15 research outputs found

    Participatory Budgeting in Hrubieszów, Poland, as an Example of Residents’ Sustainable Participation in Shaping Public Expenditure

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    The article contains a case study of residents' participation in the process of shaping the city's public expenditure through participatory budgeting. The analyzed data were collected as part of the National Science Center [anonymyzed]. The research methods and tools used in the study included desk research, CAWI, a survey and scenario interviews. The case of Hrubieszów is only a part of our research that deserves a closer look due to the pro-participatory attitude of the significant number of the city officials, social activists, and residents. There is also a certain level of enthusiasm, despite the fact that participatory budgeting arrived in this city relatively late - in 2017. Another interesting fact is that it is the smallest participatory budget among the twelve Polish cities thoroughly examined in our project. In this article we will present the functioning of this process both from the perspective of the local authorities and officials, as well as the project applicants and residents involved in the participatory budgeting process. In our analysis we are looking for local signs of readiness for cooperation which, in favorable conditions, focus on deliberative moments and are followed by a deliberative stance, constituting a basis for pro-participation activities.The article contains a case study of residents’ participation in the process of shaping the city’s public expenditure through participatory budgeting. The case of Hrubieszów deserves a closer look due to the pro-participatory attitude of a significant number of the city’s officials, social activists, and residents. There is also a certain level of enthusiasm, despite the fact that participatory budgeting arrived in the city relatively late – in 2017. This article presents the functioning of this process both from the perspective of the local authorities and officials, as well as the project applicants and residents involved in the process. The focus of analysis is on local signs of readiness to cooperate which, in favorable conditions, focus on “deliberative moments” and are followed by a “deliberative stance,” constituting a basis for pro-participation activities

    Participatory Budgeting in Hrubieszów, Poland, as an Example of Residents’ Sustainable Participation in Shaping Public Expenditure

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    The article contains a case study of residents' participation in the process of shaping the city's public expenditure through participatory budgeting. The analyzed data were collected as part of the National Science Center [anonymyzed]. The research methods and tools used in the study included desk research, CAWI, a survey and scenario interviews. The case of Hrubieszów is only a part of our research that deserves a closer look due to the pro-participatory attitude of the significant number of the city officials, social activists, and residents. There is also a certain level of enthusiasm, despite the fact that participatory budgeting arrived in this city relatively late - in 2017. Another interesting fact is that it is the smallest participatory budget among the twelve Polish cities thoroughly examined in our project. In this article we will present the functioning of this process both from the perspective of the local authorities and officials, as well as the project applicants and residents involved in the participatory budgeting process. In our analysis we are looking for local signs of readiness for cooperation which, in favorable conditions, focus on deliberative moments and are followed by a deliberative stance, constituting a basis for pro-participation activities.The article contains a case study of residents’ participation in the process of shaping the city’s public expenditure through participatory budgeting. The case of Hrubieszów deserves a closer look due to the pro-participatory attitude of a significant number of the city’s officials, social activists, and residents. There is also a certain level of enthusiasm, despite the fact that participatory budgeting arrived in the city relatively late – in 2017. This article presents the functioning of this process both from the perspective of the local authorities and officials, as well as the project applicants and residents involved in the process. The focus of analysis is on local signs of readiness to cooperate which, in favorable conditions, focus on “deliberative moments” and are followed by a “deliberative stance,” constituting a basis for pro-participation activities

    Participatory budgeting in Hrubieszów, Poland, as an example of residents' sustainable participation in shaping public expenditure

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    The article contains a case study of residents’ participation in the process of shaping the city's public expenditure through participatory budgeting. The case of Hrubieszów deserves a closer look due to the pro-participatory attitude of a significant number of the city's officials, social activists, and residents. There is also a certain level of enthusiasm, despite the fact that participatory budgeting arrived in the city relatively late - in 2017. This article presents the functioning of this process both from the perspective of the local authorities and officials, as well as the project applicants and residents involved in the process. The focus of analysis is on local signs of readiness to cooperate which, in favorable conditions, focus on "deliberative moments" and are followed by a "deliberative stance," constituting a basis for pro-participation activities

    Bariery formuł deliberacyjnych w świetle badania praktyk budżetowania obywatelskiego w Polsce prowadzonych w okresie pandemii COVID-19

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    The issues discussed in this article are clearly related to the COVID-19 pandemic and its negative impact on civic participation. In 2020, the pandemic and combined lockdown temporarily interrupted deliberation of budget processes in over a hundred Polish cities. However, not much has changed in the general landscape and in the shape of the topography of civic budgeting in Poland. It is still a difficult area for deliberation, although it is possible. The authors of the article have attempted to present the effects of those elements of the statutory regulation of civic budgets that are not conducive to the development of deliberation. The results of the analyzes were compared to the typology of participation in civic budgeting known in the literature, taking into account the cases of three Polish cities.Problematyka artykułu ma wyraźny związek z pandemią COVID-19 i jej negatywnym wpływem na partycypację. W 2020 r. pandemia i związany z nią lockdown czasowo przerwały deliberację w procesach budżetowych w ponad stu polskich miastach. Jednak zarazem w ogólnym pejzażu oraz w kształcie topografii budżetowania obywatelskiego w Polsce wiele się nie zmieniło. Nadal jest to teren dla deliberacji niełatwy, choć jest ona możliwa. Autorzy artykułu podjęli próbę przybliżenia skutków oddziaływania tych elementów ustawowej regulacji budżetów obywatelskich, które nie sprzyjają rozwojowi deliberacji. Wyniki analiz odniesiono do znanej w literaturze modelowej typologii partycypacji w budżetowaniu obywatelskim, z uwzględnieniem przypadków trzech polskich miast

    The functioning of the Polish health care system during the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the opinion of primary health care patients

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this scientific study is to analyze selected issues related to the functioning of Polish Primary Health Care units in the initial period of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The analysis focused on the access to health services provided by Primary Health Care doctors and quality of those services, as well as issues related to the so-called tele-advice. Changes introduced in this respect directly affected the provision of health services to patients in their place of residence. The surveys we conducted were aimed at identifying the problems encountered by patients of these health care units. The following research methods were used in the study: the historical-legal method – selected legal acts and communiques issued by public administration bodies during the initial period of the pandemic were analyzed; the dogmatic-legal method – a systematic and linguistic interpretation of legal acts, reports, and information on websites was carried out; the survey method – surveys conducted among patients of Primary Health Care.FINDINGS: The research results allow to draw de lege ferenda conclusions regarding the improvement of organizational functioning of Primary Health Care units. These conclusions will be helpful if new infectious diseases appear in the future. Making the rules for accessing Primary Health Care units more stable will enable public authorities to better prepare for potential crisis situations.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The conducted empirical research can be utilized by decisionmakers, individuals managing the Polish health care system, and those managing/running Primary Health Care facilities. The responses obtained from the respondents indicate the strengths and weaknesses in organizing the health care process in a non-standard situation, such as during a pandemic. With their help, it is possible to better organize the process of patient contact and treatment in a crisis situation, during so-called extraordinary states.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The article is an original analysis of patients' opinions on the access to health care services provided by Primary Health Care facilities. The results of empirical research conducted among representatives of Polish society may serve as a basis for making comparisons in this area with other countries. The article may provide an impetus for an international discussion on the scope and quality of services provided by such health care entities.peer-reviewe

    Financial and organizational aspects of the functioning of primary health care during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this scientific study is to analyze selected issues related to the functioning and financing of Polish Primary Health Care units in the initial period of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The following research methods were used, the historicallegal method – selected legal acts and communiques issued by public administration bodies during the initial period of the pandemic, the dogmatic-legal method – a systematic and linguistic interpretation of legal acts, reports, and information on websites was carried out.FINDINGS: The research results allow to draw de lege ferenda conclusions regarding the improvement of organizational functioning of Primary Health Care units. These conclusions will be helpful if new infectious diseases appear in the future. Making the rules for financing Primary Health Care units more stable will enable public authorities to better prepare for potential crisis situations.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Solutions regarding the financing of healthcare services provided by Polish Primary Health Care facilities in the initial phase of the pandemic had a fundamental impact on the evolution of financing these medical entities in the subsequent stages of combating the pandemic and after its end.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The article is an original analysis of actions aimed at solving the organizational and financial problems of Primary Health Care units. The article may provide an impetus for an international discussion on the organization and financing of such health care entities.peer-reviewe

    Malnutrition, inflammation, atherosclerosis syndrome (MIA) and diet recommendations among end-stage renal disease patients treated with maintenance hemodialysis

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    Malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis syndrome is one of the causes of increased mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD). The aim of the study was to assess the inflammation and nutritional status of patients in end-stage kidney disease treated with maintenance hemodialysis. The study included a group of 98 hemodialyzed patients with stage 5 CKD (38 women and 60 men). Albumin, prealbumin (PRE), and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured in serum samples collected before mid-week dialysis. Fruit and vegetables frequency intakes were assessed with a questionnaire. CRP was above the reference limit of 5 mg/L in 53% of patients. Moreover, the Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS) indicated the co-occurrence of inflammation and protein calorie malnutrition in 11% of patients, and the presence of either inflammation or malnutrition in 25%. The questionnaire revealed that hemodialyzed patients frequently exclude fruit and vegetables from their diets. Nearly 43% of the interviewed patients declared frequently eating vegetables, and 35% declared frequently eating fruit, a few times per week or less. The most frequently selected fruit and vegetables had a low antioxidant capacity. The strict dietary restrictions in CKD are difficult to fulfill, and if strictly followed, may lead to protein-calorie malnutrition

    Selected aspects of the state health policy during the first wave of the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic

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    Purpose: The authors analyze the decisions made from March to September 2020 which affected the functioning of Polish health care facilities. According to the authors, that period determined and significantly influenced the decisions taken by state authorities during the subsequent waves of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis of the issue presented in the paper will be a descriptive one. The research exploration will be carried out using the desk research method. Findings: Analyses of secondary and compilation documents showed that the authorities of the Republic of Poland were not prepared to manage the state in unprecedented conditions caused by the first wave of the pandemic, and the decisions taken at that time by public administration bodies were chaotic, not always well thought out and often influenced by public opinion. Originality/value (mandatory) The article can be considered original due to the fact that it combines an analysis of Polish legal acts issued during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic with, above all, an analysis of their social effects. The analyses showed that Polish authorities were not prepared for the pandemic crisis. The article is addressed to state administration employees as well as employees and students of universities with majors in national defense, public safety, medicine, medical rescue and public health. It may become a basis for developing legal acts of a preventive nature, which can be immediately applied in the event of another epidemic