30 research outputs found

    Nikephoros Gregoras und das Nikänische Reich

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    Can a presepsin (SCD14-ST) obtained from tracheal aspirate be a biomarker for early-onset neonatal sepsis

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    © 2020, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All rights reserved. In absence of clear clinical signs and clear definition, neonatal sepsis is still one of the major cause of morbidity and mortality. Most researchs in past time was directional on finding new biomarkers with greater sensitivity and specific-ity in detection of neonatal sepsis. The aim of our study was to investigate if presepsin obtained from tracheal asprate in intubated newborns, can be a novel biomarker of systemic bacterial infection. Our ‘’case control’’ study included 60 newborns, 11 with suspected neonatal sepsis. Tracheal aspirate for examination was taken in the usual toilets, in asep-tic conditions, by lavage with 2 ml of 0.9% NaCl in Mucus suction set. In the same day were mesured presepsin (blood), CRP, PCT, leukocytes and neutrophyls, as well as blood cul-ture. Our research showed higher levels for PCT and prese-psin (blood) in septic newborns, as well as in newborns with clinical signs of SIRS. Presepsin obtained from a tracheal aspirate had high score for septic newborns. As the coefficients of simple linear correlation showed, there was quantitative agreement between presepsin (blood) with presepsin (trache-al aspirate)-increase in the value of one leads to an increase in other. In conjunction with an already validated markers of infection, presepsin obtained from tracheal aspirate cam be turned on in diagnostic procedures

    Systematic functional analysis of rab GTPases reveals limits of neuronal robustness to environmental challenges in flies

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    Rab GTPases are molecular switches that regulate membrane trafficking in all cells. Neurons have particular demands on membrane trafficking and express numerous Rab GTPases of unknown function. Here, we report the generation and characterization of molecularly defined null mutants for all 26 rab genes in Drosophila. In flies, all rab genes are expressed in the nervous system where at least half exhibit particularly high levels compared to other tissues. Surprisingly, loss of any of these 13 nervous system-enriched Rabs yielded viable and fertile flies without obvious morphological defects. However, all 13 mutants differentially affected development when challenged with different temperatures, or neuronal function when challenged with continuous stimulation. We identified a synaptic maintenance defect following continuous stimulation for six mutants, including an autophagy-independent role of rab26. The complete mutant collection generated in this study provides a basis for further comprehensive studies of Rab GTPases during development and function in vivo

    Theodore II Lascaris as co-emperor: Reality and misapprehensions in Byzantine historiography

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    This article consists of two main parts. The first part quotes, once again, relevant sources for Theodore II Lascaris’ status as co-emperor and discusses some of Theodore II’s activities as co-ruler. The second part deals with the testimonies of three Byzantine historians: George Acropolites, George Pachymeres and Nikephoros Gregoras, who provide us with different information concerning Theodore II Lascaris as co-emperor. While Acropolites refers to Theodore II as basileuj even before he actually came to the throne, Pachymeres and Gregoras claim that Theodore II was never his father’s coruler. Thus, it is the aim of this study to offer an explanation for the differences in the testimonies of the mentioned historians. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177032

    Serbs in the works of Demetrios Cydones

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    One of the main topics of the works of Cydones is the foreign policy of Byzantium. Mutual incomprehension of Byzantium and the West, the growing threat and fear of the Ottoman Turks, lack of trust and, in a way, animosity towards the neighboring countries (primarily towards Bulgaria and Serbia in the time of Stefan Dušan and his immediate successors), represent three most important factors of that foreign policy in which Cydones also took part. This article deals with Cydones’ perception of Serbs and the information he provides on them in his works. Two major parts can be discerned in this paper. The first chapters deal with the information Cydones’ provides on Serbs in his letters. The last chapter, in which his speeches and the preambule of the charter of John V Palaiologos written by Cydones are being analyzed, deals with his perception of the Byzantine Slavic neighbor

    The co-rulership of John V Palaiologos

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    The image of Michael VIII in the historical works of the Palaiologan period

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    Orena revisionsberättelser : Hur utvecklas de med tiden?

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    Bakgrund: Revisionshistorien har präglats utav många skandaler där företag gått i konkurs, vilket lett till förståelsen att det är svårt att kunna förutse konkurser. Efter varje oväntad konkurs har det kommenterats om ”vart var revisorn?”. Svaret på detta har varit att lösa det hela med mer revision. Varje skandal har fört oss till den revision som råder idag och till en ökad betydelse av revisorns roll. Revisorns arbete mynnar ut i en revisionsberättelse, där bland annat företagets finansiella ställning och dess framtidsutsikter kan ses. En oren revisionsberättelsen kan delas in i olika grader av allvarlighet, vilken allvarlighetsgrad företaget fått är kanske av betydelse om företaget går i konkurs eller inte? Syfte: Uppsatsen huvudsyfte är att granska revisionsberättelser i svenska små- och mikroaktiebolag som inlett konkurs. Vidare är syftet att beskriva hur revisionsberättelsernas anmärkningar utvecklas i allvarlighetsgrad över en tioårsperiod och se om det är större risk att gå i konkurs ju högre grad av allvarlighet företaget fått. Teori: Den teoretiska delen behandlar bland annat vad revisionens delar består av och tar upp dess lagar och rekommendation. Fortsättningsvis avhandlas tidigare forskning och teorier. I kapitlet utformas en modell som behandlar revisionsberättelsens olika grader av allvarlighet. Metod: En kvantitativ forskningsstrategi har använts och tyngdpunkten i studien har legat på insamling av revisionsberättelser. Allvarlighetsskalan, som utformats, har använts för att dela in varje revisionsberättelse under rätt grad av allvarlighet. En studiegrupp och en kontrollgrupp har utformats för att möjliggöra en jämförelse. Resultat och slutsats: Slutsatsen är således att grad av allvarlighet inte har betydelse om företaget kommer inleda konkurs, utan när företaget får en högre grad av allvarlighet