264 research outputs found

    Feeding disorders in children: modern approaches to diagnosis and management

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    Feeding disorders in young and preschool-age children are a very important problem in modern pediatrics due to the high prevalence and negative consequences for the health and development of children due to chronic nutritional deficiency. Correction of feeding disorders in young children is a long-term process, during which it makes most sense to set short-term goals to reach a favourable outcome in the perspective.In the initial phase, the primary goal is to identify warning signs (“red flags”) that pose a risk to children. The prevailing disorders that make feeding difficult are food selectivity, decreased appetite and fear of eating. Treatment should be complex and aimed, first of all, at the psychological side of the problem, with simultaneous correction of nutrition if necessary. The article presents a modern approach to the management of patients with the most common difficulties in feeding in outpatient pediatric practice. This approach provides for the exclusion of alarming signs of somatic and psychoneurological pathology, assessment of oral motor skills, the nutritional status of children and the identification of pathological types of feeding.At present time, there are four main feeding styles: mindful (authoritative), supervising (authoritarian), indulging and uninvolved. Therapeutic tactics depend on the leading disorder of the eating behaviour. Recommendations for appetite correction depend on the underlying cause of its disorder. Providing the child with the necessary nutrients by prescribing “feeding insurance” through the inclusion of isocaloric food products containing native protein and micronutrients into the food ration, which enables the parents to reduce anxiety and avoid the use of forced feeding approaches

    Fluid flow in a porous medium with transverse permeability discontinuity

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) velocimetry methods were used to study fully developed axially symmetric fluid flow in a model porous medium of cylindrical symmetry with a transverse permeability discontinuity. Spatial mapping of fluid ow resulted in radial velocity profiles. High spatial resolution of these profiles allowed the estimating of the slip in velocities at the boundary with a permeability discontinuity zone in a sample. The profiles were compared to theoretical velocity fields for a fully developed axially symmetric flow in a cylinder derived from the Joseph and Beavers and the Brinkman models. Velocity fields were also computed using pore-scale lattice Boltzmann Modelling (LBM) where the assumption about the boundary could be omitted. Both approaches gave a good agreement between theory and experiment though LBM velocity fields followed experiment more closely. This work shows great promise for MRI velocimetry methods in addressing the boundary behavior of fluids in opaque heterogeneous porous media

    Impact of using the developed starter culture on the quality of sourdough, dough and wheat bread

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    ArticleThere is no technological necessity of sourdough usage when preparing wheat bread as it can be prepared without sourdough but only with yeast using. However, sourdough helps to solve such problems as fast microbial spoilage, unexpressed taste and smell, crumbling crumb. The use of sourdough prepared with directional cultivation of microorganisms allows to produce high-quality competitive bread. Developing a starter culture with an optimized microbial composition was the purpose of this study, allowing the quality and the microbiological stability of wheat bread improving. A new starter microbial composition for the sourdough was developed. Lactic acid bacteria strains L. plantarum Е90, L. brevis Е120 and yeast S. cerevisiae Y139 were selected for the new composition. It was proven that the rice products using to microorganism immobilization allows saving the largest number of living cells after drying and during storage. The rate of acid accumulation in sourdough was established. The sourdough dynamic viscosity decrease at the end of fermentation by 2.2 times was established, which means that the fermentation process leads to the sourdough liquefactio. The optimal dosage was established (5–10% flour in sourdough). This dosage provided good physico-chemical and organoleptic quality indicators of bread. It was proved that the sourdough usage allows getting good-quality bread even when the flour with unsatisfactory amylolytic activity (high drop number) is used. Slowing down the microbial spoilage in sourdough bread was proven. In general, the developed sourdough wheat bread biotechnology improves bread quality and its resistance to the ropy-bread disease

    NMR Imaging of low pressure, gas-phase transport in packed beds using hyperpolarized xenon-129

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    Gas-phase magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been used to investigate heterogeneity in mass transport in a packed bed of commercial, alumina, catalyst supports. Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI enables study of transient diffusion for micro- scopic porous systems using xenon chemical shift to selectively image gas within the pores, and, thence, permits study of low-density, gas-phase mass-transport, such that diffusion can be studied in the Knudsen regime, and not just the molecular regime, which is the limitation with other current techniques. Knudsen-regime diffusion is common in many industrial, catalytic processes. Significantly, larger spatial variability in mass transport rates across the packed bed was found compared to techniques using only molecular diffusion. It has thus been found that that these heterogeneities arise over length-scales much larger tha

    A molecular–mechanical link in shear-induced self-assembly of a functionalized biopolymeric fluid

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    23Na multiple quantum filtered (MQF) rheo-NMR methods were applied to probe the molecular foundation for flow induced self-assembly in 0.5% κ-carrageenan fluid. This method is sensitive enough to utilize an endogenous sodium ion concentration of approximately 0.02%. Rheo-NMR experiments were conducted at different temperatures and shear rates to explore varying molecular dynamics of the biopolymer in the fluid under shear. The temperature in the rheo-NMR experiments was changes from 288 K to 313 K to capture transition of κ-carrageenan molecules from helices to coils. At each temperature, the fluid was also tested for flow and oscillatory shear behaviour using bulk rheometry methods. It was found that the 23Na MQF signals were observed for the 0.5% κ-carrageenan solution only under shear and when the fluid demonstrated yielding and/or shear-thinning behaviour. At temperatures of 303 K and above, no 23Na MQF signals were observed independent of the presence or absence of shear as the molecular phase transition to random coils occurs and the fluid becomes Newtonian

    Evaluation of selected lactic acid bacteria as starter cultures for gluten-free sourdough bread production

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    Received: January 30th, 2021 ; Accepted: April 8th, 2021 ; Published: May 19th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] is one of the most promising technologies for gluten-free bread. The selection of appropriate starter cultures for the production of gluten-free sourdoughs is of a great importance, since not all microorganisms can adapt equally to the same raw material. The aim was to create a new starter microbial composition for gluten-free sourdough preparation, allowing improving the quality and the microbiological safety of gluten-free bread. Screening was conducted on 8 strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and 5 strains of yeast previously isolated from spontaneously fermenting rice and buckwheat sourdoughs. The strain S. cerevisiae Y205 had the highest fermentative activity and alcohols content. The lactic acid bacteria L. brevis E139 and L. plantarum Е138 were also experimentally selected for new gluten-free sourdoughs on the basis of acidity and volatile acids production and antagonistic activity. Two types of microbial composition were created and its influence on sourdough biotechnological indicators was studied. Sourdough with L. plantarum Е138 had in 1.2 times lower titratable acidity, in 3.4 times lower volatile acids content compared to sourdough with L. brevis E139. Alcohol content was the same in both sourdoughs similarly to yeast cells amount. Sourdough dough proofing time increased in 1.2–1.3 times compared to the control. Sourdough did not affect the specific volume, porosity and compressibility of gluten-free bread, but its sensory characteristics were improved. Bread made with sourdoughs had more pronounced taste and flavor, brighter crust color and better texture compared bread without sourdough. The microbiological safety of sourdough gluten-free bread was also increased, especially when L. brevis E139 was used

    Pathway to cryogen free production of hyperpolarized krypton-83 and xenon-129

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    yperpolarized (hp) 129Xe and hp 83Kr for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are typically obtained through spin-exchange optical pumping (SEOP) in gas mixtures with dilute concentrations of the respective noble gas. The usage of dilute noble gases mixtures requires cryogenic gas separation after SEOP, a step that makes clinical and preclinical applications of hp 129Xe MRI cumbersome. For hp 83Kr MRI, cryogenic concentration is not practical due to depolarization that is caused by quadrupolar relaxation in the condensed phase. In this work, the concept of stopped flow SEOP with concentrated noble gas mixtures at low pressures was explored using a laser with 23.3 W of output power and 0.25 nm linewidth. For 129Xe SEOP without cryogenic separation, the highest obtained MR signal intensity from the hp xenon-nitrogen gas mixture was equivalent to that arising from 15.561.9% spin polarized 129Xe in pure xenon gas. The production rate of the hp gas mixture, measured at 298 K, was 1.8 cm3/min. For hp 83Kr, the equivalent of 4.460.5% spin polarization in pure krypton at a production rate of 2 cm3/min was produced. The general dependency of spin polarization upon gas pressure obtained in stopped flow SEOP is reported for various noble gas concentrations. Aspects of SEOP specific to the two noble gas isotopes are discussed and compared with current theoretical opinions. A non-linear pressure broadening of the Rb D1 transition was observed and taken into account for the qualitative description of the SEOP process

    Regional Identity in Design Support Socio-Cultural Events

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    В статье рассматриваются методические предпосылки дизайн-проектирования визуального стиля социокультурного события в учебном процессе бакалавров дизайна. Определяются основные характеристики и функции социокультурного события. Рассматривается влияние локации (места проведения события) на концепцию его визуального стиля и основные элементы айдентики. Описываются примеры международной и российской практики, а также опыт студенческих разработок.The article discusses the methodological prerequisites for designing the visual style of a socio-cultural event in the educational process of design bachelors. The main characteristics and functions of a socio-cultural event are determined. The influence of the location (venue of the event) on the concept of its visual style and the main elements of the identity is considered. Examples of international and Russian practice are described, as well as the experience of student developments


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    This article discusses the issue of a new conceptual direction of training specialists in the field of design - “design management”, since a modern designer should not only have professional knowledge and skills, create a holistic harmonious image in accordance with the task, create new promising image projects, on based on modern information technology, predict future design trends, but also own business tools, be market oriented and end-user people helping organizations make design decisions.В данной статье рассматривается вопрос о новом концептуальном направлении подготовки специалистов в сфере дизайна – «дизайн-менеджмент», поскольку современный дизайнер должен не только обладать профессиональными знаниями и навыками, формировать целостный гармоничный образ в соответствии с поставленной задачей, создавать новые перспективные имиджевые проект на основе современных информационных технологий, прогнозировать будущие тенденции дизайна, но и владеть инструментами бизнеса, быть ориентированным на рынок и конечного потребителя, помогать организациям принимать решения по вопросам дизайна