445 research outputs found

    Towards a History of Electronic Literature

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    In her article Towards a History of Electronic Literature Urszula Pawlicka investigates the development of theoretical frameworks of and for the study of electronic literature. Pawlicka\u27s objective is show how electronic literature developed and posits that the field underwent to date three transitional phases including several sub-phases where certain aspects and perspectives overlapped. She argues that by distinguishing developments in different phases we can see that electronic literature moved from text to technotext, from text as decoding meaning to text as a process of information and information system, from an interpretation to experience, from visual perception to performativity, from close reading to hyper reading, and several others. The most relevant aspect of the development of electronic literature to date is the attention paid to both theoretical and applied aspects of the background technical base of digitality, namely coding and its importance just the same as the content of electronic literature. Pawlicka suggests that future forms of electronic (digital) literature include aspects of collaborative programming, new media and digital literacy, the development of literary laboratories, the continuation of transdisciplinary projects, and macro and systemic studies of and in digitality

    Feasibility documents as critical structuring objects:An approach to the study of documents in digital research production

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    This article has been published in "Convergence", Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/13548565221111073 Abstract: Documents have been increasingly recognised as important objects of investigation in Science and Technology Studies (STS); however, so far, much less attention has been given to the study of documents produced in Digital Humanities. The author proposes therefore to use the method of the ‘STS of documents’ and analyse Feasibility documents that aim to assess technical and design requirements based on research questions and to organise a project workflow. Drawing on the ethnography of King’s Digital Lab, the article investigates Feasibility documents produced by the lab within the Agile-based Software Development Lifecycle framework. The article aims to show that Feasibility documents (1) inform ethnographic work about lab workflow and management and in doing so, are able to capture the interconnectedness of work layers and practices; (2) enable an empirical analysis of digital research projects and the process of translation from research questions, to methods, to technical solutions; (3) are critical structuring objects that structure the research process and relationships between involved actors and are structured by local institutional strategies and decisions. The author conducts a ‘feasibility analysis’ that reveals the project management and development stages: the analytical process (the translation of research questions into technical solutions); the production process (the move from technical and design practices to research answers) and the infrastructure and management process (project workflow and sustainability solutions). Drawing on Agre’s critical technical practice and Digital Humanities’ theories of critical production, the article seeks to shift attention from end-product digital artefacts towards the complex process of their creation, which can unpack a range of social, technological and management issues. In doing so, it also aims to provide a methodological framework for the analysis of documents produced in Digital Humanities that have the potential to unearth new questions about the socio-technical nature of digital production. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 891155. The article reflects only the author’s view, and that the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains

    Reconsidering the client complexity - The diverse roles of management consultants

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    The purpose of this thesis is to bring attention to critical aspects in the consultant-client relationship. By considering the complexity of the client concept and what can be referred to as an institutionalized discourse, we draw attention to distinctions in roles seemingly taken on by consultants when interacting with clients. The study suggests that consultants seem to have different roles at different levels in a client organization. There are roles depending on the hierarchical levels but also transboundary roles. We argue that this indicates a complexity in the client concept that is often neglected, and in extension the consultant-client relationship

    Nuo gyvūnų teisinės apsaugos iki savarankiškų jų teisių – tarp moralinės ir teisinės sąmonės. Besikeičiantis požiūris remiantis administracinių teismų praktika

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    This article undertakes to analyse the possibility and necessity of empowering animals, as ‘non-personal’ subjects of law, with subjectivity in Polish Law, and to indicate the relevant case-law of the courts (inter alia, administrative courts) in this regard. This article was prepared as part of the framework of the National Science Centre funded research project No. 2017/27/L/HS5/03245 Constitutional Consciousness as a Remedy for the Crisis of Discourse and Democracy Deficit in the European Union (No. DEC-2017/27/L/HS5/03245).Šiame straipsnyje mėginama išanalizuoti galimybes ir poreikį Lenkijos teisėje suteikti gyvūnams, kaip teisės subjektams „neasmenims“, subjektiškumą ir nurodyti atitinkamą teismų (inter alia, administracinių teismų) praktiką šiuo klausimu. Straipsnis parengtas vykdant Nacionalinio mokslo centro finansuojamą mokslinių tyrimų projektą Nr. 2017/27/L/HS5/03245 „Constitutional Consciousness as a Remedy for the Crisis of Discourse and Democracy Deficit in the European Union“ (Nr. DEC-2017/27/L/HS5/03245)

    Two methods of obtaining sol gel Nb2O5 thin films for electrochromic devices

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    Nb2O5 coatings prepared by the sol-gel route using the dip coating technique with sols prepared from alkoxide or chloroalkoxide (two different methods: sonocatalytic and conventional) precursors are a promising alternative for WO3 electrochromic coatings. The crystalline films (TT phase) sintered at 560 and 600 degrees C are transparent and present a deep blue colour under Li+ ion insertion. Electrochemical stability is excellent as these systems are fully reversible and stable and no change in colour, amount of charge exchanged and corrosion effect could be observed after 2000 voltammetry cycles between 2 and - 1.8 V versus Ag. The electrochemical and optical properties of these coatings have been determined as a function of sintering temperature. The superficial structure was visualized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the Li+ diffusion coefficient was determined for both kinds of coatings

    Shōnen. Mit i kultura popularna – antropologiczne narracje w anime

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    Dysertacja doktorska Shōnen. Mit i kultura popularna – antropologiczne narracje w anime podejmuje problematykę źródeł gatunkowych i zagadnienie narracyjnej konstrukcji shōnen. W swoich rozważaniach koncentruję się szczególnie na występujących w tym gatunku treściach, które wywodzą się z religii shintō. We wstępie rozprawy wyjaśniam kryteria, którymi kierowałam się podczas selekcji materiału omawianego w pracy. Do analizowanych przeze mnie tytułów należą ekranizacje mang: Dragon Ball Akiry Toriyamy, Death Note Tsugumi Ōby, Naruto Masashiego Kishimoto, Bleach Tite Kubo oraz Gintama Hideakiego Sorachiego. W rozdziale pierwszym Kultura popularna jako obiekt zainteresowań badawczych, ustosunkowuję się do problematyki popkultury i wyjaśniam, dlaczego uważam za stosowne studiowanie twórczości, która wchodzi w jej skład, szczególnie anime, które zyskało szeroką rozpoznawalność na całym świecie. Rozdział drugi, Mit i wyobrażenia mitologiczne, jest poświęcony zastosowanemu w pracy rozumieniu pojęcia mitu. W części tej została także podjęta próba wyróżnienia sekwencji narracyjnych, które pojawiają się w gatunku shōnen. Rozdział trzeci, Anime a odwołania kulturowe, porusza kwestię powiązań anime z gatunkami literackimi i dramatycznymi, zarówno europejskimi, jak i japońskimi. W czwartym rozdziale, Bohater musi umrzeć, poruszam zagadnienie śmierci bohatera, wychodząc od analizy przedstawień śmierci w mitologii oraz figury kozła ofiarnego. Piąta część pracy, Konstrukcja postaci bohatera, obejmuje zagadnienia związane z kreacją postaci bohatera, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem etapów jego podróży i figur archetypowych, które pojawiają się na jego drodze. Szósty rozdział, Przepisanie mitu w anime – poboczne wątki kulturowe struktur fabularnych, omawia drugorzędne wątki fabularne oraz problem współczesnych reinterpretacji wątków mitologicznych, które pojawiają się w anime

    Brown coloring electrochromic devices based on NiO-TiO2 layers

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    Brown coloring electrochromic