571 research outputs found

    Multiband Superconductivity in KFe2As2: Evidence for one Isotropic and several Liliputian Energy Gaps

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    We report a detailed low-temperature thermodynamic investigation (heat capacity and magnetization) of the superconducting state of KFe2As2 for H || c axis. Our measurements reveal that the properties of KFe2As2 are dominated by a relatively large nodeless energy gap (Delta?0 = 1.9 kBTc) which excludes dx2-y2 symmetry. We prove the existence of several additional extremely small gaps (?Delta0 < 1.0 kBTc) that have a profound impact on the low-temperature and low-field behavior, similar to MgB2, CeCoIn5 and PrOs4Sb12. The zero-field heat capacity is analyzed in a realistic self-consistent 4-band BCS model which qualitatively reproduces the recent laser ARPES results of Okazaki et al. (Science 337 (2012) 1314). Our results show that extremely low-temperature measurements, i.e. T < 0.1 K, will be required in order to resolve the question of the existence of line nodes in this compound.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Estimating abundances of 0-group western Baltic cod by using pound net fisheries

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    Nearshore 0-group western Baltic cod are frequently caught as bycatch in the commercial pound net fishery. Pound net fishermen from the Danish Isle of Funen and Lolland and the German Isle of Fehmarn have recorded their catches of small cod between September and December 2008. Abundance patterns were analysed, particularly concerning the influence of abiotic factors (hydrography, meteorology) and the differences between sampling sites. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) differed by site and location, whereas CPUE were highest at Lolland. Correlation between catch and wind/currents were generally weak. However, wind directions and current speeds seem to affect the catch rates. Finally an algorithm was developed to calculate a recruitment index for western Baltic cod recruitment success based on previous analyses

    Magnetisation process in Er2Ti2O7 and Tb2Ti2O7 at very low temperature

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    We present a model which accounts for the high field magnetisation at very low temperature in two pyrochlore frustrated systems, Er2Ti2O7 and Tb2Ti2O7. The two compounds present very different ground states: Er2Ti2O7, which has a planar crystal field anisotropy, is an antiferromagnet with T_N=1.2K, whereas Tb2Ti2O7 is expected to have Ising character and shows no magnetic ordering down to 0.05K, being thus labelled a ``spin liquid''. Our model is a mean field self-consistent calculation involving the 4 rare earth sites of a tetrahedron, the building unit of the pyrochlore lattice. It includes the full crystal field hamiltonian, the infinite range dipolar interaction and anisotropic nearest neighbour exchange described by a 3-component tensor. For Er2Ti2O7, we discuss the equivalence of our treatment of the exchange tensor, taken to be diagonal in a frame linked to a rare earth - rare earth bond, with the pseudo-spin hamiltonian recently developped for Kramers doublets in a pyrochlore lattice. In Tb2Ti2O7, an essential ingredient of our model is a symmetry breaking developping at very low temperature. We compare its prediction for the isothermal magnetisation with that of ``the quantum spin ice'' model

    Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Nanoceria Systemic Distribution in Rats Suggests Dose- and Route-Dependent Biokinetics

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    Background: Cerium dioxide nanoparticles (nanoceria) are increasingly being used in a variety of products as catalysts, coatings, and polishing agents. Furthermore, their antioxidant properties make nanoceria potential candidates for biomedical applications. To predict and avoid toxicity, information about their biokinetics is essential. A useful tool to explore such associations between exposure and internal target dose is physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling. The aim of this study was to test the appropriateness of our previously published PBPK model developed for intravenous (IV) administration when applied to various sizes of nanoceria and to exposure routes relevant for humans. Methods: Experimental biokinetic data on nanoceria (obtained from various exposure routes, sizes, coatings, doses, and tissues sampled) in rats were collected from the literature and also obtained from the researchers. The PBPK model was first calibrated and validated against IV data for 30 nm citrate coated ceria and then recalibrated for 5 nm ceria. Finally, the model was modified and tested against inhalation, intratracheal (IT) instillation, and oral nanoceria data. Results: The PBPK model adequately described nanoceria time courses in various tissues for 5 nm ceria given IV. The time courses of 30 nm ceria were reasonably well predicted for liver and spleen, whereas the biokinetics in other tissues were not well captured. For the inhalation, IT instillation, and oral exposure routes, re-optimization was difficult due to low absorption and, hence, low and variable nanoceria tissue levels. Moreover, the nanoceria properties and exposure conditions varied widely among the inhalation, IT instillation, and oral studies, making it difficult to assess the importance of different factors. Conclusion: Overall, our modeling efforts suggest that nanoceria biokinetics depend largely on the exposure route and dose

    Inter-rater reliability of cyclic and non-cyclic task assessment using the hand activity level in appliance manufacturing

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    This study evaluated the inter-rater reliability of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) hand activity level (HAL), an observational ergonomic assessment method used to estimate physical exposure to repetitive exertions during task performance. Video recordings of 858 cyclic and non-cyclic appliance manufacturing tasks were assessed by sixteen pairs of raters using the HAL visual-analog scale. A weighted Pearson Product Moment-Correlation Coefficient was used to evaluate the agreement between the HAL scores recorded by each rater pair, and the mean weighted correlation coefficients for cyclic and non-cyclic tasks were calculated. Results indicated that the HAL is a reliable exposure assessment method for cyclic (r-barw = 0.69) and non-cyclic work tasks (r-barw = 0.68). When the two reliability scores were compared using a two-sample Student’s t-test, no significant difference in reliability (p = 0.63) between these work task categories was found. This study demonstrated that the HAL may be a useful measure of exposure to repetitive exertions during cyclic and non-cyclic tasks. Relevance to industry: Exposure to hazardous levels of repetitive action during non-cyclic task completion has traditionally been difficult to assess using simple observational techniques. The present study suggests that ergonomists could use the HAL to reliably and easily evaluate exposures associated with some non-cyclic work tasks

    Cell Death of Melanophores in Zebrafish trpm7 Mutant Embryos Depends on Melanin Synthesis

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    Transient receptor potential melastatin 7 (TRPM7) is a broadly expressed, non-selective cation channel. Studies in cultured cells implicate TRPM7 in regulation of cell growth, spreading, and survival. However, zebrafish trpm7 homozygous mutants display death of melanophores and temporary paralysis, but no gross morphological defects during embryonic stages. This phenotype implies that melanophores are unusually sensitive to decreases in Trpm7 levels, a hypothesis we investigate here. We find that pharmacological inhibition of caspases does not rescue melanophore viability in trpm7 mutants, implying that melanophores die by a mechanism other than apoptosis. Consistent with this possibility, ultrastructural analysis of dying melanophores in trpm7 mutants reveals abnormal melanosomes and evidence of a ruptured plasma membrane, indicating that cell death occurs by necrosis. Interestingly, inhibition of melanin synthesis largely prevents melanophore cell death in trpm7 mutants. These results suggest that melanophores require Trpm7 in order to detoxify intermediates of melanin synthesis. We find that unlike TRPM1, TRPM7 is expressed in human melanoma cell lines, indicating that these cells may also be sensitized to reduction of TRPM7 levels

    Verification, validation and evaluation of FireFOAM as a tool for performance based design

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    The open source CFD code FireFOAM has been verified and validated against analytical solution and real fire tests. The verification showed that FireFOAM solves the three modes of heat transfer appropriately. The validation against real fire tests yielded reasonable results. FireFOAM has not been validated for a large set of real fires, which is the case for FDS. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the user to perform the validation, before using the code.One of the advantages of FireFOAM compared to the Fire Dynamic Simulator is that FireFOAM can use unstructured grid.FireFOAM is parallelised and scales reasonable well, but is in general considerably slower in computation speed than the Fire Dynamic Simulator. Further, the software is poorly documented and has a steep learning curve. At present it is more a tool for researchers than for fire consultants

    EcoCyc: fusing model organism databases with systems biology.

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    EcoCyc (http://EcoCyc.org) is a model organism database built on the genome sequence of Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655. Expert manual curation of the functions of individual E. coli gene products in EcoCyc has been based on information found in the experimental literature for E. coli K-12-derived strains. Updates to EcoCyc content continue to improve the comprehensive picture of E. coli biology. The utility of EcoCyc is enhanced by new tools available on the EcoCyc web site, and the development of EcoCyc as a teaching tool is increasing the impact of the knowledge collected in EcoCyc

    Brief Of Law Professors Bruce P. Frohnen, Robert P. George, Alan J. Meese, Michael P. Moreland, Nathan B. Oman, Michael Stokes Paulsen, Rodney K. Smith, Steven D. Smith, And O. Carter Snead As Amici Curiae In Support Of Petitioners

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    Suppose a federal law required government officials to enter a Catholic church and use church property to distribute contraceptives and abortifacients over church’s objection. Such a law would surely burden the church’s religion, even if the government paid for the objectionable medications and compensated the church for the use of its resources. By commandeering church property, such a law would force the church to be complicit in activity to which it has serious religious objection
