14 research outputs found


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    The article examines the current trends in the trade union movement in chosen countries, their influence on the formation of the environmental agenda, as well as their ability to adapt the activities of trade unions to new challenges. Based on the example of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries the paper explores the role of trade unions in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement. The analytical cut concerns the issues of the environmental component. The issue is considered from the perspective of the international environmental agreements as a tool to achieve such goals (Paris Climate Agreement, UNFCCC, Aarhus Convention). Since the results of the study showed that in the post-Soviet countries labor unions are deprived of a wide range of rights in the field of policy development, certain ways of development, and increasing their role in the context of adjustment to the SDGs in the field of ecology are proposed. This study is of interest to lawyers practicing in several fields at once, as it makes a significant contribution to the science of comparative law from the perspective of considering the relationship between environmental protection law, labor law, international policy, and legal initiatives on the SDGs

    Protection of Rights and Freedoms of Minors in Employment: International Law and Experience of Ukraine

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    The issue of protecting the rights of minors is undoubtedly relevant. There is a tendency in society when the employment of minors in the labor market is growing. The purpose of the article is to analyze the theory and practice of legal regulation of labor of minors under Ukrainian and international law and to find the optimal solution to the problematic issues that exist in this area. The article deals with the legal features of the work of minors at the national and international levels. Universal international legal acts enshrine the fundamentals of protection of the rights of minors from forced labor and oblige states to set a minimum age for employment and prohibit minors from holding certain positions. National legislation extends the norms on the work of minors in accordance with their labor market, clarifies and expands the rights of minors and the employment procedure. Despite the fact that the rights of child workers are clearly regulated, the state should eliminate certain shortcomings to ensure the rights and freedoms of this group of workers. The authors conclude that the term "light work" needs to be clarified, and a detailed classification of child workers depending on their age and state benefits is necessary. It is necessary to take educational measures to inform minors about their rights in the field of employment, and to develop a simplified mechanism for the protection of their rights. Scientific work can contribute to consolidate Ukraine's international relations with that of other countries in terms of developing bilateral relations to protect the rights of underage workers

    Svojstva stvaranja sposobnosti prilagodbe janjadi prvog dana života

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    New-born lambs are subjected to significant loads during rearing with the existing technologies of sheep farming. The stability and ability to adapt of newborn animals is not the same and is conditioned by different functional maturity, low resistance, and high susceptibility to extreme biotic and abiotic factors. Because of this, their physiological condition deteriorates, the body defenses decrease, which most often leads to a decrease in productivity, an increase in morbidity and mortality. Knowledge about the development of the clinical condition and thermoregulation in lambs during early ontogenesis is quite limited, which determines the relevance and expediency of the work conducted, the purpose of which was to investigate the peculiarities of the formation of adaptive capacity in newborn lambs during the first day of postnatal rearing. As part of the experiment, it has been determined that the body temperature of the lambs on the first day after birth varied with different intensity from the initial value. This was affected by the differences in the modules of its deviation, which made it possible to distinguish three groups with different levels of thermoregulation processes. Lambs of group I were the most viable, which were born with 5.1 and 9.9% more live weight at a higher metabolic rate of 1.0378 vs. 1.0331 and 1.0300 in lambs of groups II and III and reliably higher by 5.0 and 14.9% of pulse rate parameters and 4.7 and 27.7% of breathing rhythm, thereby ensuring sufficient functioning of thermoregulation mechanisms. It was found that the level and nature of the correlation between live weight and physiological indicators (live weight, pulse and breathing rates) indicate the multi-vector relationship in lambs with different body temperature deviation modules. These dependencies were especially clearly manifested in individuals of the group I (r=-0.522; r=0.362; r=0.707, respectively). It was recorded that the microclimate in the room for keeping ewes and newborn lambs in terms of hydrogen sulfide content almost twice exceeded the technological norm of industry-specific process engineering standard, while other zoohygienic parameters approached its upper limit.Tijekom uzgoja s postojećim tehnologijama uzgoja ovaca novorođena janjad podložna je znatnim opterećenjima. Stabilnost i sposobnost prilagodbe novorođenih životinja nije ista i uvjetovana je različitom funkcionalnom zrelošću, niskom otpornošću i visokom prijemčivošću na ekstremne biotičke i abiotičke čimbenike, iz tog razloga se njihovo fiziološko stanje pogoršava, smanjuje se obrambeni mehanizam organizma, a to najčešće dovodi do smanjene produktivnosti, povećanja morbiditeta i smrtnosti. Znanje o razvoju kliničkog stanja i termoregulaciji u janjadi tijekom rane ontogeneze prilično je ograničeno, a to određuje relevantnost i hitnost obavljenog rada čija je svrha istražiti posebnosti stvaranja sposobnosti prilagodbe u novorođene janjadi tijekom prvog dana uzgoja nakon janjenja. Kao dio eksperimenta, utvrđeno je da je tjelesna temperatura janjadi prvog dana nakon janjenja u odnosu na početnu vrijednost varirala različitim intenzitetom. Na to su utjecale razlike u modulima odstupanja koje su omogućile razlikovanje tri skupine s različitim razinama procesa termoregulacije. Janjad iz skupine I bila je najodrživija, a ojanjena je s 5,1 i 9,9 % više žive vage uz veću metaboličku stopu od 1,0378 u usporedbi s 1,0331 i 1,0300 u janjadi iz skupine II i III te s pouzdano višim parametrima srčane frekvencije za 5,0 i 14,9 % i stope disanja 4,7 i 27,7 %, čime je osigurano dostatno funkcioniranje mehanizama termoregulacije. Otkriveno je da razina i narav korelacije između žive vage i fizioloških indikatora (živa vaga, srčana frekvencija i stopa disanja) ukazuju na multi-vektorski odnos u janjadi s različitim modulima odstupanja tjelesne temperature. Ove su se ovisnosti posebno jasno očitovale u janjadi iz skupine I (r = -0,522; r = 0,362; odnosno r= 0,707). Zabilježeno je da je mikroklima u prostoriji za držanje ovaca i novorođene janjadi, u smislu udjela sumporovodika, bila gotovo dva put veća od tehnološke norme standarda procesnog inženjeringa specifičnog za industriju, dok su drugi zoo-higijenski parametri bili blizu gornje granice

    Baktericidna svojstva nekih organskih kiselina u odnosu na mikobakterije

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    Despite current successes in fighting an- imal tuberculosis, sporadic cases of infection with both the disease’s causative agents and atypical mycobacteria still occur in animals. Since animal mycobacteriosis cannot be treated with medication, priority must be given to their prevention and elimination as non-specific measures, including disinfection. The unique structure of the mycobacteria cell de- termines their high resistance to antimicrobial agents, therefore the constant search for effective disinfectants is an urgent task of veterinary science. This study aimed to determine the bactericidal properties of several inorganic acids against mycobacteria. Experiments were carried out following modern methodological aspects using the atypical mycobacteria M. fortuitum, pathogens of tuberculosis M. bovis and M. avium. Orthophosphoric (phosphoric) acid (H3PO4) and nitric acid (HNO3) were used in the experiments. Using the suspension method, orthophosphoric acid was found to have a bactericidal effect against atypical mycobacteria- ria M. fortuitum and the pathogen of tuberculoussis M. avium when tested at a concentration of 1.5% (24 hours) and 2.0% (1–24 hours), against the causative agent of tuberculosis M. bovis at a concentration of 1.5% (5–24 hours) and 2.0% (1–24 hours). Nitric acid showed a bactericidal effect when tested in solution against mycobacteriaria M. fortuitum and M. avium at a concentration of 2.0% (5–24 hours), and against M. bovis at a concentration of 2.0% after 1 hour exposure. A different level of mycobacterial growth intensity in test tubes was observed after the action of inorganic acids in sub-bactericidal and bacteriostatic concentrations, which was directly dependent on the concentration and exposure of the acid, and on the type of test culture of microorganisms. It has been shown that inorganic acids can disinfect surfaces contaminated with the tuberculosis-causing agent. This refers to various surfaces like wood, tile, fabric, glass, and metal. It has been found that orthophosphoric acid (1.5% for 24 hours) and nitric acid (2.0% for 5 hours) can be used to disinfect in cases of tuberculosis infection. These findings have been confirmed through bioassays on laboratory animals. Future research will focus on discovering and developing new medications with strong bactericidal properties against mycobacteria.Danas, unatoč uspjehu u borbi protiv životinjske tuberkuloze, još uvijek se u životinja javljaju sporadični slučajevi infekcije s uzročnicima bolesti i s atipičnim mikobakterijama. Zbog činjenice da mikobakteriozu životinja nije moguće liječiti lije- kovima, prvo mjesto za njihovu prevenciju i eliminaciju pripada nespecifičnim mjerama koje uključuju dezinfekciju. Jedinstvena struktura stanica mikobakterija određuje njihovu visoku otpornost na antimikrobna sredstva, stoga je stalna potraga za učinkovitim dezinfekcijskim sredstvima hitan zadatak veterinarske znanosti. Naš rad ima za cilj odrediti baktericidna svojstva nekih anorganskih kiselina u odnosu na mikobakterije. Provedeni su eksperimenti slijedeći moderne metodološke aspekte uporabom atipičnih mikobakterija M. fortuitum, patogena tuberkuloze M. bovis i M. avium. Ortofosforna (fosforna) kiselina (H3PO4) i dušična kiselina (HNO3) su rabljene u eksperimentima. Sa suspenzijskom metodom istraživanja, otkriven je baktericidni učinak ortofosforne kiseline u odnosu na atipične mikobakterije M. fortuitum i patogen tuberkuloze M. avium kada je ispitana u koncen- traciji od 1,5 % (24 sata) i 2,0 % (1-24 sata), protiv uzročnika tuberkuloze M. bovis u koncentraciji od 1,5 % (5-24 sata) i 2,0 % (1-24 sata). Dušična kiselina pokazala je baktericidni učinak kada je ispitana u otopini u odnosu na mikobakterije M. fortuitum i M. avium u koncentraciji od 2,0 % (5-24 sata) i u odnosu na M. bovis u koncentraciji od 2,0 % nakon izlaganja od 1 sata. Primijećena je različita razina intenziteta rasta mikobakterija u epruvetama nakon djelovanja anorganskih kiselina u subbaktericidnim i bakteriostatskim koncentracijama, što je izravno ovisilo o koncentraciji i izloženosti rabljenim kiselinama, kao i o vrsti ispitne kulture mikroorganizama. Kroz eksperimente je dokazano da anorganske kiseline mogu dezinficirati površine kontaminirane uzročnicima tuberkuloze. To se odnosi na različite povr- šine poput: drva, pločica, tkanine, stakla i metala. Otkriveno je da je moguće rabiti ortofosfornu kise- linu (1,5 % tijekom 24 sata) i dušičnu kiselinu (2,0 % tijekom 5 sati) za dezinfekciju u slučajevima infekcije tuberkulozom. Ova otkrića potvrđena su bi- ološkim testovima na laboratorijskim životinjama. Buduća istraživanja usredotočit će se na otkrivanje i razvoj novih lijekova sa snažnim baktericidnim svojstvima u odnosu na mikobakterije

    Protection of Rights and Freedoms of Minors in Employment: International Law and Experience of Ukraine

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    The issue of protecting the rights of minors is undoubtedly relevant. There is a tendency in society when the employment of minors in the labor market is growing. The purpose of the article is to analyze the theory and practice of legal regulation of labor of minors under Ukrainian and international law and to find the optimal solution to the problematic issues that exist in this area. The article deals with the legal features of the work of minors at the national and international levels. Universal international legal acts enshrine the fundamentals of protection of the rights of minors from forced labor and oblige states to set a minimum age for employment and prohibit minors from holding certain positions. National legislation extends the norms on the work of minors in accordance with their labor market, clarifies and expands the rights of minors and the employment procedure. Despite the fact that the rights of child workers are clearly regulated, the state should eliminate certain shortcomings to ensure the rights and freedoms of this group of workers. The authors conclude that the term "light work" needs to be clarified, and a detailed classification of child workers depending on their age and state benefits is necessary. It is necessary to take educational measures to inform minors about their rights in the field of employment, and to develop a simplified mechanism for the protection of their rights. Scientific work can contribute to consolidate Ukraine's international relations with that of other countries in terms of developing bilateral relations to protect the rights of underage workers

    Results of the COVID-19 mental health international for the general population (COMET-G) study.

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    INTRODUCTION: There are few published empirical data on the effects of COVID-19 on mental health, and until now, there is no large international study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: During the COVID-19 pandemic, an online questionnaire gathered data from 55,589 participants from 40 countries (64.85% females aged 35.80 ± 13.61; 34.05% males aged 34.90±13.29 and 1.10% other aged 31.64±13.15). Distress and probable depression were identified with the use of a previously developed cut-off and algorithm respectively. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Descriptive statistics were calculated. Chi-square tests, multiple forward stepwise linear regression analyses and Factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tested relations among variables. RESULTS: Probable depression was detected in 17.80% and distress in 16.71%. A significant percentage reported a deterioration in mental state, family dynamics and everyday lifestyle. Persons with a history of mental disorders had higher rates of current depression (31.82% vs. 13.07%). At least half of participants were accepting (at least to a moderate degree) a non-bizarre conspiracy. The highest Relative Risk (RR) to develop depression was associated with history of Bipolar disorder and self-harm/attempts (RR = 5.88). Suicidality was not increased in persons without a history of any mental disorder. Based on these results a model was developed. CONCLUSIONS: The final model revealed multiple vulnerabilities and an interplay leading from simple anxiety to probable depression and suicidality through distress. This could be of practical utility since many of these factors are modifiable. Future research and interventions should specifically focus on them

    Efficacy of treatment of small animals with triamcinolone-based medications for atopic dermatitis

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    Among the diseases of small pets, skin diseases are one of the leading ones. Atopic dermatitis is a common skin condition in small pets, which, according to veterinarians’ estimates, affects 10-15% of dogs and 7-18% of cats. Depending on the allergens involved, clinical signs can be seasonal or non-seasonal, and the disease usually requires lifelong treatment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of treating atopy in dogs and cats with the use of triamcinolone-based veterinary medications (oral suspension). Standard clinical, haematological, biochemical, and immunological methods were used in the study. The increased content of total immunoglobulin E (Ig E) in the blood of experimental animals before treatment (Group I – 3.4 times, and Group II – 3.9 times compared to the control) indicates the presence of an allergic response in the body. It was found that the tested veterinary medications do not substantially affect the haematological parameters of dogs and cats when administered orally, and in therapeutic doses do not have a toxic effect on the functional state of the liver and kidneys. It was proved that on Day 4 of use of oral suspension No. 1 and No. 2 based on triamcinolone (1%) acetonide and a complex of B vitamins in a therapeutic dosage, an improvement in the general clinical condition of animals was recorded. On Day 8 of treatment, dogs and cats in experimental Groups I and II showed improvement in skin condition: a reduction in the lesion area, absence of redness, scratching, and exfoliation. The general clinical condition of the skin of the experimental animals stayed unchanged from Day 8 to Day 12. The developed oral suspensions have a pronounced anti-allergic effect and improve the skin condition of small pets (dogs and cats) with atopic dermatiti

    Treatment of pets with the active substance dexpanthenol in wound processes

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    Animal skin is a complex organ that directly perceives the influence of the external environment and performs a barrier-protective function, helps maintain the balance of the internal environment of the body. Disruption of each of the levels of the protective system leads to the development of inflammatory skin diseases. Treatment of wounds remains one of the most pressing scientific and practical problems of modern veterinary medicine. A number of researchers are searching for and developing new veterinary drugs for the treatment of wounds of various etiologies in small pets, but the use of drugs often causes adverse skin reactions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using a veterinary drug (ointment) in the treatment of wounds in domestic animals (dogs, cats, rabbits). The paper uses standard clinical, haematological, and biochemical research methods. The studies used a drug with the active substance dexpanthenol and excipients decamethoxine, Vaseline oil, emulsifier, glycerin, methylparaben, propylparaben, and purified water. The drug under study effectively reduced the wound surface area at all observation periods. It is proved that when using dexpanthenol-based ointment (10%), a complete wound-healing effect was observed in experimental animals on the 14th day of treatment: the area of wound surfaces decreased by 93.1±1.51%. The examined indicators were statistically substantially different from those in the group of untreated animals with skin wounds. The general clinical condition of domestic animals was examined, haematological and biochemical studies of animal blood were conducted under the conditions of applying an experimental drug to damaged skin areas. In animals with skin damage without treatment, the dynamic development of an acute inflammatory process in the body, the development of endogenous intoxication syndrome, signs of wound infection, pronounced exudation and slowing of contraction were observed. The developed veterinary drug with the active substance dexpanthenol simultaneously shows a pronounced antiinflammatory and wound-healing effect and provides a rapid therapeutic effect in wound processes in small pet

    Aplicação das tecnologias da informação nas instituições militares ucranianas de ensino superior no contexto moderno: Aspectos pedagógicos e psicológicos

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    This article explores pedagogical and psychological aspects of applying information and communication technologies in higher military education institutions of Ukraine in the current circumstances. The priority directions for developing distance education through information technologies, including MOODLE platform, have been shown. The research identified positive results of applying IT in education under quarantine restrictions: an increase in the technological efficiency of distance education due to modern software and hardware, a higher level of accessibility and openness of education, and further individualization of instruction. On the other hand, it revealed the disadvantages as well: course materials stored in databases lack well-organized structure and do not reflect the level of cadets’preexisting knowledge; there is no constant feedback from the instructor; due to the incapability of the Internet resources to cope with traffic load increased in the pandemic, technical failures are common while learning remotely;cadets are not fully prepared to work independently;increase in teaching load on educators, owing to the urgent need to design new distance learning courses; difficulties in the development of high-quality course materials for distance education; applying information technology often prevents from considering the mental state and psychology of students and, therefore,properly employ an individual approach to teaching. In general,the conclusion is drawn that applying information technology in the current situation enabled the preservation of the basic parameters of the educatio-nal process and provided effective tools for the interaction of participants in the educational process.Este artículo explora los aspectos pedagógicos y psicológicos de la aplicación de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en las instituciones de educación militar superior de Ucrania en las circunstancias actuales. Se han mostrado las direcciones prioritarias para desarrollar la educación a distancia a través de las tecnologías de la información, incluyendo la plataforma MOODLE. La investigación identificó los resultados positivos de la aplicación de las tecnologías de la información en la educación bajo restricciones de cuarentena: un aumento de la eficiencia tecnológica de la educación a distancia debido al moderno software y hardware, un mayor nivel de accesibilidad y apertura de la educación, y una mayor individualización de la instrucción. Por otro lado, reveló también las desventajas: los materiales del curso almacenados en bases de datos carecen de una estructura bien organizada y no reflejan el nivel de conocimientos preexistentes de los cadetes; no hay una retroalimentación constante por parte del instructor; debido a la incapacidad de los recursos de Internet para hacer frente a la carga de tráfico que aumenta en la pandemia, son frecuentes los fallos técnicos durante el aprendizaje a distancia; los cadetes no están totalmente preparados para trabajar de forma independiente; aumento de la carga docente de los educadores, debido a la urgente necesidad de diseñar nuevos cursos de educación a distancia; dificultades en el desarrollo de materiales de curso de alta calidad para la educación a distancia; La aplicación de la tecnología de la información a menudo impide tener en cuenta el estado mental y la psicología de los alumnos y, por lo tanto, emplear adecuadamente un enfoque individual de la enseñanza. En general, se llega a la conclusión de que la aplicación de las tecnologías de la información en la situación actual permitió preservar los parámetros básicos del proceso educativo y proporcionó herramientas eficaces para la interacción de los participantes en el proceso educativo

    Встановлення змін параметрів дійкової гуми доїльних апаратів під час випробування та в умовах виробництва

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    The teat rubber of milking machines is the only structural component of all milking and dairy equipment that is in contact with animals. During operation, the rubber article’s original quality characteristics are compromised. This is due to mechanical wear during operation. The task of the research is to establish changes in the parameters of the teat rubber of milking machines during testing and under industrial conditions. The object of research was the teat rubber of milking machines from various manufacturers, made of various composite materials. A scientific hypothesis put forward assumed that an increase in the efficiency of milking and dairy equipment could be achieved by establishing changes in the parameters of the teat rubber with subsequent maintenance planning. This would provide an opportunity to identify patterns and dependences that characterize these processes. In the course of research, theoretical dependences were derived to determine the operation of teat rubber in idle mode and the theoretical time of its operation. It was established that the theoretical wear period of the teat rubber is about 120–170 hours. It was determined that in the environment of SZHR-3, the coefficient of aging in terms of intensity was >2 times higher compared to Skydrol LD-4. The volume under similar conditions of exposure of liquids on samples exceeded by more than 3 times. It is proved that the change in the mass of rubber under the influence of SZHR-3 exceeds more than 2.5 times the indicators obtained from the effects of Skydrol LD-4. It was established that during long-term operation the teat rubber undergoes changes in its physical and mechanical properties. Thus, hardness and elasticity increase, elasticity decreases due to the destruction of the internal structure of rubber due to the formation of microcracks, the vacuum of closing the walls increases. Knowledge of the quality characteristics of the teat rubber would make it possible to find the optimal solution for the choice of rubber articlesДійкова гума доїльних апаратів є тим єдиним конструктивним компонент з усього доїльного-молочного обладнання, який знаходиться в контакті з тваринами. Під час експлуатації гумовий виріб погіршує свої первинні якісні характеристики. Це відбувається за рахунок механічного зношування під час наробітку. Завдання досліджень полягає у встановленні змін параметрів дійкової гуми доїльних апаратів під час випробування та в умовах виробництва. Об’єктом досліджень слугувала дійкова гума доїльних апаратів різних фірм-виробників, виконана з різних композиційних матеріалів. Висунуто наукову гіпотезу, згідно якої підвищення ефективності роботи доїльно-молочного обладнання можна досягти шляхом встановлення змін параметрів дійкової гуми з подальшим плануванням технічного обслуговування. Це надасть можливість виявити закономірності і залежності, що характеризують зазначені процеси. В ході досліджень отримані теоретичні залежності, що дозволяють визначити спрацьованість дійної гуми у холостому режимі і теоретичний час її наробітку. Встановлено, що теоретичний час спрацьованості дійкової гуми становить близько 120–170 год. Визначено, що у середовищі СЖР-3 коефіцієнт старіння за напруженістю мав значення >2 рази, порівняно до Скайдрол LD-4. Об’єм за аналогічних умов впливу рідин на зразки перевищував більше ніж в 3 рази. Доведено, що зміна маси гум за впливу СЖР-3 перевищує більш ніж в 2,5 рази показники, отримані за впливу Скайдрол LD-4. Встановлено, що за тривалої експлуатації у дійковій гумі відбуваються зміни її фізико-механічних властивостей. Так, збільшується твердість та пружність, зменшується еластичність через руйнування внутрішньої структури гуми внаслідок утворення мікротріщин, збільшується вакуум змикання стінок. Знання якісних характеристик дійкової гуми нададуть змогу знайти оптимальне рішення щодо вибору гумових виробі