689 research outputs found

    Solving the 3D Ising Model with the Conformal Bootstrap

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    We study the constraints of crossing symmetry and unitarity in general 3D Conformal Field Theories. In doing so we derive new results for conformal blocks appearing in four-point functions of scalars and present an efficient method for their computation in arbitrary space-time dimension. Comparing the resulting bounds on operator dimensions and OPE coefficients in 3D to known results, we find that the 3D Ising model lies at a corner point on the boundary of the allowed parameter space. We also derive general upper bounds on the dimensions of higher spin operators, relevant in the context of theories with weakly broken higher spin symmetries.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures; v2: refs added, small changes in Section 5.3, Fig. 7 replaced; v3: ref added, fits redone in Section 5.

    PosterVote:expanding the action repertoire for local political activism

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    Online and digital technologies support and extend the action repertoires of localized social movements. In this paper we examine the ways by which digital technologies can support ‘on-the-ground ’ activist communities in the development of social movements. After identifying some of the challenges of deploying conventional voting and consultation technologies for activism, we examine situated political action in local communities through the design and deployment of a low-cost community voting prototype, PosterVote. We deploy PosterVote in two case studies with two local community organizations identifying the features that supported or hindered grassroots democratic practices. Through interviews with these communities, we explore the design of situated voting systems to support grassroots democratic practices and participation within an ecology of social action. Author Keywords Democracy; activism; participation; e-votin

    Silages of agro-industrial by-products in lamb diets : effct on growth performance, carcass, meat quality and in vitro methane emissions

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    Research Areas: AgricultureABSTRACT - The use of agro-industrial by-products in animal feed is an opportunity to reduce imports, food waste and promote a clean and circular economy, turning worthless raw materials into high -quality and low-cost animal feeds, which does not compete with human food. This study aims to produce silages with by-products of carrot, sweet potato, potato, and tomato pomace and integrate them in lamb diets, replacing 50% of dry matter (DM) of a concentrate-based diet. Effects on growth performance, meat quality and methane production were evaluated. Three silages were produced using 350 g/kg tomato pomace, 200 g/kg wheat bran, 150 g/kg alfalfa hay and 300 g/kg potato (Psil) or 300 g/kg sweet potato (SPsil) or 300 g/kg carrot (Csil). Thirty-two lambs were housed individually and divided into four groups (8 animals/group) on the following diets: Control -850 g/kg concentrate and 150 g/kg hay; P -500 g/kg concentrate and 500 g/kg Psil in DM; SP - 500 g/kg concentrate and 500 g/kg SPsil in DM; C - 500 g/kg concentrate and 500 g/kg Csil in DM. The trial lasted 6 weeks after 1 week of adaptation. Methane production was assessed in vitro by the Ankom system, using as inoculum rumen content samples collected individually from 6 lambs on each diet at slaughter. Diet had no effect on DM intake, average daily gain and DM conversion ratio, averaging 1055 +/- 248 g, 320 +/- 61.1 g and 3.35 +/- 0.600, respectively. Also, carcass characteristics were not affected by the diet except for the lightness of subcutaneous fat which was increased by the silage diets (L* value, P = 0.016). The meat pa-rameters, pH, intramuscular fat, shear force, cooking losses and sensory attributes, were not affected by the diet. In meat color, the parameters a* and Chroma were highest in animals fed diet C, have an intermediate value with Control diet and are lowest with diets P and SP (P = 0.027 and P = 0.012, respectively). Diets had no impact on total methane emissions. The costs of the silage diets per kg live weight gain were lower than those of Control diet (P = 0.018). In summary, by-product silage can be a good option to replace concentrated feed in lamb diets without altering the growth performance and meat quality or methane production and thus contributing to the sustainability of livestock farms and the environment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Massive Gravity Theories and limits of Ghost-free Bigravity models

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    We construct a class of theories which extend New Massive Gravity to higher orders in curvature in any dimension. The lagrangians arise as limits of a new class of bimetric theories of Lovelock gravity, which are unitary theories free from the Boulware-Deser ghost. These Lovelock bigravity models represent the most general non-chiral ghost-free theories of an interacting massless and massive spin-two field in any dimension. The scaling limit is taken in such a way that unitarity is explicitly broken, but the Boulware-Deser ghost remains absent. This automatically implies the existence of a holographic cc-theorem for these theories. We also show that the Born-Infeld extension of New Massive Gravity falls into our class of models demonstrating that this theory is also free of the Boulware-Deser ghost. These results extend existing connections between New Massive Gravity, bigravity theories, Galileon theories and holographic cc-theorems.Comment: 11+5 page

    Mellin Amplitudes for Dual Conformal Integrals

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    Motivated by recent work on the utility of Mellin space for representing conformal correlators in AdSAdS/CFT, we study its suitability for representing dual conformal integrals of the type which appear in perturbative scattering amplitudes in super-Yang-Mills theory. We discuss Feynman-like rules for writing Mellin amplitudes for a large class of integrals in any dimension, and find explicit representations for several familiar toy integrals. However we show that the power of Mellin space is that it provides simple representations even for fully massive integrals, which except for the single case of the 4-mass box have not yet been computed by any available technology. Mellin space is also useful for exhibiting differential relations between various multi-loop integrals, and we show that certain higher-loop integrals may be written as integral operators acting on the fully massive scalar nn-gon in nn dimensions, whose Mellin amplitude is exactly 1. Our chief example is a very simple formula expressing the 6-mass double box as a single integral of the 6-mass scalar hexagon in 6 dimensions.Comment: 29+7 page

    Holographic studies of quasi-topological gravity

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    Quasi-topological gravity is a new gravitational theory including curvature-cubed interactions and for which exact black hole solutions were constructed. In a holographic framework, classical quasi-topological gravity can be thought to be dual to the large NcN_c limit of some non-supersymmetric but conformal gauge theory. We establish various elements of the AdS/CFT dictionary for this duality. This allows us to infer physical constraints on the couplings in the gravitational theory. Further we use holography to investigate hydrodynamic aspects of the dual gauge theory. In particular, we find that the minimum value of the shear-viscosity-to-entropy-density ratio for this model is η/s0.4140/(4π)\eta/s \simeq 0.4140/(4\pi).Comment: 45 pages, 6 figures. v2: References adde

    A Lovelock black hole bestiary

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    We revisit the study of (A)dS black holes in Lovelock theories. We present a new tool that allows to attack this problem in full generality. In analyzing maximally symmetric Lovelock black holes with non-planar horizon topologies many distinctive and interesting features are observed. Among them, the existence of maximally symmetric vacua do not supporting black holes in vast regions of the space of gravitational couplings, multi-horizon black holes, and branches of solutions that suggest the existence of a rich diagram of phase transitions. The appearance of naked singularities seems unavoidable in some cases, raising the question about the fate of the cosmic censorship conjecture in these theories. There is a preferred branch of solutions for planar black holes, as well as non-planar black holes with high enough mass or temperature. Our study clarifies the role of all branches of solutions, including asymptotically dS black holes, and whether they should be considered when studying these theories in the context of AdS/CFT.Comment: 40 pages, 16 figures; v2: references added and minor amendments; v3: title changed to improve its accuracy and general reorganization of the results to ameliorate their presentatio

    Universality and exactness of Schrodinger geometries in string and M-theory

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    We propose an organizing principle for classifying and constructing Schrodinger-invariant solutions within string theory and M-theory, based on the idea that such solutions represent nonlinear completions of linearized vector and graviton Kaluza-Klein excitations of AdS compactifications. A crucial simplification, derived from the symmetry of AdS, is that the nonlinearities appear only quadratically. Accordingly, every AdS vacuum admits infinite families of Schrodinger deformations parameterized by the dynamical exponent z. We exhibit the ease of finding these solutions by presenting three new constructions: two from M5 branes, both wrapped and extended, and one from the D1-D5 (and S-dual F1-NS5) system. From the boundary perspective, perturbing a CFT by a null vector operator can lead to nonzero beta-functions for spin-2 operators; however, symmetry restricts them to be at most quadratic in couplings. This point of view also allows us to easily prove nonrenormalization theorems: for any Sch(z) solution of two-derivative supergravity constructed in the above manner, z is uncorrected to all orders in higher derivative corrections if the deforming KK mode lies in a short multiplet of an AdS supergroup. Furthermore, we find infinite classes of 1/4 BPS solutions with 4-,5- and 7-dimensional Schrodinger symmetry that are exact.Comment: 31 pages, plus appendices; v2, minor corrections, added refs, slight change in interpretation in section 2.3, new Schrodinger and Lifshitz solutions included; v3, clarifications in sections 2 and 3 regarding existence of solutions and multi-trace operator

    Differential equations for multi-loop integrals and two-dimensional kinematics

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    In this paper we consider multi-loop integrals appearing in MHV scattering amplitudes of planar N=4 SYM. Through particular differential operators which reduce the loop order by one, we present explicit equations for the two-loop eight-point finite diagrams which relate them to massive hexagons. After the reduction to two-dimensional kinematics, we solve them using symbol technology. The terms invisible to the symbols are found through boundary conditions coming from double soft limits. These equations are valid at all-loop order for double pentaladders and allow to solve iteratively loop integrals given lower-loop information. Comments are made about multi-leg and multi-loop integrals which can appear in this special kinematics. The main motivation of this investigation is to get a deeper understanding of these tools in this configuration, as well as for their application in general four-dimensional kinematics and to less supersymmetric theories.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure