145 research outputs found

    The genetic structure and sustainability of autochthonous cattle breeds in Croatia

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    Prepoznavanje i potvrđivanje autohtonosti pasmine temeljna je odrednica u njenom očuvanju, budući da se na njoj temelji kontinuitet logike uzgojnog rada kojim se gubitak genetske osobitosti nastoji svesti na najmanju mjeru. Razložno je činiti redoviti osvrt na minuli uzgojni rad na autohtonim pasminama kako bi uočili manjkavosti u pogledu genetske ali i ekonomske održivosti. Analizirano je stanje genetske strukture i održivosti dvaju hrvatskih autohtonih pasmina goveda koje su više od desetljeća u žiži znanstvenog i šireg interesa. Istarsko govedo samo je dijelom konsolidirano u genetskom pogledu, uz još uvijek nejasnu uzgojnu strategiju u pogledu dostupnih linija i majčinskih rodova. Procijenjena razina uzgoj u srodstvu istarskog goveda na temelju rodoslovlja umjerene je razine (0,0175), no broj i distribucija linija ukazuju na potrebu pažljivije provedbe uzgojnog programa. Razina uzgoja u srodstvu (izračunata na temelju rodoslovlja) slavonsko srijemskog podolca (0,0186) ukazuje na sustavan selekcijski rad, no brojno stanje populacije i distribucija grla ukazuju na postojeću ozbiljnost situacije. Uzgajivačima nezadovoljavajuća visina novčanih poticaja, uz nerazvijene programe gospodarskog korištenja, dovode u pitanje i fizičku održivost populacije u aktivnom in situ programu očuvanja.Recognizing and affirmation of autochthonism are basic points protection breeds, whereas is ground of continuity of breeding work which loss genetic rarity reduces to minimum. Necessary is seems the routine overview over the breeding work on autochthonous breeds in order to notice inadequacies in view of genetic and also economic sustainability. Has been analyzed genetic structure and sustainability of two autochthonous cattle breeds which are more than decades in center scientific and wider interest. The Istrian cattle has been partly consolidated in the genetic sight, beside still is unclear breeding strategy with regard to the accessible lineages. Has been estimated the level inbreeding of Istrian cattle on the basis of pedigree data is moderate level (0,0175), but the number and distribution of lineages suggest the needs of more careful implementation breeding program. Levels of inbreeding (calculated on the basis of pedigree) Slavonian syrmian podolian cattle (0,0186) points to the systematic selection work, but numerical situation of populations and distribution of herds suggest on the existing seriousness situations. Breeders unsatisfactory heights of financial stimulus, by undeveloped programs of economic use, call in question too physical sustainability populations the in situ program preservations


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    Istarsko govedo jedna je od autohtonih ugroženih pasmina koja se nastoji reafirmirati kroz program proizvodnje kvalitetne i prepoznatljive govedine. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi karakteristike muške junadi istarskog goveda u procesu tova kao i kvalitativne osobitosti trupova odnosno mesa. Utvrđeni prosječni dnevni prirast tijekom razdoblja tova je umjeren (1,032 kg/dan). Postignuta tjelesna masa u dobi dvanaest (387,7 kg), petnaest (470,5 kg) i osamnaest mjeseci (579,3 kg) ukazuje na povoljan kapacitet rasta istarskog goveda. U dobi od 25 mjeseci, završna klaonička masa je iznosila 768,0 kg. Prosječna masa toplih polovica iznosila je 426 kg a randman 55,46 %. Udio kostiju u obrađenom trupu iznosio je 26,41 %. Pokazatelji boje i pH ukazuju na neznatno tamniju boju mesa. Kemijska analiza mesa ukazuje na povoljan omjer zasićenih i nezasićenih masnih kiselina. Provedeno istraživanje ukazuje na povoljan kapacitet rasta i dobru kvalitetu mesa istarskog goveda. Aktualna populacija istarskog goveda u okviru provedbe programa gospodarske reafirmacije može postići dostatnu razinu konkurentnosti bez značajnijeg protežiranja tovnih odlika što olakšava provedbu primarnog konzervacijskog cilja, očuvanja genetske varijabilnosti.Istrian cattle is one of the endangered indigenous breed that attempts to reaffirm through the production of high quality beef and recognizable. The aim of the research is to determine the characteristics of male of young bulls of Istrian cattle in fattening period as well as qualitative characteristics of carcasses or meat. Determined daily gain during the fattening period was moderate (1.032 kg/day). Achieved body weight at the age of twelve (387.7 kg), fifteen (470.5 kg) and eighteen months (579.3 kg) indicates a favorable growth capacity of the Istrian cattle. In the age of 25 months, the final slaughtering weight was 768.0 kg. The average weight of hot carcasses was 426 kg and the dressing percentage 55.46%. The share of bones in carcass was 26.41%. Color and pH value indicate a slightly darker color of the beef meat. Chemical analysis of meat indicates a favorable ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The research indicates a favorable capacity of growth and good quality of meat of the Istrian cattle. The current population of the Istrian cattle in the implementation of economic reaffirmation can achieve an adequate level of competitiveness without significant prosthesis fattening characteristics which facilitates the implementation of the primary conservation goal, preservation of genetic variability

    Meta-Analysis of Percutaneous Endomyocardial Cell Therapy in Patients with Ischemic Heart Failure by Combination of Individual Patient Data (IPD) of ACCRUE and Publication-Based Aggregate Data

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    Individual patient data (IPD)-based meta-analysis (ACCRUE, meta-analysis of cell-based cardiac studies, NCT01098591) revealed an insufficient effect of intracoronary cell-based therapy in acute myocardial infarction. Patients with ischemic heart failure (iHF) have been treated with reparative cells using percutaneous endocardial, surgical, transvenous or intracoronary cell delivery methods, with variable effects in small randomized or cohort studies. The objective of this meta-analysis was to investigate the safety and efficacy of percutaneous transendocardial cell therapy in patients with iHF. Two investigators extracted the data. Individual patient data (IPD) (n = 8 studies) and publication-based (n = 10 studies) aggregate data were combined for the meta-analysis, including patients (n = 1715) with chronic iHF. The data are reported in accordance with PRISMA guidelines. The primary safety and efficacy endpoints were all-cause mortality and changes in global ejection fraction. The secondary safety and efficacy endpoints were major adverse events, hospitalization and changes in end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes. Post hoc analyses were performed using the IPD of eight studies to find predictive factors for treatment safety and efficacy. Cell therapy was significantly (p < 0.001) in favor of survival, major adverse events and hospitalization during follow-up. A forest plot analysis showed that cell therapy presents a significant benefit of increasing ejection fraction with a mean change of 2.51% (95% CI: 0.48; 4.54) between groups and of significantly decreasing end-systolic volume. The analysis of IPD data showed an improvement in the NYHA and CCS classes. Cell therapy significantly decreased the end-systolic volume in male patients; in patients with diabetes mellitus, hypertension or hyperlipidemia; and in those with previous myocardial infarction and baseline ejection fraction ≤ 45%. The catheter-based transendocardial delivery of regenerative cells proved to be safe and effective for improving mortality and cardiac performance. The greatest benefit was observed in male patients with significant atherosclerotic co-morbidities

    Integration of imaging and circulating biomarkers in heart failure: a consensus document by the Biomarkers and Imaging Study Groups of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology

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    Circulating biomarkers and imaging techniques provide independent and complementary information to guide management of heart failure (HF). This consensus document by the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) presents current evidence-based indications relevant to integration of imaging techniques and biomarkers in HF. The document first focuses on application of circulating biomarkers together with imaging findings, in the broad domains of screening, diagnosis, risk stratification, guidance of treatment and monitoring, and then discusses specific challenging settings. In each section we crystallize clinically relevant recommendations and identify directions for future research. The target readership of this document includes cardiologists, internal medicine specialists and other clinicians dealing with HF patients

    Pharmacogenomics of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists:a genome-wide analysis of observational data and large randomised controlled trials

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    Background: In the treatment of type 2 diabetes, GLP-1 receptor agonists lower blood glucose concentrations, body weight, and have cardiovascular benefits. The efficacy and side effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists vary between people. Human pharmacogenomic studies of this inter-individual variation can provide both biological insight into drug action and provide biomarkers to inform clinical decision making. We therefore aimed to identify genetic variants associated with glycaemic response to GLP-1 receptor agonist treatment. Methods: In this genome-wide analysis we included adults (aged &gt;= 18 years) with type 2 diabetes treated with GLP-1 receptor agonists with baseline HbA1c of 7% or more (53 mmol/mol) from four prospective observational cohorts (DIRECT, PRIBA, PROMASTER, and GoDARTS) and two randomised clinical trials (HARMONY phase 3 and AWARD). The primary endpoint was HbA1c reduction at 6 months after starting GLP-1 receptor agonists. We evaluated variants in GLP1R, then did a genome-wide association study and gene-based burden tests. Findings: 4571 adults were included in our analysis, of these, 3339 (73%) were White European, 449 (10%) Hispanic, 312 (7%) American Indian or Alaskan Native, and 471 (10%) were other, and around 2140 (47%) of the participants were women. Variation in HbA1c reduction with GLP-1 receptor agonists treatment was associated with rs6923761G -&gt; A (Gly168Ser) in the GLP1R (0.08% [95% CI 0.04-0.12] or 0.9 mmol/mol lower reduction in HbA1c per serine, p=6.0 x 10(-5)) and low frequency variants in ARRB1 (optimal sequence kernel association test p=6.7 x 10(-8)), largely driven by rs140226575G -&gt; A (Thr370Met; 0.25% [SE 0.06] or 2.7 mmol/mol [SE 0.7] greater HbA1c reduction per methionine, p=5.2 x 10(-6)). A similar effect size for the ARRB1 Thr370Met was seen in Hispanic and American Indian or Alaska Native populations who have a higher frequency of this variant (6-11%) than in White European populations. Combining these two genes identified 4% of the population who had a 30% greater reduction in HbA1c than the 9% of the population with the worse response. Interpretation: This genome-wide pharmacogenomic study of GLP-1 receptor agonists provides novel biological and clinical insights. Clinically, when genotype is routinely available at the point of prescribing, individuals with ARRB1 variants might benefit from earlier initiation of GLP-1 receptor agonists

    Dietary metabolite profiling brings new insight into the relationship between nutrition and metabolic risk: An IMI Direct study

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    Background: Dietary advice remains the cornerstone of prevention and management of type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, understanding the efficacy of dietary interventions is confounded by the challenges inherent in assessing free living diet. Here we profiled dietary metabolites to investigate glycaemic deterioration and cardiometabolic risk in people at risk of or living with T2D. Methods: We analysed data from plasma collected at baseline and 18-month follow-up in individuals from the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Diabetes Research on Patient Stratification (DIRECT) cohort 1 n=403 individuals with normal or impaired glucose regulation (prediabetic) and cohort 2 n=458 individuals with new onset of T2D. A dietary metabolite profile model (Tpred) was constructed using multivariate regression of 113 plasma metabolites obtained from targeted metabolomics assays. The continuous Tpred score was used to explore the relationships between diet, glycaemic deterioration and cardio-metabolic risk via multiple linear regression models. Findings: A higher Tpred was associated with healthier diets high in wholegrain (β=0.004 g, p=0.02 and β=0.003 g, p=0.03) and lower energy intake (β=-0.0002 kcal, p=0.04 and β=-0.0002 kcal, p=0.003), and saturated fat (β=-0.03 g, p<.0001 and β=-0.03 g, p<.0001), respectively for cohort 1 and 2. In both cohorts a higher Tpred score was also associated with lower total body adiposity and improved lipid profiles HDL-cholesterol (β=0.07 mmol/L, p<.0001), (β=0.08 mmol/L, p=0.0002), and triglycerides (β=-0.1 mmol/L, p=0.003), (β=-0.2 mmol/L, p=0.0002), respectively for cohort 1 and 2. In cohort 2, the Tpred score was negatively associated with liver fat content (β=-0.74 %, p<.0001), and lower fasting concentrations of HbA1c (β=-0.9mmol/mol, p=0.02), glucose (β=-0.2 mmol/L, p=0.01) and insulin (β=-11.0 pmol/mol, p=0.01). Longitudinal analysis showed at 18-month follow up a higher Tpred score was also associated lower total body adiposity in both cohorts and lower fasting glucose (β=-0.2 mmol/L, p=0.03) and insulin (β=-9.2 pmol/mol, p=0.04) concentrations in cohort 2. Interpretation: Plasma dietary metabolite profiling provides objective measures of diet intake, showing a relationship to glycaemic deterioration and cardiometabolic health


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    In the scope of the Spain-Portugal INTERREG projects and FEDER funded POCTEP program, OTALEX C (Territorial and Environmental Monitoring Alentejo Extremadura Center) project aims at studying of various territorial, socioeconomic and environmental indicators. It is the fundamental objective of this project, to develop a geo-portal accessible via internet, for anyone, so that the information will be useful in making decisions related to land use and therefore sustainable development of the environment. Under this general framework over the past fifteen years, we have developed different projects that have set the standardization of data between Portugal and Spain, also was designed GIS systems, and developed regional models and indicator systems, culminating in the current Spatial Data Infrastructure SDI-OTALEX C