PIF20/27). Author U. Ortega has received a doctoral fellowship by the Basque Government (PRE_2022_2_0194). Authors I. Ametzaga and L. Peña have received a research group grant by The Basque Government (GIC21/201-IT1648-22). Finally, Author U. Sertutxa has received a doctoral fellowship by the University of the Basque Country (PIF20/27)

    Identifying Green Infrastructure as a Basis for an Incentive Mechanism at the Municipality Level in Biscay (Basque Country)

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    The contributions of green infrastructure (GI) to human well-being have been widely recognised; however, pathways for its systematic implementation are missing. Local governments can play a crucial role in the conservation of GI, and a formal recognition of this role in budgeting systems would foster the inclusion of GI in their agenda. The aim of this study is to identify the principal components of GI at the local level to form a basis for a compensatory economic scheme. We identified the principal components of GI based on the mapping of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision. Furthermore, we analysed the potentiality of an incentive mechanism to promote GI based on the protection status of GI. Finally, an incentive mechanism to promote GI at the municipality level was proposed. The results showed that the GI of Biscay is mainly composed of the natural forests presented in the area, and that 50% of the principal components of the GI are not protected. Furthermore, one third of the protected principal components of the GI only has protection at the municipality level. So, we propose a Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES)-like scheme at the municipality level based on the cover of natural forests, where the objective is the conservation and promotion of the GI.We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Department of Universities, Research and Education of the Basque Government (code: IT1113-16), the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development and Environmental Education of the University of the Basque Country, and the Department of Environment and Regional Planning of the Basque Government and the Department of Sustainability and Environment of Biscay Provincial Council (Ecosystem Services Assessment of the Basque Country Project)

    Analysing the Synergies and Trade-Offs between Ecosystem Services to Reorient Land Use Planning in Metropolitan Bilbao (Northern Spain)

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    In the last decades, some European cities have undergone important changes in search of a more sustainable development. This is the case for the city of Bilbao (Bizkaia, Basque Country), where a Greenbelt has been maintained surrounding the urban areas allowing the periurban areas to deliver ecosystem services (ES) to society. However, the role of the different ecosystems in the provision of ES is not the same, which can lead to conflicts among them. The aim of this study is to analyze the synergies and trade-offs among the eight most important ES in the Bilbao Metropolitan Greenbelt (BMG) to orient their management strategies towards more multifunctional landscapes. We mapped the ES and overlapped them looking for the most relevant areas for the provision of multiple ES and areas that are mostly lacking ES provision. We identify also existing ES trade-offs and synergies between ES using correlations so that managers can prioritize preservation efforts of land use types in the rest of the area. The results show that provisioning ES had trade-offs with regulating and cultural ES and the latter showed synergies between them. The former are mainly delivered by semi-natural ecosystems, while regulating and cultural ES are delivered mainly by natural ecosystems. Moreover, the most relevant areas for the provision of multiple ES were proposed as potential components of a Green Infrastructure (GI). Their identification and ES bundles could help decision-makers to orient their management strategies towards sustainability in metropolitan areas.We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Departments of Environment and Education of the Basque Government; and from the Department of Environment of the County Council of Biscay

    Revisitando as escuelas normales no chile: uma recuperação da história da formação de professores

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    A drastic economic, political, and cultural transformation experienced in Chile in the mid-1970s. In the field of teacher training for primary schools, since the late 1960s, a change was proposed, transferring this work from the Normal Schools to university training. The military coup of September 11, 1973, accelerated this process. The research about normal schools continued, in a general way, from a historiographic perspective and through the collection of stories. In that search, we found that the concepts of democracy, participation, citizenship, activism, and social justice were present in the formation of normal schools. This article proposes a work of reunion with the history of teacher training carried out in the Normal Schools to, through its review, analyze the new challenges that challenge teaching in Chile today.A mediados de los 70 en Chile se vivió una drástica transformación económica,  política y cultural. En el campo de la formación de docentes para escuelas primarias, desde fines de los 60 se proponía un cambio traspasando esa labor desde las Escuelas Normales a la formación universitaria. Un proceso que se aceleró con el golpe militar del 11 de septiembre de 1973. Desde aquel tiempo que la investigación sobre las escuelas normales ha continuado, de manera general, desde una perspectiva historiográfica y a través de la recopilación de relatos. Ahora, luego de una serie de transformaciones en la formación docente en nuestro país, proponemos avanzar hacia el rescate de las formas, contenidos y valores que se reforzaban en aquellos años. En esa búsqueda, encontramos que los conceptos de democracia, participación, ciudadanía, activismo y justicia social estaban presentes en la formación normalista. Este artículo propone un trabajo de reencuentro con la historia de la formación docente realizada en las Escuelas Normales para, a través de su revisión, analizar los nuevos desafíos que interpelan a la docencia en el Chile de hoy.Chile em meados da década de 1970 viveu uma drástica transformação econômica, política e cultural. No campo da formação de professores para escola básica, desde o final da década de 1960 foi proposta uma mudança, transferindo a formação de professores das Escolas Normais para a universitária. Esse processo que se acelerou com o golpe militar de 11 de setembro de 1973. Desde então, a pesquisa em escolas normais continuou, de maneira geral, a partir de uma perspectiva historiográfica e através da coleta de histórias. Agora, após uma série de transformações na formação de professores em nosso país, propomos avançar no resgate das formas, conteúdos e valores que foram reforçados naqueles anos. Nessa busca, constatamos que os conceitos de democracia, participação, cidadania, ativismo e justiça social estavam presentes na formação normalista. Este artigo propõe um trabalho de reencontro com a história da formação de professores realizada nas Escolas Normais para, através de sua revisão, analisar os novos desafios para o ensino hoje no Chile

    Co-Creation of Knowledge for Ecosystem Services Approach to Spatial Planning in the Basque Country

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    Sustainable development has to be based on scientific knowledge, social agreements, and political decisions. This study aimed to analyse the implementation of the ecosystem services approach (ESA) in the spatial planning of the Basque Country, via the co-creation of knowledge. This paper uses a proposal for a regional green infrastructure (GI) to examine the co-creation of knowledge process. It addresses the community of practice; a process of co-creation of knowledge through workshops and meeting, SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis using an online survey, and mapping and identification of the multifunctional areas that provide ecosystem services (ES) to develop a GI. Results indicate that ESA has been included in spatial planning actions at different scales (biosphere reserve, metropolitan area, and region). This subsequently created an avenue for understanding the political necessities at play, so that scientists can develop useful tools for sustainable development. The findings also draw attention to the importance of establishing a constructive and mutually comprehensible dialogue between politicians, technical experts and scientists. For ES to be part of spatial planning, ESA has to be taken into account at the beginning of the planning process. We conclude that building bridges between science and spatial planning can help establish science-based management guidelines and tools that help enhance the sustainability of the territory.This research was funded by the Department of Environment, Territorial Planning and Housing of the Basque Government, and by the Department of Sustainability and Natural Environment of the County Council of Biscay

    Key Elements of the White-Backed Woodpecker’s (Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi) Habitat in Its European South-Western Limits

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    In the last decade, the population of the white-backed woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi) (WBW) in Navarre has been reduced mainly due to the loss of suitable habitat for this species from intensive forest management, leading almost to its extinction. This study aimed to identify the key structural elements of breeding habitats of the WBW and analyze their effect on the composition of the saproxylic fungi community within the habitats. In the Special Area of Conservation, namely Quinto Real in Navarre, 20 circular plots (500 m2) and 10 transects (150–300 m) were located inside and outside WBW territories. Within each sample plot, forest structure, deadwood, microhabitats, regeneration, and saproxylic fungi community were studied. The results showed that the key elements in the WBW territories were high trees, high diversity of deadwood (with a high presence of big and late-decay deadwood), high snag volume, and high microhabitat diversity. Although the past management is also evident in the variability of some of those characteristics, this species is well adapted to different structural and compositional conditions of the territory. The saproxylic fungi community was richer among the WBW territories, and in those areas, the presence of Fomes fomentarius was high, compared to non-WBW territories where it was not present. In conclusion, to maintain and protect the studied population, it is necessary to implement sustainable management that guarantees the conservation of the key elements for the WBW territories (structural heterogeneity and high deadwood diversity) in order to increase the suitability of the habitat for WBWs.We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Departments of Environment and Education of the Basque Government and from the Department of Environment of the County Council of Biscay

    Gida praktikoa ekosistemen zerbitzuak lurralde- eta hirigintza-plan eta- programen formulazioan integratzeko

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    131 p.Gida honek esparru metodologiko bat eskaintzen du ekosistemen zerbitzuak natura- eta hirigintza-baliabideak antolatzeko lurraldeplanak eta -programak formulatzeko prozesuan sartzea errazteko. Eduki espezializatuak eta metodologia kontrastatuak aurkezten ditu, toki- eta eskualde-administrazioei ekosistemek pertsonen ongizateari eta osasunari egiten dioten ekarpena ulertzen lagunduko dietenak, bai eta lurraldearen plangintzan eta kudeaketan aldaketa bat sustatzen ere, alternatiba iraunkorragoak lehenetsiz