83 research outputs found

    Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in patients with peripheral arterial disease does not affect circulating monocyte subpopulations

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    Monocytes are mononuclear cells characterized by distinct morphology and expression of CD14 and CD16 surface receptors. Classical, quiescent monocytes are positive for CD14 (lipopolysaccharide receptor) but do not express Fc gamma receptor III (CD16). Intermediate monocytes coexpress CD16 and CD14. Nonclassical monocytes with low expression of CD14 represent mature macrophage-like monocytes. Monocyte behavior in peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and during vessel wall directed treatment is not well defined. This observation study aimed at monitoring of acute changes in monocyte subpopulations during percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) in PAD patients. Patients with Rutherford 3 and 4 PAD with no signs of inflammatory process underwent PTA of iliac, femoral, or popliteal segments. Flow cytometry for CD14, CD16, HLA-DR, CD11b, CD11c, and CD45RA antigens allowed characterization of monocyte subpopulations in blood sampled before and after PTA (direct angioplasty catheter sampling). Patients were clinically followed up for 12 months. All 61 enrolled patients completed 12-month follow-up. Target vessel failure occurred in 12 patients. While absolute counts of monocyte were significantly lower after PTA, only subtle monocyte activation after PTA (CD45RA and β-integrins) occurred. None of the monocyte parameters correlated with long-term adverse clinical outcome. Changes in absolute monocyte counts and subtle changes towards an activation phenotype after PTA may reflect local cell adhesion phenomenon in patients with Rutherford 3 or 4 peripheral arterial disease

    A phased array-based method for damage detection and localization in thin plates

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    A method for damage localization based on the phased array idea has been developed. Four arrays oftransducers are used to perform a beam-forming procedure. Each array consists of nine transducersplaced along a line, which are able to excite and register elastic waves. The A0 Lamb wave mode hasbeen chosen for the localization method. The arrays are placed in such a way that the angulardifference between them is 458 and the rotation point is the middle transducer, which is common for allthe arrays. The idea has been tested on a square aluminium plate modeled by the Spectral Element Method. Two types of damage were considered, namely distributed damage, which was modeled asstiffness reduction, and cracks, modeled as separation of nodes between selected spectral elements.The plate is excited by a wave packet. The whole array system is placed in the middle of the plate.Each linear phased array in the system acts independently and produces maps of a scanned fieldbased on the beam-forming procedure. These maps are made of time signals (transferred to spacedomain) that represent the difference between the damaged plate signals and those from the intactplate. An algorithm was developed to join all four maps. The final map is modified by proposed signal processing algorithm to indicate the damaged area of the plate more precisely. The problem fordamage localization was investigated and exemplary maps confirming the effectiveness of theproposed system were obtained. It was also shown that the response of the introduced configurationremoves the ambiguity of damage localization normally present when a linear phased array is utilized.The investigation is based exclusively on numerical data

    Thin-film quantum dot photodiode for monolithic infrared image sensors

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    Imaging in the infrared wavelength range has been fundamental in scientific, military and surveillance applications. Currently, it is a crucial enabler of new industries such as autonomous mobility (for obstacle detection), augmented reality (for eye tracking) and biometrics. Ubiquitous deployment of infrared cameras (on a scale similar to visible cameras) is however prevented by high manufacturing cost and low resolution related to the need of using image sensors based on flip-chip hybridization. One way to enable monolithic integration is by replacing expensive, small-scale III-V-based detector chips with narrow bandgap thin-films compatible with 8- and 12-inch full-wafer processing. This work describes a CMOS-compatible pixel stack based on lead sulfide quantum dots (PbS QD) with tunable absorption peak. Photodiode with a 150-nm thick absorber in an inverted architecture shows dark current of 10(-6) A/cm(2) at 2 V reverse bias and EQE above 20% at 1440 nm wavelength. Optical modeling for top illumination architecture can improve the contact transparency to 70%. Additional cooling (193 K) can improve the sensitivity to 60 dB. This stack can be integrated on a CMOS ROIC, enabling order-of-magnitude cost reduction for infrared sensors

    Optimization of charge carrier extraction in colloidal quantum dots short-wave infrared photodiodes through optical engineering

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    Colloidal quantum dots (QDs) have attracted scientific interest for infrared (IR) optoelectronic devices due to their bandgap tunability and the ease of fabrication on arbitrary substrates. In this work, short-wave IR photodetectors based on lead sulfide (PbS) QDs with high detectivity and low dark current is demonstrated. Using a combination of time-resolved photoluminescence, carrier transport, and capacitance-voltage measurements, it is proved that the charge carrier diffusion length in the QD layer is negligible such that only photogenerated charges in the space charge region can be collected. To maximize the carrier extraction, an optical model for PbS QD-based photodiodes is developed, and through optical engineering, the cavity at the wavelength of choice is optimized. This universal optimization recipe is applied to detectors sensitive to wavelengths above 1.4 mu m, leading to external quantum efficiency of 30% and specific detectivity (D*) in the range of 10(12) Jones

    An optimized data fusion strategy for structural damage assessment using electromechanical impedance

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    This paper proposes a new sensor network optimized data fusion approach for structural health monitoring of metallic structures using electromechanical impedance (EMI) signals. The integrated approach used to fuse common healthy state baseline model based damage detection, quantification and classification in EMI technique. Towards this, the principal component analysis (PCA) is carried out and corresponding the root mean square deviation (RMSD) index is calculated to study the information of piezoelectric transducer’s impedance (|Z|), admittance (|Y|), resistance (R), and conductance (G) in the frequency domain. A new optimized data fusion approach is proposed which was realized at the sensor level using the PCA as well as at the variable level using self-organizing maps (SOMs). The SOM comparative studies are performed using the Q-statistics (Q index) and the Hotelling’s T2 statistic (T index). The proposed methodology is tested and validated for an aluminum plate with multiple drilled holes with variable size and locations. In the process, a centralized data-fused baseline eigenvector is prepared from a healthy structure and the damage responses are projected on this baseline model. The statistical, data-driven damage matrices are calculated and compared with the RMSD index and used in a fusion based data classification using SOM. The proposed method shows robust damage sensitivity for hole locations and hole enlargement irrespective of the wide frequency range selection, and the selected frequency range contains the resonant frequency range

    Multi step structural health monitoring approaches in debonding assessment in a sandwich honeycomb composite structure using ultrasonic guided waves

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    This paper aims to investigate the use of ultrasonic guided wave (GW) propagation mechanism and the assessment of debonding in a sandwich composite structure (SCS) using a multi-step approach. Towards this, a series of GW propagation-based laboratory experiments and numerical simulations have been carried out on the SCS sample. The debonding regions of variable size and locations were assessed using a pre-defined network of piezoelectric lead zirconate transducers (PZT). Besides, several artificial masses were also placed in the SCS to validate the multi-step structural health monitoring (SHM) strategy. The SHM approach uses a proposed quick damage identification matrix maps and an improved elliptical wave processing (EWP) strategy of the registered GW signals to detect the locations of debonding and other damages in the SCS. The benefit of the proposed damage identification map is to locate the damaged area (sectors) quickly. This identification step is followed by applying the damage localization step using the improved EWP only on the previously identified damage sector region. The proposed EWP has shown the potential to effectively locate the hidden multiple debonding regions and damages in the SCS with a reduced number of calculations using a step-wise approach that uses only a selected number of grid points. The paper shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach based on data gathered from numerical simulations and experimental studies. Thus, using the above-mentioned SHM strategy debondings and damages present within and outside the sensor network are localized. The results were cross verified with nondestructive testing (NDT) methods such as infrared thermography and laser Doppler vibrometry

    Advantages of Al based GEM detector aimed at plasma soft-semi hard X-ray radiation imaging

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    Development of gaseous detectors, more specifically Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) based detectors, for application at tokamak plasma radiation monitoring/imaging in Soft−Semi Hard X-ray (S−SH) region is an ongoing research activity aiming to deliver valuable information on plasma shape, magnetic configuration, non-axisymmetry phenomena of the plasma, etc. Wide radiation range and brightness of plasma radiation impose some restrictions on choice of materials in the detecting chamber, as their interaction with the incident radiation may disrupt original signals. This work proposes usage of aluminum as GEM foils electrodes for the first time. The detector based on these foils was constructed and examined. The operational characteristics and spectral capabilities of such detector were compared with the ones based on the standard (commonly used) copper GEM foils. The laboratory tests were performed using X-ray tube and 55Fe sources to examine detectors’ capabilities in energy-resolved imaging. Additionally, simulations of origin and number of the generated electrons, which determine the detector signal, were performed for Al and Cu GEM foils for a wide energy range of incident photons. The experimental and modelling data demonstrated that Cu based GEM detector produces higher parasitic signal than Al one necessitating total elimination of copper from detector’s chamber

    Endovascular treatment of dysfunctional arteriovenous fistula in hemodialyzed patients — the results of one year follow-up

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    Introduction. The arteriovenous fistula (AVF) dysfunction is a common reason for vascular access problem in chronically hemodialyzed patients. It is caused by stenosis or occlusion located either in inflow artery, anastomosis or outflow vein. Revascularization of these pathologies can be achieved in surgical or endovascular (PTA) manner. The aim of this study was to evaluate both immediate and late endovascular treatment results of dysfunctional fistulas in chronically hemodialyzed patients. Material and methods. We included in our observation 106 patients with end stage renal disease, who un-derwent PTA within arteriovenous fistulas. We used conventional and unified techniques of endovascular therapy. Procedural results were evaluated after 1, 3, 6 and 12 months based on fistula sufficiency during hemodialysis. Results. In 96 (90.6%) cases the initial result of PTA was good. We achieved improvement in blood flow through AVF and successful hemodialysis. In 10 cases (9.4%) results were not satisfactory. None of our patients developed neither worsening in the blood flow through AVF nor compromised blood circulation distally to AVF. No serious complications (MI, stroke, death) occurred during procedure or hospital stay. After 12 months, in 52 patients AVF were functioning properly. In 20 cases, because of fistula dysfunction, reintervention was necessary (primary patency 66%). Considering all patients, also these with successful reintervention, 69 AVF were functioning properly after 12 months (secondary patency 86%). Conclusions. To conclude, the immediate and long-term PTA outcomes of arteriovenous fistulas with currently available techniques and equipment are satisfying. PTA is a safe manner of prolonging patency rate of AVF in patients requiring permanent hemodialysis
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