18 research outputs found

    MDM2 promotor polymorphism and disease characteristics in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results of an individual patient data-based meta-analysis

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    A number of single nucleotide polymorphisms have been associated with disease predisposition in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. A single nucleotide polymorphism in the MDM2 promotor region, MDM2SNP309, was shown to soothe the p53 pathway. In the current study, we aimed to clarify the effect of the MDM2SNP309 on chronic lymphocytic leukemia characteristics and outcome. We performed a meta-analysis of data from 2598 individual patients from 10 different cohorts. Patients' data and genetic analysis for MDM2SNP309 genotype, immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region mutation status and fluorescence in situ hybridization results were collected. There were no differences in overall survival based on the polymorphism (log rank test, stratified by study cohort; P=0.76; GG genotype: cohort-adjusted median overall survival of 151 months; TG: 153 months; TT: 149 months). In a multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression analysis, advanced age, male sex and unmutated immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region genes were associated with inferior survival, but not the MDM2 genotype. The MDM2SNP309 is unlikely to influence disease characteristics and prognosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Studies investigating the impact of individual single nucleotide polymorphisms on prognosis are often controversial. This may be due to selection bias and small sample size. A meta-analysis based on individual patient data provides a reasonable strategy for prognostic factor analyses in the case of small individual studies. Individual patient data-based meta-analysis can, therefore, be a powerful tool to assess genetic risk factors in the absence of large studies

    ToTem: a tool for variant calling pipeline optimization

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    Abstract Background High-throughput bioinformatics analyses of next generation sequencing (NGS) data often require challenging pipeline optimization. The key problem is choosing appropriate tools and selecting the best parameters for optimal precision and recall. Results Here we introduce ToTem, a tool for automated pipeline optimization. ToTem is a stand-alone web application with a comprehensive graphical user interface (GUI). ToTem is written in Java and PHP with an underlying connection to a MySQL database. Its primary role is to automatically generate, execute and benchmark different variant calling pipeline settings. Our tool allows an analysis to be started from any level of the process and with the possibility of plugging almost any tool or code. To prevent an over-fitting of pipeline parameters, ToTem ensures the reproducibility of these by using cross validation techniques that penalize the final precision, recall and F-measure. The results are interpreted as interactive graphs and tables allowing an optimal pipeline to be selected, based on the user’s priorities. Using ToTem, we were able to optimize somatic variant calling from ultra-deep targeted gene sequencing (TGS) data and germline variant detection in whole genome sequencing (WGS) data. Conclusions ToTem is a tool for automated pipeline optimization which is freely available as a web application at https://totem.software

    Distinct p53 phosphorylation patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients are reflected in the activation of circumjacent pathways upon DNA damage

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    TP53 gene abnormalities represent the most important biomarker in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Altered protein modifications could also influence p53 function, even in the wild‐type protein. We assessed the impact of p53 protein phosphorylations on p53 functions as an alternative inactivation mechanism. We studied p53 phospho‐profiles induced by DNA‐damaging agents (fludarabine, doxorubicin) in 71 TP53‐intact primary CLL samples. Doxorubicin induced two distinct phospho‐profiles: profile I (heavily phosphorylated) and profile II (hypophosphorylated). Profile II samples were less capable of activating p53 target genes upon doxorubicin exposure, resembling TP53‐mutant samples at the transcriptomic level, whereas standard p53 signaling was triggered in profile I. ATM locus defects were more common in profile II. The samples also differed in the basal activity of the hypoxia pathway: the highest level was detected in TP53‐mutant samples, followed by profile II and profile I. Our study suggests that wild‐type TP53 CLL cells with less phosphorylated p53 show TP53‐mutant‐like behavior after DNA damage. p53 hypophosphorylation and the related lower ability to respond to DNA damage are linked to ATM locus defects and the higher basal activity of the hypoxia pathway

    Massachusetts Monthly Precipitation Composite Estimate (2014-03)

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    ToTemñ€™s technical documentation. ToTemñ€™s technical documentation describes the technical details of ToTem. (PDF 1464 kb

    Identification and functional characterization of new missense SNPs in the coding region of the TP53 gene

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    Infrequent and rare genetic variants in the human population vastly outnumber common ones. Although they may contribute significantly to the genetic basis of a disease, these seldom-encountered variants may also be miss-identified as pathogenic if no correct references are available. Somatic and germline TP53 variants are associated with multiple neoplastic diseases, and thus have come to serve as a paradigm for genetic analyses in this setting. We searched 14 independent, globally distributed datasets and recovered TP53 SNPs from 202,767 cancer-free individuals. In our analyses, 19 new missense TP53 SNPs, including five novel variants specific to the Asian population, were recurrently identified in multiple datasets. Using a combination of in silico, functional, structural, and genetic approaches, we showed that none of these variants displayed loss of function compared to the normal TP53 gene. In addition, classification using ACMG criteria suggested that they are all benign. Considered together, our data reveal that the TP53 coding region shows far more polymorphism than previously thought and present high ethnic diversity. They furthermore underline the importance of correctly assessing novel variants in all variant-calling pipelines associated with genetic diagnoses for cancer

    Additional file 5: of ToTem: a tool for variant calling pipeline optimization

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    Performance comparison of 2 variant callers with default and optimized pipelines applied on WGS dataset. The difference between the best pipeline for every tool and the default settings. These data were generated as a part of WGS experiment. (XLSX 14 kb

    ERIC recommendations for TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia—2024 update

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    In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), analysis of TP53 aberrations (deletion and/or mutation) is a crucial part of treatment decision-making algorithms. Technological and treatment advances have resulted in the need for an update of the last recommendations for TP53 analysis in CLL, published by ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL, in 2018. Based on the current knowledge of the relevance of low-burden TP53-mutated clones, a specific variant allele frequency (VAF) cut-off for reporting TP53 mutations is no longer recommended, but instead, the need for thorough method validation by the reporting laboratory is emphasized. The result of TP53 analyses should always be interpreted within the context of available laboratory and clinical information, treatment indication, and therapeutic options. Methodological aspects of introducing next-generation sequencing (NGS) in routine practice are discussed with a focus on reliable detection of low-burden clones. Furthermore, potential interpretation challenges are presented, and a simplified algorithm for the classification of TP53 variants in CLL is provided, representing a consensus based on previously published guidelines. Finally, the reporting requirements are highlighted, including a template for clinical reports of TP53 aberrations. These recommendations are intended to assist diagnosticians in the correct assessment of TP53 mutation status, but also physicians in the appropriate understanding of the lab reports, thus decreasing the risk of misinterpretation and incorrect management of patients in routine practice whilst also leading to improved stratification of patients with CLL in clinical trials

    Memory B-cell like chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is associated with specific methylation profile of WNT5A promoter and undetectable expression of WNT5A gene

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    Genome methylation profiles define naïve-like (n-CLL), memory-like (m-CLL), and intermediate (i-CLL) subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). The profiles can be easily determined by the analysis of the five-CpG signature. m-CLL, i-CLL, and n-CLL with the good, intermediate, and poor prognoses, respectively, differ by the somatic hypermutation status of the immunoglobulin heavy chain variable gene (IGHV), a widely used prognostic predictor in CLL. We have previously shown that the expression of WNT5A, encoding a ROR1 ligand, distinguishes patients with the worse outcome within the prognostically favourable IGHV-mutated subgroup. To analyse the mechanisms controlling WNT5A expression, we investigated the methylation status of 54 CpG sites within the WNT5A promoter and its relation to the WNT5A gene expression. In a cohort of 59 CLL patients balanced for combinations of IGHV and WNT5A statuses, we identified three promoter CpG sites whose methylation level correlated with the WNT5A expression within the IGHV-mutated subgroup. Further, we complemented our data with the methylation status of the five-CpG signature. IGHV-mutated/WNT5A-negative and IGHV-mutated/WNT5A-positive cases overlapped with m‑CLL and i‑CLL methylation subgroups, respectively, while most IGHV‑unmutated samples were assigned to n-CLL. Median methylation levels of all the three CpG sites in the WNT5A promoter were lowest in i-CLL. Finally, a detailed analysis of m-CLL and i-CLL showed that undetectable WNT5A expression predicts longer treatment-free survival with higher statistical significance than the classification according to the five-CpG signature. To conclude, a favourable m-CLL subgroup is associated with mutated IGHV and undetectable WNT5A expression due to its promoter methylation