66 research outputs found

    A Set of Case Studies to Illustrate the Applicability of DART (Decision Analysis by Ranking Techniques) in the Ranking of Chemicals

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    This report provides the results of exploratory research carried out during 2007 and 2008 within the JRC¿s Institute for Health & Consumer Protection. The research focused on the problem of ranking chemicals according to their environmental and toxicological concern, and aimed to develop a better understanding of how to apply such approaches in the implementation of chemicals legislation, such as REACH and the Water Framework Directive. A number of limitations were identified in existing approaches for the prioritisation of chemicals. For example, the traditional EU tool, EURAM, was difficult to apply in a consistent way due to the fact that many of the data inputs needed were often missing, which meant that high priority was often given to data-poor chemicals, rather than chemicals that were inherently hazardous or likely to cause a significant risk. This project aimed to address limitations such as this by encoding novel ranking methods into a new user-friendly software tool, and by investigating the applicability of the tool in a number of case studies. The tool developed in this project, called DART (Decision Analysis by Ranking Techniques), is made freely downloadable from the JRC website. The applicability of DART tool is illustrated through a set of case studies. The first case study aims to summarise and illustrate different ways in which chemometric ranking methods could be used to supplement the use of QSAR methods in the development of chemical categories. The second case study illustrates how ranking methods could be used to supplement the use of QSAR methods in the context of toxicological assessments of potential persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) substances. Finally, the third case study, aims to investigate the compatibility of established and novel ranking approaches with the risk assessment paradigm, in which hazard and exposure assessments are integrated into a characterisation of risk. These case studies illustrate some potential applications of ranking techniques in the regulatory assessment of chemicals.JRC.I.3-Consumer products safety and qualit

    Review of Data Sources, QSARs and Integrated Testing Strategies for Aquatic Toxicity

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    This review collects information on sources of aquatic toxicity data and computational tools for estimation of chemical toxicity aquatic to aquatic organisms, such as expert systems and quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models. The review also captures current thinking of what constitutes an integrated testing strategy (ITS) for this endpoint. The emphasis of the review is on the usefulness of the models and for the regulatory assessment of chemicals, particularly for the purposes of the new European legislation for the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), which entered into force on 1 June 2007. Effects on organisms from three trophic levels (fish, Daphnia and algae) were subject of this review. In addition to traditional data sources such as databases, papers publishing experimental data are also identified. Models for narcoses, general (global) models as well as models for specific chemical classes and mechanisms of action are summarised. Where possible, models were included in a form allowing reproduction without consultation with the original paper. This review builds on work carried out in the framework of the REACH Implementation Projects, and was prepared as a contribution to the EU funded Integrated Project, OSIRIS.JRC.I.3-Toxicology and chemical substance

    Preliminary Analysis of an Aquatic Toxicity Dataset and Assessment of QSAR Models for Narcosis

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    The purpose of the analyses presented in this report was to contribute to an evaluation of the possibility of using QSAR predictions for regulatory purposes. To this end QSAR predictions were compared with SIDS test data. Furthermore, the models were also assessed according to the extent to which they meet OECD principles for QSAR validation. The comparisons are not intended to be scientific validations, because the SIDS test chemicals were not selected to ensure that they are sufficiently representative for the entire applicability domain of the individual models. Nevertheless, many of the analyses presented form the basis for scientific validationJRC.I.3-Toxicology and chemical substance


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    Nowadays the number of couples who fail to conceive naturally is constantly increasing. There are many reasons for infertility and the most common one is the age of the mother. Medically assisted reproduction also enables people suffering from malignant diseases to freeze their gametes to have offspring later. Two main forms of infertility treatments include intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization.U suvremenom svijetu učestalost parova koji ne uspijevaju na prirodan način ostvariti potomstvo u stalnom je porastu. Razlozi za neplodnost su mnogi, a najčešći jest visoka dob majke. Medicinski pomognuta oplodnja također omogućuje da osobe koje boluju od malignih bolesti zamrznu spolne stanice te kasnije ostvare potomstvo. Dva temeljna oblika liječenja neplodnosti obuhvaćaju intrauterinu inseminaciju i izvantjelesnu oplodnju

    Applicability of the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) approach to cosmetics – preliminary analysis

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    This report describes the application of chemoinformatic methods to explore the applicability of the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) approach to cosmetic ingredients. For non-cancer endpoints, the most widely used TTC approach is the Cramer classification scheme, which categorises chemicals into three classes (I, II and III) depending on their expected level of concern for oral systemic toxicity (low, medium, high, respectively). The chemical space of the Munro non-cancer dataset was characterised to assess whether this underlying TTC dataset is representative of the “world” of cosmetic ingredients, as represented by the COSMOS Cosmetics Inventory. In addition, the commonly used Cramer-related Munro threshold values were applied to a toxicological dataset of cosmetic ingredients, the COSMOS TTC dataset, to assess the degree of protectiveness resulting from the application of the Cramer classification scheme. This analysis is considered preliminary, since the COSMOS TTC dataset and Cosmetics Inventory are subject to an ongoing process of extension and quality control within the COSMOS project. The results of this preliminary analysis show that the Munro dataset is broadly representative of the chemical space of cosmetics, although certain structural classes are missing, notably organometallics, silicon-containing compounds, and certain types of surfactants (non-ionic and cationic classes). Furthermore, compared with the Cosmetics Inventory, the Munro dataset has a higher prevalence of reactive chemicals and a lower prevalence of larger, long linear chain structures. The COSMOS TTC dataset, comprising repeat dose toxicity data for cosmetics ingredients, shows a good representation of the Cosmetics Inventory, both in terms of physicochemical property ranges, structural features and chemical use categories. Thus, this dataset is considered to be suitable for investigating the applicability of the TTC approach to cosmetics. The results of the toxicity data analysis revealed a number of cosmetic ingredients in Cramer Class I with No Observed Effect Level (NOEL) values lower than the Munro threshold of 3000 µg/kg bw/day. The prevalence of these “false negatives” was less than 5%, which is the percentage expected by chance resulting from the use of the 5th percentile of cumulative probability distribution of NOELs in the derivation of TTC values. Furthermore, the majority of these false negatives do not arise when structural alerts for DNA-binding are used to identify potential genotoxicants, to which a lower TTC value of 0.0025 µg/kg bw/day is typically applied. Based on these preliminary results, it is concluded that the current TTC approach is broadly applicable to cosmetics, although a number of improvements can be made, through the quality control of the underlying TTC datasets, modest revisions / extensions of the Cramer classification scheme, and the development of explicit guidance on how to apply the TTC approach.JRC.I.5-Systems Toxicolog

    The Use of Computational Methods in the Grouping and Assessment of Chemicals - Preliminary Investigations

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    This document presents a perspective of how computational approaches could potentially be used in the grouping and assessment of chemicals, and especially in the application of read-across and the development of chemical categories. The perspective is based on experience gained by the authors during 2006 and 2007, when the Joint Research Centre's European Chemicals Bureau was directly involved in the drafting of technical guidance on the applicability of computational methods under REACH. Some of the experience gained and ideas developed resulted from a number of research-based case studies conducted in-house during 2006 and the first half of 2007. The case studies were performed to explore the possible applications of computational methods in the assessment of chemicals and to contribute to the development of technical guidance. Not all of the methods explored and ideas developed are explicitly included in the final guidance documentation for REACH. Many of the methods are novel, and are still being refined and assessed by the scientific community. At present, many of the methods have not been tried and tested in the regulatory context. The authors therefore hope that the perspective and case studies compiled in this document, whilst not intended to serve as guidance, will nevertheless provide an input to further research efforts aimed at developing computational methods, and at exploring their potential applicability in regulatory assessment of chemicals.JRC.I.3-Toxicology and chemical substance


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    Vedretta Pi an a Glacier is situated in Valle di Trafoi, near Stelvio P ass (Italian Alps ). Summer skiing has been a popular sport on this glacier for over seventy yea rs. On this glacier a stu dy for determining its recent evolut ion was carried out by means of a quantitative, detailed an alysis (G P S and GPR surveys) carried out in 1999 and in 2000 . Th e data elaboration shows th at the loss of ice and snow during the September 1999 - September 2000 period was equal to 938.920 rn'. The specific net ma ss balance for th e 1999/2000 hydrological year thus amounts to - 2.138 mm. The glacier's mean thickness proved to be equal to 71 m. Th e glacier volume proved to be equal to 72.500 .000 m' over a surface area of about 1 km ' . The survival time of the glacier is valu ed of about 35 yea rs (KEY W ORDS: Glaciers , Tourism, Vedretta Pi an a, Alps


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    O processo de ensino e aprendizagem pode efetivar-se de diversas maneiras, por exemplo, por meio da leitura e da escrita. Na formação universitária, a leitura e a escrita representam o desenvolvimento da capacidade crítica dos discentes, da iniciação à pesquisa e da interpretação do meio em que estão inseridos. Dessa forma, neste trabalho, buscou-se descrever o Projeto Seminário de Atualidades desenvolvido na Unoesc Chapecó. O Projeto tem como objetivo geral formar leitores conscientes de sua realidade, capazes de ler para transformar, entender e contextualizar o mundo em que vivem. Para tanto, tem-se como objetivos específicos: incentivar os alunos de graduação à leitura e à escrita, contribuir para a reflexão crítica no processo de socialização, despertar para a necessidade da leitura na formação profissional, transformar informação em interesse pelo conhecimento e discutir temáticas da atualidade. A metodologia do Projeto consiste na pesquisa bibliográfica, leitura e apresentação de assuntos relativos à atualidade local e mundial, ampliando as possibilidades de interpretação e expressão de ideias, além de preparação para concursos, exames avaliativos e mercado de trabalho.  As temáticas são previamente enviadas pela comissão organizadora do Projeto, tendo um professor responsável pela execução, por curso e fase, que divide a turma em grupos distribuídos em 10 temáticas. Após o envio do informativo do tema da semana, os alunos pesquisam e elaboram uma resenha, sendo essa socializada ao final do semestre em uma aula na qual debatem os diversos temas sob a condução de uma banca avaliativa composta por professores. O Projeto está, em 2015/2, em seu quinto ano de execução. Assim, conclui-se que, por meio dele, foi possível melhorar a formação de leitores críticos e reflexivos que tenham consciência sobre a importância da leitura e da escrita em sua formação moral, cidadã e profissional, com saberes adquiridos, habilidades e competências de leitores autônomos. Competência de ler para transformar, entender e contextualizar o mundo em que vivem.Palavras-chave: Ensino e aprendizagem. Ensino superior. Leitura e informação


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    As universidades comunitárias criadas pela sociedade civil e pelo poder público local representam nas regiões um importante espaço para a promoção do desenvolvimento regional, por meio do ensino, da pesquisa ou da extensão. A Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (Unoesc) atua desde a década de 1960 com a missão de “Formar pessoas, produzir conhecimento e oferecer extensão e serviços, promovendo o desenvolvimento institucional e regional.” Nesse propósito, a Unoesc de Chapecó, em parceria com o Colégio Marista, promoveu em 2015 o 1º Seminário de Desenvolvimento de Lideranças. O evento teve como objetivos tratar os desafios de modificar o modo de ensinar, incitar os líderes a buscar formas de inovar e promover a mudança de atitudes no trabalho com grupos e equipes como oportunidade para o êxito profissional. O seminário contou com a palestra do professor Dr. Mario Sergio Cortella, que ministrou o tema Da oportunidade ao êxito: mudar é complicado? Acomodar é perecer! O palestrante expôs temas como liderança, oportunidade, mudança de hábitos, inovação e adaptação ao meio. O evento contou com a presença de 1.060 pessoas, tendo como principais resultados o desenvolvimento de uma visão diferenciada sobre a formação de equipes e lideranças em professores, alunos, empresários e público em geral. A promoção de eventos dessa natureza intensifica a relevância do papel da universidade na sociedade para o desenvolvimento regional.Palavras-chave: Ensino. Liderança. Desenvolvimento regional


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    A superação dos gaps no processo de ensino e aprendizagem perpassa pelo desenvolvimento de uma “pedagogia empreendedora”, característica transversal que exige uma mudança cultural na metodologia convencional de ensino-aprendizagem. Nessa, o professor é um desafiante e os alunos desafiados, envolvidos, estimulados a criar e resolver os desafios. Isso em conformidade com o propósito de formar pessoas capazes de inovar, criar, cooperar, aproveitar oportunidades. Neste contexto, a Unoesc Chapecó, visa inovar na forma de produzir conhecimento, oferecendo formas metodológicas diferenciadas. Uma das ações foi o desenvolvimento do Projeto de uma Plataforma de Aprendizagem Gamificada e Colaborativa para Gestão de Gaps no Processo de Ensino e Aprendizagem, que oferece um ambiente de interação online com textos, vídeos, banco de questões para aplicação de avaliações e simulados, por meio do qual é possível auferir resultados e potencializar a preparação dos acadêmicos. Em consonância com o exposto, disponibilizar uma ferramenta tecnológica acessível e valorizar a participação e desempenho dos usuários é convergente com o interesse e perfil de uma geração de estudantes que são nativos tecnológicos. Por isso a plataforma permite acumular pontos pelo desempenho, tempo de uso e número de atividades desenvolvidas, o que pode subsidiar oferta de certificação aos estudantes usuários. Como resultado, pretende-se que a articulação da tecnologia com o ensino melhorem o processo de aprendizagem, assegurando conceitos satisfatórios para os cursos ofertados na instituição