32 research outputs found

    Assessment of vocal folds phonation by means of computer analysis of laryngovideostroboscopic images – a pilot study

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    Wprowadzenie. Komputerowe techniki analizy obrazów umożliwiają wprowadzenie nowych metod obrazów głośni podczas fonacji oraz wyznaczenie obiektywnych parametrów oceny drgań fałdów głosowych, wspomagających lekarza laryngologa/foniatrę w bardziej precyzyjnej diagnostyce narządu głosu. Cel pracy. Zastosowanie algorytmów analizy obrazów do jakościowego i ilościowego opisu drgań fonacyjnych fałdów głosowych. Materiał i metody. Badania wideostroboskopowe głośni przeprowadzono u 15 osób: 5 pacjentów ze stwierdzonymi guzkami głosowymi, 5 pacjentów z niedomykalnością głośni oraz 5 osób z głosem prawidłowym. Zastosowano algorytmy cyfrowego przetwarzania oraz segmentacji obrazów. Wyznaczono sygnały pola światła głośni dla kolejnych cykli fonacji oraz zbudowano glottowibrogramy stanowiące przestrzenno-czasowe zobrazowanie drgań fałdów głosowych. Wyniki. Wyznaczono parametry geometryczne światła głośni dla każdego obrazu sekwencji wideostroboskopowej. Obliczono uśrednione profile szerokości światła głośni w fazie zamknięcia cyklu fonacyjnego dla poszczególnych grup badanych pacjentów. Wnioski. W pilotażowych badaniach pacjentów potwierdzono przydatność opracowanych metod analizy obrazów w precyzyjnym obrazowaniu i ocenie ilościowej drgań fonacyjnych fałdów głosowych na podstawie filmów wideostroboskopowych.Introduction. Medical imaging techniques enable determination of novel visualisation modalities of the vocal folds during phonation and definition of parameters that can aid the otolaryngologist/phoniatrician in a more precise diagnosis of voice disorders. Aim. Application of computer vision algorithms for qualitative and quantitative analysis of vocal-folds phonation vibrations. Materials and methods. Videostroboscopic examinations of the glottis were carried out for 15 individuals divided into 3 groups including five subjects each: with diagnosed nodules, with glottal insufficiency, and with no voice disorders. Image pre-processing and image segmentation algorithms were applied. Signals of the glottis area for consecutive phonation cycles were derived. Glottovibrograms were also built which facilitate spatio-temporal visualisation of the vibrating vocal folds. Results. The geometric parameters of the glottis area for each image in the stroboscopic video have been determined. The average width profiles of the glottis area for the closure phase of the glottal cycle have been computed for each group of the examined patients. Conclusions. The conducted pilot study has confirmed that computer aided imaging methods could be applied in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the videostroboscopic images showing the phonatory motions of the vocal folds

    Cassette pontoon bridge of high mobility

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    Looking through the known and used buoyant systems, it can be remarked that the single buoyant segments are the stiff objects made of steel or plastic with variable dimensions and a complex construction. The ready to use buoyant segments, that assure the proper displacement, must have the factory leak-tightness. They take up a big transportation volume and need the assurance of the suitably abundant means of transport. Usually the heavy wheeled vehicles are needed because of high own mass of buoyant segment and large gauges. The exploitation of such constructions is very expensive. A cassette pontoon bridge, presented in this paper, is the proposition of the increase of the mobility of construction. The decrease of the single buoyant segment dimensions with the assurance of the capacity leads that more segments fit into in the same dimensions of the loading compartment of the vehicle and storage accommodation. The application of standardized joints assures the assembly efficiency with not numerous crew


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    Background: Special consideration has recently been given to cepstral analysis with mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs). The aim of this study was to assess the applicability of MFCCs in acoustic analysis for diagnosing occupational dysphonia in comparison to subjective and objective parameters of voice evaluation. Materials and Methods: The study comprised 2 groups, one of 55 female teachers (mean age: 45 years) with occupational dysphonia confirmed by videostroboscopy and 40 female controls with normal voice (mean age: 43 years). The acoustic samples involving sustained vowels "a" and four standardized sentences were analyzed by computed analysis of MFCCs. The results were compared to acoustic parameters of jitter and shimmer groups, noise to harmonic ratio, Yanagihara index evaluating the grade of hoarseness, the aerodynamic parameter: maximum phonation time and also subjective parameters: GRBAS perceptual scale and Voice Handicap Index (VHI). Results: The compared results revealed differences between the study and control groups, significant for MFCC2, MFCC3, MFCC5, MFCC6, MFCC8, MFCC10, particularly for MFCC6 (p < 0.001) and MFCC8 (p < 0.009), which may suggest their clinical applicability. In the study group, MFCC4, MFCC8 and MFCC10 correlated significantly with the major objective parameters of voice assessment. Moreover, MFCC8 coefficient, which in the female teachers correlated with all eight objective parameters, also showed the significant relation with perceptual voice feature A (asthenity) of subjective scale GRBAS, characteristic of weak tired voice. Conclusions: The cepstral analysis with mel frequency cepstral coefficients is a promising tool for evaluating occupational voice disorders, capable of reflecting the perceptual voice features better than other methods of acoustic analysis. Med Pr 2013;64(6):805–81

    Selected genetic factors increasing risk of neoplasia

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    Introduction: Neoplasia is defined as abnormal and excessive growth of selected tissue. Several factors, such as mutations in selected genes, can increase the risk of cancer expansion in human body. The aim of the article is to review the selected genetic factors which increase the risk of neoplasia and results of their presence in the human body. Material and methods: Articles in the Google Scholar, Pub Med database have been analysed using keywords: cancer, neoplasia, genetic factors, driver genes, cancer transformation, older people. Results: The aim of several genes is repairing damaged or dysfunctional DNA and preventing cells from abnormal or excessive. Mutations in selected genes cause inhibited production of the gene protein product or a change in its function, which increase the risk of neoplasia. The presence of mutated genes results in the initiation of the process leading to expansion of cancer cells in selected tissue. Moreover, a genetic mutation can lead to syndrome of tumors occurring in several organs. However, the increasement of cancer risk is related to numerous mutations, whereas the minority of carcinomas occur because of congenital gene defect and the majority is caused by environmental factors which contribute to creating various mutations. Conclusions: Thanks to the development of genetics in the field of medicine and introduction of genetic tests, the process of diagnosis of several tumors and syndromes is more efficient than in the past. The occurrence of mutation in genes, such as BRCA1, BRCA2, VHL, MSH2 and MLH1 and many more, relates to presence of selected tumors. By the introduction of pharmacogenetics, dozens of molecular-targeted drugs are used in the treatment of several types of cancers leading the achievement of therapeutic success. Nevertheless, the genetic background of many types of cancers is unknown and needs further study, as well as drugs targeting at selected genes mutations requires more development and guidelines in the treatment process. Keywords: cancer; neoplasia; genetic factors; driver genes; cancer transformation; older people

    Impact of arterial procedures on coagulation and fibrinolysis : a pilot study

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    Abstract Objective: The main goal of our study was to assess the impact of vascular procedures on the activity of hemostatic and fibrinolytic pathways. Methods: We enrolled 38 patients with ≥ 45 years old undergoing surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm or peripheral artery disease under general or regional anesthesia and who were hospitalized at least one night after the procedure. Patients undergoing carotid artery surgery and those who had acute bypass graft thrombosis, cancer, renal failure defined as estimated glomerular filtration rate < 30 ml/min/1.73m2, venous thromboembolism three months prior to surgery, or acute infection were excluded from the study. We measured levels of markers of hemostasis (factor VIII, von Willebrand factor:ristocetin cofactor [vWF:CoR], antithrombin), fibrinolysis (D-dimer, tissue plasminogen activator [tPA], plasmin-antiplasmin complexes), and soluble cluster of differentiation 40 ligand (sCD40L) before and 6-12h after vascular procedure. Results: Significant differences between preoperative and postoperative levels of factor VIII (158.0 vs. 103.3, P<0.001), antithrombin (92.1 vs. 74.8, P<0.001), D-dimer (938.0 vs. 2406.0, P=0.005), tPA (10.1 vs. 12.8, P=0.002), and sCD40L (9092.9 vs. 1249.6, P<0.001) were observed. There were no significant differences between pre- and postoperative levels of vWF:CoR (140.6 vs. 162.8, P=0.17) and plasmin-antiplasmin complexes (749.6 vs. 863.7, P=0.21). Conclusion: Vascular surgery leads to significant alterations in hemostatic and fibrinolytic systems. However, the direction of these changes in both pathways remains unclear and seems to be different depending on the type of surgery. A study utilizing dynamic methods of coagulation and fibrinolysis assessment performed on a larger population is warranted

    Atherosclerosis as a problem in postmenopausal women

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    Introduction: Atherosclerosis is defined as a disease in which plaque, consisting of fat, cholesterol and other substances found in blood, builds up in arteries. This leads to stiffness and narrowing of the blood vessels resulting in limiting the flow of the blood rich in oxygen to tissues. The negative effect of atherosclerosis among women can be opposed by the female hormones. The aim of the article is to review clinical approach to atherosclerosis in post-menopausal women. Material and methods: Articles in the Google Scholar, Pub Med database have been analysed using keywords: atherosclerosis, plaque, cardiovascular diseases, menopause, postmenopausal women, female hormones, estrogens, older people. Results: Atherosclerosis process in the arterial walls is based on accumulation of lipids accompanied by inflammatory factors. One of the most important risk factors of this disease are quantitative and qualitative changes of the plasma lipoprotein, especially increasement of LDL cholesterol after menopause, which can be evaluated during lab tests. The diagnosis of atherosclerosis and its progress can be performed by using different methods, including physical examination and medical imaging. Development of atherosclerosis leads to peripheral artery disease connected with cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke or heart attack, which be life-threatening and should be immediately treated. Conclusions: This risk of the negative effects of atherosclerosis can be decreased by both lifestyle change and pharmacological treatment. The usage of estrogen-based hormone replacement therapy combined with statins in postmenopausal women presents benefits by the decreasement of LDL cholesterol and the increasement of HDL cholesterol and reduction of calcification of coronary vessels, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, the time of the start of hormone replacement therapy is crucial – performed too late can result in additional development of atherosclerotic plaque and increasement of the inflammatory processes in the arteries with advanced atherosclerotic changes

    Optical Strain Measurement and Microfractography of the Fractures of Armstal 550 Steel after Temperature Tensile Tests

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    A material strength investigation along with a detailed microfractography analysis of fractures formed during static tensile tests of steel Armstal 550 was performed. The tests in this research were conducted in a temperature range of 298 to 973 K. In addition, during tensile tests at ambient temperature, optical measurements of strain maps and the curvature of the neck were performed. The minimum cross-sectional diameter and the radius of the neck curvature during tensile tests were obtained. The data can be directly used to obtain the true stress&ndash;strain curve. The material property analysis confirmed the high strength of the Armstal 550 alloy. The ultimate strength at room temperature equals 2.14 GPa, whereas the yield point equals 1.65 GPa. A decrease in the strength parameters along with an increase in temperature was noted. This is a typical phenomenon related to a change in the density and thermal expansion of steel under the influence of the temperature increase. For example, at a temperature of 500 &deg;C, the ultimate strength is more than 50% less than at room temperature. An in-depth analysis of the metallography and microfractography of fractures resulting from static tensile tests showed the formation of atypical nano- and microstructures with an elongated shape. Local nano- and microstructures were observed at different levels of intensity for different temperatures. The largest clusters of nanoparticles were present on the surfaces of the specimens examined at a temperature of 973 K. Scanning microscopy analysis confirmed the presence of molybdenum oxides

    An attempt to reconstruct selected elements the original site topography of the Teutonic castles at Unisław and Starogród (Chełmno Land, Northern Poland) based on archaeological and cartographic data

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    The article presents an attempt to reconstruct the original site topographies of 13th-century Teutonic castles at Unisław and Starogród, which have not been preserved in the surface terrain. Both castles are situated in the west of Chełmno Land on the edge of a moraine plateau 30 to 50 metres above the floor of the Vistula valley. The reconstruction used a research approach known as Historical GIS (HGIS), which, besides archaeological data, employs digitised historical cartographic sources. The research showed that changes in the original site topography are associated with anthropogenic transformations in the plateau surface, mainly due to agricultural use, and retreat of the plateau edge resulting from natural and man-made landslide processes. The authors believe that the reconstruction of the castles’ original site topographies could be used to verify detailed hypotheses related to the conditions of their construction and operation

    Experimental Investigation of the Tensile Behavior of Selected Tire Cords Using Novel Testing Equipment

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    Aramid and polyamide cords are used in a wide range of applications, particularly in the automotive industry (tire reinforcement) and textile industry for military and fireguard purposes. The problem of the reliable experimental study of tensile behavior of synthetic cords is considered in this paper. In the available standards for synthetic cord testing, particularly ASTM D 885-03, the tensile test must result with the cord damage in the middle of gauge length, and the cords should be fixed in the machine clamps. The trial test gave damage near the clamps. We propose a novel testing stage mounted in the testing machine clamps to achieve the uniform tensile stress distribution in the gauge length of the measured cords. The results of the deformations were measured in two ways: using testing machine head displacement and a videoextensometer. Stress curves of four distinguished cords were evaluated and compared. The second method allowed to acquire results differing from the manufacturers&rsquo; data from 0.7% to 21.5%, which allowed for the conclusion that the designed test stand allows for obtaining reliable results for stretched cords

    Comparison of Various Controller Parameters Optimization Strategies for Industrial Processes Using Different Control Performance Assessment Indexes

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    Jakość regulacji jest kluczowym zagadnieniem w nowoczesnym przemyśle. Zadaniem inżyniera jest nie tylko dobór parametrów regulacji, ale również bieżące nadzorowanie jej jakości tak, aby maksymalizować wydajność procesu a także dbać o stan aparatury i urządzeń wykonawczych. W zdecydowanej większości rozwiązań praktycznych stosowany jest kwadratowy wskaźnik jakości, zarówno w procesie strojenia jak i oceny jakości regulacji. W artykule zostały zaproponowane inne wskaźniki, cechujące się większą odpornością. Zostały one zastosowane do dwóch zadań: projektowania nastaw regulatora oraz oceny jakości już pracującej struktury sterowania. W pracy uwzględnione zostały rozwiązania dla różnych wersji podstawowego algorytmu regulacji w przemyśle procesowym, tj. PID. Różne strategie regulacji PID zostały również porównane z algorytmem sterowania predykcyjnego typu MPC. Analiza symulacyjna wykorzystuje przemysłowy benchmark układu sterowania systemem chłodniczym wykorzystującym zjawisko kompresji pary.Control quality is a crucial issue in modern industry. The engineer’s goal is to set control parameters and assess it constantly in order to maximize the efficiency of the process and watch the condition of actuators. The article describes a number of Control Performance Assessment indexes. They are applied to two tasks: controller tuning and the assessment of the quality of an already tuned control strategy. It presents a comparison between different indexes applied to various structures of the PID control algorithm. Finally the results are compared with Model Predictive Control. The analysis uses well known nonlinear industrial benchmark of a refrigeration system based on vapour compression