303 research outputs found

    Power Theft Identification Using Smart Grid Technology

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    Paper deals with identification of online theft that prevails on distribution line. Here used smart grid technology to identify theft online. Smart grid means an effective two-way communication between sending and receiving end. Here used microcontroller based system to detect power theft .Taking consideration grid & resident designing intelligent program which is main concept of paper. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15015

    Parameter Selection for Experimental Investigation of Machining Parameters of Inconel -718 for Turning Operation for Green Machining Using AHP

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    The most important part in experimental investigation is Parameter selection. The parameter plays crucial role in type of investigation or the performance evaluation. There are many methods to select the parameters. In this research we proposed Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to select the parameter for the experimental investigation of machining parameters of Inconel-718 for turning operation. It will include the structural investigation and questionarie. The Sattey scale is used for the pairwise comparison. There are various parameters we are considering for experimental investigations .These are like Cutting Speed , Feed, Depth of cut, Material removal rate (MRR),surface roughness, tool wear, helix angle etc


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    Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in India. Chronic consumption of alcohol results in variations in alcohol metabolism, oxidative stress, antigenic adducts formation and acetaldehyde toxicity. These factors cause inflammation, fatty changes, fibrosis of liver cells and raising the transaminases in the blood. There is no specific treatment for ALD.Vasaguduchyadi Kashayam is a classical Ayurvedic formulation stated in Ashtanga Hridayam for the treatment of Jaundice and anemia. The study focuses on the effect of the Vasaguduchyadi Kashayam in ALD for restoration of normal liver function, with the help of investigating 10 subjective and 2 objective parameters. As the Vasaguduchyadi Kashayam is Yakritgami, Kamalanashak and Pandunashak, was used as Trial Drug.Clinical Trials were conducted at Anandvan De-Addiction Centre, Pune. By ballot method 60 well diagnosed male patients of ALD were included in both Control and Trial group each. The diagnosis of ALD was made by documentation of alcohol excess and evidence of liver disease.The control group was allowed to partake symptomatic line of treatment advised by the centre while the trial group was administered Vasaguduchyadi kashayam in a dose of 15ml with luke warm water after meal for the duration of 45 days. Patients of both groups followed complete abstinence from Alcohol and Pathyakar aahar-vihar.The statistical analysis revealed that Trial drug is effective in ALD. It significantly reduces Agnimandya, Aruchi, Hrillas, Trishna and Pitatva besides it significantly normalizes the LFT too

    Use of Micellar Liquid Chromatography to Determine Mebendazole in Dairy Products and Breeding Waste from Bovine Animals

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    Mebendazole is an anthelmintic drug used in cattle production. However, residues may occur in produced food and in excretions, jeopardizing population health. A method based on micellar liquid chromatography (MLC) was developed to determine mebendazole in dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, and curd) and nitrogenous waste (urine and dung) from bovine animals. Sample treatment was expedited to simple dilution or solid-to-liquid extraction, followed by filtration and direct injection of the obtained solution. The analyte was resolved from matrix compounds in less than 8 min, using a C18 column and a mobile phase made up of 0.15 M sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)–6% 1-pentanol phosphate buffered at pH 7, and running at 1 mL/min under isocratic mode. Detection was performed by absorbance at 292 nm. The procedure was validated according to the guidelines of the EU Commission Decision 2002/657/EC in terms of: specificity, method calibration range (from the limit of quantification to 25–50 ppm), sensitivity (limit of detection 0.1–0.2 ppm; limit of quantification, 0.3–0.6 ppm), trueness (92.5–102.3%), precision (<7.5%, expressed at RSD), robustness, and stability. The method is reliable, sensitive, easy-to-handle, eco-friendly, safe, inexpensive, and provides a high sample-throughput. Therefore, it is useful for routine analysis as a screening or quantification method in a laboratory for drug-residue control


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    Ayurveda is an ancient science dealing with attaining health and curing diseases of ill. Good health makes our life happy. For that one has to take Wholesome of food which includes pure water also. We should always use the pure water to maintain health. Our Rishis have mentioned regarding Hansodaka in Samhitas. Hansodaka is purified water in Sharad ritu by natural resources like Sunrays, Moonrays and an additional effects of Agasti star rays at night and Kalprabhav of Sharad ritu. This Hansodaka is pure water and ideal for drinking purpose. So to check this statement of our Rishis, efforts are made here to compare such Hansodaka and simple Tadagjal in view of chemical properties, considering W.H.O. guideline in present era. Aims and Objective: To compare chemical properties of Simple Tadagjal and Hansodaka to check its suitability for drinking purpose. Materials and Methods: Total four samples were collected. Two were Simple Tadadjal and Two were Hansodaka. All Water samples were analyzed in standard laboratory for chemical properties. Reports were collected and analyzed. Results and Conclusion: Hansodaka is better than simple Tadagjal with respect to chemical properties. It may be due to combine effect of sunrays, moon rays and Agasti star rays in Sharad ritu. But Hansodaka is not suitable for drinking purpose as per W.H.O. guideline. it may be due to increased population, pollution, industrialization in present era as compared to ancient era. Hence we can say water purification by other methods is must in present era

    Automatic Sequential to Parallel Code Conversion

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    The way software programs are being written has been redefined since the introduction of multicore processors. Software developers have started writing parallel programs that are robust and scalable. This would ensure use of processor power being made available in the form of multiple cores. Though this trend is increasing, there are legacy applications that have been developed over the past few decades. Most of these applications are inherently sequential making no use of multithreading or parallel programming. If such applications are ported to execute on the multicore hardware as they are then optimal usage of all cores is not guaranteed. Such applications would ideally utilize only one core and the other cores would remain idle, unless the operating system supports some parallelism while scheduling. Hence there is a need to convert such legacy sequential codes to their parallel versions so that multicore hardware is exploited to the fullest. In this paper we present a tool that we have developed to automatically convert a sequential C code to parallel code. This Sequential to Parallel (S2P) tool is still in the development phase. We also discuss other parallelization tools available today, compare such tools with S2P tool and present our performance analysis results on different kind of multicore hardware

    An easy and green assay to determine albendazole and ivermectin in veterinary preparations by micellar liquid chromatography

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    A procedure to determine albendazole and ivermectin in veterinary formulations, like tablet, bolus, oral suspensions, and injections by micellar liquid chromatography, has been developed. Sample preparation was a batch solid-to-liquid extraction in mobile phase, consisting of a stirring step (15 min), followed by ultrasonication (15 min) and filtration of the obtained supernatant, to reach a target concentration of 2 mg/L for both analytes. Using a mobile phase of 0.15 M sodium dodecyl sulfate—6% 1-pentanol buffered at pH 3 with a 0.01 M phosphate salt, running at 1 mL/min through a C18 column, both drugs were resolved in less than 10 min. Absorbance detection wavelength was 292 nm. Procedure was validated by the guidelines of the International Council on Harmonization in terms of specificity, calibration range (0.025–5 mg/L), trueness (97.8%–102.6%), precision (<2.2%), and system suitability. The method was found easy-to-handle, low cost, safe, green, and with high sample-throughput, thus useful for routine analysis. Therefore, it represents a valuable alternative for quality control of veterinary formulations. It was applied to samples of veterinary formulations purchased from local chemists and veterinarians, and label claims were inside the acceptance criteria (95%–105%)
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