1,522 research outputs found

    Assessing the see-and-treat approach for the management of high-grade squamous intraepithelial cervical lesions

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    Objectives: To assess local histological outcomes in patients with HSIL cytology results on cervical smears, in both the see-and-treat and three-step approach. Study Design: A retrospective analysis of patients with HSIL on cervical cytology was performed, obtaining an 83 patient cohort. The histological result following the primary investigation (colposcopic-directed biopsy or excisional procedure) was noted for each patient together with their demographic variables and HPV status. Results: Of 83 patients with HSIL cytology on cervical smear, 43 underwent LLETZ as a primary procedure, while 40 patients underwent a colposcopic-directed biopsy. There was no statistically significant difference in terms of dermographics and HPV status between the two groups. In those patients who had LLETZ as a primary procedure, 29 had CIN2+ on histology. On the other hand, following colposcopic-directed biopsies, 17 resulted in CIN2+ on histology. Conclusion: The conventional approach within our local setting potentially has inferior sensitivity in picking up CIN2+ lesions when compared to the see-and-treat approach. On the other hand, primary excisional procedures were associated with an overtreatment rate of at least 20.9%, subjecting patients to unnecessary risks. Local improvement of colposcopic skill will aid to reduce this overtreatment rate and missed lesions at biopsy.peer-reviewe

    Identifying Novel Leads Using Combinatorial Libraries: Issues and Successes

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    Chemically generated libraries of small, non-oligomeric compounds are being widely embraced by researchers in both industry and academia. There has been a steady development of new chemistries and equipment applied to library generation so it is now possible to synthesize almost any desired class of compound. However, there are still important issues to consider that range from what specific types of compounds should be made to concerns such as sample resynthesis, structural confirmation of the hit identified, and how to best integrate this technology into a pharmaceutical drug discovery operation. This paper illustrates our approach to new lead discovery (individual, diverse, drug-like molecules of known structural identity using a simple, spatially addressable parallel synthesis approach to prepare Multiple Diverse as well as Universal Libraries) and describes some representative examples of chemistries we had developed within these approaches (preparation of bis-benzamide phenols, thiophenes, pyrrolidines, and highly substituted biphenyls). Finally, the manuscript concludes by addressing some the present concerns that still must be considered in this field

    Low complexity hybrid precoding designs for multiuser mmWave/THz ultra massive MIMO Systems

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    Millimeter-wave and terahertz technologies have been attracting attention from the wireless research community since they can offer large underutilized bandwidths which can enable the support of ultra-high-speed connections in future wireless communication systems. While the high signal attenuation occurring at these frequencies requires the adoption of very large (or the so-called ultra-massive) antenna arrays, in order to accomplish low complexity and low power consumption, hybrid analog/digital designs must be adopted. In this paper we present a hybrid design algorithm suitable for both mmWave and THz multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, which comprises separate computation steps for the digital precoder, analog precoder and multiuser interference mitigation. The design can also incorporate different analog architectures such as phase shifters, switches and inverters, antenna selection and so on. Furthermore, it is also applicable for different structures, namely fully-connected structures, arrays of subarrays (AoSA) and dynamic arrays of subarrays (DAoSA), making it suitable for the support of ultra-massive MIMO (UM-MIMO) in severely hardware constrained THz systems. We will show that, by using the proposed approach, it is possible to achieve good trade-offs between spectral efficiency and simplified implementation, even as the number of users and data streams increases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A revision of the Bajocian Lissoceratinae is presented. The study of a huge quantity of lissoceratins from different sites of the Western Tethys (Northwest European, Sub-Mediterranean and Mediterranean bioprovinces) within the Tethys-Panthalassa Realm provided data useful to implement the systematics of these almost neglected, never deeply analysed ammonites. Two genera, Lissoceras Bayle and Semilissoceras n. gen., are described with 16 species, among which 8 (four dimorphic, three macroconchiate and one microconchiate) new species: L. submediterraneum, L. maizetense, L. ovale, L. sturanii, L. maerteni, S. ellipticum, S. turgidulum and S. costellatum. The neotype of L. oolithicum is established. The microconchiate genus Microlissoceras is regarded as the junior synonym of the macroconchiate Lissoceras. Taxa are discussed according to four groups that gather taxa sharing common morpho-structural features. They roughly relate to successive biochronostratigraphical intervals within the Bajocian Stage and are headed by species largely known in literature: S. semicostulatum (Buckman) with suboval to compressed whorl section and rectiradiate ribs on the outer half flank; L. oolithicum (d’Orbigny) with subtriangular to ovate whorl section, large and depressed ventral saddle, large suspensive lobe; L. haugi Sturani with ovate to globular whorl section, narrow lobe E and suspensive lobe; and L. psilodiscus (Schloenbach) with highly compressed whorl section, high ventral saddle and narrow lobe E. The phyletic relation of Lissoceras and Semilissoceras to the Aalenian-Bajocian Bradfordia-group is discussed, regarding Semilissoceras as the known stem-taxon on which the subfamily Lissoceratinae bases

    Tolerance, Adaptation, and Cell Response Elicited by Micromonospora sp. Facing Tellurite Toxicity: A Biological and Physical-Chemical Characterization

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    The intense use of tellurium (Te) in industrial applications, along with the improper disposal of Te-derivatives, is causing their accumulation in the environment, where oxyanion tellurite (TeO32−) is the most soluble, bioavailable, and toxic Te-species. On the other hand, tellurium is a rare metalloid element whose natural supply will end shortly with possible economic and technological effects. Thus, Te-containing waste represents the source from which Te should be recycled and recovered. Among the explored strategies, the microbial TeO32− biotransformation into less toxic Te-species is the most appropriate concerning the circular economy. Actinomycetes are ideal candidates in environmental biotechnology. However, their exploration in TeO32− biotransformation is scarce due to limited knowledge regarding oxyanion microbial processing. Here, this gap was filled by investigating the cell tolerance, adaptation, and response to TeO32− of a Micromonospora strain isolated from a metal(loid)-rich environment. To this aim, an integrated biological, physical-chemical, and statistical approach combining physiological and biochemical assays with confocal or scanning electron (SEM) microscopy and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy in attenuated total reflectance mode (ATR-FTIR) was designed. Micromonospora cells exposed to TeO32− under different physiological states revealed a series of striking cell responses, such as cell morphology changes, extracellular polymeric substance production, cell membrane damages and modifications, oxidative stress burst, protein aggregation and phosphorylation, and superoxide dismutase induction. These results highlight this Micromonospora strain as an asset for biotechnological purposes

    The actinomycete Kitasatospora sp. SeTe27, subjected to adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) in the presence of selenite, varies its cellular morphology, redox stability, and tolerance to the toxic oxyanion

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    The effects of oxyanions selenite (SeO32−) in soils are of high concern in ecotoxicology and microbiology as they can react with mineral particles and microorganisms. This study investigated the evolution of the actinomycete Kitasatospora sp. SeTe27 in response to selenite. To this aim, we used the Adaptive Laboratory Evolution (ALE) technique, an experimental approach that mimics natural evolution and enhances microbial fitness for specific growth conditions. The original strain (wild type; WT) isolated from uncontaminated soil gave us a unique model system as it has never encountered the oxidative damage generated by the prooxidant nature of selenite. The WT strain exhibited a good basal level of selenite tolerance, although its growth and oxyanion removal capacity were limited compared to other environmental isolates. Based on these premises, the WT and the ALE strains, the latter isolated at the end of the laboratory evolution procedure, were compared. While both bacterial strains had similar fatty acid profiles, only WT cells exhibited hyphae aggregation and extensively produced membrane-like vesicles when grown in the presence of selenite (challenged conditions). Conversely, ALE selenite-grown cells showed morphological adaptation responses similar to the WT strain under unchallenged conditions, demonstrating the ALE strain improved resilience against selenite toxicity. Whole-genome sequencing revealed specific missense mutations in genes associated with anion transport and primary and secondary metabolisms in the ALE variant. These results were interpreted to show that some energy-demanding processes are attenuated in the ALE strain, prioritizing selenite bioprocessing to guarantee cell survival in the presence of selenite. The present study indicates some crucial points for adapting Kitasatospora sp. SeTe27 to selenite oxidative stress to best deal with selenium pollution. Moreover, the importance of exploring non-conventional bacterial genera, like Kitasatospora, for biotechnological applications is emphasized
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