27 research outputs found

    Discovering an Orphan Source of Ionizing Radiation with Respect to Occupational Safety and Health

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    Compliance with the principles of occupational safety and health is one of the preconditions for avoiding emergency events. Without a doubt, this is one of the underlying duties of every employer or operator of waste recycling centers. The risk to health resulting from an orphan source of ionizing radiation in the form of scrap metal is quite high and can affect a significant number of people. As part of the precautions relating to employees, the employer must analyze the risks associated with working with scrap metal and emphasize the possibility of any previous contamination. In practice, various methods and procedures are used to assess the risks at scrap metal collection facilities, which are mostly based on the knowledge and experience of their inspectors. However, this is not usually done by means of appropriate risk analysis methods, which is the main disadvantage. The goal of this article is to point at the risks related to discovering an orphan source of ionizing radiation by using the Ishikawa diagram and the point method. Furthermore, this article also deals with the demarcation of a safety zone with respect to the protection of health and the environment. The specification of risks, the proposal of recommended precautions, and the expeditious demarcation of a safety zone in the case of the intervention of fire brigades in order to protect and/or decontaminate the persons are also included. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-11-013 Full Text: PD

    Identification and assessment of occupational safety risks in case of failure to capture an orphan source of ionizing radiation

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    Occupational safety and health belong to fundamental human rights. This fully applies to the protection of employees and other persons, which operate or are located in facilities for the collection of scrap metal. The founder of the landfill or the employer has an irreplaceable place in the field of protection of persons against the effects of ionizing radiation. Based on the identification and assessment of occupational safety risks in the event of failure to ensure timely detection of an orphan source of ionizing radiation, the operator must assess all risk factors with emphasis on radiation. At the same time, it must take specific regime measures, which would minimize the impact on people and the environment. The article deals with the causes of failure the system of protection against the effects of ionizing radiation. The assessment of these causes is performed using the fault tree analysis method with the application of Boolean equations. The result of solving the problem is the calculation of the failure of the regime protection system in the devices, intended for the collection of scrap metal, caused by human error as a result of intentional or negligent actions of the operator and insufficient training in the areas of control of measuring devices, principles of correct use of detection devices, insufficient visual identification of potentially dangerous objects. The contribution of this paper is in the design of appropriate regime measures eliminating the consequences of non-capturing a source of ionizing radiation. © 2022 Institut za Istrazivanja. All rights reserved.Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, TACR: VI04000080; Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně: IGA/FLKŘ/2022/001, RVO/FLKŘ/2022/02, RVO/FLKŘ/2022/0

    Quantitative easing and capital markets impacts

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    The presented bachelor thesis examines quantitative easing which has been lately one of the most widespread unconventional monetary policies used by central bankers in advanced economies. Due to substantial size of the carried out balance sheet extensions, the thesis considers this program to be a potential determinant of capital market yields and prices. To measure those impacts this paper utilizes event analysis supplemented with regression analysis both being performed on selected instruments data from US capital markets. The results suggest that quantitative easing can influence capital markets, although the significance of its effects varies over time.Předkládaná bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou kvantitativního uvolňování jako jednoho z nejvíce rozšířených nekonvenčních nástrojů měnové politiky poslední doby používaných centrálními bankéři rozvinutých zemí. Vzhledem k rozsahu prováděných operací ho zkoumá jako potenciální determinantu vývoje výnosů a cen aktiv na kapitálových trzích na případu Spojených států amerických. Pro tuto analýzu je v této práci využita především případová analýza vybraných instrumentů doplněná o regresní analýzu. Z výsledků těchto analýz vyplývá, že kvantitativní uvolňování může mít ovlivňovat dění na kapitálových trzích, ale význam tohoto vlivu se značně mění v čase

    Special working conditions of juveniles

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    Department of Labor Law and Social Security LawKatedra pracovního práva a práva sociálního zabezpečeníFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Vliv intradenní volatity na ocenění opcí

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    This thesis provides an overview of existing theory of both introductory and more advanced volatility modelling and option pricing topics. GARCH model with various extensions and stochastic volatility models under Bayesian inference are dealt with in greater detail, spline extension for intraday volatility periodicity modelling in GARCH framework is suggested. The theory is exploited to estimate eleven different volatility model specifications for Euro Stoxx 50 index, two best performing models are selected. These models are used in Monte Carlo simulations for valuation of options on Euro Stoxx 50 index under the assumption of stochastic volatility. Impact of intraday volatility on theoretical option values is studied and isolated.Tato diplomová práce podává přehled jak základní, tak pokročilejší existující teorie týkající se modelování volatility a oceňování opcí. Podrobněji je popsán model GARCH spolu s různými rozšířeními a modely stochastické volatility odhadované Bayesovskými metodami, je navrženo rozšíření GARCH modelu o spline funkci pro lepší zachycení intradenní sezónnosti volatility. S využitím popsané teorie je odhadnuto celkem jedenáct modelů volatility s různou specifikací pro index Euro Stoxx 50, z těchto jsou vybrány dva nejlepší modely. Tyto dva modely jsou poté použity pro Monte Carlo simulace za účelem ocenění opcí na index Euro Stoxx 50 za předpokladu nekonstantní volatility. Je zkoumán a izolován vliv intradenní volatility na teoretické ocenění opcí

    Motivation and management of employees in a small organization

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    The work deals with the topic of company management focusing on leadership and motivating of employees and cooperatives of the given company. To provide a more complex treatment of the topic, the theoretical part offers a summarization of the basic knowledge about leadership and motivating individuals in the field of management and in different organizations. It covers not only the historical understanding of management and individual motivational theories but also fundamental key knowledge from the area of communication, which seems to be a decisive factor of successful leadership of individuals by the organization. In the practical part of the work, the author presents a questionnaire research in a selected organization, focused at the character of leadership and motivating of employees of the current sales team both from the quality and quantity point of view. Based on the results of this survey, the author presents some proposals and recommendations for an overall improvement of the leadership and motivating process of the employees of the given workplace at the very end of the work, pointing out the necessity of these changes to increase the profitability of the turnover of that company

    Multiple Layer Scanning in Magnetopneumography

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