Barlaam of Calabria and the efforts towards rapprochement of the East and the West


The following bachelor thesis Barlaam of Calabria and the efforts towards rapprochement of the East and the West in the 14th century pursues the work of Barlaam, which deals with the contemporary attempts to reunite the eastern and the western church. On the background of the development of mutual relationship between both churches since the Great eastern schism up to the beginning of Barlaam's activity and the most important events of Barlaam's life, his writings from every phase of his unionist efforts are being analyzed in this thesis. The aim of the thesis is to present the basic ideas behind his writings, discuss their qualities and drawbacks and to show the main reasons for his failure to contribute to achievement of a church union. Attention will also be focused on the development of Barlaams personality. Based on the knowledge of his life and the analyzed unionist writings of his there will be attempts to seek the main causes of Barlaam's conversion to the Roman church. Key words: Barlaam - Church union - Byzantium - Great schism - Filioque - Ecumenis

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