16 research outputs found


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    The aim of the work is elaboration of the principally new method of deep processing of carotene-containing vegetables (CCV). For attaining this aim was used the complex effect of steam-thermal processing and fine-dispersed comminution for preservation and extraction of biologically active substances from the raw material and getting products of nanosized form. There was also used the new generation of equipment: combi-steamer and dine-dispersed comminutor.  There was elaborated the new method of deep processing, alternative to cryogenic one. This method is based on the complex effect of steam-thermal processing and fine-disperse comminution using the modern equipment (combi-steamer and fine-dispersed comminutor) that is used at enterprises of restaurant business. This method allows use biological potential of the raw material more fully (2…3 times more) and get the foodstuff in nanoform. It was shown, that at steam-thermal processing of vegetables (carrot, pumpkin) in combi-steam antioxidant enzymatic processes flow with less intensity (3…4times less) than at blanching. It was established, that at the steam-thermal processing in combi-steamer in 10 minutes in carotene-containing vegetables takes place not only conservation of β-carotene but also increase of its mass fraction in 2…2,5 times (comparing with initial raw material). Mechanism of this process is connected with fact that carotenoids are transformed from the hidden state (frms associated with biopolymers) into free form that is fixed by chemical methods. It was also established, that after steam-thermal processing and fine-dispersed comminution of carotene-containing vegetables at preparation of puree takes place the significant increase of extraction of ascorbic acid and β-carotene comparing with initial raw material that is for pumpkin 2 and 3 times more and for carrot 1,7 and 2,5 times more, respectively. It was established, that complex use of the new equipment at steam-thermal processing of vegetable raw material in combi-steamer with fine-dispersed comminution gives a possibility to get puree, which quality is approximated to the one of puree, received using cryogenic processing of product (especially, by the content of β-carotene and other biologically active substances (BAS).&nbsp

    Development Of The Extraction Method Of Inactive Forms Of Pectin Substances From Fruits To Easy-digestible Active Form During The Obtaining Of Nanofood

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    The aim of the work is development of a unique method for deep processing of fruits and vegetables with a high content of sparingly soluble pectin substances, which makes it possible to remove pectic substances from inactive form and transform them into an easily digestible active form when obtaining natural semi-finished products and food products in nanosized form. To achieve the aim, a complex effect on the raw material of steam-thermal treatment or cryogenic shock freezing and fine-dispersed grinding is used as an innovation.A new method for obtaining finely dispersed additives and health products from fruits and vegetables with a high content of biologically active substances (BAS) and prebiotic substances is developed, which is based on a complex effect on raw materials of processes of steam-thermal or cryogenic treatment of raw materials and fine-dispersed grinding, which is accompanied by destruction, mechanochemistry, non-enzymatic catalysis. It is found that when these processes are activated, pectic substances are activated, more complete extraction from raw materials (4.5 ... 7.3 times) from a latent form and transformation into a soluble form. The mechanism of these processes is disclosed, recommendations for the creation of recreational nanoproducts are developed. It is shown that, in parallel, non-enzymatic catalysis (up to 70%) of hardly soluble pectic substances in individual monomers takes place, that is, transformation into a soluble, easily digestible form.The increase and seizures of latent forms of biologically active substances in finely dispersed frozen and heat-treated purees from fruit compared with fresh raw materials is established. The increase is respectively 1.5 ... 4.0 times and 1.5 ... 3.0 times. The quality of the obtained new types of fine mashed potatoes exceeds the known analogs for BAS content and technological characteristics. New types of purees are in a nanoscale, easily digestible form.With the use of new types of finely dispersed additives, a wide range of products for health-improving nutrition has been developed with a record content of natural BASs (new types of nano-lipids, nanosorb products, milk-vegetable cocktails, fillings for confectionery and extruded products, curd desserts, bakery products, snacks - falafel, creams, etc.)


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    The aim of the work is elaboration of the principally new method of deep processing of carotene-containing vegetables (CCV). For attaining this aim was used the complex effect of steam-thermal processing and fine-dispersed comminution for preservation and extraction of biologically active substances from the raw material and getting products of nanosized form. There was also used the new generation of equipment: combi-steamer and dine-dispersed comminutor. There was elaborated the new method of deep processing, alternative to cryogenic one. This method is based on the complex effect of steam-thermal processing and fine-disperse comminution using the modern equipment (combi-steamer and fine-dispersed comminutor) that is used at enterprises of restaurant business. This method allows use biological potential of the raw material more fully (2…3 times more) and get the foodstuff in nanoform.It was shown, that at steam-thermal processing of vegetables (carrot, pumpkin) in combi-steam antioxidant enzymatic processes flow with less intensity (3…4times less) than at blanching.It was established, that at the steam-thermal processing in combi-steamer in 10 minutes in carotene-containing vegetables takes place not only conservation of β-carotene but also increase of its mass fraction in 2…2,5 times (comparing with initial raw material). Mechanism of this process is connected with fact that carotenoids are transformed from the hidden state (frms associated with biopolymers) into free form that is fixed by chemical methods.It was also established, that after steam-thermal processing and fine-dispersed comminution of carotene-containing vegetables at preparation of puree takes place the significant increase of extraction of ascorbic acid and β-carotene comparing with initial raw material that is for pumpkin 2 and 3 times more and for carrot 1,7 and 2,5 times more, respectively.It was established, that complex use of the new equipment at steam-thermal processing of vegetable raw material in combi-steamer with fine-dispersed comminution gives a possibility to get puree, which quality is approximated to the one of puree, received using cryogenic processing of product (especially, by the content of β-carotene and other biologically active substances (BAS).


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    The aim of the work is development of a unique method for deep processing of fruits and vegetables with a high content of sparingly soluble pectin substances, which makes it possible to remove pectic substances from inactive form and transform them into an easily digestible active form when obtaining natural semi-finished products and food products in nanosized form. To achieve the aim, a complex effect on the raw material of steam-thermal treatment or cryogenic shock freezing and fine-dispersed grinding is used as an innovation. A new method for obtaining finely dispersed additives and health products from fruits and vegetables with a high content of biologically active substances (BAS) and prebiotic substances is developed, which is based on a complex effect on raw materials of processes of steam-thermal or cryogenic treatment of raw materials and fine-dispersed grinding, which is accompanied by destruction, mechanochemistry, non-enzymatic catalysis. It is found that when these processes are activated, pectic substances are activated, more complete extraction from raw materials (4.5 ... 7.3 times) from a latent form and transformation into a soluble form. The mechanism of these processes is disclosed, recommendations for the creation of recreational nanoproducts are developed. It is shown that, in parallel, non-enzymatic catalysis (up to 70%) of hardly soluble pectic substances in individual monomers takes place, that is, transformation into a soluble, easily digestible form. The increase and seizures of latent forms of biologically active substances in finely dispersed frozen and heat-treated purees from fruit compared with fresh raw materials is established. The increase is respectively 1.5 ... 4.0 times and 1.5 ... 3.0 times. The quality of the obtained new types of fine mashed potatoes exceeds the known analogs for BAS content and technological characteristics. New types of purees are in a nanoscale, easily digestible form. With the use of new types of finely dispersed additives, a wide range of products for health-improving nutrition has been developed with a record content of natural BASs (new types of nano-lipids, nanosorb products, milk-vegetable cocktails, fillings for confectionery and extruded products, curd desserts, bakery products, snacks - falafel, creams, etc.)

    Особливості розробки спеціалізованої інформаційно-вимірювальної системи для дослідження термоелектричних властивостей напівпровідників

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    Methods for studying thermoelectric parameters of semiconductors that are optimal for the implementation of software and hardware have been analyzed and selected. It is based on the Harman method and its modifications, adapted for pulse measurements, which are convenient to implement on a modern element base. An important advantage of these methods is the absence of the need for accurate measurements of heat fluxes, which greatly simplifies and reduces the time for conducting experimental research. The required operating ranges for the voltage 10 µV–1 V, for the current 10 µA–300 mA and the element base performance at the processing level of 40–200 million samples per second have been determined. Structural and electrical circuits, as well as software for a specialized computer system for studying thermoelectric parameters of both bulk and thin-film thermoelectric materials, and express analysis of the operational characteristics of finished modules have been developed. It has been shown that the proposed scheme copes well with the task. And the use of FPGA and 32-bit microcontrollers provide sufficient processing speed up to 200 MSPS and the necessary synchronization modes for the implementation of the Harman pulse method even when studying films of nanometer thickness. Experimental studies of both bulk thermoelectric modules based on Bi2Te3 and thin-film thermoelectric material based on PbTe have been carried out. The effectiveness of the developed tools and techniques has been shown, which made it possible to more than halve the time for sample preparation and experiment. Based on the presented models, all the main thermoelectric and operational parameters have been determined, in particular, electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity, thermoelectric figure of merit. As a result of the development of specialized computer tools, it was possible to reduce the labor intensity of the process of measuring the main electrical and operational parameters of semiconductor thermoelectric materials and energy conversion modules based on them, as well as to automate the process of defects identification of thermoelectric modules. The labor intensity of the research process has decreased not only due to the automation of the measurement process, but also due to an optimized technique that allows research on a sample of one configuration, since the manufacture and preparation of samples are the most laboriousПроанализированы и выбраны оптимальные для реализации программно-аппаратных средств методы исследования термоэлектрических параметров полупроводников. За основу взят метод Хармана и его модификации, адаптированные для импульсных измерений, которые удобно реализовать на современной элементной базе. Важным преимуществом данных методов является отсутствие необходимости проведения точных измерений тепловых потоков, что значительно упрощает и уменьшает время проведения экспериментальных исследований. Определены необходимые рабочие диапазоны по напряжению 10 мкВ–1 В, по току 10 мкА–300 мА и быстродействие элементной базы на уровне обработки 40–200 миллионов выборок в секунду. Разработана структурная и  электрическая схемы, а также программное обеспечение специализированной компьютерной системы для исследования термоэлектрических параметров как массивных, так и тонкопленочных термоэлектрических материалов, и экспресс анализа эксплуатационных характеристик готовых модулей. Показано, что предложенная схема хорошо справляется с поставленной задачей. А применение FPGA и 32 разрядные микроконтроллеры обеспечивают достаточное быстродействие для обработки до 200 MSPS. и необходимые режимы синхронизации для реализации импульсного метода Хармана даже при исследовании пленок нанометровой толщины. Проведены экспериментальные исследования как массивных термоэлектрических модулей на основе Bi2Te3 так и тонкопленочного термоэлектрического материала на основе PbTe. Показана эффективность разработанных средств и методик, которые позволили более чем в два раза уменьшить время на подготовку образцов и проведения эксперимента. На основе представленных моделей определены все основные термоэлектрические и эксплуатационные параметры, в частности удельную электропроводность, коэффициент Зеебека, теплопроводность, термоэлектрическую добротность. В результате разработки специализированных компьютерных средств удалось уменьшить трудоемкость процесса измерения основных электрических и эксплуатационных параметров полупроводниковых термоэлектрических материалов и модулей преобразования энергии на их основе, а также автоматизировать процесс дефектирования термоэлектрических модулей. Трудоемкость процесса исследования уменьшилось не только благодаря автоматизации процесса измерения, а и благодаря оптимизированной методике позволяющей проводить исследования на образце одной конфигурации, так как наиболее трудоемкими являются изготовление и подготовка образцовПроаналізовано та вибрано оптимальні для реалізації програмно-апаратних засобів методи дослідження термоелектричних параметрів напівпровідників. За основу взято метод Хармана та його модифікації, адаптовані для імпульсних вимірювань, які зручно реалізувати на сучасній елементній базі. Важливою перевагою даних методів є відсутність необхідності проведення точних вимірювань теплових потоків, що значно спрощує та зменшує час проведення експериментальних досліджень. Визначені необхідні робочі діапазони за напругою 10 мкВ–1 В, за струмом 10 мкА–300 мА  та швидкодія елементної бази на рівні опрацювання 40–200 мільйонів вибірок в секунду. Розроблена структурна та електрична схеми і програмне забезпечення спеціалізованої комп’ютерної системи для дослідження термоелектричних параметрів як масивних, так і тонкоплівкових термоелектричних матеріалів, а також експрес аналізу експлуатаційних характеристик готових модулів. Показано, що запропонована схема добре справляється з поставленою задачею. А застосування FPGA і 32 розрядні мікроконтролери забезпечують достатню швидкодію для опрацювання до 200 MSPS і необхідні режими синхронізації для реалізації імпульсного методу Хармана навіть при дослідженні плівок нанометрової товщини. Проведено експериментальні дослідження як масивних термоелектричних модулів на основі Bi2Te3 так і тонкоплівкового термоелектричного матеріалу на основі PbTe. Показано ефективність розроблених засобів і методик, які дали можливість більш ніж у двічі зменшити час на підготовку зразків та проведення експерименту. На основі представлених моделей визначено всі основні термоелектричні та експлуатаційні параметри, зокрема питому електропровідність, коефіцієнт Зеєбека, теплопровідність, термоелектричну добротність. В результаті розроблення спеціалізованих комп’ютерних засобів вдалося зменшити трудомісткість процесу вимірювання основних електричних та експлуатаційних параметрів напівпровідникових термоелектричних матеріалів та модулів перетворення енергії на їх основі, а також автоматизувати процес дефектування термоелектричних модулів. Трудомісткість процесу дослідження зменшилася не тільки завдяки автоматизації процесу вимірювання, а і завдяки оптимізованій методиці, яка дає можливість проводити дослідження на зразку однієї конфігурації, так як найбільш трудомісткими є виготовлення і підготовка зразкі

    Глибока переробка каротинвмісних овочів та отримання наноїжі з використанням нового покоління обладнання

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    We proposed and designed a new method of deep processing of carotene­containing vegetables – alternative to cryogenic treatment, based on the comprehensive action of steam thermal treatment and finely dispersed grinding on raw materials using a new generation of equipment that is applied in restaurant business, which makes it possible to more fully utilize biological potential (2...3 times higher than in the original raw materials).It was found that during deep (steam convection) processing of carotene­containing vegetables (carrot and pumpkin) with the use of modern steam convection equipment, the fermentative processes proceed with less intensity than during traditional method of thermal treatment – blanching by immersion in boiling water. The quantitative indicator of the maximum fermentative activity during treatment of the carotene­containing vegetables in a combi steamer, compared to blanching, is 2–4,5 times less for polyphenol oxidase, by 3 times for peroxidase. It was demonstrated that the complete inactivation of oxidative enzymes during thermal treatment of carotene­containing vegetables in a combi steamer occurs earlier than during blanching and takes place in 20 minutes, which is 10–15 minutes faster than at blanching. The complete inactivation of oxidative enzymes during blanching of carotene­containing vegetables occurs in 30–35 minutes.It was demonstrated that, compared with fresh raw materials, during thermal treatment of carotene­containing vegetables (carrot, pumpkin) in a combi steamer (under the above­mentioned modes), not only the preservation of b­carotene is achieved in 10 minutes, but also the increase in its mass by 2...2,3 times that occurs due to the release from the hidden state (forms, associated with biopolymers) to free form that is registered by the chemical methods of research. It was found that the loss of vitamin C during thermal treatment of carotene­containing vegetables in a combi steamer is much lower than at blanching. Thus, after 20 minutes of thermal treatment in the combi steamer, the mass fraction of L­ascorbic acid remained by 65…80 %, while after blanching by 40…50 %.It was also demonstrated that after steam thermal treatment and finely dispersed  grinding of carotene­containing vegetables when making puree, a significant increase in the extraction of L­ascorbic acid and b­carotene occurs in comparison to the original raw materials, which is 2 and 3 times larger for pumpkin, respectively, and for carrot – 1,7 and 2,5 times, respectively.It was found that the comprehensive application of steam thermal treatment of vegetable raw materials in a combi steamer with finely dispersed grinding makes it possible to obtain puree, the quality of which is close to the quality of the puree, obtained using the cryogenic product treatment (in particular, the content of b­carotene is 2,5…3 times during steam thermal treatment and is 2,8...3,5 times during cryogenic treatment).Предложен и разработан метод глубокой переработки каротинсодержащих овощей – альтернативный криогенной обработке. Метод основан на комплексном воздействии на сырье паротермической обработки и мелкодисперсного измельчения с использованием нового поколения оборудования, применяемого на предприятиях ресторанного бизнеса. Новый метод позволяет более полно использовать биологический потенциал (в 2...3 раза больше) и получить пищевые продукты в наноформеЗапропоновано та розроблено метод глибокої переробки каротинвмісних овочів – альтернативний кріогенній обробці. Метод заснований на комплексній дії на сировину паротермічної обробки та дрібнодисперсного подрібнення з використанням нового покоління обладнання, яке застосовується на підприємствах ресторанного бізнесу. Новий метод дозволяє більш повно використати біологічний потенціал сировини (у 2…3 рази більше) і отримати харчові продукти в наноформ

    ZO-1 interactions with F-actin and occludin direct epithelial polarization and single lumen specification in 3D culture

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    Epithelia within tubular organs form and expand lumens. Failure of these processes can result in serious developmental anomalies. Although tight junction assembly is crucial to epithelial polarization, the contribution of specific tight junction proteins to lumenogenesis is undefined. Here, we show that ZO-1 (also known as TJP1) is necessary for the formation of single lumens. Epithelia lacking this tight junction scaffolding protein form cysts with multiple lumens and are defective in the earliest phases of polarization, both in two and three dimensions. Expression of ZO-1 domain-deletion mutants demonstrated that the actin-binding region and U5-GuK domain are crucial to single lumen development. For actin-binding region, but not U5-GuK domain, mutants, this could be overcome by strong polarization cues from the extracellular matrix. Analysis of the U5-GuK binding partners shroom2, α-catenin and occludin showed that only occludin deletion led to multi-lumen cysts. Like ZO-1-deficiency, occludin deletion led to mitotic spindle orientation defects. Single lumen formation required the occludin OCEL domain, which binds to ZO-1. We conclude that ZO-1–occludin interactions regulate multiple phases of epithelial polarization by providing cell-intrinsic signals that are required for single lumen formation


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    Abstract. Renouncement and downtime of combine harvesters in operation lead to significant financial losses. One of the most important reasons for the downtime of this machinery is the failure of key connections, which account for up to 10.5 % of the total number of failures. The main disadvantage of this connection is that the keyway is a stress concentrator that reduces the fatigue strength of the parts, leading to an asymmetric deformation of the shaft and hub. The wear of individual parts of the fixed key connection is mainly due to the gradual surface destruction of the material of the parts, which is accompanied by the separation of particles, by changing the dimensions, geometric shape and properties of the surface layers of the material. The presence of gaps in the "bushing-shaft" connection also affects the reliability of the belt drives, since their constant pulsating loads, unloading and changing the inter-axis distance with variable frequency due to the turns of the key with the hub, take place. For real operating conditions of combine harvesters, the most effective installation is instead of existing key connections, where technical requirements permit, a removable hub for mounting a rotating element on the drive shaft, which can be made in the form of a repair kit with sufficient accuracy in the repair shops of farms. The use of the proposed modernized design of movable key connections first of all eliminates the main cause of the failure -the relative radial movement of the contacting mating parts, and also allows the hub and shaft to be pulled together without creating an eccentricity, which in turn will increase the service life of the connections. The article presents a method for calculating the transmission torque upgraded fixed connection, proposed for use in drives of combine harvesters instead of standard key connection. It presents the forces and tightening the conditions of the proposed strength of the connection. Keywords: combine harvester, resource, conical sleeve, torque, fixed connection. Introduction It is based on previous studies [1] that the refusal key connection harvester is a loss of efficiency of the whole machine. Therefore, in order not to disrupt the process of harvesting of grain crops, necessary measures have to be taken to reduce the cost recovery time performance of critical parts and components of the combine and increase their resources, including the key connection. Professor A.I. Yakushev [2; 3] proposed to use the factor of accuracy, which is the ratio of functional and design tolerances, to determine the accuracy of the geometrical parameters of the connection. Moreover, the accuracy stock should be created for each functional parameter affecting the performance of the product. According to the scientist, choosing the landing with the greatest accuracy factor of safety the durability of mobile connections increases, as the stock of materials for wear and the operational tolerance of landing increases. I.V. Kragelsky developed a frictional fatigue wear model that depends on the stress-strain state of the material of the parts, the loading conditions, the properties of the lubricant and the environment. Fatigue wear occurs as a result of repeated deformation of the surface material, which leads to chipping of its particles and formation of microcracks. Methods for predicting the longevity of materials and the growth of fatigue cracks are presented in Studies of P.F. Dunayev, O.P. Lelikova, O.A. Leonova [5; In most cases, declined to detail because the destruction of key connection is serviceable, it is difficult to produce a working surface: the streams of the pulley and the sprocket teeth of the involute, the cost of which is 80 % of the total cost of the items The wear of the contacting surfaces of the key, shaft and sleeve is the most common and precedes other types of damage

    Development of the Non-Iterative Supervised Learning Predictor Based on the Ito Decomposition and SGTM Neural-Like Structure for Managing Medical Insurance Costs

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    The paper describes a new non-iterative linear supervised learning predictor. It is based on the use of Ito decomposition and the neural-like structure of the successive geometric transformations model (SGTM). Ito decomposition (Kolmogorov–Gabor polynomial) is used to extend the inputs of the SGTM neural-like structure. This provides high approximation properties for solving various tasks. The search for the coefficients of this polynomial is carried out using the fast, non-iterative training algorithm of the SGTM linear neural-like structure. The developed method provides high speed and increased generalization properties. The simulation of the developed method’s work for solving the medical insurance costs prediction task showed a significant increase in accuracy compared with existing methods (common SGTM neural-like structure, multilayer perceptron, Support Vector Machine, adaptive boosting, linear regression). Given the above, the developed method can be used to process large amounts of data from a variety of industries (medicine, materials science, economics, etc.) to improve the accuracy and speed of their processing

    Features for the Design of A Specialized Information-measuring System for the Study of Thermoelectric Properties of Semiconductors

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    Methods for studying thermoelectric parameters of semiconductors that are optimal for the implementation of software and hardware have been analyzed and selected. It is based on the Harman method and its modifications, adapted for pulse measurements, which are convenient to implement on a modern element base. An important advantage of these methods is the absence of the need for accurate measurements of heat fluxes, which greatly simplifies and reduces the time for conducting experimental research. The required operating ranges for the voltage 10 µV–1 V, for the current 10 µA–300 mA and the element base performance at the processing level of 40–200 million samples per second have been determined. Structural and electrical circuits, as well as software for a specialized computer system for studying thermoelectric parameters of both bulk and thin-film thermoelectric materials, and express analysis of the operational characteristics of finished modules have been developed. It has been shown that the proposed scheme copes well with the task. And the use of FPGA and 32-bit microcontrollers provide sufficient processing speed up to 200 MSPS and the necessary synchronization modes for the implementation of the Harman pulse method even when studying films of nanometer thickness. Experimental studies of both bulk thermoelectric modules based on Bi2Te3 and thin-film thermoelectric material based on PbTe have been carried out. The effectiveness of the developed tools and techniques has been shown, which made it possible to more than halve the time for sample preparation and experiment. Based on the presented models, all the main thermoelectric and operational parameters have been determined, in particular, electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity, thermoelectric figure of merit. As a result of the development of specialized computer tools, it was possible to reduce the labor intensity of the process of measuring the main electrical and operational parameters of semiconductor thermoelectric materials and energy conversion modules based on them, as well as to automate the process of defects identification of thermoelectric modules. The labor intensity of the research process has decreased not only due to the automation of the measurement process, but also due to an optimized technique that allows research on a sample of one configuration, since the manufacture and preparation of samples are the most laboriou