25 research outputs found

    Tomáš z Irska: De tribus sensibus sacrae scripturae - editio princeps, komentář a překlad

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    Předmětem diplomové práce Tomáš z Irska: De tribus sensibus sacrae scripturae - editio princeps, komentář a překlad je zkoumání traktátu De tribus sensibus sacrae scripturae. Tento dosud nevydaný text je součástí trilogie, která zahrnuje také traktáty De tribus punctis christianae religionis a De tribus hierarchiis, které jsou všechny dílem Tomáše z Irska, autora působícího na Pařížské univerzitě okolo roku 1300. Ten je znám především díky své sbírce autorit, zvané Manipulus florum, která byla jedním z největších bestselerů své doby. De tribus sensibus sacrae scripturae obsahuje teoretickou část, která stručně vykládá principy a pravidla doslovného a duchovního výkladu Bible. Ale většina traktátu spočívá v příkladném výkladu verše Moudrost 9, 1 s dlouhými exkurzy o tématech jako astronomie nebo translatio studii. Tato práce obsahuje kritickou edici traktátu na základě pěti známých rukopisů díla s rukopisem Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 16397 jako základním rukopisem. Edice textu je doprovázena studiem rukopisné tradice, popisem rukopisů, ke kterým se autor mohl dostat. Dále je text zasazen do kontextu děl Tomáše z Irska a biblické exegeze pozdního středověku. Analyzována je také exegetická nauka Thomase z Irska, jeho zdroje a způsob, jakým s nimi pracuje. Na konci je navržen volný...The purpose of the master thesis Thomas of Ireland: De tribus sensibus sacrae scripturae - editio princeps, commentary and translation is to study the treatise De tribus sensibus sacrae scipturae. This hitherto unpublished text is part of a trilogy which also includes the treatises De tribus punctis christianae religionis and De tribus hierarchiis all written by Thomas of Ireland, an author active at the University of Paris around 1300. The latter is known chiefly for his collection of authorities called Manipulus florum, which was one of the biggest bestsellers of the time. The De tribus sensibus sacrae scripturae contains a theoretical section which briefly exposes the principles and rules of the literal and mystical exegesis of the Bible. But most of the treatise consists of an exemplary exegesis of verse Wisdom 9, 1 with long excursuses on subjects such as astronomy or translatio studii. The present work includes the critical edition of the treatise from the five known manuscripts with the ms. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 16397 as the base manuscript. The edition of the text is accompanied by a study of the manuscript tradition and a description of the manuscripts which the author has been able to access. In addition, the text is set in the context of the works of Thomas of...Institute for Greek and Latin StudiesÚstav řeckých a latinských studiíFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Barlaam of Calabria and the efforts towards rapprochement of the East and the West

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    The following bachelor thesis Barlaam of Calabria and the efforts towards rapprochement of the East and the West in the 14th century pursues the work of Barlaam, which deals with the contemporary attempts to reunite the eastern and the western church. On the background of the development of mutual relationship between both churches since the Great eastern schism up to the beginning of Barlaam's activity and the most important events of Barlaam's life, his writings from every phase of his unionist efforts are being analyzed in this thesis. The aim of the thesis is to present the basic ideas behind his writings, discuss their qualities and drawbacks and to show the main reasons for his failure to contribute to achievement of a church union. Attention will also be focused on the development of Barlaams personality. Based on the knowledge of his life and the analyzed unionist writings of his there will be attempts to seek the main causes of Barlaam's conversion to the Roman church. Key words: Barlaam - Church union - Byzantium - Great schism - Filioque - EcumenismPředkládaná bakalářská práce Barlaam Kalábrijský a snahy o sblížení západu s východem ve 14. století se zabývá tvorbou Barlaama Kalábrijského související s tehdejšími pokusy o obnovení jednoty východní a západní církve. Na pozadí vývoje vzájemných vztahů obou církví od Velkého východního schizmatu až do počátku Barlaamova působení a nejvýznamějších událostí Barlaamova života jsou analyzovány jeho spisy ze všech fází jeho unionistického úsilí. Cílem je prezentovat jejich základní myšlenky, kvality a nedostatky a ukázat hlavní příčiny konečného neúspěchu jeho úsilí přispět k dosažení církevní unie. Kromě toho bude v práci věnována pozornost vnitřnímu vývoji Barlaamovy osobnosti a na základě předchozích poznatků o jeho životních zkušenostech a analyzované unionistické tvorby budou hledány nejdůležitější příčiny jeho konverze k římské církvi. Klíčová slova: Barlaam - Církevní unie - Byzanc - Velké schizma - Filioque - EkumenizmusÚstav světových dějinInstitute of General HistoryFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Raman Spectroscopy for the characterization of algal cells

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    ABSTRACT Raman spectroscopy can elucidate fundamental questions about intercellular variability and what governs it. Moreover, knowing the metabolic response on single cell level this can significantly contribute to the study and use of microalgae in systems biology and biofuel technology. Raman spectroscopy is capable to measure nutrient dynamics and metabolism in vivo, in real-time, label free making it possible to monitor/evaluate population variability. Also, degree of unsaturation of the algae oil (iodine value) can be measured using Raman spectra obtained from single microalgae. The iodine value is the determination of the amount of unsaturation contained in fatty acids (in the form of double bonds). Here we demonstrate the capacity of the spatially resolved Raman microspectroscopy to determine the effective iodine value in lipid storage bodies of individual living algal cells. We employed the characteristic peaks in the Raman scattering spectra at 1,656 cm −1 (cis C=C stretching mode) and 1,445 cm −1 (CH 2 scissoring mode) as the markers defining the ratio of unsaturated-to-saturated carbon-carbon bonds of the fatty acids in the algal lipids

    Thomas of Ireland: De tribus sensibus sacrae scripturae - editio princeps, commentary and translation

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    The purpose of the master thesis Thomas of Ireland: De tribus sensibus sacrae scripturae - editio princeps, commentary and translation is to study the treatise De tribus sensibus sacrae scipturae. This hitherto unpublished text is part of a trilogy which also includes the treatises De tribus punctis christianae religionis and De tribus hierarchiis all written by Thomas of Ireland, an author active at the University of Paris around 1300. The latter is known chiefly for his collection of authorities called Manipulus florum, which was one of the biggest bestsellers of the time. The De tribus sensibus sacrae scripturae contains a theoretical section which briefly exposes the principles and rules of the literal and mystical exegesis of the Bible. But most of the treatise consists of an exemplary exegesis of verse Wisdom 9, 1 with long excursuses on subjects such as astronomy or translatio studii. The present work includes the critical edition of the treatise from the five known manuscripts with the ms. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 16397 as the base manuscript. The edition of the text is accompanied by a study of the manuscript tradition and a description of the manuscripts which the author has been able to access. In addition, the text is set in the context of the works of Thomas of..

    Barlaam of Calabria and the efforts towards rapprochement of the East and the West

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    The following bachelor thesis Barlaam of Calabria and the efforts towards rapprochement of the East and the West in the 14th century pursues the work of Barlaam, which deals with the contemporary attempts to reunite the eastern and the western church. On the background of the development of mutual relationship between both churches since the Great eastern schism up to the beginning of Barlaam's activity and the most important events of Barlaam's life, his writings from every phase of his unionist efforts are being analyzed in this thesis. The aim of the thesis is to present the basic ideas behind his writings, discuss their qualities and drawbacks and to show the main reasons for his failure to contribute to achievement of a church union. Attention will also be focused on the development of Barlaams personality. Based on the knowledge of his life and the analyzed unionist writings of his there will be attempts to seek the main causes of Barlaam's conversion to the Roman church. Key words: Barlaam - Church union - Byzantium - Great schism - Filioque - Ecumenis

    Xanthones Content in Swertia multicaulis D. Don from Nepal

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    The medicinal plant Swertia multicaulis D. Don was collected in Rasuwa District (Nepal) and the xanthone content of its ethyl acetate extracts was studied. The total amount of xanthones in S. multicaulis determined by HPLC reaches almost 13 g of xanthones per 1 kg of dry matter. The identification of xanthones in S. multicaulis was achieved by a combination of HPLC, LC–MS and LC–NMR. The final assignment of the individual chemical structures was provided by NMR, supported by preparative HPLC. In eight chromatographic peaks, four major xanthones were identified—1,3-dihydroxy-5,8-dimethoxyxanthone, 1-hydroxy-3,5,8-trimethoxyxanthone, bellidifolin (1,5,8-tri-hydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone), and decussatin (1-hydroxy-3,7,8-trimethoxyxanthone)

    Lignans Extract from Knotwood of Norway Spruce—A Possible New Weapon against GTDs

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    Grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs) pose a major threat to the wine industry worldwide. Currently, efficient biological methods or chemical compounds are not available for the treatment of infected grapevines. In the present study, we used an extract from the knotwood of spruce trees as a biological control against GTDs. Our in vitro trial was focused on the antifungal effects of the extract against the most common GTD pathogens—Cadophora luteo-olivacea, Dactylonectria torresensis, Diaporthe ampelina, Diaporthe bohemiae, Diplodia seriata, Eutypa lata, and Phaeoacremonium minimum. Our in vitro trial revealed a high antifungal effect of the extract against all tested fungi. The inhibition rates varied among the different species from 30% to 100% using 1 mg·mL−1 extract. Subsequently, the efficiency of the extract was supported by an in planta experiment. Commercial grafts of Vitis vinifera were treated with the extract and planted. The total genomic DNA of grapevines was extracted 10 days and 180 days after the treatment. The fungal microbial diversities of the treated/untreated plants were compared using high-throughput amplicon sequencing (HTAS). Treated plants showed 76.9% lower relative abundance of the genus Diaporthe and 70% lower relative abundance of the genus Phaeoacremonium 10 days after treatment. A similar scenario was observed for the genus Cadophora 180 days after treatment, where treated plants showed 76% lower relative abundance of this genus compared with untreated grapevines