151 research outputs found

    Relationship between milk urea, blood plasma urea and body condition score in primiparous browsing goats with different milk yield level

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    Abstract. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships among milk urea, blood plasma urea, milk yield and body condition score (BCS) in primiparous goats fed at pasture. Ninety goats of Sarda breed were used and, on the basis of their yield level, divided in three groups of 30 animals each, low (LY), intermediate (IY) and high milk yield (HY). Daily milk yield, milk protein content, milk urea, plasma total protein and albumin, plasma urea and BCS were measured at monthly intervals from 45 days in milking (45 DIM) to 165 DIM. Milk yield level affected protein concentration of milk and plasma, whereas albumin showed no variation. Plasma and milk urea showed a high correlation (P<0.001) despite of the yield level; plasma urea was always lower than milk urea. BCS decreased on 75 DIM and again after 135 DIM, and it was not affected by the milk yield level. Because milk urea and plasma urea were closely correlated and not influenced by the yield level, the study pointed out that measurement of milk urea could be utilized to evaluate urea metabolism also for browsing goats

    Breed of goat affects the prediction accuracy of milk coagulation properties using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy

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    The prediction of traditional goat milk coagulation properties (MCP) and curd firmness over time (CFt) parameters via Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy can be of significant economic interest to the dairy industry and can contribute to the breeding objectives for the genetic improvement of dairy goat breeds. Therefore, the aims of this study were to (1) explore the variability of milk FTIR spectra from 4 goat breeds (Camosciata delle Alpi, Murciano-Granadina, Maltese, and Sarda), and to assess the possible discriminant power of milk FTIR spectra among breeds, (2) assess the viability to predict coagulation traits by using milk FTIR spectra, and (3) quantify the effect of the breed on the prediction accuracy of MCP and CFt parameters. In total, 611 individual goat milk samples were used. Analysis of variance of measured MCP and CFt parameters was carried out using a mixed model including the farm and pendulum as random factors, and breed, parity, and days in milk as fixed factors. Milk spectra for each goat were collected over the spectral range from wavenumber 5,011 to 925 × cm−1. Discriminant analysis of principal components was used to assess the ability of FTIR spectra to identify breed of origin. A Bayesian model was used to calibrate equations for each coagulation trait. The accuracy of the model and the prediction equation was assessed by cross-validation (CRV; 80% training and 20% testing set) and stratified CRV (SCV; 3 breeds in the training set, one breed in the testing set) procedures. Prediction accuracy was assessed by using coefficient of determination of validation (R2VAL), the root mean square error of validation (RMSEVAL), and the ratio performance deviation. Moreover, measured and FTIR predicted traits were compared in the SCV procedure by assessing their least squares means for the breed effect, Pearson correlations, and variance heteroscedasticity. Results showed the feasibility of using FTIR spectra and multivariate analyses to correctly assign milk samples to their breeds of origin. The R2VAL values obtained with the CRV procedure were moderate to high for the majority of coagulation traits, with RMSEVAL and ratio performance deviation values increasing as the coagulation process progresses from rennet addition. Prediction accuracy obtained with the SCV were strongly influenced by the breed, presenting general low values restricting a practical application. In addition, the low Pearson correlation coefficients of Sarda breed for all the traits analyzed, and the heteroscedastic variances of Camosciata delle Alpi, Murciano-Granadina, and Maltese breeds, further indicated that it is fundamental to consider the differences existing among breeds for the prediction of milk coagulation traits

    Characterization of milk composition, coagulation properties, and cheese-making ability of goats reared in extensive farms

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    The aims of this study were to explore the variability of milk composition, coagulation properties, and cheese-making traits of the Sarda goat breed, and to investigate the effects of animal and farm factors, and the geographic area (Central-East vs. South-West) of an insular region of Italy, Sardinia. A total of 570 Sarda goats reared in 21 farms were milk-sampled during morning milking. Individual milk samples were analyzed for composition, traditional milk coagulation properties (MCP), modeled curd-firming over time parameters (CFt), and cheese-making traits (cheese yield, %CY; recovery of nutrients, %REC; daily cheese yield, dCY). Farms were classified into 2 categories based on milk energy level (MEL; high or low), defined according to the average net energy of milk daily produced by the lactating goats. Milk yield and composition were analyzed using a mixed model including the fixed effects of MEL, geographic area, days in milk, and parity, and the random effect of farm within MEL and geographic area. Data about MCP, CFt, and the cheese-making process were analyzed using the same model, with the inclusion of the effects of animal and pendulum of the lactodynamograph instrument, allowing the measure of repeatability of these traits. Results showed that animal had greater influence on coagulation and cheese-making traits compared with farm effect. Days in milk influenced milk composition, whose changes partly reflected the modifications of %CY traits. Moreover, large differences were observed between primiparous and multiparous goats: primiparous goats produced less milk of better quality (higher fat, lower somatic cell and bacterial counts) and less cheese, but with higher recovery of fat and protein in the curd, compared with multiparous goats. The repeatability was very high, for both coagulation (84.0 to 98.8%) and cheese-making traits (89.7 to 99.9%). The effect of MEL was significant for daily productions of milk and cheese, coagulation time, and recovery of protein in the curd, which were better in high-MEL farms. As regards geographic area, milk composition and percentage cheese yield were superior in the Central-East area, whereas daily milk and cheese production and MCP were better in the South-West. This result was explainable by the phenomenon of crossbreeding Sarda goats with Maltese bucks, which occurred with greater intensity in the South-West than in the Central-East area of the island. The results provided by this study could be of great interest for the goat dairy sector. Indeed, the methods described in the present study could be applicable for other farming methods, goat breeds, and geographic areas. The collection of a wide range of phenotypes at individual animal level is fundamental for the characterization of local populations and can be used to guarantee breed conservation and the persistence of traditional farming systems, and to increase farmers' profit

    Evolution of satellite DNA sequences in two tribes of Bovidae: a cautionary tale

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    Two clones, Bt1 from Bos taurus and Om1 from Ovis orientalis musimon, were used as probes for hybridization on genomic DNA and on metaphase chromosomes in members of Bovini and Caprini tribes. Bt1 and Om1 are sequences respectively belonging to the 1.715 and 1.714 DNA satellite I families. Southern blots and fluorescence in situ hybridization experiments showed completely coherent results: the Bovini probe Bt1 hybridized only to members of the Bovini tribe and not to members of Caprini. Likewise, the Caprini probe Om1 hybridized only to members of the Caprini tribe and not to members of Bovini. Hybridization signals were detected in the heterochromatic regions of every acrocentric autosome, except for two pairs of autosomes from Capra hircus that did not show hybridization to probe Om1. No signal was detected on X and Y chromosomes or on bi-armed autosomes. Remarkably, probe Om1 showed almost 100% homology with a bacterial sequence reported in Helicobacter pylor

    Prediction accuracies of cheese-making traits using Fourier-transform infrared spectra in goat milk

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    The objectives of this study were to explore the use of Fourier-transform infrared (FITR) spectroscopy on 458 goat milk samples for predicting cheese-making traits, and to test the effect of the farm variability on their prediction accuracy. Calibration equations were developed using a Bayesian approach with three different scenarios: i) a random cross-validation (CV) [80% calibration (CAL); 20% validation (VAL) set], ii) a stratified CV [(SCV), 13 farms used as CAL, and the remaining one as VAL set], and iii) a SCV where 20% of the goats randomly selected from the VAL farm were included in the CAL set (SCV80). The best prediction performance was obtained for cheese yield solids, justifying for its practical application at population level. Overall results were similar to or outperformed those reported for bovine milk. Our results suggest considering specific procedures for calibration development to propose reliable tools applicable along the dairy goat chain

    Predictive formulas for different measures of cheese yield using milk composition from individual goat samples

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    The objective of this study was to develop formulas based on milk composition of individual goat samples for predicting cheese yield (%CY) traits (fresh curd, milk solids, and water retained in the curd). The specific aims were to assess and quantify (1) the contribution of major milk components (fat, protein, and casein) and udder health indicators (lactose, somatic cell count, pH, and bacterial count) on %CY traits (fresh curd, milk solids, and water retained in the curd); (2) the cheese-making method; and (3) goat breed effects on prediction accuracy of the %CY formulas. The %CY traits were analyzed in duplicate from 600 goats, using an individual laboratory cheese-making procedure (9-MilCA method; 9 mL of milk per observation) for a total of 1,200 observations. Goats were reared in 36 herds and belonged to 6 breeds (Saanen, Murciano-Granadina, Camosciata delle Alpi, Maltese, Sarda, and Sarda Primitiva). Fresh %CY (%CYCURD), total solids (%CYSOLIDS), and water retained (%CYWATER) in the curd were used as response variables. Single and multiple linear regression models were tested via different combinations of standard milk components (fat, protein, casein) and indirect udder health indicators (UHI; lactose, somatic cell count, pH, and bacterial count). The 2 %CY observations within animal were averaged, and a cross-validation (CrV) scheme was adopted, in which 80% of observations were randomly assigned to the calibration (CAL) set and 20% to the validation (VAL) set. The procedure was repeated 10 times to account for sampling variability. Further, the model presenting the best prediction accuracy in CrV (i.e., comprehensive formula) was used in a secondary analysis to assess the accuracy of the %CY predictive formulas as part of the laboratory cheese-making procedure (within-animal validation, WAV), in which the first %CY observation within animal was assigned to CAL, and the second to the VAL set. Finally, a stratified CrV (SCrV) was adopted to assess the %CY traits prediction accuracy across goat breeds, again using the best model, in which 5 breeds were included in CAL and the remaining one in the VAL set. Fitting statistics of the formulas were assessed by coefficient of determination of validation (R2VAL) and the root mean square error of validation (RMSEVAL). In CrV, the formula with the best prediction accuracy for all %CY traits included fat, casein, and UHI (R2VAL = 0.65, 0.96, and 0.23 for %CYCURD, %CYSOLIDS, and %CYWATER, respectively). The WAV procedure showed R2VAL higher than those obtained in CrV, evidencing a low effect of the 9-MilCA method and, indirectly, its high repeatability. In the SCrV, large differences for %CYCURD and %CYWATER among breeds evidenced that the breed is a fundamental factor to consider in %CY predictive formulas. These results may be useful to monitor milk composition and quantify the influence of milk traits in the composite selection indices of specific breeds, and for the direct genetic improvement of cheese production

    Goat farm variability affects milk Fourier-transform infrared spectra used for predicting coagulation properties

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    Driven by the large amount of goat milk destined for cheese production, and to pioneer the goat cheese industry, the objective of this study was to assess the effect of farm in predicting goat milk-coagulation and curd-firmness traits via Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Spectra from 452 Sarda goats belonging to 14 farms in central and southeast Sardinia (Italy) were collected. A Bayesian linear regression model was used, estimating all spectral wavelengths' effects simultaneously. Three traditional milk-coagulation properties [rennet coagulation time (min), time to curd firmness of 20 mm (min), and curd firmness 30 min after rennet addition (mm)] and 3 curd-firmness measures modeled over time [rennet coagulation time estimated according to curd firmness change over time (RCTeq), instant curd-firming rate constant, and asymptotical curd firmness] were considered. A stratified cross validation (SCV) was assigned, evaluating each farm separately (validation set; VAL) and keeping the remaining farms to train (calibration set) the statistical model. Moreover, a SCV, where 20% of the goats randomly taken (10 replicates per farm) from the VAL farm entered the calibration set, was also considered (SCV80). To assess model performance, coefficient of determination (R2VAL) and the root mean squared error of validation were recorded. The R2VAL varied between 0.14 and 0.45 (instant curd-firming rate constant and RCTeq, respectively), albeit the standard deviation was approximating half of the mean for all the traits. Although average results of the 2 SCV procedures were similar, in SCV80, the maximum R2VAL increased at about 15% across traits, with the highest observed for time to curd firmness of 20 mm (20%) and the lowest for RCTeq (6%). Further investigation evidenced important variability among farms, with R2VAL for some of them being close to 0. Our work outlined the importance of considering the effect of farm when developing Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy prediction equations for coagulation and curd-firmness traits in goats

    Prognostic role of KRAS mutations in Sardinian patients with colorectal carcinoma

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    The presence of mutations in the KRAS gene is a predictor of a poor clinical response to EGFR-targeted agents in patients affected by colorectal cancer (CRC), but its significance as a global prognostic factor remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of the KRAS mutational status on time to first metastasis (TTM) and overall survival (OS) in a cohort of Sardinian CRC patients. A total of 551 patients with metastatic CRC at the time of enrolment were included. Clinical and pathological features of the disease, including follow-up information, were obtained from medical records and cancer registry data. For mutational analysis formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue samples were processed using a standard protocol. The coding sequence and splice junctions of exons 2 and 3 of the KRAS gene were screened for mutations by direct automated sequencing. Overall, 186 KRAS mutations were detected in 183/551 (33%) patients: 125 (67%) were located in codon 12, 36 (19%) in codon 13, and 18 (10%) in codon 61. The remaining mutations (7; 4%) were detected in uncommonly-affected codons. No significant correlation between KRAS mutations and gender, age, anatomical location and stage of the disease at the time of diagnosis was identified. Furthermore, no prognostic value of KRAS mutations was found considering either TTM or OS. When patients were stratified by KRAS mutational status and gender, males were significantly associated with a longer TTM. The results of the present study indicate that KRAS mutation correlated with a slower metastatic progression in males with CRC from Sardinia, irrespective of the age at diagnosis and the codon of the mutatio

    An investigation on allele frequency at the CSN1S2 locus and its relationship with milk parameters in the Sarda goat.

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    The aim of the study was to assess allele frequencies at the CSN1S2 locus in the Sarda goat and the effects of the genotype on milk composition. Two hundred twenty Sarda goats from 20 farms were selected. Individual blood and milk samples were collected during the middle of lactation and daily milk yield was registered. Fat, protein and lactose percentage, freezing point, pH, somatic cell count and total mesophilic count were measured. DNA was analysed with different methods based on PCR. Allele frequencies, the Hardy Weinberg (HW) equilibrium and the correlations between milk yield and composition and the genotypes were calculated. F (0.400) and A (0.330) alleles showed the highest frequency. D and 0 alleles were not found. Genotype frequencies were the following: AA, 0.136; AB, 0.009; AC, 0.082; AE, 0.032; AF, 0.264; CC, 0.023; CE, 0.023; CF, 0.250; EF, 0.077; FF, 0.105. The population was in HW disequilibrium. No link between the genotypes and milk yield, chemical, physical and cytological parameters was found

    Goat farm variability affects milk Fourier-transform infrared spectra used for predicting coagulation properties

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    Peer-ReviewedDriven by the large amount of goat milk destined for cheese production, and to pioneer the goat cheese industry, the objective of this study was to assess the effect of farm in predicting goat milk-coagulation and curd-firmness traits via Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Spectra from 452 Sarda goats belonging to 14 farms in central and southeast Sardinia (Italy) were collected. A Bayesian linear regression model was used, estimating all spectral wavelengths' effects simultaneously. Three traditional milk-coagulation properties [rennet coagulation time (min), time to curd firmness of 20 mm (min), and curd firmness 30 min after rennet addition (mm)] and 3 curd-firmness measures modeled over time [rennet coagulation time estimated according to curd firmness change over time (RCTeq), instant curd-firming rate constant, and asymptotical curd firmness] were considered. A stratified cross validation (SCV) was assigned, evaluating each farm separately (validation set; VAL) and keeping the remaining farms to train (calibration set) the statistical model. Moreover, a SCV, where 20% of the goats randomly taken (10 replicates per farm) from the VAL farm entered the calibration set, was also considered (SCV80). To assess model performance, coefficient of determination (R2VAL) and the root mean squared error of validation were recorded. The R2VAL varied between 0.14 and 0.45 (instant curd-firming rate constant and RCTeq, respectively), albeit the standard deviation was approximating half of the mean for all the traits. Although average results of the 2 SCV procedures were similar, in SCV80, the maximum R2VAL increased at about 15% across traits, with the highest observed for time to curd firmness of 20 mm (20%) and the lowest for RCTeq (6%). Further investigation evidenced important variability among farms, with R2VAL for some of them being close to 0. Our work outlined the importance of considering the effect of farm when developing Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy prediction equations for coagulation and curd-firmness traits in goats.Università degli Studi di Sassar
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