324 research outputs found

    An?lisis de los componentes did?cticos del plan de ?rea de matem?ticas de la Instituci?n Educativa La Libertad De Rovira Tolima y su relaci?n con el bajo desempe?o en las pruebas saber de primaria

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    170 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa presente investigaci?n titulada an?lisis de los componentes did?cticos del plan de ?rea de matem?ticas de la Instituci?n Educativa La Libertad de Rovira ? Tolima y su relaci?n con el bajo desempe?o en las pruebas saber en el ?rea de matem?ticas de grado tercero de primaria analiza los planes de ?rea. ?sta se centra en la investigaci?n documental, el cual utiliza como enfoque lo cualitativo para indicar las necesidades que permiten la interpretaci?n y comprensi?n de los componentes a trav?s del plan de ?rea de matem?ticas de la Instituci?n Educativa La Libertad, por eso desde este enfoque se pretende la descripci?n de las cualidades de un fen?meno, abarcando una parte de la realidad para mejorar el desempe?o de los estudiantes de tercero de primaria en las pruebas saber de ah? que el an?lisis del plan de ?rea de matem?ticas abarca el grado primero hasta grado tercero de primaria, de tal manera que los estudiantes de grado tercero puedan mejorar los procesos de desempe?o en las pruebas saber. En ese sentido La investigaci?n a nivel metodol?gicamente se desarroll? a partir de tres momentos en los que se seleccionaron unos documentos que deben ser tenidos en cuenta en el dise?o de planes de ?rea para la estructuraci?n del curr?culo institucional, se procedi? a hacer una revisi?n exhaustiva al campo intelectual de la educaci?n y por ?ltimo se direccion? el an?lisis en torno a unas preguntas que se desprenden de los componentes did?cticos y para ello se emple? el m?todo anal?tico inductivo y el estudio de caso. Palabras clave: componentes did?cticos, desempe?o acad?mico y procesos de ense?anza-aprendizaje.The present qualified investigation analysis of the didactic components of the plan of area of mathematics of the Educational Institution The Freedom of Rovira - Tolima and his relation with the low performance in the tests to know in the area of mathematics of third degree of primary is based on the standards curriculares by means of which the institutions design the plans of area. This one centres on the documentary investigation, who uses as approach the qualitative thing to indicate the needs that allow the interpretation and comprehension of the components across the plan of area of mathematics of the Educational Institution The Freedom, because of it from this approach claims the description of the qualities of a phenomenon, including a part of the reality to improve the performance of the students of third party of primary in the tests to know of there that the analysis of the plan of area of mathematics includes the first degree up to third degree of primary, in such a way that the students of third degree could improve the processes of performance in the tests know. In this sense The investigation developed from three moments in which there were selected a few documents that they must be born in mind in the design of plans of area for the structure of the institutional curriculum, one proceeded to do an exhaustive review to the intellectual field of the education and finally direccion? the analysis concerning a few questions that part with the didactic components and for it there was used the analytical inductive method and the study of case. Keywords: Didactic components, academic performance and processes of education - learning

    La asamblea como t?cnica para el desarrollo de la oralidad en los estudiantes del grado tercero de primaria de la institutci?n educativa Leonardo Posada Pedraza.

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    102 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa investigaci?n cualitativa ?La asamblea como espacio did?ctico en el desarrollo de la oralidad?, est? inscrito en el proyecto Redescubrir la Escuela del programa de Lengua Castellana, tiene como prop?sito conocer las problem?ticas existentes al interior de las aulas de clase para implementar estrategias y t?cnicas de trabajo grupal que faciliten la reflexi?n-acci?n, para superar obst?culos interacci?nales en el entorno escolar y social. En este se describe y presenta el proceso aplicando el m?todo acci?n-participaci?n, mediante la observaci?n y recolecci?n de datos, realizado en la instituci?n educativa Colegio Leonardo Posada Pedraza grado tercero de primaria con 44 estudiantes entre 7 a 10 a?os de edad. Como es sabido los estudiantes al llegar a la escuela cuentan con una amplia experiencia de habla espont?nea e informal, pero estas no se evidencian en los usos formales m?s complejos, por esta raz?n, ellos requieren practicarlos de tal manera que se desenvuelvan pertinentemente en contextos reglados con el fin de mejor las capacidades verbales. El desarrollo adecuado de la oralidad, implica habla y silencio oportuno, establecer a qui?n dirigirse, c?mo hablar a personas con diferentes roles, cu?les son los comportamientos dentro de contextos y rutinas, mejorando as? las habilidades comunicativas. Para ello se mediatiza con la Asamblea, como t?cnica de discusi?n grupal, que pone al estudiante en situaci?n de habla formal. Demostrado que esta secuencia did?ctica puede desarrollase en cualquier nivel y situaci?n escolar, por su car?cter flexible, pues no pretende secuenciar la oralidad, sino establecer una gu?a de apoyo para que el estudiante potencie sus capacidades comunicativas.Qualitative research ?The assembly as educational didactic in the development of orality? he is enrolled in school rediscover project spanish language program, It aims to meet existing problems into classrooms to implement strategies and work techniques group to facilitate reflection and action, interactional overcoming obstacles in the school environment and social. This describes and presents the process applying the method action ? participation, through observation and data collection, at school Leonardo Posada Pedraza third grade forty- four students seven to eleven years old. As we know students to get to school have extensive experience spontaneous and informal talks, but these are not apparent in applications formal complex, for this reason, they require practicing such that unfold pertinently in situations regulated in order better verbal abilities. The proper development of orality, involves speaking and timely silence, establish where to turn, how to talk to people with different roles, which behaviors are within contexts and routines, improving communication skills. For it is mediated by the assembly, as a technique of group discussion, placing the student - formal speech. Demonstrated that this sequence didactic can develop at any level and school situation, its flexible nature, it is not intended sequence orality, but to establish a guide support for the student enhances their communication skills. Keywords: intervention, participatory action research, education, pedagogy, assembly, communicative competence, orality

    Calorons and BPS monopoles with non-trivial holonomy in the confinement phase of SU(2) gluodynamics

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    With the help of the cooling method applied to SU(2) lattice gauge theory at non-zero T≤TcT \le T_c we present numerical evidence for the existence of superpositions of Kraan-van Baal caloron (or BPS monopole pair) solutions with non-trivial holonomy, which might constitute an important contribution to the semi-classical approximation of the partition function.Comment: 3 pages, 6 figures, contribution to Lattice2002(topology

    Volumetric study of the maxillary sinus in patients with sinus pathology

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is 1) to obtain the area and volumes of the maxillary sinuses in patients affected by clinically unilateral sinus pathology by comparing the results to the contralateral sinus and 2) to determine the importance of the volumetric measures when diagnosing the percentage of sinus obliteration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A single-centre observational retrospective clinical study was conducted in 214 patients with clinically unilateral sinus pathologies. Linear (mm), area (mm2) and volume (mm3) measurements were taken from Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) images of the affected sinus as well as from the contralateral ones. Histopathological study was performed using haematoxylin/eosin and PAS or Groccot stains. The lesions were classified into non-specific sinusitis, polyps, inverted papilloma, fungal sinusitis, cysts, mucocele and other lesions. Chi-squared test, ANOVA for independent samples and Pearson test were used for the statistical analysis. RESULTS: A total of 100 sinuses were measured in 50 patients (28 men and 22 women, with an age of 43.6 years (SD = 18.3), 50 pathological and 50 healthy contralateral sinuses. The three-dimensional occupation volume of the affected sinuses was 97.1 mm3 (62.5%) vs. 40.6 mm3 (22.8%) in the healthy ones (p<0.0001). The medial-lateral width of the sinus in the frontal plane was significantly higher in the cysts group (32.4 mm, CI: 23-41.8 mm). CONCLUSION: In medical terms, the global percentage of occupation determined using the classic manual determination method does not differ from the three-dimensional percentage calculated using specific complex software

    Impacto de la jornada ?nica escolar en la instituci?n educativa la reforma de Rovira Tolima

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    60 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa jornada ?nica nace como una estrategia del plan nacional de desarrollo 2014-2018 que tiene como objetivo garantizar un mejor futuro para el pa?s. En Colombia son muy pocas las investigaciones que han estudiado los resultados de esta pol?tica educativa. A trav?s de la presente investigaci?n se realiz? un estudio en el que se determinaron dos variables (social y acad?mica) para evaluar el impacto de la jornada ?nica en los niveles de b?sica y media de la sede central de la Instituci?n Educativa La Reforma de Rovira Tolima, luego de un a?o de su implementaci?n. Para esto se analizaron y contrastaron los beneficios y dificultades que ha generado la implementaci?n de la Jornada ?nica en este plantel educativo, as? como la inversi?n que el estado ha suministrado en la ejecuci?n de la misma y la visi?n que tiene la comunidad educativa sobre la extensi?n del horario escolar en esta instituci?n. Palabras claves: Jornada ?nica, Impacto, Estrategia, Horario escolarSingle-shift school system is born like a 2014-2018 National Development Plan strategy that aims to guarantee a better future for the nation. In Colombia, very few researches have studied the results of this educational policy. Through the present investigation a study was carried out in which two variables (academic and social) were determined to evaluate the Single School Day impact in grades 6th to 11th from La Reforma School headquarters in Rovira Tolima after a year of its implementation. For this, benefits and difficulties generated by the single-shift school implementation in this educational establishment were analyzed and contrasted, as well as the investment that state has provided in its execution and vision that community has about the school schedule extension. Keywords: Single School Day, Impact, Strategy, School schedul

    Costing a Maternity Leave Cash Transfer to Support Breastfeeding Among Informally Employed Mexican Women

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    Background: Investing in maternity protection for working women is an important social equity mechanism. Addressing the maternity leave needs of women employed in the informal sector economy should be a priority as more than half of women in Latin America, South Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa are employed in this sector. Objective: To develop a costing methodology framework to assess the financial feasibility, at the national level, of implementing a maternity cash transfer for informally employed women. Methods: A World Bank costing methodology was adapted for estimating the financial need to establish a maternity cash transfer benefit. The methodology estimates the cash transfer’s unitary cost, the incremental coverage of the policy in terms of time, the weighted population to be covered, and the administrative costs. The 6-step methodology uses employment and sociodemographic data that are available in many countries through employment and demographic surveys and the population census. The methodology was tested with data for Mexico assuming different cash transfer unitary costs and the benefit’s time coverage. Results: The methodological framework estimated that the annual financial needs of setting up a maternity cash transfer for informally working women in Mexico ranges between US87millionandUS87 million and US280 million. Conclusions: A pragmatic methodology for assessing the costs of maternity cash transfer for informally employed women was developed. In the case of Mexico, the maternity cash transfer for women in the informal sector is financially feasible

    Clinicopathological features of 214 maxillary sinus pathologies. A ten-year single-centre retrospective clinical study

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    BACKGROUND: Diagnosis of maxillary sinus pathology must include the clinical radiological study (CRS) and histopathological analysis. The aim of this study is 1) to describe the clinicopathological features of maxillary sinus lesions, obtained successively in a single medical centre over the last 10 years and 2) to determine the sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of malignant lesions based exclusively on the CRS. METHODS: It is a single-centre observational retrospective clinical study on patients who attended the University Hospital Complex of Santiago de Compostela (CHUS) with sinus pathologies during the period of 2009-2019. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 133 men (62.1%) and 81 women (37.9%), with an average age of 46.9 years (SD = 18.8). In terms of frequency, the most frequent pathology was the unspecified sinusitis (44.4%), followed by polyps (18.2%), malignant tumours (9.8%), inverting papilloma (7.5%), fungal sinusitis (4.7%), cysts (3.7%), benign tumours (2.3%), mucocele (2.3%) and other lesions (1.9%). Cysts and benign tumours were diagnosed earliest Vs malignant tumours (65.2 years (SD = 16.1)) were diagnosed the latest (p < 0.001). Based only on the CRS for malignancies, diagnostic indexes were 71.4% sensitivity and 97.9% specificity, with a Kappa value of 0.68 with (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Maxillary sinus pathology is very varied with therapeutic and prognostic repercussions. CRS is sometimes insufficient and histopathological confirmation is essential

    El Nin˜o Impact on Mollusk Biomineralization: Implications for Trace Element Proxy Reconstructions and the Paleo-Archeological Record

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    Marine macroinvertebrates are ideal sentinel organisms to monitor rapid environmental changes associated with climatic phenomena. These organisms build up protective exoskeletons incrementally by biologically-controlled mineralization, which is deeply rooted in long-term evolutionary processes. Recent studies relating potential rapid environmental fluctuations to climate change, such as ocean acidification, suggest modifications on carbonate biominerals of marine invertebrates. However, the influence of known, and recurrent, climatic events on these biological processes during active mineralization is still insufficiently understood. Analysis of Peruvian cockles from the 1982–83 large magnitude El Nin˜o event shows significant alterations of the chemico-structure of carbonate biominerals. Here, we show that bivalves modify the main biomineralization mechanism during the event to continue shell secretion. As a result, magnesium content increases to stabilize amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC), inducing a rise in Mg/Ca unrelated to the associated increase in sea-surface temperature. Analysis of variations in Sr/Ca also suggests that this proxy should not be used in these bivalves to detect the temperature anomaly, while Ba/Ca peaks are recorded in shells in response to an increase in productivity, or dissolved barium in seawater, after the event. Presented data contribute to a better understanding of the effects of abrupt climate change on shell biomineralization, while also offering an alternative view of bivalve elemental proxy reconstructions.Furthermore, biomineralization changes in mollusk shells can be used as a novel potential proxy to provide a more nuanced historical record of El Nin˜o and similar rapid environmental change events

    Pollination: A key event controlling the expression of genes related to phytohormone biosynthesis during grapevine berry formation

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    Berry formation is the process of ovary conversion into a functional fruit, and is characterized by abrupt changes in the content of several phytohormones, associated with pollination and fertilization. Much effort has been made in order to improve our understanding of berry development, particularly from veraison to post-harvest time. However, the period of berry formation has been poorly investigated, despite its importance. Phytohormones are involved in the control of fruit formation; hence it is important to understand the regulation of their content at this stage. Grapevine is an excellent fleshy-fruit plant model since its fruits have particularities that differentiate them from those of commonly studied organisms. For instance, berries are prepared to cope with stress by producing several antioxidants and they are non-climacteric fruits. Also its genome is fully sequenced, which allows to identify genes involved in developmental processes. In grapevine, no link has been established between pollination and phytohormone biosynthesis, until recently. Here we highlight relevant findings regarding pollination effect on gene expression related to phytohormone biosynthesis, and present results showing how quickly this effect is achieved
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