196 research outputs found

    Multiple gigantic renal cysts

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    Introduction. Cystic renal lesions are very heterogeneous lesions which differ in ethiopathogenesis, morphological and clinical manifestations, and also in evolution and therapy. Classification of cystic lesions is complex, symptomatology is poor, and diagnosis is based on complete radiological diagnostic procedures. Case report. We presented a 20-year old patient with mild subjective symptoms. Objectively, he was without positive clinical signs and changes in biochemistry of blood. Using ultrasonography (US) multiple serous simple cysts were found in both kidneys. Using computed tomography (CT) multiple serous cysts were found, without changes in cystic walls, with preserved renal parenchyma and without cystic changes on other parenchymatous organs. Conclusion. Although renal cystic lesions are frequent in adult population, this is a rare example of a young adult man with simple, gigantic, serous cysts which do not produce clinical manifestations nor functional renal difficulty so far

    Impact of gene polymorphisms on cardiovascular diseases in patients with end stage renal disease

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    UVOD: Hronična bubreţna bolest (HBB) je nezavistan faktori rizika za kardiovaskularne bolesti. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita efekat polimorfizama gena za homocistein MTHFR 677C>T, MTHFR 1298 A>C, interleukin 6 -174G>C, interleukin 10 -1082G>A i -819T>C i fetuin 742 C>T i 766 C>G na koncentracije homocisteina, IL-6 i IL-10, fetuina i na rane i kasne pokazatelje ateroskleroze, pojavu kalcifikacija na koronarnim arterijama (KKA) i preţivljavanje bolesnika. transplantiranim bubregom (TX). U studiji za IL-6 i IL -10 228 bolesnika (77 HD i 55 na peritoenumskoj dijalizi), a za fetuin 88 (46 sa HBB i 42 Tx) i kontrolnoj grupi 28 zdravih osoba. Odredjivani su polimorfizmi u genima PCR metodom, biohemijske analize, CRP, amiloid A, fetuin-A, homo-cistein, IL-6 i IL-10. Merena je debljine intima medije (IMD) karotidnih arterija i prisustvo plaka, a skor kalci-fikacija multislajsnom tomografijom. REZULTATI: Bolesnici sa MTHFR 677 CT i TT genotipom su imali više vrednosti Hcy, ali bez statističke značajnosti. Ho-mozigoti sa genotipom IL-6 -174CC su imali značajno više koncentracije IL-6 (6,4pg/ml), u odnosu na -174GC+GG genotipove (3,1pg/ml, p=0,30). Koncentracije IL-10 nisu razlikovale prema genotipovima IL-10 -1082G>A i -819T>C. Homozigoti sa genotipom u genu za fetuin 742TT i 766GG su imali najniţe koncentracije fetuina-A (p=0,02). Aterosklerotski plak na karotidnim arterijama je imalo 47% bolesnika. IMD i izraţenost plaka nije se razlikovala medju MTHFR genotipovima. Ispitanici sa plak skorom 1-3 su bili značajno stariji, češće su imali hipertenziju, viši C reaktivni protein i kreatinin, a najznačajniji prediktor je bila starost (B=0,133; pC. Petogodišnje preţivljavanje bolesnika bez mutacije u genu za fetuin 742C>T je bilo 100%, kod bolesnika sa mutacijom 81%, a ukoliko su imali i povišene vrednosti C reaktivnog proteina 50%. ZAKLJUčAK: Ispitivanja u ovom radu nisu pokazala da je polimorfizam u genu za MTHFR značajno povezan sa koncentracijom homocisteina, niti sa parametrima ateroskleroze, heterozigoti MTHFR 677CT su imali lošije preţivljavanje. Polimorfizam IL-6 -174G>C je bio povezan sa koncentracijama IL-6, homozigoti 174CC su im-ali značajno više koncentracije IL-6 i lošije preţivljavanje. Polimorfizmi u genu za fetuin su bili udruţeni sa niţim koncentracijama fetuina-A u krvi i sa lošijim preţivljavanjem.Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of gene polymorphisms for homocysteine MTHFR 677C> T, MTHFR 1298 A> C, interleukin 6 -174G> C, interleukin 10 -1082G> A and -819T> C for fetuin 742 C> T and 766 C > G on con-centrations of homocysteine, IL-6 and IL-10, fetuin and on early and late indicators of atherosclerosis, the oc-currence of coronary artery calcifications (COA) and patient survival. METHODS: The Hcy study included 188 patients, 82 treated with hemodialysis (HD) and 106 with kidney transplantation (TX). In the study for IL-6 and IL-10 228 were included (77 HD and 55 on peritoneum dialysis), and for fetuin 88 (46 with HBB and 42 Tx) and the control group of 28 healthy individuals. Polymorphisms in genes were determined by PCR, biochemical analysis, CRP, amyloid A, fetuin-A, homo-cysteine, IL-6 and IL-10. The thickness of the intimate media (IMD) of the carotid arteries and the presence of plaque were measured, and the score was calcified by multislice tomography. RESULTS: Patients with MTHFR 677CT and TT genotype had higher Hcy values, but no statistical signific-ance. Homozygotes with genotype IL-6 -174CC had significantly higher IL-6 concentrations of 6.4pg / ml, compared to -174GC + GG genotypes (3.1pg / ml, p = 0.30). IL-10 concentrations did not differ according to IL-10 genotypes -1082G> A and -819T> C. Homozygotes for mutations in the fetuin gene 742TT and 766GG had the lowest concentrations of fetuin-A (p = 0.02). IMD and plaque expression did not differ among MTHFR genotypes. Subjects with a plaque score of 1-3 were significantly older, more likely to have hypertension, higher C-reactive protein and creatinine, and the most sig-nificant predictor was age (B = 0.133; p C gene poly-morphism. The five-year survival of patients without mutation in the fetus 742C> T gene was 100%, in patients with mutation 81%, and in patients with elevated reactive protein C values 50%. CONCLUSION: The studies in this paper did not show that polymorphism in the MTHFR gene was significant-ly associated with homocysteine concentration or atherosclerosis parameters, MTHFR 677CT heterozygotes had poorer survival. The IL-6 -174G>C polymorphism was associated with IL-6 concentrations, mutation homozy-gotes had significantly higher IL-6 concentrations and poorer survival. Polymorphisms in the fetuin gene 742 C>T and 766C>G were associated with lower blood concentrations of fetuin-A and poorer survival

    Nasilno ponašanje učenika prema nastavnicima u srednjoj školi

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    The results of previous studies consistently suggest that the teaching profession carries a high risk of victimization in the workplace. Teachers' exposure to violence is a relatively new field of scientific research, which is why the data on the scope and nature of this problem is limited, especially in our country. This paper presents the results of research on the frequency and characteristics of students' violent behavior directed against teachers in our schools. The sample consisted of 564 secondary school teachers from all over Serbia. The APA Classroom Violence Directed Against Teachers Task Force questionnaire was used to assess victimization of teachers. Research results indicated that, during the previous school year, almost 80% of teachers had experienced violent behavior from students, most frequently in the form of obscene remarks or gestures. Victimization was significantly related to gender, age, and length of teachers' work experience. Furthermore, significant relationships were determined between victimization of teachers and school type, size, and location. The obtained findings about the prevalence and factors related to victimization of teachers can have significant implications for future research and practice.Rezultati prethodnih istraživanja konzistentno sugerišu da profesija nastavnika nosi visok rizik viktimizacije na radnom mestu. Izloženost nastavnika nasilju je relativno novo područje naučnog proučavanja, te raspolažemo ograničenim informacijama o obimu i prirodi ovog problema, posebno u našoj zemlji. U ovom radu prezentovani su rezultati istraživanja o učestalosti i karakteristikama nasilnog ponašanja učenika prema nastavnicima u našim školama. Uzorak čine 564 nastavnika srednjih škola iz cele Srbije. Za procenu viktimizacije nastavnika korišćen je upitnik Radne grupe za nasilje u učionici usmereno prema nastavnicima Američkog udruženja psihologa (APA Classroom Violence Directed Against Teachers Task Force). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je tokom prethodne školske godine skoro 80 odsto nastavnika doživelo nasilno ponašanje učenika, najčešće u vidu nepristojnih reči ili gestova. Viktimizacija je značajno povezana sa polom, starošću i dužinom radnog staža nastavnika. Takođe su otkrivene značajne veze viktimizacije nastavnika sa vrstom, veličinom i lokacijom škole. Dobijeni nalazi o prevalenciji i faktorima viktimizacije nastavnika mogu imati značajne implikacije za buduća istraživanja i praksu

    Investigations of efficacy of intramammary applied antimicrobials and glucocorticosteroides in the treatment of subclinical and clinical mastitis in cows

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    Inflammation of the mammary gland, mastitis in cows, presents one of the most acute problems in intensive dairy production, inflicting huge economic losses. In the course of one year, 80 samples were taken at investigated farms from udder quarters of cows with clinical mastitis and 160 samples from udder quarters of cows with subclinical mastitis. The efficacy of three preparations, A, B, and C, was examined in the treatment of clinical and subclinical mastitis in cows. The investigations indicate that antibiotic preparation A (neomycin, polimixine B, oleandomycin and prednisolone) exhibited a greater efficacy in the treatment of clinical mastitis caused by Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis and Micrococcus sp., but a smaller efficacy in the treatment of subclinical mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Preparation B (amoxicillin, clavulanic acid and prednisolone) exhibited a higher efficacy in the treatment of clinical mastitis caused by Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis and Micrococcus, but a weaker effect in the treatment of subclinical mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Preparation C (procaine penicillin G, streptomycin, neomycin sulfate and prednisolone acetate) exihibited efficacy in the treatment of clinical and subclinical mastitis caused by Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis, Micrococcus, Staphylococcus aureus and Esherichie coli. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46002: Molekularno-genetička i ekofiziološka istraživanja u zaštiti autohtonih animalnih genetičkih resursa, očuvanju dobrobiti, zdravlja i reprodukcije gajenih životinja i proizvodnji bezbedne hrane

    Teachers’ exposure to violent behavior of students in secondary schools for students with disabilities

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    Poslednjih godina, viktimizacija nastavnika na radnom mestu postala je predmet interesovanja brojnih istraživača iz različitih zemalja. Prethodna istraživanja sugerišu da je većina nastavnika doživela nasilno ponašanje učenika tokom karijere, a da su nastavnici zaposleni u školama za učenike sa smetnjama u razvoju posebno ugroženi. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje razlika u učestalosti i pojavnim oblicima nasilnog ponašanja učenika prema nastavnicima u srednjim školama za učenike sa smetnjama u razvoju u odnosu na druge srednje škole. Uzorak čini 96 nastavnika u školama za učenike sa smetnjama u razvoju i 566 nastavnika u gimnazijama, srednjim stručnim školama i srednjim umetničkim školama. Za procenu viktimizacije nastavnika korišćen je upitnik Radne grupe za nasilje u učionici usmereno prema nastavnicima Američkog udruženja psihologa (APA Classroom Violence Directed Against Teachers Task Force). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da između dva poduzorka nastavnika nema razlika u ukupnoj viktimizaciji, ali da postoje značajne razlike u pogledu pojavnih oblika nasilnog ponašanja učenika kojima su izloženi. Nastavnici u školama za učenike sa smetnjama u razvoju učestalije su izloženi nepristojnim rečima [t (115,953) = -2,841; p = 0,005; η2 = 0,01] i nepristojnim gestovima [t (111,666) = -2,441; p = 0,016; η2 = 0,01], a nastavnici u drugim srednjim školama elektronskom nasilju [t (572,475) = 4,617; p < 0,001; η2 = 0,03] i pretnjama oružjem [t (565,000) = 3,498; p = 0,001; η2 = 0,02]. Dobijeni nalazi podržavaju pretpostavku o specifičnostima nasilnog ponašanja učenika prema nastavnicima u školama za učenike sa smetnjama u razvoju i impliciraju potrebu za daljim proučavanjem ove problematike.In recent years, victimization of teachers in the workplace has become a subject of interest to numerous researchers from different countries. Previous research suggests that most teachers have experienced students’ violent behavior during their careers, and that teachers in schools for students with disabilities are particularly vulnerable. The aim of this research was to determine the differences inequency and forms of students’ violent behavior directed against teachers in secondary schools for students with disabilities compared to other secondary schools. The sample consisted of 96 teachers in secondary schools for students with disabilities and 566 teachers in grammar schools, vocational secondary schools and secondary art schools. APA Classroom Violence Directed Against Teachers Task Force questionnaire was used to collect data on students’ violent behavior directed against teachers. Research results indicated that there were no differences in total victimization between two subsamples of teachers, but there were significant differences in the forms of students’ violent behavior they were exposed to. Teachers in schools for students with disabilities were more often exposed to obscene remarks [t (115.953) = -2.84; p = 0.005; η2 = 0.01] and obscene gestures [t (111.666) = -2.44; p = 0.016; η2 = 0.01], while exposure to electronic violence [t (572.475) = 4.62; p < 0.001; η2 = 0.03] and weapons threats [t (565.000) = 3.50; p = 0.001; η2 = 0.02] were more frequent in other secondary schools. The obtained findings support the assumption about the specificities of students’ violent behavior directed against teachers in schools for students with disabilities and imply the need for further study of this problem

    Psychopathy and Harsh Environment are Transmitted Together - Three-Generational Study

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    Psychopathy is a set of several traits: egocentrism, manipulativeness, shallow affect and poor behaviour controls (high impulsivity and recklessness). Studies show moderate heritability of psychopathy. Transgenerational transmission of psychopathic traits can also be achieved indirectly, if parents create harsh environment for their children during their development. In order to examine the transmission of psychopathic traits through three consecutive generations, we constructed a path analysis model. The sample consisted of 222 students (Mage = 21.22, SDage = 3.75; 76% female), 420 students’ parents (Mage = 51.47, SDage = 5.89; 54% female) and 739 students’ grandparents (Mage = 71.04, SDage = 11.06; 45% female). TriPM self-assessment questionnaire measured psychopathic traits of students, while rating measures, the SPRS questionnaire measured psychopathic traits of parents and grandparents. Students and their parents have self-assessed the dysfunction of their family environment (on the Family Dysfunction scale) and poverty as they grew up. The model showed satisfactory data fit, especially RMSE and CFI values (χ² = 56.026, df = 51, p = .292; RMSEA = .015; CFI = .992). The psychopathic trait of recklessness in grandparents predicts the same trait in the next offspring generation, and the path is significant between the second and third generations. The same pattern is observed in the manipulative interpersonal style. The psychopathic trait of recklessness is the strongest predictor of an unfavorable environment for growing up, both poverty and dysfunction of the family environment: this is transmitted from the first to the second and from the second to the third generation. The direct effects of recklessness from the first generation to the third generation are also observed. The results provide new insights into how psychopathic traits of parents generate psychopathy, but also an unfavorable environment (in socio-economic and in terms of family functioning) from generation to generation, which provides additional understanding of the etiology of psychopathy

    Factors influencing axillary bud induction on nodal segments of Micromeria pulegium (Rochel) Benth.

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    Micromeria pulegium (Rochel) Benth.is an endemic species from family Lamiaceae. Plants from this family are characterized by presence of secondary metabolites and antioxidant components. M. pulegium contains pulegone which is a potential bio-insecticide and a bio-pesticide. Natural populations of this species are so small that there is a need for an alternative way of propagate and proliferation of individuals. Method of micropropagation was used with the goal of mass production of plants with the chemical composition of essential oils as similar as possible to that in wild-harvested plants. This paper presents the study on influence of concentration of mineral salts, carbon sources (sucrose and maltose) and nitrogen source (casein hydrolysate) on process of in vitro regeneration of plants through induction of axillary buds on the nodal segments of Micromeria pulegium. The greatest number of axillary buds was formed in explants grown on MS culture medium with 3 % sucrose and 500 mg/L casein hydrolysate

    Uloga površinskih defekata na HOPG-u u elektrohemijskoj I fizičkoj depoziciji Ag

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    The role of defects on a substrate surface during the initial stages of nucleation and growth of Ag deposited electrochemically and physically on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) has been observed ex situ by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The silver was electrodeposited under current controlled electrochemical conditions at 26 mu A/cm(2), which corresponded to a deposition rate of 0.1 monolayers (ML) per second. For comparison, physical deposition of Ag on HOPG was performed by DC Ar+ ion sputtering, at the same deposition rate and for the same deposition times. In both cases, Ag grows in an island growth mode, but the distribution of the islands appears to be quite different. In physical deposition, the Ag islands are almost homogeneously distributed over the substrate surface and a slight accumulation of islands on steps does not contribute significantly to the overall morphology. This indicates the crucial role of point defects on the substrate in the initial stages of nucleation. In electrochemical deposition, more lined defects are observed after a flow of current, and their role in the beginning of the nucleation is more pronounced. Lined defects are responsible for the string-like shaped domains of deposited atoms. Also, the existence of string-like shaped nucleation exclusion zones is indicated. The problem of the formation of nucleation exclusion zones, which appear only in electrochemical deposition, has been reconsidered and a new explanaton of their formation is given. A mathematical model for the calculation of the radius of the nucleation exclusion zone has been developed.Uloga defekata na površini supstrata u početnim stadijumima nukleacije i rasta Ag deponovanog elektrohemijski i fizički na visoko orijentisani grafit (HOPG) je ispitivana ex situ tehnikom skanirajuće tunelirajuće mikroskopije (STM). Elektrodepozicija srebra je izvedena galvanostatski, sa gustinom struje od 26 µA/cm2 , što je odgovaralo brzini depozicije od 0,1 monosloja (ML) po sekundi. Poređenja radi, fizička depozicija Ag na HOPG je izvedena spaterovanjem sa DC Ar+ jonima, sa istom brzinom depozicije i za ista vremena depozicije. U oba slučaja je zapažen ostrvski rast Ag, ali se ispostavilo da je raspodela ostrva po površini sasvim različita. Nakon fizičke depozicije, ostrva srebra su skoro homogeno raspore|ena po površini, i slaba akumulacija ostrva na stepenicama ne doprinosi značajno ukupnoj morfologiji. Ovo ukazuje na presudan značaj tačkastih defekata na površini supstrata na početne stadijume nukleacije. Nakon elektrohemijske depozicije, primećeno je više linijskih defekata na samoj površini supstrata, i pokazano je da je njihova uloga u početku nukleacije mnogo izraženija. Linijski defekti su odgovorni za nastajawe trakastih oblasti sa deponovanim atomima. Takođe, ukazano je na postojanje trakastih zona isključenja. Problem zona isključenja u toku elektrohemijske depozicije je ponovo razmatran i ponu|eno je novo objašnjenje za njihovo nastajanje. Dat je matematički model za izračunavanje prečnika zone isključenja

    Analysis of lactoferin gene polymophism and its association to milk quality and mammary gland health in Holstein-Friesian cows

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    Lactoferrin (LTF) is a glycoprotein, a member of transferrin gene family which plays an important role in immune mechanisms in the mammary glands of cows. The amount of lactoferrin increases during inflammatory processes and viral infections. The aim of this investigation was to monitor the distribution of lactoferrin gene genotypes and its connection to milk quality and the occurrence of mammary gland diseases in 46 Holstein-Freisian cows of different age (2-7 years) on a farm near Belgrade. DNA was isolated from blood samples, and the polymorphism of lactoferrin gene was deterimined by PCR-RFLP method using the restriction enzyme Eco RI. We found two alelic forms of this gene in cows included in these experiments (A and B) and two genotypes (AA and AB) in a ratio 71.7% to 28.3%. The genotype BB was not found in this sample. In order to determine the degree of differences between genotypes we used discriminant analysis which has shown that there is a statistically significant difference between genotypes AA and with respect to productive parameters. When analyzed separately, the only parameter which differed significantly (p=0.021) between two genotypes was total milk production. Individuals with observed genotypes are most similar for the amount of milk fat (p=0.271). There is no statistically significant difference in the number of somatic cells in milk samples between the examined genotypes. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46002

    Phenazines producing pseudomonas isolates decrease Alternaria tenuissima growth, pathogenicity and disease incidence on cardoon

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    Phenazines, secondary metabolites of fluorescent Pseudomonas, represent a group of heterocyclic nitrogen-containing compounds showing a broad spectrum of antibiotic properties. Phenazines producing fluorescent Pseudomonas species are studied extensively for their application in plant disease management. In this study, we examined the antifungal activity of different indigenous Pseudomonas isolates (Q16, B25 and PS2) against the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria tenuissima, which had infected cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L., Asteraceae). An in vitro experiment demonstrated the antifungal activity of selected indigenous isolates. In addition, an in vivo experiment under gnotobiotic conditions showed suppression of C. cardunculus disease caused by A. tenuissima. The quantification of phenazines revealed significant amounts of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) and 2-hydroxy-phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (2-OH-PCA). PCR analysis confirmed the presence of PCA genes in all examined indigenous Pseudomonas isolates. Based on our results, we assume that these Pseudomonas isolates have potential in controlling plant diseases caused by A. tenuissima. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46007 and br. TR31018