98 research outputs found

    El principe constante? Jan Lechoń and politics (after 1939)

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    In the article, I focuss on the theme of the political views of Jan Lechoń during his New York exile, which emerged in his literary work, letters, and Dziennik. The main elements of the political stance of the author of Srebrne i czarne were in that time: resolute anti-communism, critical assessment of the actions of the government in exile, his declared admiration for America, and a nostalgia for the interwar period (idealising Józef Piłsudski). The discussed views of the poet exerted a considerable influence on his personal life, which was proven by the politically motivated breaking off his long-time relations with Julian Tuwim. One important problem is where to locate Lechoń’s dissatisfaction with the political changes in Poland, which he stated often, within the reasons for his suicide

    Intellectual limitation of freedom? The issues of libertas in the nationalistic reception of Italian fascism in the Second Polish Republic (based on the examples of journalistic publications)

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    The limiting of personal freedom in interwar Italy resulted directly from the fascist approach to the state-individual relationship. The idea of leaving the citizens the broadest individual freedom, and limiting state law activities to the minimum was completely alien to fascist ideologies. The goal of the article was to consider how the problem of freedom in a fascist state was treated by right-wing supporters of that ideology in Poland. For the analysis, I use, e.g. the journalism of W. Jabłonkowski (Amica Italia), R. Rybarski (articles published in Myśl Narodowa), A. Łaszowski (Analiza łez krokodylich), K. Zbyszewski (a column series Ryżową szczotką), A. Nowaczyński (Sempre avanti), J. Waldorff (Sztuka pod dyktaturą), and F. Goetel (Pod znakiem faszyzmu). As the interpretative context, I also used the poetry of A.M. Swinarski, and a play by Nowaczyński entitled Cezar i człowiek

    Polscy pisarze wobec faszyzmu

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    Faszyzm wedle sławnej formuły wybitnego niemieckiego badacza Ernsta Noltego był wydarzeniem epokowym i naznaczył cały wiek XX. Był popularny także wśród pisarzy i to często bardzo wybitnych, że przypomnę Marinettiego, Malapartego, Pounda, Jüngera, Céline’a, Drieu La Rochelle’a, Benna, Heideggera, Brasillacha… Na temat ich związków z faszyzmem powstały na Zachodzie już setki, jeśli nie tysiące, prac, a ich liczba zderza się z nieobecnością podobnych studiów w naszym literaturoznawstwie. Tym większe zainteresowanie musi budzić obszerna książka Pawła Sobczaka. [...] Autorowi chodzi nie tylko o to, jak widzieli polscy pisarze hitleryzm i III Rzeszę, ale także jak postrzegali faszyzm włoski i Włochy Mussoliniego. Pawła Sobczaka interesuje też to, jak polscy pisarze wyobrażali sobie faszyzm jako taki, czy potrafili rozpoznać modernistyczny i totalitarny charakter doktryny faszystowskiej i na ile sami faszyzmowi lub „ideologiom faszyzującym” się poddawali, a na ile się im opierali. Obszerna, erudycyjna, wnikliwa, ambitnie i oryginalnie pomyślana książka Pana Sobczaka niewątpliwie zasługuje na uwagę czytelników. Podziw budzi jej interdyscyplinarny charakter, swoboda, z jaką snuje swą opowieść autor, zdradzając talent dobrego eseisty. […] Interesujące są też komparatystyczne ambicje autora, przywołującego konteksty nie tylko niemieckie czy włoskie, dość oczywiste w pracy o podobnej tematyce, ale też te mniej oczywiste i znane, a więc francuskie i rumuńskie. […] Powstała w ten sposób praca oryginalna, ważna, ciekawa, która zainteresuje badaczy kultury polskiej XX wieku, ale też która ze względu na temat i literacki talent autora ma szansę trafić do szerszego grona czytelników

    Analiza strukturalna sieci transportowej Kolei Wielkopolskich

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    Public transport is one of the most important elements in the development of the economy and the social space in which it functions. It is therefore very important to properly organize and plan a smooth and resilient transport network that will meet the stated objectives of public transport, both economic and social. The article presents a structural analysis with the use of graph theory for the Koleje Wielkopolskie [Wielkopolskie Railways] railway network to assess its structure in terms of the organizational and functional aspects. The network is used, among others, in co-realization of the public transport within the Warsaw agglomeration and the surrounding areas.Transport publiczny stanowi jeden z najważniejszych elementów rozwoju gospodarki oraz przestrzeni społecznej, na której występuje. W związku z tym bardzo istotne jest prawidłowe zorganizowanie oraz zaplanowanie sprawnej i odpornej na zakłócenia sieci transportowej, która umożliwi uzyskanie zakładanych celów stawianych przed transportem publicznym, zarówno tych gospodarczych, jak i społecznych. W artykule dokonano analizy strukturalnej – z wykorzystaniem teorii grafów – sieci kolejowej Kolei Wielkopolskich celem oceny jej struktury pod kątem organizacyjnym i funkcjonalnym. Sieć ta wykorzystywana jest m.in. do współrealizacji transportu zbiorowego w obrębie Aglomeracji Poznańskiej oraz okolicznych terenów

    Structural Analysis of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway Transport Network

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    Public transport is one of the most important elements in the development of the economy and the social space in which it is located. Therefore, it is very important for the area to properly organize and plan a smooth and fault-tolerant transport network that will facilitate transport in the area. The paper analyzes the structural - using graph theory - the railway network of the Pomorska Kolej Metropolitalna to assess its structure in terms of its organizational and functional application. This network is used inter alia to co-implement public transport within Tri-City and Kashubia

    Assessment of Reliability of Mixing Process in Diverse Mixers

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    Homogeneity of fodder blends is one of the primary fodder blend quality criteria. Inadequate mixing of fodder ingredients may cause insufficient growth of livestock and unsuccessful medical treatment in the case of healing fodder. Majority of fodder producers make use of the information contained in the fodder blend technical dossier for the purpose of target mixing parameters. However, average mixing time, that is very often specified, does not reflect the specific nature of a given fodder blend. Apart from the fodder blend construction parameters, physical properties of raw materials used for production purposes, in particular disintegration degree, fodder blend discharge manner, filling degree have an impact upon the homogeneity of mixing. The research on the homogeneity of mixing in various fodder producers has proven the necessity to control this stage of production

    Ocena czystości mikrobiologicznej wybranych komponentów pasz i mieszanek poddanych obróbce termicznej

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    Microorganisms which contaminate animal feeds pose a threat not only to animals but also indirectly to humans through their consumption of products of animal origin. The aim of the present study was to assess microbiological cleanness of selected resources and ready-made feed mixtures before and after thermal processing. The results indicated that the most bacteriologically contaminated resources were oats (Avena sativa), wheat middlings, wheat (Triticum vulgare), and poultry feed mixture KDKA F35%. The least contaminated were maize (Zea) and Prowit – feed mixture for livestock. The examined feed resources were contaminated with moulds, among which dominated: Aspergillus and Penicillium. The findings of bacteriological and mycological contamination assure instead of allow stating that thermal processing limits microbiological contamination of animal feeds. In order to protect the health of animals as well as consumers it seems advisable to seek new methods of thermal processing in the production of animal feeds to provide their high quality and safety.Mikroorganizmy zanieczyszczające pasze stanowią zagrożenia zarówno dla zwierząt, ale także pośrednio dla ludzi poprzez spożywanie produktów pochodzenia zwierzęcego. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena czystości mikrobiologicznej wybranych surowców oraz gotowych mieszanek paszowych przed oraz po obróbce termicznej. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że najbardziej zanieczyszczonymi bakteriologicznie surowcami był owies, śruta pszenna, pszenica oraz mieszanka paszowa dla drobiu KDKA F35%. Najmniej zanieczyszczeń posiadała kukurydza oraz mieszanka dla trzody Prowit. Badane surowce paszowe zanieczyszczone pleśniami, wśród których dominowały rodzaje: Aspergillus i Penicillium. Uzyskane wyniki badań zanieczyszczenia bakteriologicznego i mykologicznego pozwalają stwierdzić iż proces obróbki termicznej ogranicza zanieczyszczenie mikrobiologiczne pasz. W celu ochrony zdrowia zwierząt oraz konsumentów wydaje się być wskazane poszukiwanie nowych metod obróbki termicznej w produkcji pasz, aby zapewniać im wysoką jakość i bezpieczeństwo

    Creating reliable and resilient logistics organizations for unpredictable conditions and unexpected future

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    PURPOSE: The objective of this paper is to develop a general concept for creating resilient logistics organizations under the deep uncertainty that arises from unpredictable conditions and unexpected future, and to integrate it with a framework for ensuring the reliable operation of these organizations under conditions of predictable change.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research methodology was based on a transdisciplinary approach because logistics organizations have the nature of complex systems with different types of systems such as physical, cybernetic and social ones. The research approach used is based on a critical analysis of the literature and case studies from the authors' own experience. The research is supported by Ackoff's 'idealized design' approach and assumptions from The IRGC Risk Governance Framework.FINDINGS: It was found that complex logistics organizations can be successfully modelled as Engineered System of Systems and managed according to the principles applicable to such systems. Furthermore, it was shown that it is possible to combine two different concepts, namely High Reliability Organization and Resilient Enterprise, into one coherent whole in the form of a Reliable and Resilient Logistics Organization.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: For practical use of the developed concept, a framework was designed in the form of an algorithm describing the process of creating Reliable and Resilient Logistics Organization in the form of successive stages of action and decisions.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The concept of the Reliable and Resilient Logistics Organization is wholly original and is the result of many years of our research into the behavior of complex sociotechnical systems under uncertainty. The added value of the work is the model developed, which in the form of a framework can be used in practice in logistics organizations to ensure their continuous and effective operation under various conditions, both predictable and unpredictable changes in the environment.The project is funded under the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education titled “Regional Initiative of Excellence” in 2019-2022, project number 018/RID/2018/19, the amount of funding PLN 10 788 423,16.peer-reviewe


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    In the presented research the technology for producing industrial feed in a working fodder plant was analysed, taking the stage of mixing as CCP, in which there is a threat for the quality of the product. The research of assessment of mixing process quality was conducted in compliance with the ASAW standard which describes test procedures for measuring the mixing ability of batch mixers with the use of microtracers. The following mixers were used in the research: mixers used for all mash mixtures and premixes. Before determining the efficacy of the mixing process, the analysis of the technological structure for the production of industrial feed was conducted taking into account a point in which there is a threat for the quality of the product. The conducted research aimed at determining the homogeneity of mixtures with the use of microtracers allows to state that this method is useful for the analysis of the mixing process in production plants. It allows quick reactions during the technological process, at the same time eliminating production of mixtures of nonstandard parameters