41 research outputs found

    Novel long non-coding RNAs of relevance for ulcerative colitis pathogenesis

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    Background and aims: The study aimed to identify yet unknown and uncharacterized long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in treatment-naïve ulcerative colitis (UC), and to define their possible roles in UC pathogenesis. For that purpose, accurate quantification methods for lncRNA transcript detection, multiple and “stringent” strategies were applied. New insights in the regulation of functional genes and pathways of relevance for UC through expression of lncRNAs are expected. Methods: The study was based on sequencing data derived from a data set consisting of treatment-naïve UC patients (n = 14) and control subjects (n = 16). Two complementary aligners were used to identify lncRNAs. Several different steps were used to validate differential expression including plotting the reads over the annotation for manual inspection. To help determine potential lncRNA involvement in biological processes, KEGG pathway enrichment was done on protein-coding genes which co-expressed with the lncRNAs. Results: A total of 99 lncRNAs were identified in UC. The lncRNAs which were not previously characterized (n = 15) in UC or other autoimmune diseases were selected for down-stream analysis. In total, 602 protein-coding genes correlated with the uncharacterized lncRNAs. KEGG pathway enrichment analysis revealed involvement of lncRNAs in two significantly enriched pathways, lipid and atherosclerosis, and T-cell receptor signaling. Conclusion: This study identified a set of 15 yet uncharacterized lncRNAs which may be of importance for UC pathogenesis. These lncRNAs may serve as potential diagnostic biomarkers and might be of use for the development of UC treatment strategies in the future

    Novel long-coding RNAs of relevance for ulcerative colitis pathogenesis

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    Poster presented at the Norwegian Bioinformatics Days 2022, Sundvolden, 28-30 September 2022.Introduction - LncRNAs have become a growing field of research. They are involved in diverse biological processes including expression regulation, and chromatin modification. Many lncRNAs have been characterized as involved in the occurrence and development of various human diseases, including cancer. A growing body of evidence implies a role for lncRNAs in UC by modulating the intestinal barrier, regulating the expression of inflammatory cytokines, and polarization of macrophages. Problems - Accurate quantification of lncRNA transcripts is challenging due to the low expression of lncRNAs, and their exons overlap protein-coding exons on the same strand. Aims - The study aimed to define the role of uncharacterized long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in treatment-naïve ulcerative colitis (UC). Method - To overcome difficulties in lncRNA transcript quantification, multiple and “stringent” strategies were applied. New insights in the regulation of functional genes and pathways of relevance for UC through expression of lncRNAs are expected Conclusion - This study identified a set of 15 yet uncharacterized lncRNAs which may be of importance for UC pathogenesis. These lncRNAs may serve as potential diagnostic biomarkers and might be of use for the development of UC treatment strategies in the future. The proposed method can also be helpful to quantify low expressed lncRNA transcripts in other datasets

    Methylation-regulated long non-coding RNA expression in ulcerative colitis

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    Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been shown to play a role in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis (UC). Although epigenetic processes such as DNA methylation and lncRNA expression are well studied in UC, the importance of the interplay between the two processes has not yet been fully explored. It is, therefore, believed that interactions between environmental factors and epigenetics contribute to disease development. Mucosal biopsies from 11 treatment-naïve UC patients and 13 normal controls were used in this study. From each individual sample, both whole-genome bisulfite sequencing data (WGBS) and lncRNA expression data were analyzed. Correlation analysis between lncRNA expression and upstream differentially methylated regions (DMRs) was used to identify lncRNAs that might be regulated by DMRs. Furthermore, proximal protein-coding genes associated with DMR-regulated lncRNAs were identified by correlating their expression. The study identified UC-associated lncRNAs such as MIR4435-2HG, ZFAS1, IL6-AS1, and Pvt1, which may be regulated by DMRs. Several genes that are involved in inflammatory immune responses were found downstream of DMR-regulated lncRNAs, including SERPINB1, CCL18, and SLC15A4. The interplay between lncRNA expression regulated by DNA methylation in UC might improve our understanding of UC pathogenesis

    Plasma Fatty Acid Ratios Affect Blood Gene Expression Profiles - A Cross-Sectional Study of the Norwegian Women and Cancer Post-Genome Cohort

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    This paper is part of Karina Standahl Olsen's doctoral thesis, available in Munin at http://hdl.handle.net/10037/5442High blood concentrations of n-6 fatty acids (FAs) relative to n-3 FAs may lead to a “physiological switch” towards permanent low-grade inflammation, potentially influencing the onset of cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases, as well as cancer. To explore the potential effects of FA ratios prior to disease onset, we measured blood gene expression profiles and plasma FA ratios (linoleic acid/alpha-linolenic acid, LA/ALA; arachidonic acid/eicosapentaenoic acid, AA/EPA; and total n-6/n-3) in a cross-section of middle-aged Norwegian women (n = 227). After arranging samples from the highest values to the lowest for all three FA ratios (LA/ALA, AA/EPA and total n-6/n-3), the highest and lowest deciles of samples were compared. Differences in gene expression profiles were assessed by single-gene and pathway-level analyses. The LA/ALA ratio had the largest impact on gene expression profiles, with 135 differentially expressed genes, followed by the total n-6/n-3 ratio (125 genes) and the AA/EPA ratio (72 genes). All FA ratios were associated with genes related to immune processes, with a tendency for increased pro-inflammatory signaling in the highest FA ratio deciles. Lipid metabolism related to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) signaling was modified, with possible implications for foam cell formation and development of cardiovascular diseases. We identified higher expression levels of several autophagy marker genes, mainly in the lowest LA/ALA decile. This finding may point to the regulation of autophagy as a novel aspect of FA biology which warrants further study. Lastly, all FA ratios were associated with gene sets that included targets of specific microRNAs, and gene sets containing common promoter motifs that did not match any known transcription factors. We conclude that plasma FA ratios are associated with differences in blood gene expression profiles in this free-living population, and that affected genes and pathways may influence the onset and progression of disease

    Profiling the T Cell Receptor Alpha/Delta Locus in Salmonids

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    In jawed vertebrates, two major T cell populations have been characterized. They are defined as α/β or γ/δ T cells, based on the expressed T cell receptor. Salmonids (family Salmonidae) include two key teleost species for aquaculture, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) which constitute important models for fish immunology and important targets for vaccine development. The growing interest to decipher the dynamics of adaptive immune responses against pathogens or vaccines has resulted in recent efforts to sequence the immunoglobulin (IG) or antibodies and T cell receptor (TR) repertoire in these species. In this context, establishing a comprehensive and coherent locus annotation is the fundamental basis for the analysis of high-throughput repertoire sequencing data. We therefore decided to revisit the description and annotation of TRA/TRD locus in Atlantic salmon and two strains of rainbow trout (Swanson and Arlee) using the now available high-quality genome assemblies. Phylogenetic analysis of functional TRA/TRD V genes from these three genomes led to the definition of 25 subgroups shared by both species, some with particular feature. A total of 128 TRAJ genes were identified in Salmo, the majority with a close counterpart in Oncorhynchus. Analysis of expressed TRA repertoire indicates that most TRAV gene subgroups are expressed at mucosal and systemic level. The present work on TRA/TRD locus annotation along with the analysis of TRA repertoire sequencing data show the feasibility and advantages of a common salmonid TRA/TRD nomenclature that allows an accurate annotation and analysis of high-throughput sequencing results, across salmonid T cell subsets

    Cancer-associated fibroblasts from human NSCLC survive ablative doses of radiation but their invasive capacity is reduced

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    <p>Background: Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts (CAFs) are significant components of solid malignancies and play central roles in cancer sustainability, invasion and metastasis. In this study we have investigated the invasive capacity and matrix remodelling properties of human lung CAFs after exposure to ablative doses of ionizing radiation (AIR), equivalent to single fractions delivered by stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SART) for medically inoperable stage-I/II non-small-cell lung cancers.</p> <p>Methods: CAFs were isolated from lung tumour specimens from 16 donors. Initially, intrinsic radiosensitivity was evaluated by checking viability and extent of DNA-damage response (DDR) at different radiation doses. The migrative and invasive capacities of CAFs were thereafter determined after a sub-lethal single radiation dose of 18 Gy. To ascertain the mechanisms behind the altered invasive capacity of cells, expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their endogenous inhibitors (TIMPs) were measured in the conditioned media several days post-irradiation, along with expression of cell surface integrins and dynamics of focal contacts by vinculin-staining.</p> <p>Results: Exposing CAFs to 1 × 18 Gy resulted in a potent induction of multiple nuclear DDR foci (> 9/cell) with little resolution after 120 h, induced premature cellular senescence and inhibition of the proliferative, migrative and invasive capacity. AIR promoted MMP-3 and inhibited MMP-1 appearance to some extent, but did not affect expression of other major MMPs. Furthermore, surface expression of integrins α2, β1 and α5 was consistently enhanced, and a dramatic augmentation and redistribution of focal contacts was observed.</p> <p>Conclusions: Our data indicate that ablative doses of radiation exert advantageous inhibitory effects on the proliferative, migratory and invasive capacity of lung CAFs. The reduced motility of irradiated CAFs might be a consequence of stabilized focal contacts via integrins.</p&gt

    Endogenous IL-1 receptor antagonist restricts healthy and malignant myeloproliferation.

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    Here we explored the role of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) repressor cytokine, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1rn), in both healthy and abnormal hematopoiesis. Low IL-1RN is frequent in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients and represents a prognostic marker of reduced survival. Treatments with IL-1RN and the IL-1β monoclonal antibody canakinumab reduce the expansion of leukemic cells, including CD34+ progenitors, in AML xenografts. In vivo deletion of IL-1rn induces hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) differentiation into the myeloid lineage and hampers B cell development via transcriptional activation of myeloid differentiation pathways dependent on NFκB. Low IL-1rn is present in an experimental model of pre-leukemic myelopoiesis, and IL-1rn deletion promotes myeloproliferation, which relies on the bone marrow hematopoietic and stromal compartments. Conversely, IL-1rn protects against pre-leukemic myelopoiesis. Our data reveal that HSC differentiation is controlled by balanced IL-1β/IL-1rn levels under steady-state, and that loss of repression of IL-1β signaling may underlie pre-leukemic lesion and AML progression.We thank K. Tasken, J. Saarela and the NCMM at the University of Oslo (UiO), S. Kanse (UiO) and B. Smedsrød (UiT), for access to facilities. We acknowledge Center for Medical Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Haukeland University Hospital (Bergen, Norway) and R. Hovland for karyotyping, FISH, translocation and DNA analyses of AML and MDS patients included in this study, and Department of Pathology, Oslo University Hospital (Oslo, Norway) and S. Spetalen for deep sequencing. L.M. Gonzalez, L.T. Eliassen, X. Zhang, M. Ristic and other members of L. Arranz group, O.P. Rekvig, R. Doohan, L.D. Håland, M.I. Olsen, A. Urbanucci, J. Landskron, K.B. Larsen, R.A. Lyså and UiT Advanced Microscopy Core Facility, UiO and UiT Comparative Medicine Units, for assistance. P. Garcia and S. Mendez-Ferrer for providing NRASG12D and Nes-gfp mice, respectively. P. Garcia and L. Kurian for careful reading of the manuscript. E. Tenstad (Science Shaped) for artwork in schematics. We would also like to thank the AML and MDS patients, and healthy volunteers, who donated biological samples. Our work is supported by a joint meeting grant of the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority, the University Hospital of Northern Norway (UNN) and UiT (Strategisk-HN06-14), Young Research Talent grants from the Research Council of Norway, (Stem Cell Program, 247596; FRIPRO Program, 250901), and grants from the Norwegian Cancer Society (6765150), the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority (HNF1338-17), and the Aakre-Stiftelsen Foundation (2016/9050) to L.A. Vav-Cre NRASG12D experiments were supported by NIH grant R01CA152108 to J.Z.S

    Endogenous IL-1 receptor antagonist restricts healthy and malignant myeloproliferation

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    Here we explored the role of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) repressor cytokine, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1rn), in both healthy and abnormal hematopoiesis. Low IL-1RN is frequent in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients and represents a prognostic marker of reduced survival. Treatments with IL-1RN and the IL-1β monoclonal antibody canakinumab reduce the expansion of leukemic cells, including CD34+ progenitors, in AML xenografts. In vivo deletion of IL-1rn induces hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) differentiation into the myeloid lineage and hampers B cell development via transcriptional activation of myeloid differentiation pathways dependent on NFκB. Low IL-1rn is present in an experimental model of pre-leukemic myelopoiesis, and IL-1rn deletion promotes myeloproliferation, which relies on the bone marrow hematopoietic and stromal compartments. Conversely, IL-1rn protects against pre-leukemic myelopoiesis. Our data reveal that HSC differentiation is controlled by balanced IL-1β/IL-1rn levels under steady-state, and that loss of repression of IL-1β signaling may underlie pre-leukemic lesion and AML progression

    Differences in Gene Expression between First and Third Trimester Human Placenta: A Microarray Study

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    BACKGROUND: The human placenta is a rapidly developing organ that undergoes structural and functional changes throughout the pregnancy. Our objectives were to investigate the differences in global gene expression profile, the expression of imprinted genes and the effect of smoking in first and third trimester normal human placentas. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Placental samples were collected from 21 women with uncomplicated pregnancies delivered at term and 16 healthy women undergoing termination of pregnancy at 9-12 weeks gestation. Placental gene expression profile was evaluated by Human Genome Survey Microarray v.2.0 (Applied Biosystems) and real-time polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Almost 25% of the genes spotted on the array (n = 7519) were differentially expressed between first and third trimester placentas. Genes regulating biological processes involved in cell proliferation, cell differentiation and angiogenesis were up-regulated in the first trimester; whereas cell surface receptor mediated signal transduction, G-protein mediated signalling, ion transport, neuronal activities and chemosensory perception were up-regulated in the third trimester. Pathway analysis showed that brain and placenta might share common developmental routes. Principal component analysis based on the expression of 17 imprinted genes showed a clear separation of first and third trimester placentas, indicating that epigenetic modifications occur throughout pregnancy. In smokers, a set of genes encoding oxidoreductases were differentially expressed in both trimesters. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in global gene expression profile between first and third trimester human placenta reflect temporal changes in placental structure and function. Epigenetic rearrangements in the human placenta seem to occur across gestation, indicating the importance of environmental influence in the developing feto-placental unit

    Deciphering Normal Blood Gene Expression Variation—The NOWAC Postgenome Study

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    There is growing evidence that gene expression profiling of peripheral blood cells is a valuable tool for assessing gene signatures related to exposure, drug-response, or disease. However, the true promise of this approach can not be estimated until the scientific community has robust baseline data describing variation in gene expression patterns in normal individuals. Using a large representative sample set of postmenopausal women (N = 286) in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) postgenome study, we investigated variability of whole blood gene expression in the general population. In particular, we examined changes in blood gene expression caused by technical variability, normal inter-individual differences, and exposure variables at proportions and levels relevant to real-life situations. We observe that the overall changes in gene expression are subtle, implying the need for careful analytic approaches of the data. In particular, technical variability may not be ignored and subsequent adjustments must be considered in any analysis. Many new candidate genes were identified that are differentially expressed according to inter-individual (i.e. fasting, BMI) and exposure (i.e. smoking) factors, thus establishing that these effects are mirrored in blood. By focusing on the biological implications instead of directly comparing gene lists from several related studies in the literature, our analytic approach was able to identify significant similarities and effects consistent across these reports. This establishes the feasibility of blood gene expression profiling, if they are predicated upon careful experimental design and analysis in order to minimize confounding signals, artifacts of sample preparation and processing, and inter-individual differences