1,963 research outputs found

    Advanced propfan analysis for the family of commuter airplanes

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    Advanced propfans were selected to be used throughout the family of commuters. These propulsion systems offer a 25 to 28 percent fuel savings over comparably sized turbofans operating in the 1990s. A brief study of the propulsion systems available for the family of commuters is provided and the selection of the advanced turboprops justified. The propeller and engine designs and performance are discussed. The integration of these designs are examined. Also addressed is the noise considerations and constraints due to propfan installation

    Створення стійких до умов Степу України високопродуктивних сортів кормових і лікарських рослин

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    Selection of food plants under conditions of industrial developed Steppe region has been discussed. New sorts of food and medicinal plants, which are high productive and resistant to dry conditions of steppe, of the Donetsk Botanical Gardens selection (Elytrigia elongata (Host) Nevski Sarmatskiy, Festuca regeliana Pavl. Limanska, Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench Yuzivska) were characterized in details.Окреслено напрями селекції кормових рослин в умовах промислово розвиненого посушливого регіону. Детально охарактеризовано нові високопродуктивні, стійкі до посушливих умов степу сорти кормових і лікарських рослин селекції Донецького ботанічного саду НАН України: Elytrigia elongata (Host) Nevski ′Сарматський′, Festuca regeliana Pavl. ′Лиманська′, Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench ′Юзівська′

    Viviparids (Molluska, Viviparoidea) from Anthropogenic deposits of the Azov Sea

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    RU: Приазовье является стратотипическим районом плиоцен- антропогеновых отложений юга Украины. Хорошая обнаженность береговых обрывов Азовского побережья, в которых вскрываются полные и хорошо Доступные для изучения разрезы антропогена и верхнего плиоцена, открытые обнажения, протягивающиеся на многие километры с обильными палеонтологическими остатками крупных и мелких млекопитающих, моллюсков позволили отнести эту территорию к регионам, где свободно устанавливается пространственно-фациальная связь континентальных, лиманно-морских и морских отложений. EN: The Azov Sea is a stratotypic region of Pliocene-Anthropogenic deposits of southern Ukraine. The good nudity of the coastal breaks of the Azov coast, in which full and well-exposed sections of the anthropogene and the upper Pliocene are discovered, open exposures stretching for many kilometers with abundant palaeontological remains of large and small mammals, mollusks, have allowed this territory to be classified in regions where it is freely established spatially -Facial connection of continental, limano-marine and marine sediments

    Spatially-Explicit Agent-Based Modeling of Ecosystem Change and Epizootiological Impacts on Caribbean Spiny Lobster, \u3ci\u3ePanulirus argus\u3c/i\u3e

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    Agent-based models explicitly incorporate interactions and variation at the individual level, just as in the real world. As a result, agent-based models are realistic, intuitive, and generally less complex mathematically than their analytical counterparts. Their primary disadvantage is the large amount of detailed data required to construct and parameterize them. Although the use of agent-based simulation is increasing in ecology, they are highly specific, so are rarely used for development of theory. To demonstrate the flexibility and utility of this approach I developed a multi-species, agent-based, spatially-explicit model of the spiny lobster nursery of southern Florida that incorporates changing salinities, temperatures, and harmful algal blooms, and used it to evaluate the likely consequences of changes in hydrology due to the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program on the spiny lobster and associated hard-bottom communities. I found that water quality changes associated with the restoration effort will likely reduce lobster recruitment in Florida Bay 6–24% and will likely prevent the restoration of loggerhead sponges and vase sponges on which the lobster depends for shelter in Florida Bay. Then, I extended the model, incorporating disease dynamics appropriate to Panulirus argus Virus 1, including disease states, contact transmission, and two density-independent transmission mechanisms, to explore the effects of changes in host sociality on disease dynamics. I showed that when susceptible hosts avoid diseased conspecifics in a manner consistent with that demonstrated by P. argus in a system dominated by contact transmission, persistence of the disease requires an exogenous source. I also examined the effects of increased host aggregation on disease transmission. I found that in the absence of disease avoidance, outbreaks occurred rapidly, and by the end of the 10 year simulation, PaV1 was maintained continuously at unrealistically high levels. However, the disease avoidance behavior reduced simulated outbreak intensities and durations, and in the absence of other sources of PaV1, resulted in extinction of the disease within five years. Both the density independent infection of EBJs and the simulated arrival of infected cohorts of postlarvae maintained the disease in the larger population as a consequence of the long period between exposure and death