628 research outputs found

    Formation of fatty acids in photochemical conversions of saturated hydrocarbons

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    Abiogenic synthesis of fatty acids was studied in photochemical conversions of saturated hydrocarbons. It was shown that, in a hydrocarbon water CaCO3 suspension, the action of 254 nm UV rays caused the formation of fatty acids with a maximum number of carbon atoms in the chain not exceeding that in the initial hydrocarbon. Synthesis of acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric, caproic, enanthic and caprylic (in the case of octane) acids occurs in heptane water CaCO3 and octane water CaCO3 systems

    Innovative subjective evidence-based ethnography applied to food consumer’s behavior: the case of wine

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    Consumers’ behavior in food industry is a key point of investigation for marketing. Widely studied in different manners including the use of videos, the recent technological progresses allow now the use of miniaturized video facilities. This pilot study showed, for consumers shopping wines, how subjective video analysis of consumers’ activity could greatly contribute to refine investigations whereas consecutive interviews of consumers lied on explicitation technique and goal-oriented verbalization. This was illustrated by comparative data analyses of Russian, Belarussian and French consumers shopping wines in Belarus and Russia. This paper highlighted the effective behavior put in light through subjects’ motives analysis. Fundamental differences appeared through subjective analysis whereas this could not be seen through external observations. The findings may be of interest for food producers looking for criteria in order to have the adapted packaging when exporting their products. These results may be of great implication for food marketing in order to adapt the offer in stores

    Création théâtrale bilingue pour l’émergence de la langue d’héritage à l’adolescence

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    En s’appuyant sur les principes de la méthode de Constantin Stanislavski, cet article propose des hypothèses sur les effets de la création théâtrale sur le développement linguistique et psychologique des adolescents héritiers des langues de leurs parents migrants. Il expose également des pistes de réflexion sur les objectifs d’une pédagogie langagière adaptée à ce contexte particulièrement complexe et hétérogène

    Fluid flow in a porous medium with transverse permeability discontinuity

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) velocimetry methods were used to study fully developed axially symmetric fluid flow in a model porous medium of cylindrical symmetry with a transverse permeability discontinuity. Spatial mapping of fluid ow resulted in radial velocity profiles. High spatial resolution of these profiles allowed the estimating of the slip in velocities at the boundary with a permeability discontinuity zone in a sample. The profiles were compared to theoretical velocity fields for a fully developed axially symmetric flow in a cylinder derived from the Joseph and Beavers and the Brinkman models. Velocity fields were also computed using pore-scale lattice Boltzmann Modelling (LBM) where the assumption about the boundary could be omitted. Both approaches gave a good agreement between theory and experiment though LBM velocity fields followed experiment more closely. This work shows great promise for MRI velocimetry methods in addressing the boundary behavior of fluids in opaque heterogeneous porous media

    Feeding disorders in children: modern approaches to diagnosis and management

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    Feeding disorders in young and preschool-age children are a very important problem in modern pediatrics due to the high prevalence and negative consequences for the health and development of children due to chronic nutritional deficiency. Correction of feeding disorders in young children is a long-term process, during which it makes most sense to set short-term goals to reach a favourable outcome in the perspective.In the initial phase, the primary goal is to identify warning signs (“red flags”) that pose a risk to children. The prevailing disorders that make feeding difficult are food selectivity, decreased appetite and fear of eating. Treatment should be complex and aimed, first of all, at the psychological side of the problem, with simultaneous correction of nutrition if necessary. The article presents a modern approach to the management of patients with the most common difficulties in feeding in outpatient pediatric practice. This approach provides for the exclusion of alarming signs of somatic and psychoneurological pathology, assessment of oral motor skills, the nutritional status of children and the identification of pathological types of feeding.At present time, there are four main feeding styles: mindful (authoritative), supervising (authoritarian), indulging and uninvolved. Therapeutic tactics depend on the leading disorder of the eating behaviour. Recommendations for appetite correction depend on the underlying cause of its disorder. Providing the child with the necessary nutrients by prescribing “feeding insurance” through the inclusion of isocaloric food products containing native protein and micronutrients into the food ration, which enables the parents to reduce anxiety and avoid the use of forced feeding approaches

    Деякі шляхи оптимізації вторинної профілактики рецидивів гострого пієлонефриту у вагітних

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    Було обстежено 27 вагітних жінок у віці 18-36 років з перенесеним гестаційним пієлонефритом. Після основного курсу лікування гестаційного пієлонефриту пацієнток розділили на дві підгрупи: I підгрупа – 12 вагітних, які отримували у якості профілактичних засобів щоденно, перорально на потязі вагітності та 2-х тижнів після пологів амоксицилін по 1 капсулі (250 мг) та нефрокеа по 1 капсулі. II підгрупа – 15 вагітних, які отримували щоденно, перорально на потязі вагітності та 2-х тижнів після пологів іншу схему профілактичного медикаментозного лікування - нефрокеа по 1 капсулі, лекран по 2 капсули, фолієву кислоту по 1 таблетці (1 мг). Амоксицилін – антибактеріальний засіб для системного застосування (пеніциліни широкого спектра дії). Нефрокеа - рослинний препарат фірми «Schonen», Швейцарія, компоненти якого (екстракт ягід журавлини, насіння селери, листя петрушки, жерухи лікарської, калію цитрат, вітамін С, В6) забезпечують антибактеріальний, антиоксидантний, імуностимулюючий, сечогінний ефекти, підсилюють кислотність сечі, що загалом попереджає колонізацію мікробами сечовивідної системи та розвиток запалення. Лекран (Le Cran) – сучасний пробіотик з уроантисептичними властивостями. Бактерії, що є в складі препарату, максимально швидко пригнічують розвиток патогенної мікрофлори, мають високу антагоністичну активність відносно широкого спектру патогенних і умовно-патогенних мікроорганізмів. Фолієва кислота - вітамін В9, який має багатовекторні метаболічні впливи в організмі та, зокрема, посилює систему фагоцитоза через покращення кістково-мозкового кровотворення, активацію ферментів киснезалежної мікробіцидності макрофагів та нейтрофілів, стимуляцію біохімічних процесів та функціональної активності Т-лімфоцитів. Висновки: застосування після перенесеного гестаційного пієлонефриту профілактичної медикаментозної терапії є доцільним кроком, проте позитивний клінічний ефект можна досягти і без застосування антибактеріальних засобів; запропонована схема лікування із залученням уроантисептичних та імуномоделюючих засобів має позитивний терапевтичний результат, сприяє відновленню мікроекології кишківника та його рухово-евакуаторної функції, що з сучасних позицій також є значним важелем зниження рівня ендотоксинемії в організмі

    Impact of using the developed starter culture on the quality of sourdough, dough and wheat bread

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    ArticleThere is no technological necessity of sourdough usage when preparing wheat bread as it can be prepared without sourdough but only with yeast using. However, sourdough helps to solve such problems as fast microbial spoilage, unexpressed taste and smell, crumbling crumb. The use of sourdough prepared with directional cultivation of microorganisms allows to produce high-quality competitive bread. Developing a starter culture with an optimized microbial composition was the purpose of this study, allowing the quality and the microbiological stability of wheat bread improving. A new starter microbial composition for the sourdough was developed. Lactic acid bacteria strains L. plantarum Е90, L. brevis Е120 and yeast S. cerevisiae Y139 were selected for the new composition. It was proven that the rice products using to microorganism immobilization allows saving the largest number of living cells after drying and during storage. The rate of acid accumulation in sourdough was established. The sourdough dynamic viscosity decrease at the end of fermentation by 2.2 times was established, which means that the fermentation process leads to the sourdough liquefactio. The optimal dosage was established (5–10% flour in sourdough). This dosage provided good physico-chemical and organoleptic quality indicators of bread. It was proved that the sourdough usage allows getting good-quality bread even when the flour with unsatisfactory amylolytic activity (high drop number) is used. Slowing down the microbial spoilage in sourdough bread was proven. In general, the developed sourdough wheat bread biotechnology improves bread quality and its resistance to the ropy-bread disease

    Modern Museum Communications as a Means of Visitors Attracting

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze the websites of museums in Russia in the European context. The Fine Arts museums in five regional centers of Russia and European Union, namely, in France, Germany, Poland, Croatia, and Lithuania were chosen for the assessment of their websites by four criteria: design, content, usability, and dynamism. A rating of the target Russian museum websites was compiled based on a comparative analysis of their compliance with these criteria. The findings allow concluding that some of the web resources of Russian regional museums meet the European standards, which let them powerfully join the modern virtual space and win both Russian and foreign audiences. The scienсe-based approach to a single virtual cultural space, which is currently on the focus of the museum institutions, supports the assumption of the museum websites to be a potent tool for the art communication with society. The practical value of the study is determined by possible uses of the results in streamlining and upgrading the museum sites, as well as in courses and training programs on museology, management, and marketing of social and cultural activities

    How do ab-initio second language learners start to detect words? : an exploratory study on Russian

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    PhD ThesisThe speech stream is a continuum and discrete units, e.g. words, cannot be identified from the signal alone. How language learners segment (i.e. recognise and store words) in the speech stream has typically been explored with respect to children (e.g., Jusczyk et al. 1994; 1999a,b). Researchers have only recently begun to examine how adult second language learners segment an unfamiliar natural language after ‘first exposure’ without instruction (Gullberg et al. 2010, 2012; Carroll 2012, 2013, 2014; Shoemaker & Rast 2013). I report on a study of how 28 English-speaking adults begin to segment words after hearing them in fluent Russian speech during four sessions. The study explored the following questions: (1) Does participant' ability to identify words increase over sessions? (2) Do participants rely on segmentation cues such as phonotactics, word-initial stress, and word length? (3) If so, how do these cues interact? (4) Can learners generalise to the novel examples? (5) Are there differences between linguistically trained and naïve participants? Each day for four successive days, 28 participants were exposed to audio input in Russian for seven minutes (= 28 minutes exposure). Input comprised of 48 sentences of natural speech with target words embedded in a sentence medial position. After each exposure phase, participants were tested on their detection abilities of words they heard in the input as opposed to words they did not hear using three tasks: a word recognition task, a forced-choice task, and a cognate identification task. The word identification and the forced-choice tasks investigated if participants could detect words they heard in the input as opposed to words they had not heard. The purpose of the cognate identification task was to eliminate those participants who might not have been paying sufficient attention to the input (which was uncontrolled in the previous studies on first exposure). A word recognition and a forced-choice task conducted each day showed that segmentation improved significantly over time. Segmentation patterns reflected the influence of English phonotactics, sensitivity to weak-strong stress, and the interaction of the two, which, particularly for the word recognition task, stems from participants subconscious analysis of Russian. Also, participants could generalise phonotactic patterns of Russian to novel words. The study did not find a difference between linguistically trained and naive participants. The study concludes that beyond native language bias, adults deploy the various segmentation mechanisms similar to those children use