332 research outputs found

    Bio-hythane production from food waste by dark fermentation coupled with anaerobic digestion process: A long-term pilot scale experience

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    In this paper are presented the results of the investigation on optimal process operational conditions of thermophilic dark fermentation and anaerobic digestion of food waste, testing a long term run, applying an organic loading rate of 16.3 kgTVS/m3d in the first phase and 4.8 kgTVS/m3d in the second phase. The hydraulic retention times were maintained at 3.3 days and 12.6 days, respectively, for the first and second phase. Recirculation of anaerobic digested sludge, after a mild solid separation, was applied to the dark fermentation reactor in order to control the pH in the optimal hydrogen production range of 5-6. It was confirmed the possibility to obtain a stable hydrogen production, without using external chemicals for pH control, in a long term test, with a specific hydrogen production of 66.7 l per kg of total volatile solid (TVS) fed and a specific biogas production in the second phase of 0.72 m3 per kgTVS fed; the produced biogas presented a typical composition with a stable presence of hydrogen and methane in the biogas mixture around 6 and 58%, respectively, carbon dioxide being the rest

    Discursos hibridos nas memorias de licenciaturas em ciencias

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    Orientador : Maria Ines de Freitas Petrucci dos Santos RosaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de EducaçãoResumo: Esse trabalho investiga as memórias de uma instituição universitária com tradição em formação docente no que se refere aos processos de reformulação curricular da última década. Para isso, foram entrevistados professores e professoras dos programas de licenciaturas em ciências, numa perspectiva metodológica afinada com a noção de rememoração e de narrativa em W. Benjamin. Os discursos produzidos durante a reconfiguração curricular das licenciaturas em questão, evidenciaram hibridismos produzidos nos campos disciplinares em disputa no currículo em transformaçãoAbstract: This work investigates memories of a university with tradition in teacher education about the curricular changes happened during the last decade. For this, professors of the science teacher education programs had been interviewed, in a methodological approach sharpened through the notion of remember and narrative by W. Benjamin. These speeches had evidenced hybridism of discourses produced in the disciplinar fields which dispute space during curricular changeMestradoEnsino e Práticas CulturaisMestre em Educaçã

    Detecting dynamic domains and local fluctuations in complex molecular systems via timelapse neighbors shuffling

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    Many complex molecular systems owe their properties to local dynamic rearrangements or fluctuations that, despite the rise of machine learning (ML) and sophisticated structural descriptors, remain often difficult to detect. Here we show an ML framework based on a new descriptor, named Local Environments and Neighbors Shuffling (LENS), which allows identifying dynamic domains and detecting local fluctuations in a variety of systems via tracking how much the surrounding of each molecular unit changes over time in terms of neighbor individuals. Statistical analysis of the LENS time-series data allows to blindly detect different dynamic domains within various types of molecular systems with, e.g., liquid-like, solid-like, or diverse dynamics, and to track local fluctuations emerging within them in an efficient way. The approach is found robust, versatile, and, given the abstract definition of the LENS descriptor, capable of shedding light on the dynamic complexity of a variety of (not necessarily molecular) systems

    Human immunodeficiency virus and sexually transmitted disease disparities among transgender persons

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    Experiencies of transphobic discrimination and victimization negatively impact on mental health, and the lack of social support has been found to be associated with a higher rate of undiagnosed HIV infection. To accurately assess the prevalence of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases in the transgender population it is essential to create centres that can offer a comprehensive, multidisciplinary and adequate support to these patients

    TimeSOAP: Tracking high-dimensional fluctuations in complex molecular systems via time variations of SOAP spectra

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    Many molecular systems and physical phenomena are controlled by local fluctuations and microscopic dynamical rearrangements of the constitutive interacting units that are often difficult to detect. This is the case, for example, of phase transitions, phase equilibria, nucleation events, and defect propagation, to mention a few. A detailed comprehension of local atomic environments and of their dynamic rearrangements is essential to understand such phenomena and also to draw structure-property relationships useful to unveil how to control complex molecular systems. Considerable progress in the development of advanced structural descriptors [e.g., Smooth Overlap of Atomic Position (SOAP), etc.] has certainly enhanced the representation of atomic-scale simulations data. However, despite such efforts, local dynamic environment rearrangements still remain difficult to elucidate. Here, exploiting the structurally rich description of atomic environments of SOAP and building on the concept of time-dependent local variations, we developed a SOAP-based descriptor, TimeSOAP (Ï„SOAP), which essentially tracks time variations in local SOAP environments surrounding each molecule (i.e., each SOAP center) along ensemble trajectories. We demonstrate how analysis of the time-series Ï„SOAP data and of their time derivatives allows us to detect dynamic domains and track instantaneous changes of local atomic arrangements (i.e., local fluctuations) in a variety of molecular systems. The approach is simple and general, and we expect that it will help shed light on a variety of complex dynamical phenomena

    Cargas de trabalho e processo de desgaste em Agentes Comunitários de Saúde

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    OBJETIVO Identificar as cargas de trabalho presentes na atividade laboral dos agentes comunitários de saúde (ACS) e os processos de desgaste decorrentes. MÉTODO Estudo descritivo-exploratório, transversal, quantitativo, realizado com 137 ACS. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário e entrevista norteada pelo software de vigilância à saúde SIMOSTE, seguindo os preceitos éticos da legislação vigente. RESULTADOS Identificou-se 140 cargas de trabalho envolvidas em 122 processos de desgaste representados pelas ocorrências de agravos à saúde do ACS, destacando-se as cargas mecânica (55,00%) e biológica (16,43%). Os processos de desgastes mais comuns foram as causas externas de morbidade e mortalidade (62,31%) e as doenças do sistema osteomuscular e conjuntivo (10,66%). CONCLUSÃO Evidenciou-se a partir dos desgastes identificados, que todas as cargas de trabalho estão presentes no processo de trabalho dos ACS, destacando-se a carga mecânica, representada principalmente pelas causas externas de morbidade e mortalidade, as quais se relacionam com os acidentes de trabalho.OBJETIVO Identificar las cargas de trabajo presentes en la actividad laboral de los agentes comunitarios de Salud (ACS) y los procesos de desgaste consecuentes. MÉTODO Estudio descriptivo exploratorio, transversal, cuantitativo con 137 ACS. Los datos fueron recogidos mediante cuestionario y entrevista orientada por el software de vigilancia sanitaria SIMOSTE, siguiendo los preceptos de la legislación vigente. RESULTADOS Se identificaron 140 cargas de trabajo involucradas en 122 procesos de desgaste representados por las ocurrencias de agravios a la salud del ACS, destacándose la carga mecánica (55,00%) y la biológica (16,43%). Los procesos de desgastes más comunes fueron las causas externas de morbilidad y mortalidad (62,31%) y las enfermedades del sistema osteomuscular y conjuntivo (10,66%). CONCLUSIÓN Se evidenció desde los desgastes identificados que todas las cargas de trabajo están presentes en el proceso de trabajo de los ACS, destacándose la carga mecánica, representada especialmente por las causas externas de morbilidad y mortalidad, las que se relacionan con los accidentes laborales.OBJECTIVE To identify the workloads present in the work activities of community health agents (CHAs) and the resulting strain processes. METHOD A descriptive, exploratory, cross-sectional and quantitative study conducted with 137 CHAs. Data were collected through a questionnaire and interview guided by the health surveillance software called SIMOSTE (Health Monitoring System of Nursing Workers), following the ethical codes of the current law. RESULTS In total, were identified 140 workloads involved in 122 strain processes, represented by the occurrence of health problems of the CHAs. The mechanical (55.00%) and biological (16.43%) loads stood out. The most common strain processes were the external causes of morbidity and mortality (62.31%) and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (10.66%). CONCLUSION From the identified overloads, it became evident that all workloads are present in the work process of CHAs, highlighting the mechanical load, represented mainly by external causes of morbidity and mortality that are related to occupational accidents


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    A realização de um plano de internacionalização abrange desde a escolha de um mercado alvo até o estudo detalhado da dinâmica interna da organização para concretizar com sucesso a forma de entrada de uma empresa no mercado internacional. Desta forma, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi elaborar um plano de internacionalização para uma empresa de equipamentos de proteção individual da cidade de Chapecó/SC. Portanto, caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo descritivo, documental e bibliográfica sob o prisma de um estudo de caso.  A coleta de dados foi realizada com base em pesquisa documental, bibliográfica e por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada, visando à análise descritiva como forma de interpretação dos dados. Os resultados apontaram o perfil da empresa como arrojado e aberto, mas cauteloso perante a internacionalização, no qual busca-se minimizar a dependência do mercado interno e contratos com determinadas empresas e ainda ocupar a capacidade fabril ociosa possibilitando buscar e atender novos clientes no exterior. O mercado argentino mostrou-se viável para realização do plano, sendo que importou no último ano quantidades consideráveis de EPIs descartáveis, e, também não apresenta barreiras técnicas e legislativas para importação do produto, além da proximidade territorial que minimiza o tempo de entrega. Ainda, identificaram-se estratégias como participação em feiras setoriais, tradução de website, cartões e flyers e parceria com um representante nativo para que a empresa se insira no novo mercado de forma segura e eficaz
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