333 research outputs found

    Camilo José Cela y Adlai Stevenson

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    Camilo José Cela con Adlai Stevenson y Anthony Kerrigan, entre otros. Nota al verso de la foto 1: Ordeno que le giren a usted el importe de su factura. ¿Quiere usted enviarme una copia a este tamaño, en la que aparecemos los cuatro, con el Dr, Garán, que señalo con una X, de perfil? Gracias y un saludo. Camilo José Cela. Nota al verso de la foto 2: Kerrigan, Stevenson Nota al verso de la foto 3: Adlai Stevenson, Anthony KerriganCopia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    Hepatitis C Virus Infection: Looking for Interferon Free Regimens

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    Recent developments of new drugs' combinations are changing the treatment paradigm in hepatitis C virus infection. Due to the side effect profile of pegylated interferons, interferon-sparing regimens have become the main target in chronic hepatitis C treatment research. Recent proofs of concept studies have suggested that cure of chronic hepatitis C can be achieved without interferon. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the clinical results recently reported for the treatment of hepatitis C virus infection with interferon-free regimens, focusing on the most promising new compounds and combinations

    Anticuerpos naturales IgG e IgA frente a antígenos polisacarídicos de neumococo en adultos con neumonía adquirida en la comunidad en la era de la vacuna conjugada

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    Se determinaron los títulos de anticuerpos naturales IgG e IgA específicos frente a los polisacáridos capsulares de neumococo incluidos en la vacuna conjugada (PCV-7) y contra 4 serotipos emergentes en España (mediante un test de ELISA de tercera generación) durante la fase aguda de un episodio de neumonía adquirida en la comunidad neumocócica (NACN) en 40 pacientes adultos. Se obtuvieron muestras de 2 grupos control sanos (<65 años y ≥ 65 años), y también en 8 pacientes con NACN, en los que se conocía el serotipo responsable, durante la fase de convalecencia. Casi todos los pacientes con NACN mostraron títulos de IgG ≥ 1 mg/ml frente a todos los serotipos de PCV- 7, pero el porcentaje de pacientes con niveles de IgG <1 mg/mL frente a los serotipos emergentes 1, 3 y 7F fue de 47,5%, 55% y 45%, respectivamente. Los títulos de IgG en pacientes <65 años fueron más altos que los correspondientes controles sanos para la mayoria de serotipos (1, 4, 14, 19F, 23F, 6B y 18C) aunque en el grupo de personas de más edad estas diferencias tendieron a desaparecer. Los niveles de IgG específica en la fase de convalecencia, sólo aumentaron en la mitad de los pacientes después del episodio agudo. Sólo se observaron correlaciones anecdóticas entre las IgG e IgA específicas de cada serotipo. Se concluye que el porcentaje de pacientes con NACN que mostraron niveles de anticuerpos IgG específicos teóricamente protectores frente a los serotipos incluidos en la PCV-7 es elevado, pero es menor frente a algunos serotipos emergentes. Sin embargo, los niveles de anticuerpos naturales específicos, no son buenos predictores del riesgo de desarrollar NACN y las respuestas serológicas después de la NACN son variables.Natural serotype-specific IgG and IgA to the pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides included in the conjugate vaccine (PCV-7) and against 4 emerging serotypes in Spain were determined (a third-generation ELISA was used) during the acute phase of a community-acquired pneumococcal pneumonia (CAPP) episode among 40 adult patients. Another sample was obtained for 2 healthy control groups (<65 years and ≥65 years), and for 8 patients with CAPP, in whom the pathogenic serotype was known, during the convalescence phase. Almost all the patients with CAPP had IgG titers ≥1 μg/mL to all PCV-7 serotypes, but the percentages of patients with IgG levels <1 μg/mL for the emerging serotypes 1, 3 and 7F were 47.5%, 55% and 45% respectively. IgG titers in patients <65 years were higher than the corresponding healthy controls for many serotypes (1, 4, 14, 19F, 23F, 6B and 18C), although in elderly these differences tended to disappear. Serotype-specific IgG titers in the convalescence phase rose only in the half of patients after the acute episode. Only anecdotal correlations were observed between serotype-specific IgG and IgA. We conclude that the percentage of patients with CAPP that showed levels theoretically protective of natural serotype-specific IgG antibodies to the majority of PCV-7 serotypes is high, but it is lower against some emerging ones. However, natural serotype-specific antibody levels, are not good predictors of the risk to develop CAPP and serological responses after CAPP are variable

    Review and evaluation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in an emergency department

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    Introducción: La baja incidencia de parada cardiorrespiratoria (PCR) en niños ha motivado la creación de registros de datos que permiten valorar las medidas implantadas para poder compararlas y extraer conclusiones. El objetivo de este trabajo era conocer la experiencia del personal de un servicio de urgencias pediátricas (SUP) en la atención de las PCR, describir las medidas de reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) empleadas y su evaluación. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de las historias clínicas y del registro «tipo Utstein», durante 10 años (2001-2010), de los pacientes a quienes el personal del SUP realizó maniobras de RCP. Resultados: Se analizaron 49 episodios de RCP correspondientes a 46 pacientes (28 varones, con una mediana de edad de 2,1 años). Presentaban alguna enfermedad crónica 28 pacientes. La PCR y la etiología neurológica fueron el motivo de aviso y la causa más frecuente, respectivamente. Se encontraban en medio extrahospitalario 21 pacientes, y se iniciaron maniobras de RCP en 13. En 44 episodios se intubó al paciente, en 35 se realizó masaje cardiaco externo y en 33 se administraron fármacos. En 13 pacientes no se consiguió la recuperación de la circulación espontánea (RECE). La mediana de tiempo de RCP fue de 30 minutos, y resultó superior en los pacientes en quienes no se consiguió la RECE (45 frente a 15 min; p= 0,03). Otros 12 pacientes fallecieron durante el ingreso posterior a la PCR. El personal del SUP consideró mejorables las maniobras de RCP realizadas en 12 de los 43 episodios evaluados. Conclusiones: La realización de RCP por parte del personal del SUP es poco frecuente. La mayoría de los pacientes estaban en PCR en el momento de ser atendidos, por lo que requirieron la realización de RCP avanzada. El personal del SUP evaluó las maniobras de RCP realizadas en 43 casos, y las consideró correctas en 31, mejorables en 10 y deficientes en 2 episodios

    Blood pressure and lipid goal attainment in the hypertensive population in the primary care setting in Spain

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    [Abstract] Although blood pressure (BP) control is crucial in hypertensive patients, clinical practice guidelines agree that the goal of treatment should be aimed at not only decreasing BP but reducing global cardiovascular risk. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate BP, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and composite control rates in a hypertensive population in a primary care setting in Spain. Good BP control was defined as <140/90 mm Hg (<130/80 mm Hg for diabetics).LDL-C control rate was established according to the third report of the National Cholestrol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel criteria. A total of 12,954 patients (49.9% women, aged 62.1±10.7 years) were included. BP was controlled in 24.8% of patients, LDL-C in 26% of patients and, when combined, in only 8.6%. The rates of control were significantly worse in high-risk subgroups, such as high-coronary-risk, diabetic, or metabolic syndrome patients. The BP and LDL-C control rates in the hypertensive population attended to daily in primary care settings in Spain are low

    Relating the outcome of HCV infection and different host SNP polymorphisms in a Majorcan population coinfected with HCV–HIV and treated with pegIFN-RBV

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is one of the major causes of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma, and the development of HCV-related disease is accelerated in individuals coinfected with human immunodeficiency-1 virus (HIV). In the present study, we correlated different host single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL28B, CTLA4, LDLr, and HFE genes and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups with the outcome of HCV infection and the response to pegylated-interferon plus ribavirin (pegIFN-RBV) treatment. Our study population consisted of 63 Majorcan patients coinfected with HCV and HIV and 59 anonymous unrelated controls. Whereas the population frequency of IL28B alleles was similar to that found in a North-American cohort of European descent, the frequency of the rs12979860 C allele was lower than that determined in other cohorts from Spain. The frequencies of CTLA4 and LDLr polymorphisms were comparable to those reported in other populations. Significant differences between cases and control cohorts occurred only for the H63D mutation of the HFE gene. There were no other differences in the frequencies of other polymorphisms or mtDNA haplogroups. The IL28B rs12979860 CC genotype was shown to be associated with a rapid virological response, and the spontaneous viral clearance rate for HCV was higher in patients with the CTLA4+49 G allele. There was no relationship between SNPs in the LDLr and HFE genes and mtDNA haplogroups and the response to treatment. Our results suggest that the host genetic background plays a significant role in the pegIFN-RBV response of patients coinfected with HCV and HIV. [Int Microbiol 2014; 17(1):11-20]Keywords: HCV&ndash;HIV co-infection &middot; mtDNA haplogroups &middot; SNP polymorphism

    A Drastic Shift in Lipid Adducts in Colon Cancer Detected by MALDI-IMS Exposes Alterations in Specific K+ Channels

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    Even though colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most preventable cancers, it is one of the deadliest, and recent data show that the incidence in people <50 years has unexpectedly increased. While new techniques for CRC molecular classification are emerging, no molecular feature is as yet firmly associated with prognosis. Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) lipidomic analyses have demonstrated the specificity of the lipid fingerprint in differentiating pathological from healthy tissues. During IMS lipidomic analysis, the formation of ionic adducts is common. Of particular interest is the [Na+]/[K+] adduct ratio, which already functions as a biomarker for homeostatic alterations. Herein, we show a drastic shift of the [Na+]/[K+] adduct ratio in adenomatous colon mucosa compared to healthy mucosa, suggesting a robust increase in K+ levels. Interrogating public databases, a strong association was found between poor diagnosis and voltage-gated potassium channel subunit beta-2 (KCNAB2) overexpression. We found this overexpression in three CRC molecular subtypes defined by the CRC Subtyping Consortium, making KCNAB2 an interesting pharmacological target. Consistently, its pharmacological inhibition resulted in a dramatic halt in commercial CRC cell proliferation. Identification of potential pharmacologic targets using lipid adduct information emphasizes the great potential of IMS lipidomic techniques in the clinical field.This study was supported in part by the Institute of Health Carlos III (CP12/03338 and PI16/02200), Basque Government (IT1162-19), and the EC (European Regional Development Fund, ERDF, CP12/03338). A.M.B. and J.B-E. hold predoctoral fellowships of the Govern Balear (Direcció General d’Innovació i Recerca, FPI/2160/2018 and FPI/1787/2015, respectively), co-funded by the ESF (European Social Fund). K.P.-R. contract was supported by the Govern Balear (Servei d’Ocupació de les IIles Balears and Garantia Juvenil, JQ-SP 18/17), co-funded by the ESF. G.B.-C. and D.H.L.’s contracts were supported by the Institute of Health Carlos III, co-funded by ERDF (Miguel Servet II program, CPII17/00005 and PI16/02200, respectively). We are grateful to SGiker Lipidomic Service (UPV/EHU, MICINN, GV/EG, ESF) for the expert advice and technical and human support in MALDI-IMS analysis. The publication fee in this Open Access journal is fully supported by the Liberi Call of the IdISBa