1,564 research outputs found

    Progress in Flaps Down Flight Reynolds Number Testing Techniques at the NTF

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    A series of NASA/Boeing cooperative low speed wind tunnel tests was conducted in the National Transonic Facility (NTF) between 2003 and 2004 using a semi-span high lift model representative of the 777-200 aircraft. The objective of this work was to develop the capability to acquire high quality, low speed (flaps down) wind tunnel data at up to flight Reynolds numbers in a facility originally optimized for high speed full span models. In the course of testing, a number of facility and procedural improvements were identified and implemented. The impact of these improvements on key testing metrics data quality, productivity, and so forth - was significant, and is discussed here, together with the relevance of these metrics as applied to cryogenic wind tunnel testing in general. Details of the improvements at the NTF are discussed in AIAA-2006-0508 (Recent Improvements in Semi-span Testing at the National Transonic Facility). The development work at the NTF culminated with validation testing of a 787-8 semi-span model at full flight Reynolds number in the first quarter of 2006

    Design and Verification of a Clock System for Orbital Radio Interferometry

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    Radio interferometry using multiple small satellites will enable measurements with high angular resolution for remote sensing and astronomy. The NASA sponsored Auroral Emissions Radio Explorer (AERO) and Vector Interferometry Space Technology using AERO (VISTA) CubeSats will demonstrate orbital interferometry from 0.1 MHz to 15 MHz, frequencies which are largely blocked by the ionosphere. We report on the design and testing of a clock system for radio interferometry between these orbital receivers. We discuss the clock system design up to PCB fabrication, including requirements flow and major hardware trades. The performance of the timing components has been verified using a phase noise test set with a high-quality benchtop crystal. While these results are presented for the AERO-VISTA mission payload, they are more generally applicable to any orbital interferometry platform with multiple satellites

    Derivation of an analytical expression for the power coupling coefficient for offset launch into multimode fiber

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    The demand for higher bandwidth in local area networks (LANs) has fuelled considerable research in techniques for mitigating modal dispersion in multimode fiber (MMF).These techniques include selective mode excitation, offset launching, angular multiplexing and electronic dispersion compensation, all of which strive to optimize the channel impulse response of a MMF.To obtain the optimal bandwidth-enhancement results from these techniques, knowledge of the distribution of power coupling coefficients given an arbitrary offset launch in a MMF is important.In this paper, an analytical expression for the power coupling coefficient for an incident Gaussian beam launched with a radial offset into a MMF having an infinite parabolic refractive index profile is derived.This expression is useful in understanding the parameters which may affect the power coupling coefficient and how they may enhance the MMF bandwidth. The power coupling coefficients obtained from the derived analytical expression are compared with numerical results and are in excellent agreement.The analytical expression may be extended to manufactured MMF

    Design and Performance of the AERO-VISTA Magnetometer

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    We describe the design and performance of the magnetometer instrument for the CubeSat mission AERO-VISTA. AERO-VISTA requires in-situ vector magnetic measurements with magnetic precision and repeatability better than 100 nT at a minimum rate of 10 Hz. Our magnetometer system uses the three-axis Honeywell HMC1053 anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensor. As built, our instrument exhibits intrinsic magnetic noise better than 10 nTrms from 0.1 to 10 Hz, though self-interference effects degrade performance to about 50 nT to 200 nT uncertainty. The analog and mixed signal portion of each magnetometer occupies about 8 square centimeters of circuit board space and draws about 100 mW. We describe the selection of major components, detail the schematic design of the analog electronics, and derive a noise budget from datasheet component specifications. The theoretical noise budget matches experimental results to better than 20%. We also describe the digital electronics and software which operates an analog to digital converter interface and implements a sampling method that allows for improved separation of offset and magnetic field signal contributions. We show the spectral characteristics of the magnetic field noise floor including self-interference effects. Our magnetometer design can be used in whole or in part on other small satellites which plan to use similar AMR magnetic sensors

    Single-mode sapphire fiber Bragg grating

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    We present here the inscription of single-mode waveguides with Bragg gratings in sapphire. The waveguide Bragg gratings have a novel multi-layer depressed cladding design in the 1550 nm telecommunications waveband. The Bragg gratings have a narrow bandwidth (<0.5 nm) and have survived annealing at 1000{\deg}C. The structures are inscribed with femtosecond laser direct writing, using adaptive beam shaping with a non-immersion objective. A single-mode sapphire fiber Bragg grating is created by writing a waveguide with a Bragg grating within a 425 {\mu}m diameter sapphire optical fiber, providing significant potential for accurate remote sensing in ultra-extreme environments.Comment: Submitted to Optica 12 November 202

    Free androgen index and leptin are the most prominent endocrine predictors of ovarian response during clomiphene citrate induction of ovulation in normogonadotropic oligoamenorrheic infertility

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    We have previously demonstrated that obese hyperandrogenic amenorrheic women are less likely to ovulate after clomiphene citrate (CC) medication. The present study was designed to identify whether additional endocrine screening characteristics, all potentially involved in ovarian dysfunction in 182 normogonadotropic oligoamenorrheic infertile women, are associated with ovarian response, which may improve overall prediction of CC-resistant anovulation. Standardized endocrine screening took place before initiation of CC medication (50 mg/day; increasing doses up to 150 mg/day if required) from cycle days 3-7. Screening included serum assays for fasting insulin and glucose, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), IGF-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1), IGFBP-3, free IGF-I, inhibin B, leptin, and vascular endothelial growth factor. Forty-two women (22% of the total group) did not ovulate at the end of follow-up (a total number of 325 cycles were analyzed). Fasting serum insulin, insulin/glucose ratio, IGFBP-1, and leptin were all significantly different in univariate analyses (P ≤ 0.02), comparing CC responders vs. nonresponders. Forward stepwise multivariate analyses in combination with factors reported earlier for prediction of patients remaining anovulatory after CC revealed a prediction model including 1) free androgen index (FAI = testosterone/sex hormone-binding globulin ratio), 2) cycle history (oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea), 3) leptin level, and 4) mean ovarian volume. These data suggest that decreased insulin sensitivity, hyperandrogenemia, and obesity, all associated with polycystic ovary syndrome, are prominent factors involved in ovarian dysfunction, preventing these ovaries from responding to stimulation by raised endogenous FSH levels due to CC medication. By using leptin instead of body mass index or waist to hip ratio, the previous model for prediction of patients remaining anovulatory aider CC medication could be slightly improved (area under the curve from 0.82-0.85). This may indicate that leptin is more directly involved in ovarian dysfunction in these patients. The capability of insulin and IGFBP-1 to predict patients who remain anovulatory after CC disappears when FAT enters into the model due to a significant correlation between FAT and these endocrine parameters. This suggests that markers for insulin sensitivity (e.g. IGFBP-1 and insulin) are associated with abnormal ovarian function through its correlation with androgens, whereas leptin is directly involved in ovarian dysfunction

    Optimization of single-mode sapphire waveguide Bragg gratings

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    We demonstrate the fabrication and optimization of waveguide Bragg gratings on single-crystal sapphire substrates using femtosecond laser direct writing. The gratings are fabricated using modulated bursts and are embedded inside single-mode depressed cladding waveguides. Through design optimization, and fabrication parameter tuning, a depressed cladding waveguide with a loss of ∼0.8 dB/cm and a Bragg grating with a reflectivity of higher than 90% in the telecommunications wavelength band are demonstrated. The waveguide Bragg grating exhibits stable thermal properties under annealing at 1200°C. A sampled grating and a grating array are also demonstrated, showing the potential for more complex grating designs
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