114 research outputs found

    Analysis of Factors Hydroabrasive Turning of Nickel Superalloys

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    Import 05/08/2014Bakalářská práce se zabývá soustružením abrazivním vodním paprskem. V úvodu je popsaná metodika tvorby paprsku a druh paprsku. Dále je popsán princip fungování hydroabrazivního soustružení, nastavení paprsku vzhledem k obrobku, druhy abraziva, mechanizmus úběru materiálu a faktory ovlivňující kvalitu procesu. Závislost faktorů na obráběný povrch vysvětluje erozivní model. Tento model, dokáže na základě znalosti meze kluzu, predikovat konečný průměr obrobku. Pro experimentální část byla osoustružena niklová slitina Incoloy 925 s průměrem 50 mm. Jednalo se o hydroabrazivní soustružení kontinuálním paprskem s tlakem 400 Mpa. Během procesu se měnila pouze hodnota posuvové rychlosti a zkoumala se drsnost povrchu. Bylo možné vidět, že při zvyšování posuvové rychlost je větší nerovnoměrnost drsnosti obrobku.The bachelor thesis deals with turning abrasive waterjet. The introduction describes the methodology of creating a kind of jet. Furthermore, the principle of operation is described hydroabrasive turning jet, setting jet relative to the workpiece, the types of abrasive material removal mechanism and the factors affecting the quality of the process. Dependence factors on machined surface erosion model explains. This model, based on the knowledge can yield point, to predict the final diameter of the workpiece. In the experimental part of the turning of Incoloy 925 nickel alloy with a diameter of 50 mm. This was a continuous abrasive waterjet with a pressure of 400 MPa. During the process, changing only the value of the traverse speed and examined with a surface roughness. It can be seen that by increasing the traverse speed is higher level unevenness of surface roughness of the workpiece.346 - Katedra obrábění a montáževýborn

    Productivity Gains From Exporting: Do Export Destinations Matter?

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    In this paper, I have examined whether exporters benefit by exporting more, and also whether the productivity benefits from exporting more are heterogeneous across export destinations. I have conducted my own data collection field work and built a unique firm-level panel database of Czech manufacturing firms that includes data on the destinations of exports. I have found that firms do benefit from exporting more. However, my results also show that it is necessary to take into account export markets' heterogeneity. I have found that it is only exporting more to developed countries that brings productivity gains.exporting, productivity, spillovers

    Panel Data Evidence on Productivity Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment: Firm-Level Measures of Backward and Forward Linkages

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    I examine whether foreign direct investment increases the productivity of manufacturing firms. I test the proposition that local firms benefit from supplying multinational firms (spillovers through backward linkages) and by purchasing inputs from multinationals (spillovers through forward linkages). The existing literature on productivity spillovers has relied on industry-level proxies for spillovers. I identify spillovers directly at the firm level. I have conducted field work in the Czech manufacturing sector and built a unique data set that enabled me to construct firm-level measures of backward and forward linkages. My results provide strong support for the existence of productivity spillovers through backward linkages.FDI, spillovers, forward–backward linkages

    Does Foreign Exchange Reserve Decumulation Lead to Currency Appreciation?

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    Many developing countries have increased their foreign reserve stocks dramatically in recent years, often motivated by the desire for precautionary self-insurance. One of the negative consequences of large accumulations for these countries is the risk of valuation losses. In this paper we examine the implications of systematic reserve decumulation by the Czech authorities aimed at mitigating valuation losses on euro-denominated assets. The policy was explicitly not intended to influence the value of the koruna relative to the euro. Initially the timing and size of reserve sales was not predictable, eventually sales occurred on a daily basis (in three equal installments within the day). This project examines whether these reserve sales, both during the regime of discretionary timing as well as when sales occurred every day, had unintended consequences for the domestic currency. Our findings using intraday exchange rate data and time-stamped reserve sales indicate that when decumulation occurred every day these sales led to significant appreciation of the koruna. Overall, our results suggest that the manner in which reserve sales are carried out matters for whether reserve decumulation influences the relative value of the domestic currency.foreign exchange reserves; exchange rate determination; high-frequency volatility modeling

    Does Foreign Exchange Reserve Decumulation Lead to Currency Appreciation?

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    Many developing countries have increased their foreign reserve stocks dramatically in recent years, in large part motivated by the desire for precautionary self-insurance. One of the negative consequences of large accumulations for these countries is the risk of valuation losses. In this paper we examine the implications of systematic reserve decumulation by the Czech authorities aimed at mitigating valuation losses on euro-denominated assets. The policy was explicitly not intended to influence the value of the koruna relative to the euro. Initially the timing and size of reserve sales was not predictable, eventually sales occurred on a daily basis (in three equal installments within the day). This project examines whether these reserve sales, both during the regime of discretionary timing as well as when sales occurred every day, had unintended consequences for the domestic currency. Our findings using intraday exchange rate data and time-stamped reserve sales indicate that when decumulation occurred every day these sales led to significant appreciation of the koruna. Overall, our results suggest that the manner in which reserve sales are carried out matters for whether reserve decumulation influences the relative value of the domestic currency.foreign exchange reserves, exchange rate determination, high- frequency volatility modeling

    Surface Topography Analysis Created by Hydroabrasive Disintegration of Rotating Workpieces

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    Import 02/11/2016Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou topografie povrchu soustružených součástí abrazivním vodním paprskem. V úvodu je popsán druh paprsku a vytváření paprsku. Dále je vysvětlen princip různých režimů soustružení a popsán mechanismus úběru a činitelé v procesu. V další části je proveden rozbor prací týkajících se úběru materiálu a topografie povrchu. V experimentální části byl osoustružen obrobek z titanu grade 3 o průměru 46 mm kontinuálním abrazivním vodním paprskem tlakem 400 MPa. Během procesu byla měněna pouze hodnota posuvové rychlosti a byla zkoumána drsnost a izotropie povrchu. Bylo možné vypozorovat měnící se tendenci drsnosti, ale vývoj této tendence zjištěn nebyl. Hodnoty izotropie se s vyššími hodnotami posuvu převážně snižovaly a nejlepšího povrchu bylo dosaženo při nejvyšší rychlosti posuvu.This thesis deals with analysis of surface topography turned parts by abrasive water jet. In introduction describing type of water jet a creation of jet. Next there is an explanation of different modes of turning and describe of removal mechanism and influencing factors. In next part was studied material removal and surface topography. In experiment has been turned workpiece with diameter 46 mm with continuous abrasive water jet by pressure 400 MPa. In process has been changed only value of traverse speed and analyzed surface roughness and isotropy of surface. It can be observe different tendency of roughness but tendency was not analyzed. Values of isotropy was better with higher values of traverse speed and best surface was reached by higher value of traverse speed too.346 - Katedra obrábění, montáže a strojírenské metrologievýborn

    Analýza školních řádů a její pedagogicko-psychologické souvislosti

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    Autor uskutečnil analýzu obsahu několika desítek školních řádů našich základních a středních škol. Vedle popisu stavu se pokouší o výklad jeho příčin jednak v rovině psychologické (s oporou o psychologický rozbor zákonitostí vývoje dítěte a jeho vztahu k normě, pravidlu), jednak v rovině pedagogické, kde se zamýšlí nad hlubšími souvislostmi prezentovaného stavu a také nabízí principyřešení s možností využiti školního řádu jako prostředku rozvoje morální autonomie (resp. vyšší úrovně mravnosti)

    Detached house, Brno - Obrany

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    Má práce se zabývá návrhem a osazením rodinného domu do svahu. Rodinný dům by měl uspokojit veškeré požadavky náročného uživatele. Dům je navržen pro pěti až šestičlennou rodinu a je členěn do čtyř zón – denní, noční, pracovní a relaxační. Je navržen jako dvoupodlažní s garáží pro dva osobní automobily v 1NP. Stěny jsou tvořeny systémem ztraceného bednění MAXplus AKU. Plochá střešní konstrukce je využita jako terasa a pochůzí zelená střecha.The project is focused on the draft and installation of family house into the hillside. The family house should satisfied all requirements of demanding users. The house is designed to five-member or six-member family. It is divided in to four zones: day, night, working and relaxing. It is designed as two-floor house. There is garage with two personal car parking spots in the first floor. The walls are formed by the system of lost formwork MAXplus AKU. The flat roof provides a space for terrace and it is used as green roof, too.

    Autodiagnostika učitele

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    Učitel a školská reforma

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