22 research outputs found


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    The aim was to perform a bibliometric analysis of Polish jujutsu publications focused on productivity, topics, and collaboration. Thus, the National Library of Poland, Polish Scientific Journals Database, Web of Science and Scopus were consulted. Results were filtered and exported to Excel 2016 for statistical analysis. 123 Polish jujutsu documents were published from 1906 to 2020. Life Sciences had the highest representation, while collaboration predominated during the last decade. Cynarski was the most productive author, while Wojdat achieved the highest collaboration index. Ido Movement for Culture was the main source for disseminating these publications. In conclusion, technical books written by single authors from a Life Sciences approach prevailed in Polish jujutsu publications during the 20th century, while scientific articles written in collaboration and also representing other approaches have prevailed in the 21st century. El objetivo fue realizar un análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones polacas sobre jujutsu centrado en los aspectos de productividad, asuntos y colaboración. Así, se consultaron la Biblioteca Nacional de Polonia, la Base de Revistas Científicas Polacas, la Web of Science y Scopus. Los resultados fueron filtrados y exportados a Excel 2016 para el análisis estadístico. Los documentos polacos sobre jujutsu alcanzaron los 123, publicados entre 1906 y 2020. Ciencias de la Vida fue el campo más representado, mientras que la colaboración predominó durante la última década. Cynarski fue el autor más productivo, mientras que Wojdat obtuvo el índice de colaboración más alto. Ido Movement for Culture fue el principal divulgador de estas publicaciones. En conclusión, las publicaciones polacas sobre jujutsu mostraron, durante el siglo XX, un predominio de libros técnicos escritos por autores individuales desde un abordaje de las Ciencias de la Vida, mientras que los artículos científicos escritos en colaboración y representando también otros enfoques han dominado en el siglo XXI. O objetivo foi realizar uma análise bibliométrica das publicações polonesas sobre jiu-jítsu com foco nos aspectos de produtividade, assuntos e colaboração. Assim, a Biblioteca Nacional da Polônia, a Base de Revistas Científicas Polonesas, Web of Science e Scopus foram consultados. Os resultados foram filtrados e exportados para o Excel 2016 para análise estatística. Os documentos poloneses sobre jiu-jítsu chegaram a 123 publicados entre 1906 e 2020. Ciências da Vida foi o campo mais representado, enquanto a colaboração prevaleceu durante a última década. Cynarski foi o autor mais produtivo, enquanto Wojdat teve a maior taxa de colaboração. Ido Movement for Culture foi o principal divulgador dessas publicações. Em conclusão, as publicações polonesas sobre jiu-jítsu mostraram durante o século XX uma predominância de livros técnicos escritos por autores individuais a partir de uma abordagem das Ciências da Vida, enquanto os artigos científicos escritos em colaboração e também representando outras abordagens dominaram o século XXI.

    Classical conditioning without verbal suggestions elicits placebo analgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia

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    The aim of this study was to examine the relationships among classical conditioning, expectancy, and fear in placebo analgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia. A total of 42 healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to three groups: placebo, nocebo, and control. They received 96 electrical stimuli, preceded by either orange or blue lights. A hidden conditioning procedure, in which participants were not informed about the meaning of coloured lights, was performed in the placebo and nocebo groups. Light of one colour was paired with pain stimuli of moderate intensity (control stimuli), and light of the other colour was paired with either nonpainful stimuli (in the placebo group) or painful stimuli of high intensity (in the nocebo group). In the control group, both colour lights were followed by control stimuli of moderate intensity without any conditioning procedure. Participants rated pain intensity, expectancy of pain intensity, and fear. In the testing phase, when both of the coloured lights were followed by identical moderate pain stimuli, we found a significant analgesic effect in the placebo group, and a significant hyperalgesic effect in the nocebo group. Neither expectancy nor fear ratings predicted placebo analgesia or nocebo hyperalgesia. It appears that a hidden conditioning procedure, without any explicit verbal suggestions, elicits placebo and nocebo effects, however we found no evidence that these effects are predicted by either expectancy or fear. These results suggest that classical conditioning may be a distinct mechanism for placebo and nocebo effects

    Penal and fiscal liability for managing other person’s financial matters

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    Niniejszy artykuł odnosi się do kwestii pociągnięcia do odpowiedzialności karnej skarbowej osoby prowadzącej sprawy gospodarcze, w szczególności sprawy finansowe innej osoby, na której spoczywają obowiązki ustanowione przez prawo finansowe. Przyjęcie do prowadzenia takich spraw w pewnych warunkach wiąże się z ryzykiem, ponieważ za ten sam czyn odpowiedzialność karną może ponosić kilka osób, a ewentualna kara wymierzona sprawcy nie depenalizuje zachowania innych osób. Zgodnie z obowiązującym Kodeksem karnym skarbowym za przestępstwa i wykroczenia skarbowe osoba odpowiada jak sprawca, jeżeli prowadzi cudze sprawy gospodarcze, w szczególności finansowe, na podstawie przepisu prawa, decyzji właściwego organu, umowy lub faktycznego ich wykonywania. Podstawa prowadzenia spraw nie jest decydująca, istotą odpowiedzialności jest przyjęcie na siebie obowiązków i ich wykonywanie w kontekście nakazów i zakazów ustanawianych w prawie finansowym.This article refers the issue of penal and fiscal liability of a person who manages someone else’s affairs, in particular, the financial matters of a person who has obligations under financial law. Admission to conduct such cases under certain conditions is related to the risk of liability, because several people may be liable for the same act, and any punishment imposed on the perpetrator does not decriminalise the act of others. In accordance with the applicable penal fiscal law, such a person is liable for fiscal offenses as a perpetrator if this person manages other person’s economic affairs, in particular financial ones, on the basis of a provision of law, the decision of a competent authority, a contract or the actual execution of financial management. The basis of managing other person’s affairs is not decisive, the essence of liability is assuming responsibilities and performing them with regard to obligations and prohibitions which are applied in financial law

    Martial Arts Tourism: Meta-Analysis of Publications from 2005–2020

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    A feature of modern society in the era of cultural globalization is its mobility. One of the manifestations of this social mobility is people spending free time on tourist trips. Tourism, as understood as a sociocultural phenomenon, is a special manifestation of location. In addition to the motives for undertaking trips in martial arts tourism, individual destinations, specific tourism potential and the typology of participants in tourist meetings were analyzed, and individual cases were examined. The research materials were 44 articles published in scientific journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, and EBSCOHost databases. Publications, which appeared in the sources discussed between 2005 and mid-2020s were considered. Some periodicals were present in all three of the quoted databases, therefore specific articles were taken into account only once. This study will cover a meta-analysis of martial arts tourism in journals indexed in several major scientific databases. It is related to the phenomenon of tourism of this type, which is discussed from various scientific perspectives. As a research tool, the Atlas.ti program was used (mainly in the qualitative research or analysis of qualitative data), by means of which correlations and dominant items were sought. A comparison with other publications suggests that no similar meta-analysis has so far been performed in relation to the literature devoted to the subject of “martial arts tourism”. Particularly interesting conclusions were identified: (1) there are thematic relations between the destination country, the main destination, and the destination country; (2) martial arts are treated by researchers as both primary, and secondary threads, (3) the difference between travel destinations and types events attended by people interested in martial arts, (4) the variety of event formats plays a role in popularizing the subject of these forms of physical activity, and (5) the number of publications describing specific destinations is not particularly related to specific countries as destinations

    Three Trips in One Plane: Martial Arts and Combat Sports Conferences in Muju, Osaka, and St. Petersburg

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    Problem and Aim: The current article is an attempt to summarize the experiences gained from two foreign conferences, the 50th Japanese Academy of Budo Conference and the 2nd International Budo Conference at the Centenary Memorial Hall on Kansai University, which were recognized simultaneously as the VI International IMACSSS Conference, and the accompanying events, as well as 8th International Scientific Congress “Sport, People and Health”, organized by, among others, P.F. Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health and the International Sambo Federation. The third of these scientific events was the 6th International Taekwondo Symposium for Taekwondo Studies, which was held in Muju, South Korea. Materials and Method: Due to the multidisciplinary approach nature of the conferences, content analysis of literature and extensive discourse analysis as well as the participant observation were used. Three case studies are also provided. Results and Conclusions: The indicated trips and scientific events offal within martial arts tourism, which is at the same time a journey for scientific study and exchange of knowledge related to martial arts research. It is therefore connected with scientific tourism as well as with congress and educational tourism. The described scientific events are relevant for research on martial arts tourism and for describing the process of institutionalizing the scientific research of martial arts and the recent history of the institutions in this area

    Tourism of martial arts and combat sports among academics

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    Cel badań. Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości rozwoju turystyki sztuk i sportów walki na przykładzie wyjazdów studyjnych do krajów europejskich i dalekowschodnich. Materiał i metody. W celu rozwiązania problemu badawczego zastosowano metodę porównawczą. Dodatkowo przeprowadzono kwerendę i analizę źródeł, wykorzystano także obserwację uczestniczącą. Wyniki. W artykule omówiono różne aspekty turystyki sztuk i sportów walki (naukowe, kulturowe, sportowe i szkoleniowe), jak również przedstawiono główne jej obiekty – klasztor Shaolin w Dengfeng i Park Taekwondo w Muju. Dodatkowo poddano analizie logistyczne i organizacyjne elementy wyjazdów związanych z turystyką sztuk i sportów walki. Wnioski. Turystyka sztuk i sportów walki ma możliwość dalszego rozwoju i ewolucji dzięki masowej reklamie tych form aktywności w telewizji i innych mediach. Może się ona rozwijać wieloobszarowo, zarówno w aspekcie turystyki naukowej, jak i bezpośrednio technicznej, związanej ze sztukami i sportami walki oraz ich praktykowaniem i poszerzaniem kwalifikacji w wyspecjalizowanych jednostkach, tj. turystyki sportowej i kulturowej.Background. The article mainly focuses on the possible development of martial arts and combat sports tourism on the basis of examples of study visits to European and Far Eastern countries. Material and methods. Comparative method was applied to examine the research problem. Furthermore, review and analysis of relevant resources was performed and participant observation was used. Results. The article discusses various aspects of martial arts and combat sports tourism, i.e. those related to education, culture, sports, training, and presents the main destinations for martial arts tourism – the Shaolin Monastery in Dengfeng and the Taekwondo Park in Muju. Additionally, logistic and organisational aspects of journeys related to martial arts and combat sports are analysed. Conclusions. Martial arts and combat sports tourism may continue to develop and evolve owing to massive advertising of this activity on television and in other media. The development may be multifaceted, relating to both educational tourism and sports tourism, the latter focusing on technical aspects directly connected with the practice of martial arts and combat sports and efforts to expand one’s qualifications in specialised facilities

    Defensive Strongholds and Fortified Castles in Poland—From the Art of Fortifications to Tourist Attractions

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    The scientific problem undertaken is the importance of castles for the functioning of cultural tourism in the opinion of the inhabitants of Central Europe. What is the use of medieval monuments for the art of fortifications today? The main method of research is a diagnostic survey carried out with the use of a survey on a group of N, important according to the statistics in the number of n = 614 respondents. Statistical analyzes were performed using Statistica version 13.3. On the basis of the presented research results, it can be concluded that the interests of the respondents are very broad and varied. Taking into account the relatively large group of respondents, the research results can be considered reliable. An important goal was supplementing the knowledge, meeting the needs of learning about history, and getting acquainted with the prevailing historical tradition in castles of Europe. The questions presented here accent the interests of castles for the functioning of cultural tourism in the opinion of the inhabitants of Central Europe

    Defensive Strongholds and Fortified Castles in Poland—From the Art of Fortifications to Tourist Attractions

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    The scientific problem undertaken is the importance of castles for the functioning of cultural tourism in the opinion of the inhabitants of Central Europe. What is the use of medieval monuments for the art of fortifications today? The main method of research is a diagnostic survey carried out with the use of a survey on a group of N, important according to the statistics in the number of n = 614 respondents. Statistical analyzes were performed using Statistica version 13.3. On the basis of the presented research results, it can be concluded that the interests of the respondents are very broad and varied. Taking into account the relatively large group of respondents, the research results can be considered reliable. An important goal was supplementing the knowledge, meeting the needs of learning about history, and getting acquainted with the prevailing historical tradition in castles of Europe. The questions presented here accent the interests of castles for the functioning of cultural tourism in the opinion of the inhabitants of Central Europe


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    The aim was to perform a bibliometric analysis of Polish jujutsu publications focused on productivity, topics, and collaboration. Thus, the National Library of Poland, Polish Scientific Journals Database, Web of Science and Scopus were consulted. Results were filtered and exported to Excel 2016 for statistical analysis. 123 Polish jujutsu documents were published from 1906 to 2020. Life Sciences had the highest representation, while collaboration predominated during the last decade. Cynarski was the most productive author, while Wojdat achieved the highest collaboration index. Ido Movement for Culture was the main source for disseminating these publications. In conclusion, technical books written by single authors from a Life Sciences approach prevailed in Polish jujutsu publications during the 20th century, while scientific articles written in collaboration and also representing other approaches have prevailed in the 21st century. El objetivo fue realizar un análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones polacas sobre jujutsu centrado en los aspectos de productividad, asuntos y colaboración. Así, se consultaron la Biblioteca Nacional de Polonia, la Base de Revistas Científicas Polacas, la Web of Science y Scopus. Los resultados fueron filtrados y exportados a Excel 2016 para el análisis estadístico. Los documentos polacos sobre jujutsu alcanzaron los 123, publicados entre 1906 y 2020. Ciencias de la Vida fue el campo más representado, mientras que la colaboración predominó durante la última década. Cynarski fue el autor más productivo, mientras que Wojdat obtuvo el índice de colaboración más alto. Ido Movement for Culture fue el principal divulgador de estas publicaciones. En conclusión, las publicaciones polacas sobre jujutsu mostraron, durante el siglo XX, un predominio de libros técnicos escritos por autores individuales desde un abordaje de las Ciencias de la Vida, mientras que los artículos científicos escritos en colaboración y representando también otros enfoques han dominado en el siglo XXI. O objetivo foi realizar uma análise bibliométrica das publicações polonesas sobre jiu-jítsu com foco nos aspectos de produtividade, assuntos e colaboração. Assim, a Biblioteca Nacional da Polônia, a Base de Revistas Científicas Polonesas, Web of Science e Scopus foram consultados. Os resultados foram filtrados e exportados para o Excel 2016 para análise estatística. Os documentos poloneses sobre jiu-jítsu chegaram a 123 publicados entre 1906 e 2020. Ciências da Vida foi o campo mais representado, enquanto a colaboração prevaleceu durante a última década. Cynarski foi o autor mais produtivo, enquanto Wojdat teve a maior taxa de colaboração. Ido Movement for Culture foi o principal divulgador dessas publicações. Em conclusão, as publicações polonesas sobre jiu-jítsu mostraram durante o século XX uma predominância de livros técnicos escritos por autores individuais a partir de uma abordagem das Ciências da Vida, enquanto os artigos científicos escritos em colaboração e também representando outras abordagens dominaram o século XXI.

    How classical conditioning shapes placebo analgesia : hidden versus open conditioning

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    Objective: To investigate the influence of expectancy of pain intensity, fear of pain (trait), and fear (state) on the effectiveness of hidden and open conditioning to produce placebo analgesia. Methods: A total of 90 healthy female volunteers were randomly assigned to three groups (hidden conditioning, open conditioning, and control) that received electrical stimuli preceded by either orange or blue lights. One color was paired with painful stimuli (control stimuli) and the other color was paired with nonpainful stimuli (conditioned stimuli) in both the hidden and open conditioning groups. Only participants in the open conditioning group were informed about this association. In the control group, both color lights were followed by control stimuli. In the testing phase, both colored lights were followed by identical control stimuli. Participants rated pain intensity, expectancy of pain intensity, fear, and fear of pain. Results: A significant analgesic effect was found only in the hidden conditioning group, where no explicit verbal suggestions were provided. Hidden conditioning had an effect on expectancy and fear - participants in the hidden conditioning group expected less pain and experienced less fear in relation to conditioned stimuli. Fear was the only predictor of placebo analgesia in the hidden conditioning group. Neither expectancy of pain intensity nor fear of pain predicted placebo analgesia. Conclusions: Fear seems to be a more important factor than expectancy in producing placebo analgesia induced by hidden conditioning