14 research outputs found

    Temporal variation of phytoplankton in two neighbouring Mediterranean shallow lakes in Doñana National Park (Spain)

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    This study was aimed at describing the phytoplankton dynamics and structure of two eutrophic to hypereutrophic Mediterranean shallow lakes (Santa Olalla and Dulce). The two systems are close together and can function as one water body at times of heavy rainfall, but once separated, they evolve differently. The Shannon diversity index was low for both shallow lakes (average values of 1.11 in Santa Olalla and 1.79 in Dulce). The average phytoplankton Chl a concentrations and primary production rates were very high, although slightly higher in Santa Olalla (365.2 mg m-3 and 1.29 g C m-3 h-1, respectively) than in Dulce (230 mg m-3 and 0.88 g C m-3 h-1). Phytoplankton variation in the lakes was related to shifts in the physical and chemical features of lake water as well as hydrological conditions, a finding that is corroborated by the canonical correspondence analysis results, which showed a different pattern of evolution in each system. Eight functional groups were found in Santa Olalla (D, H1, J, K, M, S1, W2 and Y), although the D, W2 and Y groups were only predominant during the first four months of the study. For the rest of the period, the system was particularly dominated by the H1, K and S1 groups. Dulce exhibited a more complex distribution of phytoplankton functional groups over time. Ten functional groups were observed in this system (D, H1, J, K, M, P, S1, S2, W2 and Y). Some characteristics of these systems, such as rapid water volume fluctuations, low light penetration and low concentration of inorganic nutrients, are stressful conditions for phytoplankton, which may account for the low phytoplankton diversity and the equilibrium phases recorded for many months in both wetlands.El presente estudio tiene como objetivo describir la dinámica y estructura del fitoplancton en dos lagunas eutróficas a hipereutróficasMediterráneas (Santa Olalla y Dulce, España). Ambos sistemas están muy próximos y se unen superficialmente en periodos de fuertes lluvias, sin embargo, cuando el nivel desciende, evolucionan de forma separada. El índice de diversidad de Shannon fue bajo para ambos sistemas (valores promedio de 1.11 en Santa Olalla y 1.79 en Dulce). La concentración media de Chl a y las tasas de producción primaria del fitoplancton fueron muy altas, aunque ligeramente superior en Santa Olalla (365.2 mg m-3 y 1.29 g C m-3 h-1, respectivamente) con respecto a Dulce (230 mg m-3 y 0.88 g C m-3 h-1). Las variaciones del fitoplancton están relacionadas con cambios en las características físicas y químicas del agua, así como con las condiciones hidrológicas, lo que es corroborado por el Análisis de Correspondencia Canónica (CCA), que muestra un patrón de evolución diferente en ambos sistemas. En Santa Olalla fueron observados ocho grupos funcionales (D, H1, J, K, M, S1, W2 y Y), si bien los grupos D, W2 y Y sólo predominaron en los primeros cuatro meses de estudio. El resto del tiempo, el sistema estuvo dominado sobre todo por los grupos H1, K y S1. Dulce mostró una distribución más compleja de grupos funcionales a lo largo del tiempo, observándose diez grupos (D, H1, J, K, M, P, S1, S2, W2 y Y). Algunas de las características de ambos sistemas, como la rápida fluctuación en el volumen de agua, la baja penetración de la luz o la escasa concentración de nutrientes inorgánicos, son condiciones de estrés para el fitoplancton, lo que puede explicar su baja diversidad y las fases de equilibrio registradas durante muchos meses en ambos humedales

    Transcriptional Profiles of California Sea Lion Peripheral NK and CD+8 T Cells Reflect Ecological Regionalization and Infection by Oncogenic Viruses

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    The California sea lion is one of the few wild mammals prone to develop cancer, particularly urogenital carcinoma (UGC), whose prevalence is currently estimated at 25% of dead adult sea lions stranded along the California coastline. Genetic factors, viruses and organochlorines have been identified as factors that increase the risk of occurrence of this pathology. Given that no cases of UGC have as yet been reported for the species along its distribution in Mexican waters, the potential relevance of contaminants for the development of urogenital carcinoma is highlighted even more as blubber levels of organochlorines are more than two orders of magnitude lower in the Gulf of California and Mexican Pacific than in California. In vitro studies have shown that organochlorines can modulate anti-viral and tumor-surveillance activities of NK and cytotoxic T-cells of marine mammals, but little is known about the activity of these effectors in live, free-living sea lions. Here, we examine leukocyte transcriptional profiles of free-ranging adult California sea lions for eight genes (Eomes, Granzyme B, Perforin, Ly49, STAT1, Tbx21, GATA3, and FoxP3) selected for their key role in anti-viral and tumor-surveillance, and investigate patterns of transcription that could be indicative of differences in ecological variables and exposure to two oncogenic viruses: sea lion type one gammaherpesvirus (OtHV-1) and sea lion papillomavirus type 1 (ZcPV-1) and systemic inflammation. We observed regional differences in the expression of genes related to Th1 responses and immune modulation, and detected clear patterns of differential regulation of gene expression in sea lions infected by genital papillomavirus compared to those infected by genital gammaherpesvirus or for simultaneous infections, similar to what is known about herpesvirus and papillomavirus infections in humans. Our study is a first approach to profile the transcriptional patterns of key immune effectors of free-ranging California sea lions and their association with ecological regions and oncogenic viruses. The observed results add insight to our understanding of immune competence of marine mammals, and may help elucidate the marked difference in the number of cases of urogenital carcinoma in sea lions from US waters and other areas of their distribution

    03. AURS 2012. Àmbit INVESTIGACIÓ CREUADA I+D+i(1)

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    1er Congrés Internacional AURS 2012, Àmbit Investigació Creuada I+D+i: presentació de Carlos Ferrater i Alberto Peñín. Ponents: Vicenç Sarrablo, Ignacio Paricio i Juan Miguel Hernández León. Fila 0: Fernando Cuesta, Borja Ferrater, Moisés Gallego i Iván Shumkov

    04. AURS 2012. Àmbit INVESTIGACIÓ CREUADA I+D+i(2)

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    1er Congrés Internacional AURS 2012, Àmbit Investigació Creuada I+D+i: presentació de Carlos Ferrater i Alberto Peñin. Ponents: Vicenç Sarrablo, Ignacio Paricio i Juan Miguel Hernández León. Fila 0: Fernando Cuesta, Borja Ferrater, Moisés Gallego, Iván Shumkov

    Design And Multi-Gram Synthesis of UV Filters Based On Natural Products

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    The UV light is a potentially harmful stimulus for living organisms. This is caused by highlyenergetic UV-A wavelengths (320-400nm) that are not filtered by the atmosphere. Absorptionof such photons may induce photochemical reactions that may lead to cancer or death.1Nonetheless, to minimize this problem, it is necessary to design compounds with adequatephotoprotecting mechanisms suitable for human use.2 These UV filters should fulfil a longlist of requirements, including photo-, chemical and thermal stability, an efficient energymechanism, and, recently, a certain degree of biodegradability.Specifically, in this work, we have synthesized a variety of UV filters, which absorb theUV-Vis irradiation in the relevant range. We based our design on the structure of naturalphotoprotective molecules. In addition, we explored their ability to photoprotect differentsurfaces, including human skin. With this purpose, we have studied the photoprotectiveproperties of the different filters, analyzing the photoprotection mechanisms bycomputational methods, and measuring the shape and position of the UV-Vis absorbanceband to select the best structure for the absorption of the UV-A irradiation which is the mostharmful for living organisms.Finally, we have scaled the synthesis of selected compounds to allow for commercialapplication

    New insights in molecular solar thermal systems (most) using o-alkyl phenyl ketonesand derived compounds.

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    Solar energy driven storage compounds have emerged as crucial resources to achievesustainability. They are based in a photochemical transformation, where an organic molecule istransformed in a high-energy photoisomer, which can release the energy in the form of heat whenneeded. Those compounds are known as molecular solar thermal (MOST) systems and can storethe solar energy into the form of chemical bonds upon irradiation. A key feature of these systemsis that energy can be released in a controlled way, either in a quick burst or in a slow ramp ofheat, when suitable catalytic processes are available.The work presented herein is based on the synthesis and study of new MOST systems based ono-alkyl phenyl ketones derivatives. As an example that was previously studied,1 the 2-methylacetophenone can undergo a cyclization process (Figure 1). The derivatization of thismolecule offers a new set of compounds that upon irradiation can also get cyclized. The feasibilityof the cyclization of these compounds and the reversibility of this process has been studied andthis determines whether these derivatives can be used as MOST systems

    Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions

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    After years of experience in computer graphics projects, GIworks workgroup at University of Oviedo came to the conclusion that some multipurpose graphics tools were an absolute necessity to perform rapid development on computer graphics. Such tools should provide basic facilities and should be easily adaptable to the kind of application on development to avoid starting from scratch every time a computer graphics project begins, allowing developers to concentrate on their project specific characteristics

    Analysis of microbial mats metabolism with microsensors after incubation under different light sources

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    Since electrochemical microsensors became commercially available, experimental applications of this advanced technique attracts increasing attention from average limnologists. This work aims at sharing results of analysing metabolism in stratified communities from the Chiprana salt-lake (SE Spain) for three metabolism attributes, which are representative of photosynthesis and respiration. Microbial mats from this lake, the only permanent hypersaline one in Spain, were incubated until stabilization in aquariums under four light sources, i.e. indoor sunlight, a Carrefour 12 W fluorescent tube, and shadowed and unshadowed Osram Decostar 50 W halogen lamps. Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) was measured with a Li-Cor LI-1000 datalogger and flat quantum sensor. Unisense MiniProfiler MP4 microsensors for dissolved oxygen (Clark), pH and redox potential were used to compare the adequacy of light sources for mat growth and development. Three vertical microprofiles per attribute and light treatment were performed (total height about 1 cm, measurement interval 50 µ), in randomly-selected locations throughout microenvironment surface. PAR values (µmol s-1 m-2) were lower under halogen than under fluorescent light (8,33 in shadowed and 15,59 in unshadowed, vs. 17,40 in fluorescent treatment). The highest PAR values were recorded under sunlight (478 µmol s-1 m-2). Absolute maximum mat metabolism was higher under shadowed halogen light (27,24 mg O2 L-1), but average maximum value for the three unshadowed locations was higher. However, dissolved oxygen in the later was most variable across depth among all treatments (coefficient of variation 211-246 %). These results show that light source attributes (intensity and PAR) do not show simple correspondence with metabolism attributes. The highest values of dissolved oxygen were recorded under light sources with the lowest PAR values, but not necessarily with the lowest light intensities. Despite this apparent prevalence of light quality, excessive intensity might explain differences between shadowed and unshadowed halogen treatments

    Sistema modular de ayuda para el autoaprendizaje de sistemas

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    Congreso Internacional de Comunicación, Tecnología y Educación (3º. 2000. Oviedo