29 research outputs found

    Android Application for Attendance Monitoring System using Biometric Overview and Survey

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    Managing the attendance of employees during work is a difficult task and it becomes more difficult during the report generation phase, because the process of marking attendance and maintaining the data is not automated and manual computation and calculation produces errors and wastes a lot of time. Queuing in front of the fingerprint scanner is tedious task and also the employees who work outside the office cannot mark their attendance. For this reason, the expansion of Attendance Monitoring System (AMS) using android is proposed so that employees can mark attendance through mobile, higher authorities can directly access the reports and monitor the system on their personal mobile anywhere. The system aims to improve the accuracy as compared to using paper-based approach. Moreover, the proposed technique provides an ease on touch way for generating reports, sending leave request, responding to leave request and marking attendance based on Global Position System (GPS) plus fingerprint

    Experimental Parametric Study of Biodiesel to Develop Economic Zero Effluent Discharge (ZED) for Diesel System

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    In this globalization realm, there in constant growth in the rate of expenditure of fossil fuels, consequent on ever increasing population and urbanization. This gives charge to depletion of finite resources in the near future. Fossil fuel emission causes global-warming also green-house gases are intangible factor which collectively degrading the planet. As such, the situation demands for an alternate source of energy that can be used to overcome the conjectured energy crisis. In contrast to this, if the energy source is clean and renewable, it will reduce the environmental trouble as well. In the quest an alternate and renewable energy resources, scientists have plead with a variety of options among which biodiesel-diesel blends as alternative fuels has become a popular option and is getting the attention of many researchers. This is because scientists have enlist the properties of biodiesel prepared from vegetable oils are very close to commercial diesel and thus it has a promising future as an alternative fuel for diesel engine. Biodiesel being renewable, biodegradable and green fuel can reduce our dependence on conventional/non-renewable fossil fuels and it also helps to keep pure quality of air by reducing obnoxious automotive/vehicular emissions. Possible solution of this problem is to replace or find renewable and economically feasible fuel as an alternative source. Already a lot of work for source which fulfill the criteria of sustainability and economical carried out. But the effluent is critical issues. So characterization and formation of biodiesel with zero effluent is prime objective

    Garbhasanskara : Boon for pregnant woman

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    Purpose: As the good nutritional food provides physical health, the unborn child in the womb require Sanskara to acquire mental health to thrive. The activity of mother during pregnancy in the form of prayer (good rational thoughts), Manshakti (positive emotion), conversation with fetus (talk) or expressing feeling (touch) is not only recognised by unborn baby but it has a positive effects on physical and mental health. Hence, Garbhasanskara is scientific way of moulding mental health of unborn child. Method: Ayurveda classics, textbook of obstetrics and internet publications were consulted and reviewed for carrying out the present work. Result: The sanskrit word 'Garbha' means fetus in the womb and Sanskara means educating the mind. So, Garbhasanskara essentially means educating the mind of the fetus. The fundamental principle underlying Garbhasanskara is that unborn baby is able to sense, feel, listen, dream, respond to outside stimulus. Even, Ancient Indian medicine has recognized the need for the mental, spiritual and physical preparation of mother-to-be for the momentous event of childbirth. Ayurveda describes this theory as "Supraja Janan" or eu-maternity. This "Supraja Janan" involves the preparation of couple planning pregnancy, 3 months prior to conception. It can be achieved by regular practice of Garbhasanskara which includes music therapy, Mantra therapy, proper Ahara and Vihara, Yoga and meditation. To develop the desired qualities in the baby every mother should follow the process of Garbhasanskara. Discussion: Garbhasanskara is a process of nurturing the baby in womb. It is also process of training the baby as well as mothers mind during pregnancy. It helps in positive state of mind throughout pregnancy, enhances chances of normal delivery, good health of mother during pre and post conception upto delivery and pregnancy occurs without any complication which is the need of current situation due to unhealthy lifestyle habits. So, a broad expanse of this is described in the present paper

    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and thiazolidinediones in diabetic nephropathy

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    Diabetic nephropathy is global problem with several drugs into trial without much success the current article highlights the role of thiazolidinedioneā€™s in diabetic nephropathy by scrutinizing and reconnoitring the cellular and intracellular mechanism and shielding action and the role of peroxisome proliferator-activated gamma receptors (PPARĪ³) receptors. Not only anti-diabetic action but renal protective effect with evidence based study has been highlighted. PPAR Ī³-is versatile target having numerous benefits and mainly preventing fibrosis in diabetic experimental model and some clinical case report yet, the benefits are not up to mark, since renal failure itself causes volume expansion and the thiazolidinedioneā€™s (TZDs) also preserve salt and water and lead to congestive heart failure which constraints its clinical application. Dual activators and balaglitazone selective PPAR modulator are having upcoming potential for treatment of diabetic nephropathy. Further detail investigation on such drug is needed to explore. However adverse effect like heart failure, osteoporosis and volume expansion effect over-rides the beneficial effect thus limiting its clinical use of currently available TZDs


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    Asystemsviewofbuildingdesignisastartingpointforconsideringbusiness,space,andbuilding management. An intelligent building helps an organization to fulfill its objectives byfacilitatingthemanagementoftheseresourcesandtherebyincreasingtheeffectiveness and efficiency of the organization. At an even more fundamental level intelligent building can copy with social and technological change and also are adaptable to human needs.Today it has become a household need in the developed world. Intelligent building are designed and managed to meet the challenging environmental, business and human needs. They create environments, which enable their users to achieve their objectives and enhance the potentials of occupants while allowing efficient management of resources with minimum lifetime costs. There has not been sufficient education or enlighten on this style of inter-disciplinary approach to architecture, which could be called a "nouveau-post-modern styl


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    Heavy six cylinder block processing machine needs rotation of component with its horizontal axis. For indexing rotation at multiple angular turn a both side holding bracket need to design and to fulfeel this mechanism indexing bracket takes role with self driven arrangement ,On both sides of cylinder block face holding bracket is to be design which will be optimised and validated solution to make indexing feasible in horizontal position, while designing this indexing arrangement forces and othe boundry conditions to be considered to make feasible all the machining and other industrial processes


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    The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is a second generation FACTS device which enables independent control of active and reactive power besides improving reliability and quality of the supply.The real and reactive power flow control through a transmission line by placing the UPFC at the sending end of an electrical power transmission system.By providing added flexibility, FACTS controllers canenable a line to carry power closer to its thermal rating

    Active Power Control in Transmission Line by Using Upfc

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    The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is a second generation FACTS device which enables independent control of active and reactive power besides improving reliability and quality of the supply.The real and reactive power flow control through a transmission line by placing the UPFC at the sending end of an electrical power transmission system.By providing added flexibility, FACTS controllers canenable a line to carry power closer to its thermal rating